#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import re, sys, getpass from optparse import OptionParser from wallet import Wallet from interface import Interface # URL decode _ud = re.compile('%([0-9a-hA-H]{2})', re.MULTILINE) urldecode = lambda x: _ud.sub(lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), x) if __name__ == '__main__': known_commands = ['help', 'validateaddress', 'balance', 'contacts', 'create', 'payto', 'sendtx', 'password', 'newaddress', 'addresses', 'history', 'label', 'gui', 'mktx','seed','import','signmessage','verifymessage'] usage = "usage: %prog [options] command args\nCommands: "+ (', '.join(known_commands)) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-w", "--wallet", dest="wallet_path", help="wallet path (default: electrum.dat)") parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action="store_true", dest="show_all", default=False, help="show all addresses") parser.add_option("-b", "--balance", action="store_true", dest="show_balance", default=False, help="show the balance at listed addresses") parser.add_option("-k", "--keys",action="store_true", dest="show_keys",default=False, help="show the private keys of listed addresses") parser.add_option("-f", "--fee", dest="tx_fee", default="0.005", help="set tx fee") options, args = parser.parse_args() try: cmd = args[0] except: cmd = "gui" try: firstarg = args[1] except: firstarg = '' interface = Interface() wallet = Wallet(interface) wallet.set_path(options.wallet_path) if cmd == 'gui' or re.match('^bitcoin:', cmd): import gui gui.init_wallet(wallet) gui = gui.BitcoinGUI(wallet) if re.match('^bitcoin:', cmd): o = cmd[8:].split('?') address = o[0] if len(o)>1: params = o[1].split('&') else: params = [] amount = label = signature = identity = '' for p in params: k,v = p.split('=') uv = urldecode(v) if k == 'amount': amount = uv elif k == 'label': label = uv elif k == 'signature': identity, signature = uv.split(':') cmd = cmd.replace('&%s=%s'%(k,v),'') else: print k,v gui.set_send_tab(address, amount, label, identity, signature, cmd) gui.main() wallet.save() sys.exit(0) if cmd not in known_commands: cmd = 'help' if not wallet.read() and cmd not in ['help','create']: print "Wallet file not found." print "Type 'electrum.py create' to create a new wallet, or provide a path to a wallet with the -d option" sys.exit(0) if cmd == 'create': if wallet.read(): print "remove the existing wallet first!" sys.exit(0) password = getpass.getpass("Password (hit return if you do not wish to encrypt your wallet):") if password: password2 = getpass.getpass("Confirm password:") if password != password2: print "error" sys.exit(1) else: password = None host = raw_input("server (default:%s):"%wallet.interface.host) port = raw_input("port (default:%d):"%wallet.interface.port) fee = raw_input("fee (default:%f):"%(wallet.fee*1e-8)) if fee: wallet.fee = float(fee) if host: wallet.interface.host = host if port: wallet.interface.port = int(port) seed = raw_input("if you are restoring an existing wallet, enter the seed. otherwise just press enter: ") wallet.gap_limit = 5 if seed: wallet.seed = seed gap = raw_input("gap limit (default 5):") if gap: wallet.gap_limit = int(gap) print "recovering wallet..." wallet.synchronize() if wallet.is_found(): wallet.fill_addressbook() wallet.save() print "recovery successful" else: print "no wallet found" else: wallet.new_seed(None) print "Your seed is", wallet.seed print "Please store it safely" # generate first key wallet.synchronize() # check syntax if cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']: try: to_address = args[1] amount = int( 100000000 * Decimal(args[2]) ) label = ' '.join(args[3:]) if options.tx_fee: options.tx_fee = int( 100000000 * Decimal(options.tx_fee) ) except: firstarg = cmd cmd = 'help' # open session if cmd not in ['password', 'mktx', 'history', 'label', 'contacts', 'help', 'validateaddress', 'signmessage', 'verifymessage']: wallet.interface.new_session(wallet.all_addresses(), wallet.electrum_version) wallet.update() wallet.save() # commands needing password if cmd in ['payto', 'password', 'mktx', 'seed', 'import','signmessage' ] or ( cmd=='addresses' and options.show_keys): password = getpass.getpass('Password:') if wallet.use_encryption else None # check password try: wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password) except: print "invalid password" exit(1) if cmd == 'import': keypair = args[1] if wallet.import_key(keypair,password): print "keypair imported" else: print "error" wallet.save() if cmd=='help': cmd2 = firstarg if cmd2 not in known_commands: print "known commands:", ', '.join(known_commands) print "help shows the help on a specific command" elif cmd2 == 'balance': print "Display the balance of your wallet or a specific address. The address does not have to be a owned address (you know the private key)." print "syntax: balance [
