#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Sign releases on github, make/upload ppa to launchpad.net NOTE on ppa: To build a ppa you may need to install some more packages. On ubuntu: sudo apt-get install devscripts libssl-dev python3-dev \ debhelper python3-setuptools dh-python NOTE on apk signing: To create a keystore and sign the apk you need to install java-8-openjdk, or java-7-openjdk on older systems. To create a keystore run the following command: mkdir ~/.jks && keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/.jks/keystore \ -alias electrum.z.cash -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \ -validity 10000 Then it shows a warning about the proprietary format and a command to migrate: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ~/.jks/keystore \ -destkeystore ~/.jks/keystore -deststoretype pkcs12 Manual signing: jarsigner -verbose \ -tsa http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp \ -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 \ -sigfile zcash-electrum \ -keystore ~/.jks/keystore \ Electrum_Zcash- \ electrum.z.cash Zipalign from Android SDK build tools is also required (set path to bin in settings file or with key -z). To install: wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r24-linux.tgz \ && tar xzf android-sdk_r24-linux.tgz \ && rm android-sdk_r24-linux.tgz \ && (while sleep 3; do echo "y"; done) \ | android-sdk-linux/tools/android update sdk -u -a -t \ 'tools, platform-tools-preview, build-tools-23.0.1' \ && (while sleep 3; do echo "y"; done) \ | android-sdk-linux/tools/android update sdk -u -a -t \ 'tools, platform-tools, build-tools-27.0.3' Manual zip aligning: android-sdk-linux/build-tools/27.0.3/zipalign -v 4 \ Electrum_Zcash- \ Electrum_Zcash- About script settings: Settings is read from options, then config file is read. If setting is already set from options, then it value does not changes. Config file can have one repo form or multiple repo form. In one repo form config settings read from root JSON object. Keys are "repo", "keyid", "token", "count", "sign_drafts", and others, which is corresponding to program options. Example: { "repo": "value" ... } In multiple repo form, if root "default_repo" key is set, then code try to read "repos" key as list and cycle through it to find suitable repo, or if no repo is set before, then "default_repo" is used to match. If match found, then that list object is used ad one repo form config. Example: { "default_repo": "value" "repos": [ { "repo": "value" ... } ] } """ import os import os.path import re import sys import time import getpass import shutil import hashlib import tempfile import json import zipfile from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError from functools import cmp_to_key from time import localtime, strftime try: import click import certifi import gnupg import dateutil.parser import colorama from colorama import Fore, Style from github_release import (get_releases, gh_asset_download, gh_asset_upload, gh_asset_delete) from urllib3 import PoolManager except ImportError as e: print('Import error:', e) print('To run script install required packages with the next command:\n\n' 'pip install githubrelease python-gnupg pyOpenSSL cryptography idna' ' certifi python-dateutil click colorama requests LinkHeader') sys.exit(1) HTTP = PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where()) FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') HOME_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~') CONFIG_NAME = '.sign-releases' SEARCH_COUNT = 1 SHA_FNAME = 'SHA256SUMS.txt' # make_ppa related definitions PPA_SERIES = { 'trusty': '14.04.1', 'xenial': '16.04.1', 'artful': '17.10.1', 'bionic': '18.04.1', } PEP440_PUBVER_PATTERN = re.compile('^((\d+)!)?' '((\d+)(\.\d+)*)' '([a-zA-Z]+\d+)?' '((\.[a-zA-Z]+\d+)*)$') REL_NOTES_PATTERN = re.compile('^#.+?(^[^#].+?)^#.+?', re.M | re.S) SDIST_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile('^Electrum-Zcash-(.