from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QThread, SIGNAL, QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore from binascii import unhexlify from struct import pack from sys import stderr from time import sleep from base64 import b64encode, b64decode import electrum from electrum.account import BIP32_Account from electrum.bitcoin import EncodeBase58Check, public_key_to_bc_address, bc_address_to_hash_160 from electrum.i18n import _ from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin, hook from electrum.transaction import deserialize from electrum.wallet import BIP32_HD_Wallet from electrum.util import print_error from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog from electrum_gui.qt.util import ok_cancel_buttons, EnterButton try: from trezorlib.client import types from trezorlib.client import proto, BaseClient, ProtocolMixin from trezorlib.qt.pinmatrix import PinMatrixWidget from trezorlib.transport import ConnectionError from trezorlib.transport_hid import HidTransport TREZOR = True except ImportError: TREZOR = False def log(msg): stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) stderr.flush() def give_error(message): print_error(message) raise Exception(message) class Plugin(BasePlugin): def fullname(self): return 'Trezor Wallet' def description(self): return 'Provides support for Trezor hardware wallet\n\nRequires' def __init__(self, config, name): BasePlugin.__init__(self, config, name) self._is_available = self._init() self._requires_settings = True self.wallet = None if self._is_available: electrum.wallet.wallet_types.append(('hardware', 'trezor', _("Trezor wallet"), TrezorWallet)) def _init(self): return TREZOR def is_available(self): if not self._is_available: return False if not self.wallet: return False if'wallet_type') != 'trezor': return False return True def requires_settings(self): return self._requires_settings def set_enabled(self, enabled):'use_' +, enabled) def is_enabled(self): if not self.is_available(): return False if self.wallet.has_seed(): return False return True def enable(self): return BasePlugin.enable(self) def trezor_is_connected(self): try: self.wallet.get_client().ping('t') except: return False return True @hook def init_qt(self, gui): self.window = gui.main_window @hook def close_wallet(self): print_error("trezor: clear session") if self.wallet and self.wallet.client: self.wallet.client.clear_session() @hook def load_wallet(self, wallet): if self.trezor_is_connected(): if not self.wallet.check_proper_device(): QMessageBox.information(self.window, _('Error'), _("This wallet does not match your Trezor device"), _('OK')) self.wallet.force_watching_only = True else: QMessageBox.information(self.window, _('Error'), _("Trezor device not detected.\nContinuing in watching-only mode."), _('OK')) self.wallet.force_watching_only = True @hook def installwizard_restore(self, wizard, storage): if storage.get('wallet_type') != 'trezor': return seed = wizard.enter_seed_dialog("Enter your Trezor seed", None, func=lambda x:True) if not seed: return wallet = TrezorWallet(storage) self.wallet = wallet password = wizard.password_dialog() wallet.add_seed(seed, password) wallet.add_cosigner_seed(' '.join(seed.split()), 'x/', password) wallet.create_main_account(password) # disable trezor plugin self.set_enabled(False) return wallet @hook def send_tx(self, tx): tx.error = None try: self.wallet.trezor_sign(tx) except Exception as e: tx.error = str(e) def settings_widget(self, window): return EnterButton(_('Settings'), self.settings_dialog) def settings_dialog(self): get_label = lambda: self.wallet.get_client().features.label update_label = lambda: current_label_label.setText("Label: %s" % get_label()) d = QDialog() layout = QGridLayout(d) layout.addWidget(QLabel("Trezor Options"),0,0) layout.addWidget(QLabel("ID:"),1,0) layout.addWidget(QLabel(" %s" % self.wallet.get_client().get_device_id()),1,1) def modify_label(): response = QInputDialog().getText(None, "Set New Trezor Label", "New Trezor Label: (upon submission confirm on Trezor)") if not response[1]: return new_label = str(response[0]) twd.start("Please confirm label change on Trezor") status = self.wallet.get_client().apply_settings(label=new_label) twd.stop() update_label() current_label_label = QLabel() update_label() change_label_button = QPushButton("Modify") change_label_button.clicked.connect(modify_label) layout.addWidget(current_label_label,3,0) layout.addWidget(change_label_button,3,1) if d.exec_(): return True else: return False from electrum.wallet import pw_decode, bip32_private_derivation, bip32_root class TrezorWallet(BIP32_HD_Wallet): wallet_type = 'trezor' root_derivation = "m/44'/0'" def __init__(self, storage): BIP32_HD_Wallet.