#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2011 Thomas Voegtlin # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import os, sys, re, json import platform import shutil from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal import traceback import urlparse import urllib import threading from i18n import _ base_units = {'BTC':8, 'mBTC':5, 'uBTC':2} fee_levels = [_('Within 25 blocks'), _('Within 10 blocks'), _('Within 5 blocks'), _('Within 2 blocks'), _('In the next block')] def normalize_version(v): return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$','', v).split(".")] class NotEnoughFunds(Exception): pass class InvalidPassword(Exception): def __str__(self): return _("Incorrect password") # Throw this exception to unwind the stack like when an error occurs. # However unlike other exceptions the user won't be informed. class UserCancelled(Exception): '''An exception that is suppressed from the user''' pass class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): from transaction import Transaction if isinstance(obj, Transaction): return obj.as_dict() return super(MyEncoder, self).default(obj) class PrintError(object): '''A handy base class''' def diagnostic_name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def print_error(self, *msg): print_error("[%s]" % self.diagnostic_name(), *msg) def print_msg(self, *msg): print_msg("[%s]" % self.diagnostic_name(), *msg) class ThreadJob(PrintError): """A job that is run periodically from a thread's main loop. run() is called from that thread's context. """ def run(self): """Called periodically from the thread""" pass class DebugMem(ThreadJob): '''A handy class for debugging GC memory leaks''' def __init__(self, classes, interval=30): self.next_time = 0 self.classes = classes self.interval = interval def mem_stats(self): import gc self.print_error("Start memscan") gc.collect() objmap = defaultdict(list) for obj in gc.get_objects(): for class_ in self.classes: if isinstance(obj, class_): objmap[class_].append(obj) for class_, objs in objmap.items(): self.print_error("%s: %d" % (class_.__name__, len(objs))) self.print_error("Finish memscan") def run(self): if time.time() > self.next_time: self.mem_stats() self.next_time = time.time() + self.interval class DaemonThread(threading.Thread, PrintError): """ daemon thread that terminates cleanly """ def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.parent_thread = threading.currentThread() self.running = False self.running_lock = threading.Lock() self.job_lock = threading.Lock() self.jobs = [] def add_jobs(self, jobs): with self.job_lock: self.jobs.extend(jobs) def run_jobs(self): # Don't let a throwing job disrupt the thread, future runs of # itself, or other jobs. This is useful protection against # malformed or malicious server responses with self.job_lock: for job in self.jobs: try: job.run() except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) def remove_jobs(self, jobs): with self.job_lock: for job in jobs: self.jobs.remove(job) def start(self): with self.running_lock: self.running = True return threading.Thread.start(self) def is_running(self): with self.running_lock: return self.running and self.parent_thread.is_alive() def stop(self): with self.running_lock: self.running = False def on_stop(self): if 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ: import jnius jnius.detach() self.print_error("jnius detach") self.print_error("stopped") is_verbose = False def set_verbosity(b): global is_verbose is_verbose = b def print_error(*args): if not is_verbose: return print_stderr(*args) def print_stderr(*args): args = [str(item) for item in args] sys.stderr.write(" ".join(args) + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() def print_msg(*args): # Stringify args args = [str(item) for item in args] sys.stdout.write(" ".join(args) + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() def json_encode(obj): try: s = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, cls=MyEncoder) except TypeError: s = repr(obj) return s def json_decode(x): try: return json.loads(x, parse_float=Decimal) except: return x # decorator that prints execution time def profiler(func): def do_profile(func, args, kw_args): n = func.func_name t0 = time.time() o = func(*args, **kw_args) t = time.time() - t0 print_error("[profiler]", n, "%.4f"%t) return o return lambda *args, **kw_args: do_profile(func, args, kw_args) def android_ext_dir(): import jnius env = jnius.autoclass('android.os.Environment') return env.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() def android_data_dir(): import jnius PythonActivity = jnius.autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonActivity') return PythonActivity.mActivity.getFilesDir().getPath() + '/data' def android_headers_path(): path = android_ext_dir() + '/org.electrum.electrum/blockchain_headers' d = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(d): os.mkdir(d) return path def android_check_data_dir(): """ if needed, move old directory to sandbox """ ext_dir = android_ext_dir() data_dir = android_data_dir() old_electrum_dir = ext_dir + '/electrum' if not os.path.exists(data_dir) and os.path.exists(old_electrum_dir): import shutil new_headers_path = android_headers_path() old_headers_path = old_electrum_dir + '/blockchain_headers' if not os.path.exists(new_headers_path) and os.path.exists(old_headers_path): print_error("Moving headers file to", new_headers_path) shutil.move(old_headers_path, new_headers_path) print_error("Moving data to", data_dir) shutil.move(old_electrum_dir, data_dir) return data_dir