*).tar.gz$') SDIST_DIR_TEMPLATE = 'Electrum-Zcash-{version}' PPA_SOURCE_NAME = 'electrum-zcash' PPA_ORIG_NAME_TEMPLATE = '%s_{version}.orig.tar.gz' % PPA_SOURCE_NAME CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE = """%s ({ppa_version}) {series}; urgency=medium {changes} -- {uid} {time}""" % PPA_SOURCE_NAME PPA_FILES_TEMPLATE = '%s_{0}{1}' % PPA_SOURCE_NAME LP_API_URL='https://api.launchpad.net/1.0' LP_SERIES_TEMPLATE = '%s/ubuntu/{0}' % LP_API_URL LP_ARCHIVES_TEMPLATE = '%s/~{user}/+archive/ubuntu/{ppa}' % LP_API_URL # sing_apk related definitions JKS_KEYSTORE = os.path.join(HOME_DIR, '.jks/keystore') JKS_ALIAS = 'electrum.z.cash' JKS_STOREPASS = 'JKS_STOREPASS' JKS_KEYPASS = 'JKS_KEYPASS' KEYTOOL_ARGS = ['keytool', '-list', '-storepass:env', JKS_STOREPASS] JARSIGNER_ARGS = [ 'jarsigner', '-verbose', '-tsa', 'http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp', '-sigalg', 'SHA1withRSA', '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-sigfile', 'zcash-electrum', '-storepass:env', JKS_STOREPASS, '-keypass:env', JKS_KEYPASS, ] UNSIGNED_APK_PATTERN = re.compile('^Electrum_Zcash-(.*)-release-unsigned.apk$') SIGNED_APK_TEMPLATE = 'Electrum_Zcash-{version}-release.apk' os.environ['QUILT_PATCHES'] = 'debian/patches' def pep440_to_deb(version): """Convert PEP 440 public version to deb upstream version""" ver_match = PEP440_PUBVER_PATTERN.match(version) if not ver_match: raise Exception('Version "%s" does not comply with PEP 440' % version) g = ver_match.group deb_ver = '' deb_ver += ('%s:' % g(2)) if g(1) else '' deb_ver += g(3) deb_ver += ('~%s' % g(6)) if g(6) else '' deb_ver += ('%s' % g(7)) if g(7) else '' return deb_ver def compare_published_times(a, b): """Releases list sorting comparsion function (last published first)""" a = a['published_at'] b = b['published_at'] if not a and not b: return 0 elif not a: return -1 elif not b: return 1 a = dateutil.parser.parse(a) b = dateutil.parser.parse(b) if a > b: return -1 elif b > a: return 1 else: return 0 def sha256_checksum(filename, block_size=65536): """Gather sha256 hash on filename""" sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for block in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''): sha256.update(block) return sha256.hexdigest() def read_config(): """Read and parse JSON from config file from HOME dir""" config_path = os.path.join(HOME_DIR, CONFIG_NAME) if not os.path.isfile(config_path): return {} try: with open(config_path, 'r') as f: data = f.read() return json.loads(data) except Exception as e: print('Error: Cannot read config file:', e) return {} def get_next_ppa_num(ppa, source_package_name, ppa_upstr_version, series_name): """Calculate next ppa num (if older ppa versions whas published earlier)""" user, ppa_name = ppa.split('/') archives_url = LP_ARCHIVES_TEMPLATE.format(user=user, ppa=ppa_name) series_url = LP_SERIES_TEMPLATE.format(series_name) query = { 'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources', 'distro_series': series_url, 'order_by_date': 'true', 'source_name': source_package_name, } resp = HTTP.request('GET', archives_url, fields=query) if resp.status != 200: raise Exception('Launchpad API error %s %s', (resp.status, resp.reason)) data = json.loads(resp.data.decode('utf-8')) entries = data['entries'] if len(entries) == 0: return 1 for e in entries: ppa_version = e['source_package_version'] version_match = re.match('%s-0ppa(\d+)~ubuntu' % ppa_upstr_version, ppa_version) if version_match: return int(version_match.group(1)) + 1 return 1 class ChdirTemporaryDirectory(object): """Create tmp dir, chdir to it and remove on exit""" def __enter__(self): self.prev_wd = os.getcwd() self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(self.name) return self.name def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): os.chdir(self.prev_wd) shutil.rmtree(self.name) class SignApp(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Get app settings from options, from curdir git, from config file""" ask_passphrase = kwargs.pop('ask_passphrase', None) self.sign_drafts = kwargs.pop('sign_drafts', False) self.force = kwargs.pop('force', False) self.tag_name = kwargs.pop('tag_name', None) self.repo = kwargs.pop('repo', None) self.ppa = kwargs.pop('ppa', None) self.token = kwargs.pop('token', None) self.keyid = kwargs.pop('keyid', None) self.count = kwargs.pop('count', None) self.dry_run = kwargs.pop('dry_run', False) self.no_ppa = kwargs.pop('no_ppa', False) self.verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', False) self.jks_keystore = kwargs.pop('jks_keystore', False) self.jks_alias = kwargs.pop('jks_alias', False) self.zipalign_path = kwargs.pop('zipalign_path', False) self.config = {} config_data = read_config() default_repo = config_data.get('default_repo', None) if default_repo: if not self.repo: self.repo = default_repo for config in config_data.get('repos', []): config_repo = config.get('repo', None) if config_repo and config_repo == self.repo: self.config = config break else: self.config = config_data if self.config: self.repo = self.repo or self.config.get('repo', None) self.ppa = self.ppa or self.config.get('ppa', None) self.token = self.token or self.config.get('token', None) self.keyid = self.keyid or self.config.get('keyid', None) self.count = self.count or self.config.get('count', None) \ or SEARCH_COUNT self.sign_drafts = self.sign_drafts \ or self.config.get('sign_drafts', False) self.no_ppa = self.no_ppa \ or self.config.get('no_ppa', False) self.verbose = self.verbose or self.config.get('verbose', None) self.jks_keystore = self.jks_keystore \ or self.config.get('jks_keystore', JKS_KEYSTORE) self.jks_alias = self.jks_alias \ or self.config.get('jks_alias', JKS_ALIAS) self.zipalign_path = self.zipalign_path \ or self.config.get('zipalign_path', None) if not self.repo: print('no repo found, exit') sys.exit(1) if self.token: os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'] = self.token if not os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN', None): print('GITHUB_TOKEN environment var not set, exit') sys.exit(1) if self.keyid: self.keyid = self.keyid.split('/')[-1] self.passphrase = None self.gpg = gnupg.GPG() if not self.keyid: print('no keyid set, exit') sys.exit(1) keylist = self.gpg.list_keys(True, keys=[self.keyid]) if not keylist: print('no key with keyid %s found, exit' % self.keyid) sys.exit(1) self.uid = ', '.join(keylist[0].get('uids', ['No uid found'])) if ask_passphrase: while not self.passphrase: self.read_passphrase() elif not self.check_key(): while not self.passphrase: self.read_passphrase() if self.zipalign_path: try: check_call(self.zipalign_path, stderr=FNULL) except CalledProcessError: pass self.read_jks_storepass() self.read_jks_keypass() def read_jks_storepass(self): """Read JKS storepass and keypass""" while not JKS_STOREPASS in os.environ: storepass = getpass.getpass('%sInput %s keystore password:%s ' % (Fore.GREEN, self.jks_keystore, Style.RESET_ALL)) os.environ[JKS_STOREPASS] = storepass try: check_call(KEYTOOL_ARGS + ['-keystore', self.jks_keystore], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) except CalledProcessError: print('%sWrong keystore password%s' % (Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL)) del os.environ[JKS_STOREPASS] def read_jks_keypass(self): while not JKS_KEYPASS in os.environ: keypass = getpass.getpass('%sInput alias password for <%s> ' '[Enter if same as for keystore]:%s ' % (Fore.YELLOW, self.jks_alias, Style.RESET_ALL)) if not keypass: os.environ[JKS_KEYPASS] = os.environ[JKS_STOREPASS] else: os.environ[JKS_KEYPASS] = keypass with ChdirTemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: test_file = 'testfile.txt' test_zipfile = 'testzip.zip' with open(test_file, 'w') as fdw: fdw.write('testcontent') test_zf = zipfile.ZipFile(test_zipfile, mode='w') test_zf.write(test_file) test_zf.close() sign_args = ['-keystore', self.jks_keystore, test_zipfile, self.jks_alias] try: check_call(JARSIGNER_ARGS + sign_args, stdout=FNULL) except CalledProcessError: print('%sWrong key alias password%s' % (Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL)) del os.environ[JKS_KEYPASS] def read_passphrase(self): """Read passphrase for gpg key until check_key is passed""" passphrase = getpass.getpass('%sInput passphrase for Key: %s %s:%s ' % (Fore.GREEN, self.keyid, self.uid, Style.RESET_ALL)) if self.check_key(passphrase): self.passphrase = passphrase def check_key(self, passphrase=None): """Try to sign test string, and if some data signed retun True""" signed_data = self.gpg.sign('test message to check passphrase', keyid=self.keyid, passphrase=passphrase) if signed_data.data and self.gpg.verify(signed_data.data).valid: return True print('%sWrong passphrase!