#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import random, socket, ast, re import threading, traceback, sys, time, json, Queue from version import ELECTRUM_VERSION from util import print_error DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5 DEFAULT_SERVERS = [ 'electrum.novit.ro:50001:t', 'electrum.pdmc.net:50001:t', 'ecdsa.org:50001:t', 'electrum.bitcoins.sk:50001:t', 'uncle-enzo.info:50001:t', 'electrum.bytesized-hosting.com:50001:t', 'electrum.bitcoin.cz:50001:t', 'electrum.bitfoo.org:50001:t' ] proxy_modes = ['socks4', 'socks5', 'http'] def pick_random_server(): return random.choice( DEFAULT_SERVERS ) class Interface(threading.Thread): def register_callback(self, event, callback): with self.lock: self.callbacks[event] = callback def trigger_callback(self, event): with self.lock: callback = self.callbacks.get(event) if callback: callback() def init_server(self, host, port, proxy=None, use_ssl=True): self.host = host self.port = port self.proxy = proxy self.use_ssl = use_ssl self.servers = [] # actual list from IRC self.rtime = 0 self.bytes_received = 0 self.is_connected = True self.poll_interval = 1 #json self.message_id = 0 self.unanswered_requests = {} def queue_json_response(self, c): # uncomment to debug # print "<--",c msg_id = c.get('id') error = c.get('error') if error: print "received error:", c return if msg_id is not None: with self.lock: method, params, channel = self.unanswered_requests.pop(msg_id) result = c.get('result') else: # notification. we should find the channel(s).. method = c.get('method') params = c.get('params') with self.lock: for k,v in self.subscriptions.items(): if (method, params) in v: channel = k else: raise if method == 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe': result = params[0] params = [] elif method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe': addr = params[0] result = params[1] params = [addr] response_queue = self.responses[channel] response_queue.put({'method':method, 'params':params, 'result':result, 'id':msg_id}) def get_response(self, channel='default', block=True, timeout=10000000000): return self.responses[channel].get(block, timeout) def register_channel(self, channel): with self.lock: self.responses[channel] = Queue.Queue() def poke(self, channel): self.responses[channel].put(None) def init_http(self, host, port, proxy=None, use_ssl=True): self.init_server(host, port, proxy, use_ssl) self.session_id = None self.connection_msg = ('https' if self.use_ssl else 'http') + '://%s:%d'%( self.host, self.port ) def run_http(self): self.is_connected = True while self.is_connected: try: if self.session_id: self.poll() time.sleep(self.poll_interval) except socket.gaierror: break except socket.error: break except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) break self.is_connected = False def poll(self): self.send([]) def send_http(self, messages, channel='default'): import urllib2, json, time, cookielib if self.proxy: import socks socks.setdefaultproxy(proxy_modes.index(self.proxy["mode"]), self.proxy["host"], int(self.proxy["port"]) ) socks.wrapmodule(urllib2) cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) urllib2.install_opener(opener) t1 = time.time() data = [] for m in messages: method, params = m if type(params) != type([]): params = [params] data.append( { 'method':method, 'id':self.message_id, 'params':params } ) self.unanswered_requests[self.message_id] = method, params, channel self.message_id += 1 if data: data_json = json.dumps(data) else: # poll with GET data_json = None headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} if self.session_id: headers['cookie'] = 'SESSION=%s'%self.session_id req = urllib2.Request(self.connection_msg, data_json, headers) response_stream = urllib2.urlopen(req) for index, cookie in enumerate(cj): if cookie.name=='SESSION': self.session_id = cookie.value response = response_stream.read() self.bytes_received += len(response) if response: response = json.loads( response ) if type(response) is not type([]): self.queue_json_response(response) else: for item in response: self.queue_json_response(item) if response: self.poll_interval = 1 else: if self.poll_interval < 15: self.poll_interval += 1 #print self.poll_interval, response self.rtime = time.time() - t1 self.is_connected = True def init_tcp(self, host, port, proxy=None, use_ssl=True): self.init_server(host, port, proxy, use_ssl) import ssl global proxy_modes self.connection_msg = "%s:%d"%(self.host,self.port) if self.proxy is None: s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) else: self.connection_msg += " using proxy %s:%s:%s"%(self.proxy.get('mode'), self.proxy.get('host'), self.proxy.get('port')) import socks s = socks.socksocket() s.setproxy(proxy_modes.index(self.proxy["mode"]), self.proxy["host"], int(self.proxy["port"]) ) if self.use_ssl: s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) s.settimeout(2) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) try: s.connect(( self.host.encode('ascii'), int(self.port))) s.settimeout(60) self.s = s self.is_connected = True except: self.is_connected = False self.s = None def run_tcp(self): try: out = '' while self.is_connected: try: msg = self.s.