def get_headers_path(config): if 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ: return android_headers_path() else: return os.path.join(config.path, 'blockchain_headers') def user_dir(): if 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ: return android_check_data_dir() elif os.name == 'posix': return os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".electrum") elif "APPDATA" in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "Electrum") elif "LOCALAPPDATA" in os.environ: return os.path.join(os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"], "Electrum") else: #raise Exception("No home directory found in environment variables.") return def format_satoshis_plain(x, decimal_point = 8): '''Display a satoshi amount scaled. Always uses a '.' as a decimal point and has no thousands separator''' scale_factor = pow(10, decimal_point) return "{:.8f}".format(Decimal(x) / scale_factor).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') def format_satoshis(x, is_diff=False, num_zeros = 0, decimal_point = 8, whitespaces=False): from locale import localeconv if x is None: return 'unknown' x = int(x) # Some callers pass Decimal scale_factor = pow (10, decimal_point) integer_part = "{:n}".format(int(abs(x) / scale_factor)) if x < 0: integer_part = '-' + integer_part elif is_diff: integer_part = '+' + integer_part dp = localeconv()['decimal_point'] fract_part = ("{:0" + str(decimal_point) + "}").format(abs(x) % scale_factor) fract_part = fract_part.rstrip('0') if len(fract_part) < num_zeros: fract_part += "0" * (num_zeros - len(fract_part)) result = integer_part + dp + fract_part if whitespaces: result += " " * (decimal_point - len(fract_part)) result = " " * (15 - len(result)) + result return result.decode('utf8') def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp): try: return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) except: return None def format_time(timestamp): date = timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) return date.isoformat(' ')[:-3] if date else _("Unknown") # Takes a timestamp and returns a string with the approximation of the age def age(from_date, since_date = None, target_tz=None, include_seconds=False): if from_date is None: return "Unknown" from_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(from_date) if since_date is None: since_date = datetime.now(target_tz) td = time_difference(from_date - since_date, include_seconds) return td + " ago" if from_date < since_date else "in " + td def time_difference(distance_in_time, include_seconds): #distance_in_time = since_date - from_date distance_in_seconds = int(round(abs(distance_in_time.days * 86400 + distance_in_time.seconds))) distance_in_minutes = int(round(distance_in_seconds/60)) if distance_in_minutes <= 1: if include_seconds: for remainder in [5, 10, 20]: if distance_in_seconds < remainder: return "less than %s seconds" % remainder if distance_in_seconds < 40: return "half a minute" elif distance_in_seconds < 60: return "less than a minute" else: return "1 minute" else: if distance_in_minutes == 0: return "less than a minute" else: return "1 minute" elif distance_in_minutes < 45: return "%s minutes" % distance_in_minutes elif distance_in_minutes < 90: return "about 1 hour" elif distance_in_minutes < 1440: return "about %d hours" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 60.0)) elif distance_in_minutes < 2880: return "1 day" elif distance_in_minutes < 43220: return "%d days" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 1440)) elif distance_in_minutes < 86400: return "about 1 month" elif distance_in_minutes < 525600: return "%d months" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 43200)) elif distance_in_minutes < 1051200: return "about 1 year" else: return "over %d years" % (round(distance_in_minutes / 525600)) block_explorer_info = { 'Biteasy.com': ('https://www.biteasy.com/blockchain', {'tx': 'transactions', 'addr': 'addresses'}), 'Bitflyer.jp': ('https://chainflyer.bitflyer.jp', {'tx': 'Transaction', 'addr': 'Address'}), 'Blockchain.info': ('https://blockchain.info', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'blockchainbdgpzk.onion': ('https://blockchainbdgpzk.onion', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'Blockr.io': ('https://btc.blockr.io', {'tx': 'tx/info', 'addr': 'address/info'}), 'Blocktrail.com': ('https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'BTC.com': ('https://chain.btc.com', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'Chain.so': ('https://www.chain.so', {'tx': 'tx/BTC', 'addr': 'address/BTC'}), 'Insight.is': ('https://insight.bitpay.com', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'TradeBlock.com': ('https://tradeblock.com/blockchain', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'BlockCypher.com': ('https://live.blockcypher.com/btc', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), 'system default': ('blockchain:', {'tx': 'tx', 'addr': 'address'}), } def block_explorer(config): return config.get('block_explorer', 'Blockchain.info') def block_explorer_tuple(config): return block_explorer_info.get(block_explorer(config)) def block_explorer_URL(config, kind, item): be_tuple = block_explorer_tuple(config) if not be_tuple: return kind_str = be_tuple[1].get(kind) if not kind_str: return url_parts = [be_tuple[0], kind_str, item] return "/".join(url_parts) # URL decode #_ud = re.compile('%([0-9a-hA-H]{2})', re.MULTILINE) #urldecode = lambda x: _ud.sub(lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), x) def parse_URI(uri, on_pr=None): import bitcoin from bitcoin import COIN if ':' not in uri: if not bitcoin.is_address(uri): raise BaseException("Not a bitcoin address") return {'address': uri} u = urlparse.urlparse(uri) if u.scheme != 'bitcoin': raise BaseException("Not a bitcoin URI") address = u.path # python for android fails to parse query if address.find('?') > 0: address, query = u.path.split('?') pq = urlparse.parse_qs(query) else: pq = urlparse.parse_qs(u.query) for k, v in pq.items(): if len(v)!