#!/usr/bin/python if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, re, shutil, os, hashlib import imp os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) os.chdir('..') v = imp.load_source('version', 'lib/version.py') version = v.ELECTRUM_VERSION if not ( os.path.exists('packages')): print "The packages directory is missing." sys.exit() target = 'dist/e4a-%s'%version os.system('rm -rf %s'%target) os.mkdir(target) shutil.copyfile('electrum', target + '/e4a.py') shutil.copyfile('scripts/authenticator.py', target + '/authenticator.py') shutil.copytree("packages",'dist/e4a-%s/packages'%version, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.pyc')) shutil.copytree("lib",'dist/e4a-%s/lib'%version, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.pyc')) # dns is not used by android app os.system('rm -rf %s/packages/dns'%target) os.mkdir(target + '/gui') shutil.copyfile('gui/android.py', target + '/gui/android.py') open(target + '/gui/__init__.py','w').close() os.chdir("dist") # create the zip file os.system( "zip -qr e4a-%s.zip e4a-%s"%(version, version) ) os.system( "rm -rf e4a-%s"%(version) ) # change filename because some 3G carriers do not allow users to download a zip file... e4a_name = "e4a-%s.zip"%version print "dist/%s"%e4a_name