import os import hashlib import logging import json import copy from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify import websocket from PyQt5.Qt import QDialog, QLineEdit, QTextEdit, QVBoxLayout, QLabel import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from btchip.btchip import * from electrum_zcash.i18n import _ from electrum_zcash_gui.qt.util import * from electrum_zcash.util import print_msg from electrum_zcash import constants, bitcoin from electrum_zcash_gui.qt.qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget DEBUG = False helpTxt = [_("Your Ledger Wallet wants to tell you a one-time PIN code.

" \ "For best security you should unplug your device, open a text editor on another computer, " \ "put your cursor into it, and plug your device into that computer. " \ "It will output a summary of the transaction being signed and a one-time PIN.

" \ "Verify the transaction summary and type the PIN code here.

" \ "Before pressing enter, plug the device back into this computer.
" ), _("Verify the address below.
Type the character from your security card corresponding to the BOLD character."), _("Waiting for authentication on your mobile phone"), _("Transaction accepted by mobile phone. Waiting for confirmation."), _("Click Pair button to begin pairing a mobile phone."), _("Scan this QR code with your Ledger Wallet phone app to pair it with this Ledger device.
" "To complete pairing you will need your security card to answer a challenge." ) ] class LedgerAuthDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self, handler, data): '''Ask user for 2nd factor authentication. Support text, security card and paired mobile methods. Use last method from settings, but support new pairing and downgrade. ''' QDialog.__init__(self, handler.top_level_window()) self.handler = handler self.txdata = data self.idxs = self.txdata['keycardData'] if self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 1 else '' self.setMinimumWidth(650) self.setWindowTitle(_("Ledger Wallet Authentication")) self.cfg = copy.deepcopy( self.dongle = = None = '' self.devmode = self.getDevice2FAMode() if self.devmode == 0x11 or self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1: self.cfg['mode'] = 0 vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(vbox) def on_change_mode(idx): if idx < 2 and = None self.cfg['mode'] = 0 if self.devmode == 0x11 else idx if idx > 0 else 1 if self.cfg['mode'] > 1 and self.cfg['pair'] and not self.req_validation() if self.cfg['mode'] > 0: = self.cfg self.update_dlg() def add_pairing(): self.do_pairing() def return_pin(): = self.pintxt.text() if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else self.cardtxt.text() if self.cfg['mode'] == 1: = ''.join(chr(int(str(i),16)) for i in self.accept() self.modebox = QWidget() modelayout = QHBoxLayout() self.modebox.setLayout(modelayout) modelayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Method:"))) self.modes = QComboBox() modelayout.addWidget(self.modes, 2) self.addPair = QPushButton(_("Pair")) self.addPair.setMaximumWidth(60) modelayout.addWidget(self.addPair) modelayout.addStretch(1) self.modebox.setMaximumHeight(50) vbox.addWidget(self.modebox) self.populate_modes() self.modes.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change_mode) self.addPair.clicked.connect(add_pairing) self.helpmsg = QTextEdit() self.helpmsg.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { background-color: lightgray; }") self.helpmsg.setReadOnly(True) vbox.addWidget(self.helpmsg) self.pinbox = QWidget() pinlayout = QHBoxLayout() self.pinbox.setLayout(pinlayout) self.pintxt = QLineEdit() self.pintxt.setEchoMode(2) self.pintxt.setMaxLength(4) self.pintxt.returnPressed.connect(return_pin) pinlayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter PIN:"))) pinlayout.addWidget(self.pintxt) pinlayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("NOT DEVICE PIN - see above"))) pinlayout.addStretch(1) self.pinbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 0) vbox.addWidget(self.pinbox) self.cardbox = QWidget() card = QVBoxLayout() self.cardbox.setLayout(card) self.addrtext = QTextEdit() self.addrtext.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { color:blue; background-color:lightgray; padding:15px 10px; border:none; font-size:20pt; font-family:monospace; }") self.addrtext.setReadOnly(True) self.addrtext.setMaximumHeight(130) card.addWidget(self.addrtext) def pin_changed(s): if len(s) < len(self.idxs): i = self.idxs[len(s)] addr = self.txdata['address'] if not text = addr[:i] + '' + addr[i:i+1] + '' + addr[i+1:] else: # pin needs to be created from mainnet address addr_mainnet = bitcoin.script_to_address(bitcoin.address_to_script(addr), net=constants.BitcoinMainnet) addr_mainnet = addr_mainnet[:i] + '' + addr_mainnet[i:i+1] + '' + addr_mainnet[i+1:] text = str(addr) + '\n' + str(addr_mainnet) self.addrtext.setHtml(str(text)) else: self.addrtext.setHtml(_("Press Enter")) pin_changed('') cardpin = QHBoxLayout() cardpin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter PIN:"))) self.cardtxt = QLineEdit() self.cardtxt.setEchoMode(2) self.cardtxt.setMaxLength(len(self.idxs)) self.cardtxt.textChanged.connect(pin_changed) self.cardtxt.returnPressed.connect(return_pin) cardpin.addWidget(self.cardtxt) cardpin.addWidget(QLabel(_("NOT DEVICE PIN - see above"))) cardpin.addStretch(1) card.addLayout(cardpin) self.cardbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 1) vbox.addWidget(self.cardbox) self.pairbox = QWidget() pairlayout = QVBoxLayout() self.pairbox.setLayout(pairlayout) pairhelp = QTextEdit(helpTxt[5]) pairhelp.