=1: raise Exception('Duplicate Key', k) out = {k: v[0] for k, v in pq.items()} if address: if not bitcoin.is_address(address): raise BaseException("Invalid bitcoin address:" + address) out['address'] = address if 'amount' in out: am = out['amount'] m = re.match('([0-9\.]+)X([0-9])', am) if m: k = int(m.group(2)) - 8 amount = Decimal(m.group(1)) * pow( Decimal(10) , k) else: amount = Decimal(am) * COIN out['amount'] = int(amount) if 'message' in out: out['message'] = out['message'].decode('utf8') out['memo'] = out['message'] if 'time' in out: out['time'] = int(out['time']) if 'exp' in out: out['exp'] = int(out['exp']) if 'sig' in out: out['sig'] = bitcoin.base_decode(out['sig'], None, base=58).encode('hex') r = out.get('r') sig = out.get('sig') name = out.get('name') if on_pr and (r or (name and sig)): def get_payment_request_thread(): import paymentrequest as pr if name and sig: s = pr.serialize_request(out).SerializeToString() request = pr.PaymentRequest(s) else: request = pr.get_payment_request(r) on_pr(request) t = threading.Thread(target=get_payment_request_thread) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() return out def create_URI(addr, amount, message): import bitcoin if not bitcoin.is_address(addr): return "" query = [] if amount: query.append('amount=%s'%format_satoshis_plain(amount)) if message: if type(message) == unicode: message = message.encode('utf8') query.append('message=%s'%urllib.quote(message)) p = urlparse.ParseResult(scheme='bitcoin', netloc='', path=addr, params='', query='&'.join(query), fragment='') return urlparse.urlunparse(p) # Python bug (http://bugs.python.org/issue1927) causes raw_input # to be redirected improperly between stdin/stderr on Unix systems def raw_input(prompt=None): if prompt: sys.stdout.write(prompt) return builtin_raw_input() import __builtin__ builtin_raw_input = __builtin__.raw_input __builtin__.raw_input = raw_input def parse_json(message): n = message.find('\n') if n==-1: return None, message try: j = json.loads( message[0:n] ) except: j = None return j, message[n+1:] class timeout(Exception): pass import socket import errno import json import ssl import time class SocketPipe: def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket self.message = '' self.set_timeout(0.1) self.recv_time = time.time() def set_timeout(self, t): self.socket.settimeout(t) def idle_time(self): return time.time() - self.recv_time def get(self): while True: response, self.message = parse_json(self.message) if response is not None: return response try: data = self.socket.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: raise timeout except ssl.SSLError: raise timeout except socket.error as err: if err.errno == 60: raise timeout elif err.errno in [11, 35, 10035]: print_error("socket errno %d (resource temporarily unavailable)"% err.errno) time.sleep(0.2) raise timeout else: print_error("pipe: socket error", err) data = '' except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) data = '' if not data: # Connection closed remotely return None self.message += data self.recv_time = time.time() def send(self, request): out = json.dumps(request) + '\n' self._send(out) def send_all(self, requests): out = ''.join(map(lambda x: json.dumps(x) + '\n', requests)) self._send(out) def _send(self, out): while out: try: sent = self.socket.send(out) out = out[sent:] except ssl.SSLError as e: print_error("SSLError:", e) time.sleep(0.1) continue except socket.error as e: if e[0] in (errno.EWOULDBLOCK,errno.EAGAIN): print_error("EAGAIN: retrying") time.sleep(0.1) continue elif e[0] in ['timed out', 'The write operation timed out']: print_error("socket timeout, retry") time.sleep(0.1) continue else: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise e import Queue class QueuePipe: def __init__(self, send_queue=None, get_queue=None): self.send_queue = send_queue if send_queue else Queue.Queue() self.get_queue = get_queue if get_queue else Queue.Queue() self.set_timeout(0.1) def get(self): try: return self.get_queue.get(timeout=self.timeout) except Queue.Empty: raise timeout def get_all(self): responses = [] while True: try: r = self.get_queue.get_nowait() responses.append(r) except Queue.Empty: break return responses def set_timeout(self, t): self.timeout = t def send(self, request): self.send_queue.put(request) def send_all(self, requests): for request in requests: self.send(request) def check_www_dir(rdir): import urllib, urlparse, shutil, os if not os.path.exists(rdir): os.mkdir(rdir) index = os.path.join(rdir, 'index.html') if not os.path.exists(index): print_error("copying index.html") src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'www', 'index.html') shutil.copy(src, index) files = [ "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs/master/qrcode.js", "https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js", "https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" ] for URL in files: path = urlparse.urlsplit(URL).path filename = os.path.basename(path) path = os.path.join(rdir, filename) if not os.path.exists(path): print_error("downloading ", URL) urllib.urlretrieve(URL, path)