#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys, time, datetime, re from i18n import _ from util import print_error try: import PyQt4 except: print_error("Error: Could not import PyQt4") print_error("on Linux systems, you may try 'sudo apt-get install python-qt4'") sys.exit(1) from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui from interface import DEFAULT_SERVERS try: import icons_rc except: print_error("Error: Could not import icons_rc.py") print_error("Please generate it with: 'pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o lib/icons_rc.py'") sys.exit(1) from wallet import format_satoshis import bmp, mnemonic, pyqrnative from decimal import Decimal import platform if platform.system() == 'Windows': MONOSPACE_FONT = 'Lucida Console' elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': MONOSPACE_FONT = 'Monaco' else: MONOSPACE_FONT = 'monospace' ALIAS_REGEXP = '^(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)$' def numbify(entry, is_int = False): text = unicode(entry.text()).strip() chars = '0123456789' if not is_int: chars +='.' s = ''.join([i for i in text if i in chars]) if not is_int: if '.' in s: p = s.find('.') s = s.replace('.','') s = s[:p] + '.' + s[p:p+8] try: amount = int( Decimal(s) * 100000000 ) except: amount = None else: try: amount = int( s ) except: amount = None entry.setText(s) return amount class Timer(QtCore.QThread): def run(self): while True: self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('timersignal')) time.sleep(0.5) class HelpButton(QPushButton): def __init__(self, text): QPushButton.__init__(self, '?') self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.setFixedWidth(20) self.clicked.connect(lambda: QMessageBox.information(self, 'Help', text, 'OK') ) class EnterButton(QPushButton): def __init__(self, text, func): QPushButton.__init__(self, text) self.func = func self.clicked.connect(func) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: apply(self.func,()) class MyTreeWidget(QTreeWidget): def __init__(self, parent): QTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent) def ddfr(item): if not item: return for i in range(0,self.viewport().height()/5): if self.itemAt(QPoint(0,i*5)) == item: break else: return for j in range(0,30): if self.itemAt(QPoint(0,i*5 + j)) != item: break self.emit(SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)'), QPoint(50, i*5 + j - 1)) self.connect(self, SIGNAL('itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), ddfr) class StatusBarButton(QPushButton): def __init__(self, icon, tooltip, func): QPushButton.__init__(self, icon, '') self.setToolTip(tooltip) self.setFlat(True) self.setMaximumWidth(25) self.clicked.connect(func) self.func = func def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Return: apply(self.func,()) class QRCodeWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, addr): super(QRCodeWidget, self).__init__() self.setGeometry(300, 300, 350, 350) self.set_addr(addr) def set_addr(self, addr): self.addr = addr self.qr = pyqrnative.QRCode(4, pyqrnative.QRErrorCorrectLevel.L) self.qr.addData(addr) self.qr.make() def paintEvent(self, e): qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) boxsize = 6 size = self.qr.getModuleCount()*boxsize k = self.qr.getModuleCount() black = QColor(0, 0, 0, 255) white = QColor(255, 255, 255, 255) for r in range(k): for c in range(k): if self.qr.isDark(r, c): qp.setBrush(black) qp.setPen(black) else: qp.setBrush(white) qp.setPen(white) qp.drawRect(c*boxsize, r*boxsize, boxsize, boxsize) qp.end() def ok_cancel_buttons(dialog): hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) b = QPushButton("OK") hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(dialog.accept) b = QPushButton("Cancel") hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(dialog.reject) return hbox class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, wallet): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.wallet = wallet self.wallet.register_callback(self.update_callback) self.funds_error = False self.completions = QStringListModel() self.tabs = tabs = QTabWidget(self) tabs.addTab(self.create_history_tab(), _('History') ) if self.wallet.seed: tabs.addTab(self.create_send_tab(), _('Send') ) tabs.addTab(self.create_receive_tab(), _('Receive') ) tabs.addTab(self.create_contacts_tab(), _('Contacts') ) tabs.addTab(self.create_wall_tab(), _('Wall') ) tabs.setMinimumSize(600, 400) tabs.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.setCentralWidget(tabs) self.create_status_bar() self.setGeometry(100,100,840,400) title = 'Electrum ' + self.wallet.electrum_version + ' - ' + self.wallet.path if not self.wallet.seed: title += ' [seedless]' self.setWindowTitle( title ) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+W"), self, self.close) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+Q"), self, self.close) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+PgUp"), self, lambda: tabs.setCurrentIndex( (tabs.currentIndex() - 1 )%tabs.count() )) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+PgDown"), self, lambda: tabs.setCurrentIndex( (tabs.currentIndex() + 1 )%tabs.count() )) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('updatesignal'), self.update_wallet) self.history_list.setFocus(True) # dark magic fix by flatfly; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=73651.msg959913#msg959913 if