]" elif cmd2 == 'contacts': print "show your list of contacts" elif cmd2 == 'payto': print "payto [label]" print "create and broadcast a transaction." print " can be a bitcoin address or a label" elif cmd2== 'sendtx': print "sendtx " print "broadcast a transaction to the network. must be in hexadecimal" elif cmd2 == 'password': print "change your password" elif cmd2 == 'newaddress': print "create a new receiving address. password is needed." elif cmd2 == 'addresses': print "show your list of addresses. options: -a, -k, -b" elif cmd2 == 'history': print "show the transaction history" elif cmd2 == 'label': print "assign a label to an item" elif cmd2 == 'gui': print "start the GUI" elif cmd2 == 'mktx': print "create a signed transaction. password protected" print "syntax: mktx [label]" elif cmd2 == 'seed': print "show generation seed of your wallet. password protected." elif cmd == 'seed': import mnemonic seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password) print seed, '"'+' '.join(mnemonic.mn_encode(seed))+'"' elif cmd == 'validateaddress': addr = args[1] print wallet.is_valid(addr) elif cmd == 'balance': try: addrs = args[1:] except: pass if addrs == []: c, u = wallet.get_balance() if u: print c*1e-8, u*1e-8 else: print c*1e-8 else: for addr in addrs: c, u = wallet.get_addr_balance(addr) if u: print "%s %s, %s" % (addr, c*1e-8, u*1e-8) else: print "%s %s" % (addr, c*1e-8) elif cmd in [ 'contacts']: for addr in wallet.addressbook: print addr, " ", wallet.labels.get(addr) elif cmd in [ 'addresses']: for addr in wallet.all_addresses(): if options.show_all or not wallet.is_change(addr): label = wallet.labels.get(addr) _type = '' if wallet.is_change(addr): _type = "[change]" if addr in wallet.imported_keys.keys(): _type = "[imported]" if label is None: label = '' if options.show_balance: h = wallet.history.get(addr,[]) ni = no = 0 for item in h: if item['is_in']: ni += 1 else: no += 1 b = "%d %d %f"%(no, ni, wallet.get_addr_balance(addr)[0]*1e-8) else: b='' if options.show_keys: pk = wallet.get_private_key2(addr, password) addr = addr + ':' + SecretToASecret(pk) print addr, b, _type, label if cmd == 'history': lines = wallet.get_tx_history() b = 0 for line in lines: import datetime v = 1.*line['value']/1e8 b += v v_str = "%f"%v if v<0 else "+%f"%v try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( line['nTime']) except: print line['nTime'] time_str = 'pending' label = line.get('label') if not label: label = line['tx_hash'] else: label = label + ' '*(64 - len(label) ) print time_str, " ", label, " ", v_str, " ", "%f"%b print "# balance: ", b elif cmd == 'label': try: tx = args[1] label = ' '.join(args[2:]) except: print "syntax: label " sys.exit(1) wallet.labels[tx] = label wallet.save() elif cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']: for k, v in wallet.labels.items(): if v == to_address: to_address = k print "alias", to_address break try: tx = wallet.mktx( to_address, amount, label, password, fee = options.tx_fee ) except BaseException, e: print e tx = None if tx and cmd=='payto': r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx ) print h else: print tx elif cmd == 'sendtx': tx = args[1] r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx ) print h elif cmd == 'newaddress': s, a = wallet.get_new_address() print a elif cmd == 'password': try: seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password) except: print "sorry" sys.exit(1) new_password = getpass.getpass('New password:') if new_password == getpass.getpass('Confirm new password:'): wallet.use_encryption = (new_password != '') wallet.seed = wallet.pw_encode( seed, new_password) for k in wallet.imported_keys.keys(): a = wallet.imported_keys[k] b = wallet.pw_decode(a, password) c = wallet.pw_encode(b, new_password) wallet.imported_keys[k] = c wallet.save() else: print "error: mismatch" elif cmd == 'signmessage': address, message = args[1:3] print wallet.sign_message(address, message, password) elif cmd == 'verifymessage': address, signature, message = args[1:4] try: wallet.verify_message(address, signature, message) print True except: print False