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { background-color: lightgray; }") pairhelp.setReadOnly(True) pairlayout.addWidget(pairhelp, 1) self.pairqr = QRCodeWidget() pairlayout.addWidget(self.pairqr, 4) self.pairbox.setVisible(False) vbox.addWidget(self.pairbox) self.update_dlg() if self.cfg['mode'] > 1 and not self.req_validation() def populate_modes(self): self.modes.blockSignals(True) self.modes.clear() self.modes.addItem(_("Summary Text PIN (requires dongle replugging)") if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else _("Summary Text PIN is Disabled")) if self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 1: self.modes.addItem(_("Security Card Challenge")) if not self.cfg['pair']: self.modes.addItem(_("Mobile - Not paired")) else: self.modes.addItem(_("Mobile - {}").format(self.cfg['pair'][1])) self.modes.blockSignals(False) def update_dlg(self): self.modes.setCurrentIndex(self.cfg['mode']) self.modebox.setVisible(True) self.addPair.setText(_("Pair") if not self.cfg['pair'] else _("Re-Pair")) self.addPair.setVisible(self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 2) self.helpmsg.setText(helpTxt[self.cfg['mode'] if self.cfg['mode'] < 2 else 2 if self.cfg['pair'] else 4]) self.helpmsg.setMinimumHeight(180 if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else 100) self.pairbox.setVisible(False) self.helpmsg.setVisible(True) self.pinbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 0) self.cardbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 1) self.pintxt.setFocus(True) if self.cfg['mode'] == 0 else self.cardtxt.setFocus(True) self.setMaximumHeight(400) def do_pairing(self): rng = os.urandom(16) pairID = (hexlify(rng) + hexlify(hashlib.sha256(rng).digest()[0:1])).decode('utf-8') self.pairqr.setData(pairID) self.modebox.setVisible(False) self.helpmsg.setVisible(False) self.pinbox.setVisible(False) self.cardbox.setVisible(False) self.pairbox.setVisible(True) self.pairqr.setMinimumSize(300,300) if = LedgerWebSocket(self, pairID) def pairing_done(self, data): if data is not None: self.cfg['pair'] = [ data['pairid'], data['name'], data['platform'] ] self.cfg['mode'] = 2 = self.cfg = 'paired' self.accept() def req_validation(self): if self.cfg['pair'] and 'secureScreenData' in self.txdata: if = LedgerWebSocket(self, self.cfg['pair'][0], self.txdata) def req_updated(self, pin): if pin == 'accepted': self.helpmsg.setText(helpTxt[3]) else: = str(pin) self.accept() def getDevice2FAMode(self): apdu = [0xe0, 0x24, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01] # get 2fa mode try: mode = bytearray(apdu) ) return mode except BTChipException as e: debug_msg('Device getMode Failed') return 0x11 def closeEvent(self, evnt): debug_msg("CLOSE - Stop WS") if if self.pairbox.isVisible(): evnt.ignore() self.update_dlg() class LedgerWebSocket(QThread): pairing_done = pyqtSignal(object) req_updated = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, dlg, pairID, txdata=None): QThread.__init__(self) self.stopping = False self.pairID = pairID self.txreq = '{"type":"request","second_factor_data":"' + hexlify(txdata['secureScreenData']).decode('utf-8') + '"}' if txdata else None self.dlg = dlg self.dongle = self.dlg.dongle = None #websocket.enableTrace(True) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) = websocket.WebSocketApp('wss://', on_message = self.on_message, on_error = self.on_error, on_close = self.on_close, on_open = self.on_open) def run(self): while not self.stopping: def stop(self): debug_msg("WS: Stopping") self.stopping = True def on_message(self, ws, msg): data = json.loads(msg) if data['type'] == 'identify': debug_msg('Identify') apdu = [0xe0, 0x12, 0x01, 0x00, 0x41] # init pairing apdu.extend(unhexlify(data['public_key'])) try: challenge = bytearray(apdu) ) ws.send( '{"type":"challenge","data":"%s" }' % hexlify(challenge).decode('utf-8') ) = data except BTChipException as e: debug_msg('Identify Failed') if data['type'] == 'challenge': debug_msg('Challenge') apdu = [0xe0, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10] # confirm pairing apdu.extend(unhexlify(data['data'])) try: bytearray(apdu) ) debug_msg('Pairing Successful') ws.send( '{"type":"pairing","is_successful":"true"}' )['pairid'] = self.pairID self.pairing_done.emit( except BTChipException as e: debug_msg('Pairing Failed') ws.send( '{"type":"pairing","is_successful":"false"}' ) self.pairing_done.emit(None) ws.send( '{"type":"disconnect"}' ) self.stopping = True ws.close() if data['type'] == 'accept': debug_msg('Accepted') self.req_updated.emit('accepted') if data['type'] == 'response': debug_msg('Responded', data) self.req_updated.emit(str(data['pin']) if data['is_accepted'] else '') self.txreq = None self.stopping = True ws.close() if data['type'] == 'repeat': debug_msg('Repeat') if self.txreq: ws.send( self.txreq ) debug_msg("Req Sent", self.txreq) if data['type'] == 'connect': debug_msg('Connected') if self.txreq: ws.send( self.txreq ) debug_msg("Req Sent", self.txreq) if data['type'] == 'disconnect': debug_msg('Disconnected') ws.close() def on_error(self, ws, error): message = getattr(error, 'strerror', '') if not message: message = getattr(error, 'message', '') debug_msg("WS: %s" % message) def on_close(self, ws): debug_msg("WS: ### socket closed ###") def on_open(self, ws): debug_msg("WS: ### socket open ###") debug_msg("Joining with pairing ID", self.pairID) ws.send( '{"type":"join","room":"%s"}' % self.pairID ) ws.send( '{"type":"repeat"}' ) if self.txreq: ws.send( self.txreq ) debug_msg("Req Sent", self.txreq) def debug_msg(*args): if DEBUG: print_msg(*args)