platform.system() == 'Windows': n = 3 if self.wallet.seed else 2 tabs.setCurrentIndex (n) tabs.setCurrentIndex (0) def connect_slots(self, sender): if self.wallet.seed: self.connect(sender, QtCore.SIGNAL('timersignal'), self.check_recipient) self.previous_payto_e='' def check_recipient(self): if self.payto_e.hasFocus(): return r = unicode( self.payto_e.text() ) if r != self.previous_payto_e: self.previous_payto_e = r r = r.strip() if re.match('^(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)$', r): try: to_address = self.wallet.get_alias(r, True, self.show_message, self.question) except: return if to_address: s = r + ' <' + to_address + '>' self.payto_e.setText(s) def update_callback(self): self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('updatesignal')) def update_wallet(self): if self.wallet.interface and self.wallet.interface.is_connected: if self.wallet.blocks == -1: text = _( "Connecting..." ) icon = QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png") elif self.wallet.blocks == 0: text = _( "Server not ready" ) icon = QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png") elif not self.wallet.up_to_date: text = _( "Synchronizing..." ) icon = QIcon(":icons/status_waiting.png") else: c, u = self.wallet.get_balance() text = _( "Balance" ) + ": %s "%( format_satoshis(c,False,self.wallet.num_zeros) ) if u: text += "[%s unconfirmed]"%( format_satoshis(u,True,self.wallet.num_zeros).strip() ) icon = QIcon(":icons/status_connected.png") else: text = _( "Not connected" ) icon = QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png") if self.funds_error: text = _( "Not enough funds" ) self.statusBar().showMessage(text) self.status_button.setIcon( icon ) if self.wallet.up_to_date: self.textbox.setText( self.wallet.banner ) self.update_history_tab() self.update_receive_tab() self.update_contacts_tab() self.update_completions() def create_history_tab(self): self.history_list = l = MyTreeWidget(self) l.setColumnCount(5) l.setColumnWidth(0, 40) l.setColumnWidth(1, 140) l.setColumnWidth(2, 350) l.setColumnWidth(3, 140) l.setColumnWidth(4, 140) l.setHeaderLabels( [ '', _( 'Date' ), _( 'Description' ) , _('Amount'), _('Balance')] ) self.connect(l, SIGNAL('itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), self.tx_label_clicked) self.connect(l, SIGNAL('itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), self.tx_label_changed) l.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) l.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_history_menu) return l def create_history_menu(self, position): self.history_list.selectedIndexes() item = self.history_list.currentItem() if not item: return tx_hash = str(item.toolTip(0)) menu = QMenu() menu.addAction(_("Copy ID to Clipboard"), lambda: self.app.clipboard().setText(tx_hash)) menu.addAction(_("Details"), lambda: self.tx_details(tx_hash)) menu.addAction(_("Edit description"), lambda: self.tx_label_clicked(item,2)) menu.exec_(self.contacts_list.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) def tx_details(self, tx_hash): tx = self.wallet.tx_history.get(tx_hash) if tx['height']: conf = self.wallet.blocks - tx['height'] + 1 time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( tx['timestamp']).isoformat(' ')[:-3] else: conf = 0 time_str = 'pending' tx_details = _("Transaction Details") +"\n\n" \ + "Transaction ID:\n" + tx_hash + "\n\n" \ + "Status: %d confirmations\n\n"%conf \ + "Date: %s\n\n"%time_str \ + "Inputs:\n-"+ '\n-'.join(tx['inputs']) + "\n\n" \ + "Outputs:\n-"+ '\n-'.join(tx['outputs']) r = self.wallet.receipts.get(tx_hash) if r: tx_details += "\n_______________________________________" \ + '\n\nSigned URI: ' + r[2] \ + "\n\nSigned by: " + r[0] \ + '\n\nSignature: ' + r[1] QMessageBox.information(self, 'Details', tx_details, 'OK') def tx_label_clicked(self, item, column): if column==2 and item.isSelected(): tx_hash = str(item.toolTip(0)) self.is_edit=True #if not self.wallet.labels.get(tx_hash): item.setText(2,'') item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEditable|Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.history_list.editItem( item, column ) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) self.is_edit=False def tx_label_changed(self, item, column): if self.is_edit: return self.is_edit=True tx_hash = str(item.toolTip(0)) tx = self.wallet.tx_history.get(tx_hash) s = self.wallet.labels.get(tx_hash) text = unicode( item.text(2) ) if text: self.wallet.labels[tx_hash] = text item.setForeground(2, QBrush(QColor('black'))) else: if s: self.wallet.labels.pop(tx_hash) text = tx['default_label'] item.setText(2, text) item.setForeground(2, QBrush(QColor('gray'))) self.is_edit=False def edit_label(self, is_recv): l = self.receive_list if is_recv else self.contacts_list c = 2 if is_recv else 1 item = l.currentItem() item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEditable|Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) l.editItem( item, c ) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) def address_label_clicked(self, item, column, l, column_addr, column_label): if column==column_label and item.isSelected(): addr = unicode( item.text(column_addr) ) label = unicode( item.text(column_label) ) if label in self.wallet.aliases.keys(): return item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsEditable|Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) l.editItem( item, column ) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) def address_label_changed(self, item, column, l, column_addr, column_label): addr = unicode( item.text(column_addr) ) text = unicode( item.text(column_label) ) if text: if text not in self.wallet.aliases.keys(): self.wallet.labels[addr] = text else: print_error("Error: This is one of your aliases") label = self.wallet.labels.get(addr,'') item.setText(column_label, QString(label)) else: s = self.wallet.labels.get(addr) if s: self.wallet.labels.pop(addr) self.update_history_tab() self.update_completions() def update_history_tab(self): self.history_list.clear() balance = 0 for tx in self.wallet.get_tx_history(): tx_hash = tx['tx_hash'] if tx['height']: conf = self.wallet.blocks - tx['height'] + 1 time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( tx['timestamp']).isoformat(' ')[:-3] icon = QIcon(":icons/confirmed.png") else: conf = 0 time_str = 'pending' icon = QIcon(":icons/unconfirmed.png") v = tx['value'] balance += v label = self.wallet.labels.get(tx_hash) is_default_label = (label == '') or (label is None) if is_default_label: label = tx['default_label'] item = QTreeWidgetItem( [ '', time_str, label, format_satoshis(v,True,self.wallet.num_zeros), format_satoshis(balance,False,self.wallet.num_zeros)] ) item.setFont(2, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) item.setFont(3, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) item.setFont(4, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) item.setToolTip(0, tx_hash) if is_default_label: item.setForeground(2, QBrush(QColor('grey'))) item.setIcon(0, icon) self.history_list.insertTopLevelItem(0,item) self.history_list.setCurrentItem(self.history_list.topLevelItem(0)) def create_send_tab(self): w = QWidget() grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(3,300) grid.setColumnStretch(5,1) self.payto_e = QLineEdit() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Pay to')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(self.payto_e, 1, 1, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(_('Recipient of the funds.') + '\n\n' + _('You may enter a Bitcoin address, a label from your list of contacts (a list of completions will be proposed), or an alias (email-like address that forwards to a Bitcoin address)')), 1, 4) completer = QCompleter() completer.setCaseSensitivity(False) self.payto_e.setCompleter(completer) completer.setModel(self.completions) self.message_e = QLineEdit() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Description')), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(self.message_e, 2, 1, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(_('Description of the transaction (not mandatory).') + '\n\n' + _('The description is not sent to the recipient of the funds. It is stored in your wallet file, and displayed in the \'History\' tab.')), 2, 4) self.amount_e = QLineEdit() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Amount')), 3, 0) grid.addWidget(self.amount_e, 3, 1, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(HelpButton( _('Amount to be sent.') + '\n\n' \ + _('The amount will be displayed in red if you do not have enough funds in your wallet. Note that if you have frozen some of your addresses, the available funds will be lower than your total balance.')), 3, 3) self.fee_e = QLineEdit() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Fee')), 4, 0) grid.addWidget(self.fee_e, 4, 1, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(HelpButton( _('Bitcoin transactions are in general not free. A transaction fee is paid by the sender of the funds.') + '\n\n'\ + _('The amount of fee can be decided freely by the sender. However, transactions with low fees take more time to be processed.') + '\n\n'\ + _('A suggested fee is automatically added to this field. You may override it. The suggested fee increases with the size of the transaction.')), 4, 3) b = EnterButton(_("Send"), self.do_send) grid.addWidget(b, 6, 1) b = EnterButton(_("Clear"),self.do_clear) grid.addWidget(b, 6, 2) self.payto_sig = QLabel('') grid.addWidget(self.payto_sig, 7, 0, 1, 4) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Up"), w, w.focusPreviousChild) QShortcut(QKeySequence("Down"), w, w.focusNextChild) w.setLayout(grid) w2 = QWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(w) vbox.addStretch(1) w2.setLayout(vbox) def entry_changed( is_fee ): self.funds_error = False amount = numbify(self.amount_e) fee = numbify(self.fee_e) if not is_fee: fee = None if amount is None: return inputs, total, fee = self.wallet.choose_tx_inputs( amount, fee ) if not is_fee: self.fee_e.setText( str( Decimal( fee ) / 100000000 ) ) if inputs: palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(self.amount_e.foregroundRole(), QColor('black')) else: palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(self.amount_e.foregroundRole(), QColor('red')) self.funds_error = True self.amount_e.setPalette(palette) self.fee_e.setPalette(palette) self.amount_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: entry_changed(False) ) self.fee_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: entry_changed(True) ) return w2 def update_completions(self): l = [] for addr,label in self.wallet.labels.items(): if addr in self.wallet.addressbook: l.append( label + ' <' + addr + '>') l = l + self.wallet.aliases.keys() self.completions.setStringList(l) def