%s' % (Fore.RED, Style.RESET_ALL)) return False def sign_file_name(self, name, detach=True): """Sign file with self.keyid, place signature in deteached .asc file""" with open(name, 'rb') as fdrb: signed_data = self.gpg.sign_file(fdrb, keyid=self.keyid, passphrase=self.passphrase, detach=detach) with open('%s.asc' % name, 'wb') as fdw: fdw.write(signed_data.data) def sign_release(self, release, other_names, asc_names, is_newest_release): """Download/sign unsigned assets, upload .asc counterparts. Create SHA256SUMS.txt with all assets included and upload it with SHA256SUMS.txt.asc counterpart. """ repo = self.repo tag = release.get('tag_name', None) if not tag: print('Release have no tag name, skip release\n') return with ChdirTemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: with open(SHA_FNAME, 'w') as fdw: sdist_match = None for name in other_names: if name == SHA_FNAME: continue gh_asset_download(repo, tag, name) if not self.no_ppa: sdist_match = sdist_match \ or SDIST_NAME_PATTERN.match(name) apk_match = UNSIGNED_APK_PATTERN.match(name) if apk_match: unsigned_name = name name = self.sign_apk(unsigned_name, apk_match.group(1)) gh_asset_upload(repo, tag, name, dry_run=self.dry_run) gh_asset_delete(repo, tag, unsigned_name, dry_run=self.dry_run) if not '%s.asc' % name in asc_names or self.force: self.sign_file_name(name) if self.force: gh_asset_delete(repo, tag, '%s.asc' % name, dry_run=self.dry_run) gh_asset_upload(repo, tag, '%s.asc' % name, dry_run=self.dry_run) sumline = '%s %s\n' % (sha256_checksum(name), name) fdw.write(sumline) self.sign_file_name(SHA_FNAME, detach=False) gh_asset_delete(repo, tag, '%s.asc' % SHA_FNAME, dry_run=self.dry_run) gh_asset_upload(repo, tag, '%s.asc' % SHA_FNAME, dry_run=self.dry_run) if sdist_match and is_newest_release: self.make_ppa(sdist_match, tmpdir) def sign_apk(self, unsigned_name, version): """Sign unsigned release apk""" if not (JKS_STOREPASS in os.environ and JKS_KEYPASS in os.environ): raise Exception('Found unsigned apk and no zipalign path set') name = SIGNED_APK_TEMPLATE.format(version=version) print('Signing apk: %s' % name) apk_args = ['-keystore', self.jks_keystore, unsigned_name, self.jks_alias] if self.verbose: check_call(JARSIGNER_ARGS + apk_args) check_call([self.zipalign_path, '-v', '4', unsigned_name, name]) else: check_call(JARSIGNER_ARGS + apk_args, stdout=FNULL) check_call([self.zipalign_path, '-v', '4', unsigned_name, name], stdout=FNULL) return name def make_ppa(self, sdist_match, tmpdir): """Build, sign and upload dsc to launchpad.net ppa from sdist.tar.gz""" with ChdirTemporaryDirectory() as ppa_tmpdir: sdist_name = sdist_match.group(0) version = sdist_match.group(1) ppa_upstr_version = pep440_to_deb(version) ppa_orig_name = PPA_ORIG_NAME_TEMPLATE.format( version=ppa_upstr_version) series = list(map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(PPA_SERIES.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))) sdist_dir = SDIST_DIR_TEMPLATE.format(version=version) sdist_dir = os.path.join(ppa_tmpdir, sdist_dir) debian_dir = os.path.join(sdist_dir, 'debian') changelog_name = os.path.join(debian_dir, 'changelog') relnotes_name = os.path.join(sdist_dir, 'RELEASE-NOTES') print('Found sdist: %s, version: %s' % (sdist_name, version)) print(' Copying sdist to %s, extracting' % ppa_orig_name) shutil.copy(os.path.join(tmpdir, sdist_name), os.path.join(ppa_tmpdir, ppa_orig_name)) check_call(['tar', '-xzvf', ppa_orig_name], stdout=FNULL) with open(relnotes_name, 'r') as rnfd: changes = rnfd.read() changes_match = REL_NOTES_PATTERN.match(changes) if changes_match and len(changes_match.group(1)) > 0: changes = changes_match.group(1).split('\n') for i in range(len(changes)): if changes[i] == '': continue elif changes[i][0] != ' ': changes[i] = ' %s' % changes[i] elif len(changes[i]) > 1 and changes[i][1] != ' ': changes[i] = ' %s' % changes[i] changes = '\n'.join(changes) else: changes = '\n * Porting to ppa\n\n' os.chdir(sdist_dir) print(' Making PPAs for series: %s' % (', '.join(series))) now_formatted = strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z', localtime()) for s in series: ppa_num = get_next_ppa_num(self.ppa, PPA_SOURCE_NAME, ppa_upstr_version, s) rel_version = PPA_SERIES[s] ppa_version = '%s-0ppa%s~ubuntu%s' % (ppa_upstr_version, ppa_num, rel_version) ppa_dsc = os.path.join(ppa_tmpdir, PPA_FILES_TEMPLATE.format( ppa_version, '.dsc')) ppa_chgs = os.path.join(ppa_tmpdir, PPA_FILES_TEMPLATE.format( ppa_version, '_source.changes')) changelog = CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE.format(ppa_version=ppa_version, series=s, changes=changes, uid=self.uid, time=now_formatted) with open(changelog_name, 'w') as chlfd: chlfd.write(changelog) print(' Make %s ppa, Signing with key: %s, %s' % (ppa_version, self.keyid, self.uid)) if self.verbose: check_call(['debuild', '-S']) else: check_call(['debuild', '-S'], stdout=FNULL) print(' Upload %s ppa to %s' % (ppa_version, self.ppa)) if self.dry_run: print(' Dry run: dput ppa:%s %s' % (self.ppa, ppa_chgs)) else: check_call(['dput', ('ppa:%s' % self.ppa), ppa_chgs], stdout=FNULL) print('\n') def search_and_sign_unsinged(self): """Search through last 'count' releases with assets without .asc counterparts or releases withouth SHA256SUMS.txt.asc """ print('Sign releases on repo: %s' % self.repo) print(' With key: %s, %s\n' % (self.keyid, self.uid)) releases = get_releases(self.repo) if self.tag_name: releases = [r for r in releases if r.get('tag_name', None) == self.tag_name] if len(releases) == 0: print('No release with tag "%s" found, exit' % self.tag_name) sys.exit(1) elif not self.sign_drafts: releases = [r for r in releases if not r.get('draft', False)] # cycle through releases sorted by by publication date releases.sort(key=cmp_to_key(compare_published_times)) for r in releases[:self.count]: tag_name = r.get('tag_name', 'No tag_name') is_draft = r.get('draft', False) is_prerelease = r.get('prerelease', False) created_at = r.get('created_at', '') msg = 'Found %s%s tagged: %s, created at: %s' % ( 'draft ' if is_draft else '', 'prerelease' if is_prerelease else 'release', tag_name, created_at ) if not is_draft: msg += ', published at: %s' % r.get('published_at', '') print(msg) asset_names = [a['name'] for a in r['assets']] if not asset_names: print(' No assets found, skip release\n') continue asc_names = [a for a in asset_names if a.endswith('.asc')] other_names = [a for a in asset_names if not a.endswith('.asc')] need_to_sign = False if asset_names and not asc_names: need_to_sign = True if not need_to_sign: for name in other_names: if not '%s.asc' % name in asc_names: need_to_sign = True break if not need_to_sign: need_to_sign = '%s.asc' % SHA_FNAME not in asc_names if need_to_sign or self.force: self.sign_release(r, other_names, asc_names, r==releases[0]) else: print(' Seems already signed, skip release\n') CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('-a', '--jks-alias', help='jks key alias') @click.option('-c', '--count', type=int, help='Number of recently published releases to sign') @click.option('-d', '--sign-drafts', is_flag=True, help='Sing draft releases first') @click.option('-f', '--force', is_flag=True, help='Sing already signed releases') @click.option('-g', '--tag-name', help='Sing only release tagged with tag name') @click.option('-k', '--keyid', help='gnupg keyid') @click.option('-K', '--jks-keystore', help='jks keystore path') @click.option('-l', '--ppa', help='PPA in format uzername/ppa') @click.option('-L', '--no-ppa', is_flag=True, help='Do not make launchpad ppa') @click.option('-n', '--dry-run', is_flag=True, help='Do not uload signed files') @click.option('-p', '--ask-passphrase', is_flag=True, help='Ask to enter passphrase') @click.option('-r', '--repo', help='Repository in format username/reponame') @click.option('-s', '--sleep', type=int, help='Sleep number of seconds before signing') @click.option('-t', '--token', help='GigHub access token, to be set as' ' GITHUB_TOKEN environmet variable') @click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Make more verbose output') @click.option('-z', '--zipalign-path', help='zipalign path') def main(**kwargs): app = SignApp(**kwargs) sleep = kwargs.pop('sleep', None) if (sleep): print('Sleep for %s seconds' % sleep) time.sleep(sleep) app.search_and_sign_unsinged() if __name__ == '__main__': colorama.init() main()