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: print "timeout" # ping the server with server.version, as a real ping does not exist yet self.send([('server.version', [ELECTRUM_VERSION])]) continue out += msg self.bytes_received += len(msg) if msg == '': self.is_connected = False while True: s = out.find('\n') if s==-1: break c = out[0:s] out = out[s+1:] c = json.loads(c) self.queue_json_response(c) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.is_connected = False def send_tcp(self, messages, channel='default'): """return the ids of the requests that we sent""" out = '' ids = [] for m in messages: method, params = m request = json.dumps( { 'id':self.message_id, 'method':method, 'params':params } ) self.unanswered_requests[self.message_id] = method, params, channel ids.append(self.message_id) # uncomment to debug # print "-->",request self.message_id += 1 out += request + '\n' while out: sent = self.s.send( out ) out = out[sent:] return ids def __init__(self, config=None, loop=False): if config is None: from simple_config import SimpleConfig config = SimpleConfig() threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.loop = loop self.config = config self.connect_event = threading.Event() self.subscriptions = {} self.responses = {} self.responses['default'] = Queue.Queue() self.callbacks = {} self.lock = threading.Lock() def init_interface(self): if self.config.get('server'): self.init_with_server(self.config) else: print "Using random server..." servers = DEFAULT_SERVERS while servers: server = random.choice( servers ) servers.remove(server) self.config.set_key('server', server, False) self.init_with_server(self.config) if self.is_connected: break if not servers: raise BaseException('no server available') self.connect_event.set() if self.is_connected: self.send([('server.version', [ELECTRUM_VERSION])]) self.trigger_callback('connected') else: self.trigger_callback('notconnected') #print_error("Failed to connect " + self.connection_msg) def init_with_server(self, config): s = config.get('server') host, port, protocol = s.split(':') port = int(port) self.protocol = protocol proxy = self.parse_proxy_options(config.get('proxy')) self.server = host + ':%d:%s'%(port, protocol) #print protocol, host, port if protocol in 'st': self.init_tcp(host, port, proxy, use_ssl=(protocol=='s')) elif protocol in 'gh': self.init_http(host, port, proxy, use_ssl=(protocol=='g')) else: raise BaseException('Unknown protocol: %s'%protocol) def send(self, messages, channel='default'): sub = [] for message in messages: m, v = message if m[-10:] == '.subscribe': sub.append(message) if sub: with self.lock: if self.subscriptions.get(channel) is None: self.subscriptions[channel] = [] self.subscriptions[channel] += sub if self.protocol in 'st': with self.lock: out = self.send_tcp(messages, channel) else: # do not use lock, http is synchronous out = self.send_http(messages, channel) return out def resend_subscriptions(self): for channel, messages in self.subscriptions.items(): if messages: self.send(messages, channel) def parse_proxy_options(self, s): if type(s) == type({}): return s # fixme: type should be fixed if type(s) != type(""): return None if s.lower() == 'none': return None proxy = { "mode":"socks5", "host":"localhost" } args = s.split(':') n = 0 if proxy_modes.count(args[n]) == 1: proxy["mode"] = args[n] n += 1 if len(args) > n: proxy["host"] = args[n] n += 1 if len(args) > n: proxy["port"] = args[n] else: proxy["port"] = "8080" if proxy["mode"] == "http" else "1080" return proxy def set_server(self, server, proxy=None): # raise an error if the format isnt correct a,b,c = server.split(':') b = int(b) assert c in 'stgh' # set the server if server != self.server or proxy != self.proxy: print "changing server:", server, proxy self.server = server self.proxy = proxy if self.protocol in 'st': self.s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.s.close() self.is_connected = False # this exits the polling loop def is_empty(self, channel): q = self.responses.get(channel) if q: return q.empty() else: return True def get_pending_requests(self, channel): result = [] with self.lock: for k, v in self.unanswered_requests.items(): a, b, c = v if c == channel: result.append(k) return result def is_up_to_date(self, channel): return self.is_empty(channel) and not self.get_pending_requests(channel) def synchronous_get(self, requests, timeout=100000000): # todo: use generators, unanswered_requests should be a list of arrays... ids = self.send(requests) id2 = ids[:] res = {} while ids: r = self.responses['default'].get(True, timeout) _id = r.get('id') if _id in ids: ids.remove(_id) res[_id] = r.get('result') out = [] for _id in id2: out.append(res[_id]) return out def start(self): threading.Thread.start(self) # wait until connection is established self.connect_event.wait() def run(self): while True: self.init_interface() self.resend_subscriptions() self.run_tcp() if self.protocol in 'st' else self.run_http() self.trigger_callback('disconnected') if not self.loop: break time.sleep(5)