#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Voegtlin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import hashlib import os.path import re import sys import threading import time import traceback import urlparse import requests try: import paymentrequest_pb2 as pb2 except ImportError: sys.exit("Error: could not find paymentrequest_pb2.py. Create it with 'protoc --proto_path=lib/ --python_out=lib/ lib/paymentrequest.proto'") import bitcoin import util import transaction import x509 from util import print_error REQUEST_HEADERS = {'Accept': 'application/bitcoin-paymentrequest', 'User-Agent': 'Electrum'} ACK_HEADERS = {'Content-Type':'application/bitcoin-payment','Accept':'application/bitcoin-paymentack','User-Agent':'Electrum'} ca_path = requests.certs.where() ca_list, ca_keyID = x509.load_certificates(ca_path) # status of payment requests PR_UNPAID = 0 PR_EXPIRED = 1 PR_UNKNOWN = 2 # sent but not propagated PR_PAID = 3 # send and propagated PR_ERROR = 4 # could not parse import json def get_payment_request(url): u = urlparse.urlparse(url) if u.scheme in ['http', 'https']: response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS) data = response.content print_error('fetched payment request', url, len(data)) elif u.scheme == 'file': with open(u.path, 'r') as f: data = f.read() else: raise BaseException("unknown scheme", url) pr = PaymentRequest(data) return pr class PaymentRequest: def __init__(self, data): self.raw = data self.parse(data) self.requestor = None # known after verify self.tx = None def __str__(self): return self.raw def parse(self, r): self.id = bitcoin.sha256(r)[0:16].encode('hex') try: self.data = pb2.PaymentRequest() self.data.ParseFromString(r) except: self.error = "cannot parse payment request" return self.details = pb2.PaymentDetails() self.details.ParseFromString(self.data.serialized_payment_details) self.outputs = [] for o in self.details.outputs: addr = transaction.get_address_from_output_script(o.script)[1] self.outputs.append(('address', addr, o.amount)) self.memo = self.details.memo self.payment_url = self.details.payment_url def verify(self, contacts): if not self.raw: self.error = "Empty request" return pr = pb2.PaymentRequest() pr.ParseFromString(self.raw) if not pr.signature: self.error = "No signature" return if pr.pki_type in ["x509+sha256", "x509+sha1"]: return self.verify_x509(pr) elif pr.pki_type in ["dnssec+btc", "dnssec+ecdsa"]: return self.verify_dnssec(pr, contacts) else: self.error = "ERROR: Unsupported PKI Type for Message Signature" return False def verify_x509(self, paymntreq): """ verify chain of certificates. The last certificate is the CA""" if not ca_list: self.error = "Trusted certificate authorities list not found" return False cert = pb2.X509Certificates() cert.ParseFromString(paymntreq.pki_data) cert_num = len(cert.certificate) x509_chain = [] for i in range(cert_num): x = x509.X509() x.parseBinary(bytearray(cert.certificate[i])) x509_chain.append(x) if i == 0: try: x.check_date() except Exception as e: self.error = str(e) return self.requestor = x.get_common_name() if self.requestor.startswith('*.'): self.requestor = self.requestor[2:] else: if not x.check_ca(): self.error = "ERROR: Supplied CA Certificate Error" return if not cert_num > 1: self.error = "ERROR: CA Certificate Chain Not Provided by Payment Processor" return False # if the root CA is not supplied, add it to the chain ca = x509_chain[cert_num-1] if ca.getFingerprint() not in ca_list: keyID = ca.get_issuer_keyID() f = ca_keyID.get(keyID) if f: root = ca_list[f] x509_chain.append(root) else: self.error = "Supplied CA Not Found in Trusted CA Store." return False # verify the chain of signatures cert_num = len(x509_chain) for i in range(1, cert_num): x = x509_chain[i] prev_x = x509_chain[i-1] algo, sig, data = prev_x.get_signature() sig = bytearray(sig) pubkey = x.publicKey if algo == x509.ALGO_RSA_SHA1: verify = pubkey.hashAndVerify(sig, data) elif algo == x509.ALGO_RSA_SHA256: hashBytes = bytearray(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()) verify = pubkey.verify(sig, x509.PREFIX_RSA_SHA256 + hashBytes) elif algo == x509.ALGO_RSA_SHA384: hashBytes = bytearray(hashlib.sha384(data).digest()) verify = pubkey.verify(sig, x509.PREFIX_RSA_SHA384 + hashBytes) elif algo == x509.ALGO_RSA_SHA512: hashBytes = bytearray(hashlib.sha512(data).digest()) verify = pubkey.verify(sig, x509.PREFIX_RSA_SHA512 + hashBytes) else: self.error = "Algorithm not supported" util.print_error(self.error, algo.getComponentByName('algorithm')) return False if not verify: self.error = "Certificate not Signed by Provided CA Certificate Chain" return False # verify the BIP70 signature pubkey0 = x509_chain[0].publicKey sig = paymntreq.signature paymntreq.signature = '' s = paymntreq.SerializeToString() sigBytes = bytearray(sig) msgBytes = bytearray(s) if paymntreq.pki_type == "x509+sha256": hashBytes = bytearray(hashlib.sha256(msgBytes).digest()) verify = pubkey0.verify(sigBytes, x509.PREFIX_RSA_SHA256 + hashBytes) elif paymntreq.pki_type == "x509+sha1": verify = pubkey0.hashAndVerify(sigBytes, msgBytes) if not verify: self.error = "ERROR: Invalid Signature for Payment Request Data" return False ### SIG Verified self.error = 'Signed by Trusted CA: ' + ca.get_common_name() return True def