""" py2app/py2exe build script for Electrum Usage (Mac OS X): python setup.py py2app Usage (Windows): python setup.py py2exe """ from setuptools import setup import os import re import shutil import sys from lib.version import ELECTRUM_VERSION as version name = "Electrum" mainscript = 'electrum' if sys.version_info[:3] < (3, 4, 0): print("Error: " + name + " requires Python version >= 3.4.0...") sys.exit(1) if sys.platform == 'darwin': from plistlib import Plist plist = Plist.fromFile('Info.plist') plist.update(dict(CFBundleIconFile='electrum.icns')) shutil.copy(mainscript, mainscript + '.py') mainscript += '.py' extra_options = dict( setup_requires=['py2app'], app=[mainscript], options=dict(py2app=dict(argv_emulation=False, includes=['PyQt4.QtCore', 'PyQt4.QtGui', 'PyQt4.QtWebKit', 'PyQt4.QtNetwork', 'sip'], packages=['lib', 'gui.qt', 'plugins'], iconfile='electrum.icns', plist=plist, resources=["icons"])), ) elif sys.platform == 'win32': extra_options = dict( setup_requires=['py2exe'], app=[mainscript], ) else: extra_options = dict( # Normally unix-like platforms will use "setup.py install" # and install the main script as such scripts=[mainscript], ) setup( name=name, version=version, **extra_options ) from distutils import dir_util if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Remove the copied py file os.remove(mainscript) resource = "dist/" + name + ".app/Contents/Resources/" # Try to locate qt_menu # Let's try the port version first! if os.path.isfile("/opt/local/lib/Resources/qt_menu.nib"): qt_menu_location = "/opt/local/lib/Resources/qt_menu.nib" else: # No dice? Then let's try the brew version if os.path.exists("/usr/local/Cellar"): qt_menu_location = os.popen("find /usr/local/Cellar -name qt_menu.nib | tail -n 1").read() # no brew, check /opt/local else: qt_menu_location = os.popen("find /opt/local -name qt_menu.nib | tail -n 1").read() qt_menu_location = re.sub('\n', '', qt_menu_location) if (len(qt_menu_location) == 0): print("Sorry couldn't find your qt_menu.nib this probably won't work") else: print("Found your qib: " + qt_menu_location) # Need to include a copy of qt_menu.nib shutil.copytree(qt_menu_location, resource + "qt_menu.nib") # Need to touch qt.conf to avoid loading 2 sets of Qt libraries fname = resource + "qt.conf" os.utime(fname, None)