do_send(self): label = unicode( self.message_e.text() ) r = unicode( self.payto_e.text() ) r = r.strip() # alias m1 = re.match(ALIAS_REGEXP, r) # label or alias, with address in brackets m2 = re.match('(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>', r) if m1: to_address = self.wallet.get_alias(r, True, self.show_message, self.question) if not to_address: return elif m2: to_address = m2.group(2) else: to_address = r if not self.wallet.is_valid(to_address): QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid Bitcoin Address') + ':\n' + to_address, _('OK')) return try: amount = int( Decimal( unicode( self.amount_e.text())) * 100000000 ) except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid Amount'), _('OK')) return try: fee = int( Decimal( unicode( self.fee_e.text())) * 100000000 ) except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid Fee'), _('OK')) return if self.wallet.use_encryption: password = self.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None try: tx = self.wallet.mktx( to_address, amount, label, password, fee) except BaseException, e: self.show_message(str(e)) return status, msg = self.wallet.sendtx( tx ) if status: QMessageBox.information(self, '', _('Payment sent.')+'\n'+msg, _('OK')) self.do_clear() self.update_contacts_tab() else: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), msg, _('OK')) def set_url(self, url): payto, amount, label, message, signature, identity, url = self.wallet.parse_url(url, self.show_message, self.question) self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(1) label = self.wallet.labels.get(payto) m_addr = label + ' <'+ payto+'>' if label else payto self.payto_e.setText(m_addr) self.message_e.setText(message) self.amount_e.setText(amount) if identity: self.set_frozen(self.payto_e,True) self.set_frozen(self.amount_e,True) self.set_frozen(self.message_e,True) self.payto_sig.setText( ' The bitcoin URI was signed by ' + identity ) else: self.payto_sig.setVisible(False) def do_clear(self): self.payto_sig.setVisible(False) for e in [self.payto_e, self.message_e, self.amount_e, self.fee_e]: e.setText('') self.set_frozen(e,False) def set_frozen(self,entry,frozen): if frozen: entry.setReadOnly(True) entry.setFrame(False) palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(entry.backgroundRole(), QColor('lightgray')) entry.setPalette(palette) else: entry.setReadOnly(False) entry.setFrame(True) palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(entry.backgroundRole(), QColor('white')) entry.setPalette(palette) def toggle_freeze(self,addr): if not addr: return if addr in self.wallet.frozen_addresses: self.wallet.unfreeze(addr) else: self.wallet.freeze(addr) self.update_receive_tab() def toggle_priority(self,addr): if not addr: return if addr in self.wallet.prioritized_addresses: self.wallet.unprioritize(addr) else: self.wallet.prioritize(addr) self.update_receive_tab() def create_list_tab(self, headers): "generic tab creation method" l = MyTreeWidget(self) l.setColumnCount( len(headers) ) l.setHeaderLabels( headers ) w = QWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() w.setLayout(vbox) vbox.setMargin(0) vbox.setSpacing(0) vbox.addWidget(l) buttons = QWidget() vbox.addWidget(buttons) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.setMargin(0) hbox.setSpacing(0) buttons.setLayout(hbox) return l,w,hbox def create_receive_tab(self): l,w,hbox = self.create_list_tab([_('Flags'), _('Address'), _('Label'), _('Balance'), _('Tx')]) l.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) l.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_receive_menu) self.connect(l, SIGNAL('itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), lambda a, b: self.address_label_clicked(a,b,l,1,2)) self.connect(l, SIGNAL('itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), lambda a,b: self.address_label_changed(a,b,l,1,2)) self.receive_list = l self.receive_buttons_hbox = hbox return w def create_contacts_tab(self): l,w,hbox = self.create_list_tab([_('Address'), _('Label'), _('Tx')]) l.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) l.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_contact_menu) self.connect(l, SIGNAL('itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), lambda a, b: self.address_label_clicked(a,b,l,0,1)) self.connect(l, SIGNAL('itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), lambda a,b: self.address_label_changed(a,b,l,0,1)) self.contacts_list = l self.contacts_buttons_hbox = hbox hbox.addWidget(EnterButton(_("New"), self.new_contact_dialog)) hbox.addStretch(1) return w def create_receive_menu(self, position): # fixme: this function apparently has a side effect. # if it is not called the menu pops up several times #self.receive_list.selectedIndexes() item = self.receive_list.itemAt(position) if not item: return addr = unicode(item.text(1)) menu = QMenu() menu.addAction(_("Copy to Clipboard"), lambda: self.app.clipboard().setText(addr)) menu.addAction(_("View QR code"),lambda: self.show_address_qrcode(addr)) menu.addAction(_("Edit label"), lambda: self.edit_label(True)) if self.wallet.expert_mode: t = _("Unfreeze") if addr in self.wallet.frozen_addresses else _("Freeze") menu.addAction(t, lambda: self.toggle_freeze(addr)) t = _("Unprioritize") if addr in self.wallet.prioritized_addresses else _("Prioritize") menu.addAction(t, lambda: self.toggle_priority(addr)) menu.exec_(self.receive_list.