#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - Lightweight Bitcoin Client # Copyright (C) 2015 Thomas Voegtlin # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from functools import partial from threading import Thread import re from decimal import Decimal from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * from electrum_gui.qt.util import * from electrum_gui.qt.qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget from electrum_gui.qt.amountedit import AmountEdit from electrum_gui.qt.main_window import StatusBarButton from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.plugins import hook from trustedcoin import TrustedCoinPlugin, server class Plugin(TrustedCoinPlugin): @hook def on_new_window(self, window): wallet = window.wallet if not isinstance(wallet, self.wallet_class): return if wallet.can_sign_without_server(): msg = ' '.join([ _('This wallet is was restored from seed, and it contains two master private keys.'), _('Therefore, two-factor authentication is disabled.') ]) action = lambda: window.show_message(msg) else: action = partial(self.settings_dialog, window) button = StatusBarButton(QIcon(":icons/trustedcoin.png"), _("TrustedCoin"), action) window.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(button) t = Thread(target=self.request_billing_info, args=(wallet,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def auth_dialog(self, window): d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Authorization")) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) pw = AmountEdit(None, is_int = True) msg = _('Please enter your Google Authenticator code') vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Code')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(pw, 1, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) if not d.exec_(): return return pw.get_amount() @hook def sign_tx(self, window, tx): wallet = window.wallet if not isinstance(wallet, self.wallet_class): return if not wallet.can_sign_without_server(): self.print_error("twofactor:sign_tx") auth_code = None if wallet.keystores['x3/'].get_tx_derivations(tx): auth_code = self.auth_dialog(window) else: self.print_error("twofactor: xpub3 not needed") window.wallet.auth_code = auth_code def waiting_dialog(self, window, on_finished=None): task = partial(self.request_billing_info, window.wallet) return WaitingDialog(window, 'Getting billing information...', task, on_finished) @hook def abort_send(self, window): wallet = window.wallet if not isinstance(wallet, self.wallet_class): return if not wallet.can_sign_without_server(): if wallet.billing_info is None: # request billing info before forming the transaction waiting_dialog(self, window).wait() if wallet.billing_info is None: window.show_message('Could not contact server') return True return False def settings_dialog(self, window): self.waiting_dialog(window, partial(self.show_settings_dialog, window)) def show_settings_dialog(self, window, success): if not success: window.show_message(_('Server not reachable.')) return wallet = window.wallet d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("TrustedCoin Information")) d.setMinimumSize(500, 200) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) hbox = QHBoxLayout() logo = QLabel() logo.setPixmap(QPixmap(":icons/trustedcoin.png")) msg = _('This wallet is protected by TrustedCoin\'s two-factor authentication.') + '
'\ + _("For more information, visit") + " https://api.trustedcoin.com/#/electrum-help" label = QLabel(msg) label.setOpenExternalLinks(1) hbox.addStretch(10) hbox.addWidget(logo) hbox.addStretch(10) hbox.addWidget(label) hbox.addStretch(10) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addStretch(10) msg = _('TrustedCoin charges a fee per co-signed transaction. You may pay on each transaction (an extra output will be added to your transaction), or you may purchase prepaid transaction using this dialog.') + '
' label = QLabel(msg) label.setWordWrap(1) vbox.addWidget(label) vbox.addStretch(10) grid = QGridLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) price_per_tx = wallet.price_per_tx v = price_per_tx.get(1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Price per transaction (not prepaid):")), 0, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(window.format_amount(v) + ' ' + window.base_unit()), 0, 1) i = 1 if 10 not in price_per_tx: price_per_tx[10] = 10 * price_per_tx.get(1) for k, v in sorted(price_per_tx.items()): if k == 1: continue grid.addWidget(QLabel("Price for %d prepaid transactions:"%k), i, 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel("%d x "%k + window.format_amount(v/k) + ' ' + window.base_unit()), i, 1) b = QPushButton(_("Buy")) b.clicked.connect(lambda b, k=k, v=v: self.on_buy(window, k, v, d)) grid.addWidget(b, i, 2) i += 1 n = wallet.billing_info.get('tx_remaining', 0) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Your wallet has %d prepaid transactions.")%n), i, 0) # tranfer button #def on_transfer(): # server.transfer_credit(self.user_id, recipient, otp, signature_callback) # pass #b = QPushButton(_("Transfer")) #b.clicked.connect(on_transfer) #grid.addWidget(b, 1, 2) #grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Next Billing Address:")), i, 0) #grid.addWidget(QLabel(self.billing_info['billing_address']), i, 1) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) d.exec_() def on_buy(self, window, k, v, d): d.close() if window.pluginsdialog: window.pluginsdialog.close() wallet = window.wallet uri = "bitcoin:" + wallet.billing_info['billing_address'] + "?message=TrustedCoin %d Prepaid Transactions&amount="%k + str(Decimal(v)/100000000) wallet.is_billing = True window.pay_to_URI(uri) window.payto_e.setFrozen(True) window.message_e.setFrozen(True) window.amount_e.setFrozen(True) def accept_terms_of_use(self, window): vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Terms of Service"))) tos_e = QTextEdit() tos_e.setReadOnly(True) vbox.addWidget(tos_e) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Please enter your e-mail address"))) email_e = QLineEdit() vbox.addWidget(email_e) next_button = window.next_button prior_button_text = next_button.text() next_button.setText(_('Accept')) def request_TOS(): tos = server.get_terms_of_service() self.TOS = tos window.emit(SIGNAL('twofactor:TOS')) def on_result(): tos_e.setText(self.TOS) def set_enabled(): next_button.setEnabled(re.match(regexp,email_e.text()) is not None) window.connect(window, SIGNAL('twofactor:TOS'), on_result) t = Thread(target=request_TOS) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() regexp = r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+" email_e.textChanged.connect(set_enabled) email_e.setFocus(True) window.set_main_layout(vbox, next_enabled=False) next_button.setText(prior_button_text) return str(email_e.text()) def setup_google_auth(self, window, _id, otp_secret): vbox = QVBoxLayout() if otp_secret is not None: uri = "otpauth://totp/%s?secret=%s"%('trustedcoin.com', otp_secret) l = QLabel("Please scan the following QR code in Google Authenticator. You may as well use the following key: %s"%otp_secret) l.setWordWrap(True) vbox.addWidget(l) qrw = QRCodeWidget(uri) vbox.addWidget(qrw, 1) msg = _('Then, enter your Google Authenticator code:') else: label = QLabel("This wallet is already registered, but it was never authenticated. To finalize your registration, please enter your Google Authenticator Code. If you do not have this code, delete the wallet file and start a new registration") label.setWordWrap(1) vbox.addWidget(label) msg = _('Google Authenticator code:') hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(WWLabel(msg)) pw = AmountEdit(None, is_int = True) pw.setFocus(True) pw.setMaximumWidth(50) hbox.addWidget(pw) vbox.addLayout(hbox) def set_enabled(): window.next_button.setEnabled(len(pw.text()) == 6) pw.textChanged.connect(set_enabled) while True: if not window.set_main_layout(vbox, next_enabled=False, raise_on_cancel=False): return False otp = pw.get_amount() try: server.auth(_id, otp) return True except: window.show_message(_('Incorrect password')) pw.setText('')