verify_dnssec(self, pr, contacts): sig = pr.signature alias = pr.pki_data info = contacts.resolve(alias) if info.get('validated') is not True: self.error = "Alias verification failed (DNSSEC)" return False if pr.pki_type == "dnssec+btc": self.requestor = alias address = info.get('address') pr.signature = '' message = pr.SerializeToString() if bitcoin.verify_message(address, sig, message): self.error = 'Verified with DNSSEC' return True else: self.error = "verify failed" return False else: self.error = "unknown algo" return False def has_expired(self): return self.details.expires and self.details.expires < int(time.time()) def get_expiration_date(self): return self.details.expires def get_amount(self): return sum(map(lambda x:x[2], self.outputs)) def get_requestor(self): return self.requestor if self.requestor else 'unknown' def get_verify_status(self): return self.error def get_memo(self): return self.memo def get_id(self): return self.id def get_outputs(self): return self.outputs[:] def send_ack(self, raw_tx, refund_addr): pay_det = self.details if not self.details.payment_url: return False, "no url" paymnt = pb2.Payment() paymnt.merchant_data = pay_det.merchant_data paymnt.transactions.append(raw_tx) ref_out = paymnt.refund_to.add() ref_out.script = transaction.Transaction.pay_script('address', refund_addr) paymnt.memo = "Paid using Electrum" pm = paymnt.SerializeToString() payurl = urlparse.urlparse(pay_det.payment_url) try: r = requests.post(payurl.geturl(), data=pm, headers=ACK_HEADERS, verify=ca_path) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: print "Payment Message/PaymentACK verify Failed" try: r = requests.post(payurl.geturl(), data=pm, headers=ACK_HEADERS, verify=False) except Exception as e: print e return False, "Payment Message/PaymentACK Failed" if r.status_code >= 500: return False, r.reason try: paymntack = pb2.PaymentACK() paymntack.ParseFromString(r.content) except Exception: return False, "PaymentACK could not be processed. Payment was sent; please manually verify that payment was received." print "PaymentACK message received: %s" % paymntack.memo return True, paymntack.memo def make_payment_request(outputs, memo, time, expires, key_path, cert_path, alias, alias_privkey): pd = pb2.PaymentDetails() for script, amount in outputs: pd.outputs.add(amount=amount, script=script) pd.time = time pd.expires = expires if expires else 0 pd.memo = memo pr = pb2.PaymentRequest() pr.serialized_payment_details = pd.SerializeToString() pr.signature = '' requestor = None if alias and alias_privkey: pr.pki_type = 'dnssec+btc' pr.pki_data = str(alias) message = pr.SerializeToString() ec_key = bitcoin.regenerate_key(alias_privkey) address = bitcoin.address_from_private_key(alias_privkey) compressed = bitcoin.is_compressed(alias_privkey) pr.signature = ec_key.sign_message(message, compressed, address) requestor = alias if key_path and cert_path: import tlslite with open(key_path, 'r') as f: rsakey = tlslite.utils.python_rsakey.Python_RSAKey.parsePEM(f.read()) with open(cert_path, 'r') as f: chain = tlslite.X509CertChain() chain.parsePemList(f.read()) certificates = pb2.X509Certificates() certificates.certificate.extend(map(lambda x: str(x.bytes), chain.x509List)) pr.pki_type = 'x509+sha256' pr.pki_data = certificates.SerializeToString() msgBytes = bytearray(pr.SerializeToString()) hashBytes = bytearray(hashlib.sha256(msgBytes).digest()) sig = rsakey.sign(x509.PREFIX_RSA_SHA256 + hashBytes) pr.signature = bytes(sig) requestor = 'x' return pr, requestor def make_request(config, req, alias=None, alias_privkey=None): from transaction import Transaction addr = req['address'] time = req['timestamp'] amount = req['amount'] expiration = req['expiration'] message = req['memo'] script = Transaction.pay_script('address', addr).decode('hex') outputs = [(script, amount)] key_path = config.get('ssl_privkey') cert_path = config.get('ssl_chain') return make_payment_request(outputs, message, time, time + expiration if expiration else None, key_path, cert_path, alias, alias_privkey) class InvoiceStore(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.invoices = {} self.load_invoices() def load_invoices(self): path = os.path.join(self.config.path, 'invoices') try: with open(path, 'r') as f: d = json.loads(f.read()) except: return for k, v in d.items(): try: pr = PaymentRequest(v.get('hex').decode('hex')) pr.tx = v.get('txid') pr.requestor = v.get('requestor') self.invoices[k] = pr except: continue def save(self): l = {} for k, pr in self.invoices.items(): l[k] = { 'hex': str(pr).encode('hex'), 'requestor': pr.get_requestor(), 'txid': pr.tx } path = os.path.join(self.config.path, 'invoices') with open(path, 'w') as f: s = json.dumps(l, indent=4, sort_keys=True) r = f.write(s) def get_status(self, key): pr = self.get(key) if pr.tx is not None: return PR_PAID if pr.has_expired(): return PR_EXPIRED return PR_UNPAID def add(self, pr): key = pr.get_id() if key in self.invoices: print_error('invoice already in list') return key self.invoices[key] = pr self.save() return key def remove(self, key): self.invoices.pop(key) self.save() def get(self, k): return self.invoices.get(k) def set_paid(self, key, tx_hash): self.invoices[key].tx = tx_hash self.save() def sorted_list(self): # sort return self.invoices.values()