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) def payto(self, x, is_alias): if not x: return if is_alias: label = x m_addr = label else: addr = x label = self.wallet.labels.get(addr) m_addr = label + ' <' + addr + '>' if label else addr self.tabs.setCurrentIndex(1) self.payto_e.setText(m_addr) self.amount_e.setFocus() def delete_contact(self, x, is_alias): if self.question("Do you want to remove %s from your list of contacts?"%x): if not is_alias and x in self.wallet.addressbook: self.wallet.addressbook.remove(x) if x in self.wallet.labels.keys(): self.wallet.labels.pop(x) elif is_alias and x in self.wallet.aliases: self.wallet.aliases.pop(x) self.update_history_tab() self.update_contacts_tab() self.update_completions() def create_contact_menu(self, position): # fixme: this function apparently has a side effect. # if it is not called the menu pops up several times #self.contacts_list.selectedIndexes() item = self.contacts_list.itemAt(position) if not item: return addr = unicode(item.text(0)) label = unicode(item.text(1)) is_alias = label in self.wallet.aliases.keys() x = label if is_alias else addr menu = QMenu() menu.addAction(_("Copy to Clipboard"), lambda: self.app.clipboard().setText(addr)) menu.addAction(_("Pay to"), lambda: self.payto(x, is_alias)) menu.addAction(_("View QR code"),lambda: self.show_address_qrcode(addr)) if not is_alias: menu.addAction(_("Edit label"), lambda: self.edit_label(False)) else: menu.addAction(_("View alias details"), lambda: self.show_contact_details(label)) menu.addAction(_("Delete"), lambda: self.delete_contact(x,is_alias)) menu.exec_(self.contacts_list.viewport().mapToGlobal(position)) def update_receive_tab(self): l = self.receive_list l.clear() l.setColumnHidden(0,not self.wallet.expert_mode) l.setColumnHidden(3,not self.wallet.expert_mode) l.setColumnHidden(4,not self.wallet.expert_mode) l.setColumnWidth(0, 50) l.setColumnWidth(1, 310) l.setColumnWidth(2, 250) l.setColumnWidth(3, 130) l.setColumnWidth(4, 10) gap = 0 is_red = False for address in self.wallet.all_addresses(): if self.wallet.is_change(address) and not self.wallet.expert_mode: continue label = self.wallet.labels.get(address,'') n = 0 h = self.wallet.history.get(address,[]) for item in h: if not item['is_input'] : n=n+1 tx = "%d "%n if n==0: if address in self.wallet.addresses: gap += 1 if gap > self.wallet.gap_limit: is_red = True else: if address in self.wallet.addresses: gap = 0 c, u = self.wallet.get_addr_balance(address) balance = format_satoshis( c + u, False, self.wallet.num_zeros ) flags = self.wallet.get_address_flags(address) item = QTreeWidgetItem( [ flags, address, label, balance, tx] ) item.setFont(0, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) item.setFont(1, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) item.setFont(3, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) if address in self.wallet.frozen_addresses: item.setBackgroundColor(1, QColor('lightblue')) elif address in self.wallet.prioritized_addresses: item.setBackgroundColor(1, QColor('lightgreen')) if is_red and address in self.wallet.addresses: item.setBackgroundColor(1, QColor('red')) l.addTopLevelItem(item) # we use column 1 because column 0 may be hidden l.setCurrentItem(l.topLevelItem(0),1) def show_contact_details(self, m): a = self.wallet.aliases.get(m) if a: if a[0] in self.wallet.authorities.keys(): s = self.wallet.authorities.get(a[0]) else: s = "self-signed" msg = 'Alias: '+ m + '\nTarget address: '+ a[1] + '\n\nSigned by: ' + s + '\nSigning address:' + a[0] QMessageBox.information(self, 'Alias', msg, 'OK') def update_contacts_tab(self): l = self.contacts_list l.clear() l.setColumnHidden(2, not self.wallet.expert_mode) l.setColumnWidth(0, 350) l.setColumnWidth(1, 330) l.setColumnWidth(2, 100) alias_targets = [] for alias, v in self.wallet.aliases.items(): s, target = v alias_targets.append(target) item = QTreeWidgetItem( [ target, alias, '-'] ) item.setBackgroundColor(0, QColor('lightgray')) l.addTopLevelItem(item) for address in self.wallet.addressbook: if address in alias_targets: continue label = self.wallet.labels.get(address,'') n = 0 for item in self.wallet.tx_history.values(): if address in item['outputs'] : n=n+1 tx = "%d"%n item = QTreeWidgetItem( [ address, label, tx] ) item.setFont(0, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) l.addTopLevelItem(item) l.setCurrentItem(l.topLevelItem(0)) def create_wall_tab(self): self.textbox = textbox = QTextEdit(self) textbox.setFont(QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT)) textbox.setReadOnly(True) return textbox def create_status_bar(self): sb = QStatusBar() sb.setFixedHeight(35) if self.wallet.seed: sb.addPermanentWidget( StatusBarButton( QIcon(":icons/lock.png"), "Password", lambda: self.change_password_dialog(self.wallet, self) ) ) sb.addPermanentWidget( StatusBarButton( QIcon(":icons/preferences.png"), "Preferences", self.settings_dialog ) ) if self.wallet.seed: sb.addPermanentWidget( StatusBarButton( QIcon(":icons/seed.png"), "Seed", lambda: self.show_seed_dialog(self.wallet, self) ) ) self.status_button = StatusBarButton( QIcon(":icons/status_disconnected.png"), "Network", lambda: self.network_dialog(self.wallet, self) ) sb.addPermanentWidget( self.status_button ) self.setStatusBar(sb) def new_contact_dialog(self): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, _('New Contact'), _('Address') + ':') address = unicode(text) if ok: if self.wallet.is_valid(address): self.wallet.addressbook.append(address) self.wallet.save() self.update_contacts_tab() self.update_history_tab() self.update_completions() else: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid Address'), _('OK')) @staticmethod def show_seed_dialog(wallet, parent=None): if not wallet.seed: QMessageBox.information(parent, _('Message'), _('No seed'), _('OK')) return if wallet.use_encryption: password = parent.