__init__(self, storage) self.transport = None self.client = None self.mpk = None self.device_checked = False self.force_watching_only = False def get_action(self): if not self.accounts: return 'create_accounts' def can_import(self): return False def can_export(self): return False def can_create_accounts(self): return True def can_change_password(self): return False def is_watching_only(self): return self.force_watching_only def get_client(self): if not TREZOR: give_error('please install') if not self.client or self.client.bad: try: d = HidTransport.enumerate()[0] self.transport = HidTransport(d) except: give_error('Could not connect to your Trezor. Please verify the cable is connected and that no other app is using it.') self.client = QtGuiTrezorClient(self.transport) if (self.client.features.major_version == 1 and self.client.features.minor_version < 2) or (self.client.features.major_version == 1 and self.client.features.minor_version == 2 and self.client.features.patch_version < 1): give_error('Outdated Trezor firmware. Please update the firmware from') self.client.set_tx_api(self) #self.client.clear_session()# TODO Doesn't work with firmware 1.1, returns proto.Failure self.client.bad = False self.device_checked = False self.proper_device = False return self.client def address_id(self, address): account_id, (change, address_index) = self.get_address_index(address) return "44'/0'/%s'/%d/%d" % (account_id, change, address_index) def create_main_account(self, password): self.create_account('Main account', None) #name, empty password def mnemonic_to_seed(self, mnemonic, passphrase): # trezor uses bip39 import pbkdf2, hashlib, hmac PBKDF2_ROUNDS = 2048 mnemonic = ' '.join(mnemonic.split()) return pbkdf2.PBKDF2(mnemonic, 'mnemonic' + passphrase, iterations = PBKDF2_ROUNDS, macmodule = hmac, digestmodule = hashlib.sha512).read(64) def derive_xkeys(self, root, derivation, password): x = self.master_private_keys.get(root) if x: root_xprv = pw_decode(x, password) xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(root_xprv, root, derivation) return xpub, xprv else: derivation = derivation.replace(self.root_name,"44'/0'/") xpub = self.get_public_key(derivation) return xpub, None def get_public_key(self, bip32_path): address_n = self.get_client().expand_path(bip32_path) node = self.get_client().get_public_node(address_n).node xpub = "0488B21E".decode('hex') + chr(node.depth) + self.i4b(node.fingerprint) + self.i4b(node.child_num) + node.chain_code + node.public_key return EncodeBase58Check(xpub) def get_master_public_key(self): if not self.mpk: self.mpk = self.get_public_key("44'/0'") return self.mpk def i4b(self, x): return pack('>I', x) def add_keypairs(self, tx, keypairs, password): #do nothing - no priv keys available pass def decrypt_message(self, pubkey, message, password): raise BaseException( _('Decrypt method is not implemented in Trezor') ) #address = public_key_to_bc_address(pubkey.decode('hex')) #address_path = self.address_id(address) #address_n = self.get_client().expand_path(address_path) #try: # decrypted_msg = self.get_client().decrypt_message(address_n, b64decode(message)) #except Exception, e: # give_error(e) #finally: # twd.emit(SIGNAL('trezor_done')) #return str(decrypted_msg) def sign_message(self, address, message, password): if not self.check_proper_device(): give_error('Wrong device or password') try: address_path = self.address_id(address) address_n = self.get_client().expand_path(address_path) except Exception, e: give_error(e) try: msg_sig = self.get_client().sign_message('Bitcoin', address_n, message) except Exception, e: give_error(e) finally: twd.emit(SIGNAL('trezor_done')) b64_msg_sig = b64encode(msg_sig.signature) return str(b64_msg_sig) def sign_transaction(self, tx, password): # the tx is signed by trezor_sign, in the GUI thread if tx.error: raise BaseException(tx.error) def trezor_sign(self, tx): if tx.is_complete(): return if not self.check_proper_device(): give_error('Wrong device or password') inputs = self.tx_inputs(tx) outputs = self.tx_outputs(tx) try: signed_tx = self.get_client().sign_tx('Bitcoin', inputs, outputs)[1] except Exception, e: give_error(e) finally: twd.emit(SIGNAL('trezor_done')) values = [i['value'] for i in tx.inputs] raw = signed_tx.encode('hex') tx.update(raw) for i, txinput in enumerate(tx.inputs): txinput['value'] = values[i] def tx_inputs(self, tx): inputs = [] for txinput in tx.inputs: txinputtype = types.TxInputType() if ('is_coinbase' in txinput and txinput['is_coinbase']): prev_hash = "\0"*32 prev_index = 0xffffffff # signed int -1 else: address = txinput['address'] try: address_path = self.address_id(address) address_n = self.get_client().expand_path(address_path) txinputtype.address_n.extend(address_n) except: pass prev_hash = unhexlify(txinput['prevout_hash']) prev_index = txinput['prevout_n'] txinputtype.prev_hash = prev_hash txinputtype.prev_index = prev_index if 'scriptSig' in txinput: script_sig = txinput['scriptSig'].decode('hex') txinputtype.script_sig = script_sig if 'sequence' in txinput: sequence = txinput['sequence'] txinputtype.sequence = sequence inputs.append(txinputtype) #TODO P2SH return inputs def tx_outputs(self, tx): outputs = [] for type, address, amount in tx.outputs: assert type == 'address' txoutputtype = types.TxOutputType() if self.is_change(address): address_path = self.address_id(address) address_n = self.get_client().expand_path(address_path) txoutputtype.address_n.extend(address_n) else: txoutputtype.address = address txoutputtype.amount = amount addrtype, hash_160 = bc_address_to_hash_160(address) if addrtype == 0: txoutputtype.script_type = types.PAYTOADDRESS elif addrtype == 5: txoutputtype.script_type = types.PAYTOSCRIPTHASH else: raise BaseException('addrtype') outputs.append(txoutputtype) return outputs def electrum_tx_to_txtype(self, tx): t = types.TransactionType() d = deserialize(tx.raw) t.version = d['version'] t.lock_time = d['lockTime'] inputs = self.tx_inputs(tx) t.inputs.extend(inputs) for vout in d['outputs']: o = t.bin_outputs.add() o.amount = vout['value'] o.script_pubkey = vout['scriptPubKey'].decode('hex') return t def get_tx(self, tx_hash): tx = self.transactions[tx_hash] return self.electrum_tx_to_txtype(tx) def check_proper_device(self): self.get_client().ping('t') if not self.device_checked: address = self.addresses(False)[0] address_id = self.address_id(address) n = self.get_client().expand_path(address_id) device_address = self.get_client().get_address('Bitcoin', n) self.device_checked = True if device_address != address: self.proper_device = False else: self.proper_device = True return self.proper_device class TrezorQtGuiMixin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TrezorQtGuiMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def callback_ButtonRequest(self, msg): if msg.code == 3: message = "Confirm transaction outputs on Trezor device to continue" elif msg.code == 8: message = "Confirm transaction fee on Trezor device to continue" elif msg.code == 7: message = "Confirm message to sign on Trezor device to continue" else: message = "Check Trezor device to continue" twd.start(message) return proto.ButtonAck() def callback_PinMatrixRequest(self, msg): if msg.type == 1: desc = 'current PIN' elif msg.type == 2: desc = 'new PIN' elif msg.type == 3: desc = 'new PIN again' else: desc = 'PIN' pin = self.pin_dialog(msg="Please enter Trezor %s" % desc) if not pin: return proto.Cancel() return proto.PinMatrixAck(pin=pin) def callback_PassphraseRequest(self, msg): confirmed, p, passphrase = self.password_dialog() if not confirmed: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK')) return proto.Cancel() if passphrase is None: passphrase='' # Even blank string is valid Trezor passphrase return proto.PassphraseAck(passphrase=passphrase) def callback_WordRequest(self, msg): #TODO log("Enter one word of mnemonic: ") word = raw_input() return proto.WordAck(word=word) def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Please enter your Trezor password") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout( make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False) ) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None) def pin_dialog(self, msg): d = QDialog(None) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Enter PIN")) d.setWindowFlags(d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) matrix = PinMatrixWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) vbox.addWidget(matrix) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return return str(matrix.get_value()) class TrezorWaitingDialog(QThread): def __init__(self): QThread.__init__(self) self.waiting = False def start(self, message): self.d = QDialog() self.d.setModal(1) self.d.setWindowTitle('Please Check Trezor Device') self.d.setWindowFlags(self.d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) l = QLabel(message) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self.d) vbox.addWidget(l) if not self.waiting: self.waiting = True self.d.connect(twd, SIGNAL('trezor_done'), self.stop) def stop(self): self.d.hide() self.waiting = False if TREZOR: class QtGuiTrezorClient(ProtocolMixin, TrezorQtGuiMixin, BaseClient): def call_raw(self, msg): try: resp = BaseClient.call_raw(self, msg) except ConnectionError: self.bad = True raise return resp twd = TrezorWaitingDialog()