Electrum - server for the Electrum client Licence: GNU GPL v3 Author: thomasv@gitorious Language: Python Features: * The server uses a patched version of the Bitcoin daemon that can forward transactions, and bitcoin-abe * The server code is open source. Anyone can run a server, removing single points of failure concerns. * The server knows which set of Bitcoin addresses belong to the same wallet, which might raise concerns about anonymity. However, it should be possible to write clients capable of using several servers. INSTALL 1. patch and recompile the bitcoin daemon - bitcoinrpc.diff 2. install bitcoin-abe : https://github.com/jtobey/bitcoin-abe 3. download bitcoin-python: https://github.com/toomanysecrets0/bitcoin-python patch it with bitcoinrpc_connection.py.diff 4. launch the server: nohup python -u server.py > /var/log/electrum.log & 5. if you have a webserver, you can use electrum.php to forward http requests to the server