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None try: seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password) except: QMessageBox.warning(parent, _('Error'), _('Incorrect Password'), _('OK')) return msg = _("Your wallet generation seed is") + ":\n\n" + seed + "\n\n"\ + _("Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet.") + "\n\n" \ + _("Equivalently, your wallet seed can be stored and recovered with the following mnemonic code") + ":\n\n\"" \ + ' '.join(mnemonic.mn_encode(seed)) + "\"\n\n\n" d = QDialog(None) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Seed")) d.setMinimumSize(400, 270) vbox = QVBoxLayout() hbox = QHBoxLayout() vbox2 = QVBoxLayout() l = QLabel() l.setPixmap(QPixmap(":icons/seed.png").scaledToWidth(56)) vbox2.addWidget(l) vbox2.addStretch(1) hbox.addLayout(vbox2) hbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) vbox.addLayout(hbox) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) if parent: app = parent.app else: app = QApplication b = QPushButton(_("Copy to Clipboard")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: app.clipboard().setText(seed + ' "' + ' '.join(mnemonic.mn_encode(seed))+'"')) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("View as QR Code")) b.clicked.connect(lambda: ElectrumWindow.show_seed_qrcode(seed)) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("OK")) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) hbox.addWidget(b) vbox.addLayout(hbox) d.setLayout(vbox) d.exec_() @staticmethod def show_seed_qrcode(seed): if not seed: return d = QDialog(None) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Seed")) d.setMinimumSize(270, 300) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QRCodeWidget(seed)) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) b = QPushButton(_("OK")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) vbox.addLayout(hbox) d.setLayout(vbox) d.exec_() def show_address_qrcode(self,address): if not address: return d = QDialog(self) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(address) d.setMinimumSize(270, 350) vbox = QVBoxLayout() qrw = QRCodeWidget(address) vbox.addWidget(qrw) hbox = QHBoxLayout() amount_e = QLineEdit() hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Amount'))) hbox.addWidget(amount_e) vbox.addLayout(hbox) #hbox = QHBoxLayout() #label_e = QLineEdit() #hbox.addWidget(QLabel('Label')) #hbox.addWidget(label_e) #vbox.addLayout(hbox) def amount_changed(): amount = numbify(amount_e) #label = str( label_e.getText() ) if amount is not None: qrw.set_addr('bitcoin:%s?amount=%s'%(address,str( Decimal(amount) /100000000))) else: qrw.set_addr( address ) qrw.repaint() def do_save(): bmp.save_qrcode(qrw.qr, "qrcode.bmp") self.show_message(_("QR code saved to file") + " 'qrcode.bmp'") amount_e.textChanged.connect( amount_changed ) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) b = QPushButton(_("Save")) b.clicked.connect(do_save) hbox.addWidget(b) b = QPushButton(_("Close")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) vbox.addLayout(hbox) d.setLayout(vbox) d.exec_() def question(self, msg): return QMessageBox.question(self, _('Message'), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes def show_message(self, msg): QMessageBox.information(self, _('Message'), msg, _('OK')) def password_dialog(self ): d = QDialog(self) d.setModal(1) pw = QLineEdit() pw.setEchoMode(2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() msg = _('Please enter your password') vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(pw, 1, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return return unicode(pw.text()) @staticmethod def change_password_dialog( wallet, parent=None ): if not wallet.seed: QMessageBox.information(parent, _('Error'), _('No seed'), _('OK')) return d = QDialog(parent) d.setModal(1) pw = QLineEdit() pw.setEchoMode(2) new_pw = QLineEdit() new_pw.setEchoMode(2) conf_pw = QLineEdit() conf_pw.setEchoMode(2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() if parent: msg = (_('Your wallet is encrypted. Use this dialog to change your password.')+'\n'+_('To disable wallet encryption, enter an empty new password.')) if wallet.use_encryption else _('Your wallet keys are not encrypted') else: msg = _("Please choose a password to encrypt your wallet keys.")+'\n'+_("Leave these fields empty if you want to disable encryption.") vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) if wallet.use_encryption: grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(pw, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('New Password')), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(new_pw, 2, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Confirm Password')), 3, 0) grid.addWidget(conf_pw, 3, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return password = unicode(pw.text()) if wallet.use_encryption else None new_password = unicode(new_pw.text()) new_password2 = unicode(conf_pw.text()) try: seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password) except: QMessageBox.warning(parent, _('Error'), _('Incorrect Password'), _('OK')) return if new_password != new_password2: QMessageBox.warning(parent, _('Error'), _('Passwords do not match'), _('OK')) return wallet.update_password(seed, password, new_password) @staticmethod def seed_dialog(wallet, parent=None): d = QDialog(parent) d.setModal(1) vbox = QVBoxLayout() msg = _("Please enter your wallet seed or the corresponding mnemonic list of words, and the gap limit of your wallet.") vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) seed_e = QLineEdit() grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Seed or mnemonic')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(seed_e, 1, 1) gap_e = QLineEdit() gap_e.setText("5") grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Gap limit')), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(gap_e, 2, 1) gap_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: numbify(gap_e,True)) vbox.addLayout(grid) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return try: gap = int(unicode(gap_e.text())) except: QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Error'), 'error', 'OK') sys.exit(0) try: seed = unicode(seed_e.text()) seed.decode('hex') except: print_error("Warning: Not hex, trying decode") try: seed = mnemonic.mn_decode( seed.split(' ') ) except: QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Error'), _('I cannot decode this'), _('OK')) sys.exit(0) if not seed: QMessageBox.warning(None, _('Error'), _('No seed'), 'OK') sys.exit(0) wallet.seed = str(seed) #print repr(wallet.seed) wallet.gap_limit = gap return True def set_expert_mode(self, b): self.wallet.expert_mode = b self.wallet.save() self.update_receive_tab() self.update_contacts_tab() # if self.wallet.seed: # self.nochange_cb.setHidden(not self.wallet.expert_mode) def settings_dialog(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setModal(1) vbox = QVBoxLayout() msg = _('Here are the settings of your wallet.') + '\n'\ + _('For more explanations, click on the help buttons next to each field.') label = QLabel(msg) label.setFixedWidth(250) label.setWordWrap(True) label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignJustify) vbox.addWidget(label) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) vbox.addLayout(grid) fee_e = QLineEdit() fee_e.setText("%s"% str( Decimal( self.wallet.fee)/100000000 ) ) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Transaction fee')), 2, 0) grid.addWidget(fee_e, 2, 1) msg = _('Fee per transaction input. Transactions involving multiple inputs tend to require a higher fee.') + ' ' \ + _('Recommended value') + ': 0.001' grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 2, 2) fee_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: numbify(fee_e,False)) nz_e = QLineEdit() nz_e.setText("%d"% self.wallet.num_zeros) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Display zeros')), 3, 0) msg = _('Number of zeros displayed after the decimal point. For example, if this is set to 2, "1." will be displayed as "1.00"') grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 3, 2) grid.addWidget(nz_e, 3, 1) nz_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: numbify(nz_e,True)) cb = QCheckBox(_('Expert mode')) grid.addWidget(cb, 4, 0) cb.setChecked(self.wallet.expert_mode) if self.wallet.expert_mode: usechange_cb = QCheckBox(_('Use change addresses')) grid.addWidget(usechange_cb, 5, 0) usechange_cb.setChecked(self.wallet.use_change) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(_('Using a change addresses makes it more difficult for other people to track your transactions. ')), 5, 2) msg = _('The gap limit is the maximal number of contiguous unused addresses in your sequence of receiving addresses.') + '\n' \ + _('You may increase it if you need more receiving addresses.') + '\n\n' \ + _('Your current gap limit is') + ': %d'%self.wallet.gap_limit + '\n' \ + _('Given the current status of your address sequence, the minimum gap limit you can use is: ') + '%d'%self.wallet.min_acceptable_gap() + '\n\n' \ + _('Warning') + ': ' \ + _('The gap limit parameter must be provided in order to recover your wallet from seed.') + ' ' \ + _('Do not modify it if you do not understand what you are doing, or if you expect to recover your wallet without knowing it!') + '\n\n' gap_e = QLineEdit() gap_e.setText("%d"% self.wallet.gap_limit) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Gap limit')), 6, 0) grid.addWidget(gap_e, 6, 1) grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 6, 2) gap_e.textChanged.connect(lambda: numbify(nz_e,True)) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) # run the dialog if not d.exec_(): return fee = unicode(fee_e.text()) try: fee = int( 100000000 * Decimal(fee) ) except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid value') +': %s'%fee, _('OK')) return if self.wallet.fee != fee: self.wallet.fee = fee self.wallet.save() nz = unicode(nz_e.text()) try: nz = int( nz ) if nz>8: nz=8 except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid value')+':%s'%nz, _('OK')) return if self.wallet.num_zeros != nz: self.wallet.num_zeros = nz self.update_history_tab() self.update_receive_tab() self.wallet.save() if self.wallet.expert_mode: self.wallet.use_change = usechange_cb.isChecked() try: n = int(gap_e.text()) except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid value'), _('OK')) return if self.wallet.gap_limit != n: r = self.wallet.change_gap_limit(n) if r: self.update_receive_tab() else: QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _('Invalid value'), _('OK')) self.set_expert_mode(cb.isChecked()) @staticmethod def network_dialog(wallet, parent=None): interface = wallet.interface if parent: if interface.is_connected: status = _("Connected to")+" %s:%d\n%d blocks"%(interface.host, interface.port, wallet.blocks) else: status = _("Not connected") server = wallet.server else: import random status = _("Please choose a server.") server = random.choice( DEFAULT_SERVERS ) if not wallet.interface.servers: servers_list = [] for x in DEFAULT_SERVERS: h,port,protocol = x.split(':') servers_list.append( (h,[(protocol,port)] ) ) else: servers_list = wallet.interface.servers plist = {} for item in servers_list: host, pp = item z = {} for item2 in pp: protocol, port = item2 z[protocol] = port plist[host] = z d = QDialog(parent) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_('Server')) d.setMinimumSize(375, 20) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.setSpacing(20) hbox = QHBoxLayout() l = QLabel() l.setPixmap(QPixmap(":icons/network.png")) hbox.addWidget(l) hbox.addWidget(QLabel(status)) vbox.addLayout(hbox) hbox = QHBoxLayout() host_line = QLineEdit() host_line.setText(server) hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Connect to') + ':')) hbox.addWidget(host_line) vbox.addLayout(hbox) hbox = QHBoxLayout() buttonGroup = QGroupBox(_("Protocol")) radio1 = QRadioButton("tcp", buttonGroup) radio2 = QRadioButton("http", buttonGroup) def current_line(): return unicode(host_line.text()).split(':') def set_button(protocol): if protocol == 't': radio1.setChecked(1) elif protocol == 'h': radio2.setChecked(1) def set_protocol(protocol): host = current_line()[0] pp = plist[host] if protocol not in pp.keys(): protocol = pp.keys()[0] set_button(protocol) port = pp[protocol] host_line.setText( host + ':' + port + ':' + protocol) radio1.clicked.connect(lambda x: set_protocol('t') ) radio2.clicked.connect(lambda x: set_protocol('h') ) set_button(current_line()[2]) hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Protocol')+':')) hbox.addWidget(radio1) hbox.addWidget(radio2) vbox.addLayout(hbox) if wallet.interface.servers: label = _('Active Servers') else: label = _('Default Servers') servers_list_widget = QTreeWidget(parent) servers_list_widget.setHeaderLabels( [ label ] ) servers_list_widget.setMaximumHeight(150) for host in plist.keys(): servers_list_widget.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem( [ host ] )) def do_set_line(x): host = unicode(x.text(0)) pp = plist[host] if 't' in pp.keys(): protocol = 't' else: protocol = pp.keys()[0] port = pp[protocol] host_line.setText( host + ':' + port + ':' + protocol) set_button(protocol) servers_list_widget.connect(servers_list_widget, SIGNAL('itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'), do_set_line) vbox.addWidget(servers_list_widget) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return server = unicode( host_line.text() ) try: wallet.set_server(server) except: QMessageBox.information(None, _('Error'), 'error', _('OK')) if parent == None: sys.exit(1) else: return return True class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, wallet, app=None): self.wallet = wallet if app is None: self.app = QApplication(sys.argv) def waiting_dialog(self): s = Timer() s.start() w = QDialog() w.resize(200, 70) w.setWindowTitle('Electrum') l = QLabel('') vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(l) w.setLayout(vbox) w.show() def f(): if self.wallet.up_to_date: w.close() else: l.setText("Please wait...\nAddresses generated: %d\nKilobytes received: %.1f"\ %(len(self.wallet.all_addresses()), self.wallet.interface.bytes_received/1024.)) w.connect(s, QtCore.SIGNAL('timersignal'), f) self.wallet.interface.poke() w.exec_() w.destroy() def restore_or_create(self): msg = _("Wallet file not found.")+"\n"+_("Do you want to create a new wallet, or to restore an existing one?") r = QMessageBox.question(None, _('Message'), msg, _('Create'), _('Restore'), _('Cancel'), 0, 2) if r==2: return False is_recovery = (r==1) wallet = self.wallet # ask for the server. if not ElectrumWindow.network_dialog( wallet, parent=None ): return False if not is_recovery: wallet.new_seed(None) wallet.init_mpk( wallet.seed ) wallet.up_to_date_event.clear() wallet.up_to_date = False self.waiting_dialog() # run a dialog indicating the seed, ask the user to remember it ElectrumWindow.show_seed_dialog(wallet) #ask for password ElectrumWindow.change_password_dialog(wallet) else: # ask for seed and gap. if not ElectrumWindow.seed_dialog( wallet ): return False wallet.init_mpk( wallet.seed ) wallet.up_to_date_event.clear() wallet.up_to_date = False self.waiting_dialog() if wallet.is_found(): # history and addressbook wallet.update_tx_history() wallet.fill_addressbook() print "Recovery successful" wallet.save() else: QMessageBox.information(None, _('Error'), _("No transactions found for this seed"), _('OK')) wallet.save() return True def main(self,url): s = Timer() s.start() w = ElectrumWindow(self.wallet) if url: w.set_url(url) w.app = self.app w.connect_slots(s) w.update_wallet() w.show() self.app.exec_()