#!/usr/bin/env python # # Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client # Copyright (C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import six from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from .qrtextedit import ScanQRTextEdit import re from decimal import Decimal from electrum import bitcoin from . import util RE_ADDRESS = '[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,}' RE_ALIAS = '(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>' frozen_style = "QWidget { background-color:none; border:none;}" normal_style = "QPlainTextEdit { }" class PayToEdit(ScanQRTextEdit): def __init__(self, win): ScanQRTextEdit.__init__(self) self.win = win self.amount_edit = win.amount_e self.document().contentsChanged.connect(self.update_size) self.heightMin = 0 self.heightMax = 150 self.c = None self.textChanged.connect(self.check_text) self.outputs = [] self.errors = [] self.is_pr = False self.is_alias = False self.scan_f = win.pay_to_URI self.update_size() self.payto_address = None self.previous_payto = '' def setFrozen(self, b): self.setReadOnly(b) self.setStyleSheet(frozen_style if b else normal_style) for button in self.buttons: button.setHidden(b) def setGreen(self): self.setStyleSheet(util.GREEN_BG) def setExpired(self): self.setStyleSheet(util.RED_BG) def parse_address_and_amount(self, line): x, y = line.split(',') out_type, out = self.parse_output(x) amount = self.parse_amount(y) return out_type, out, amount def parse_output(self, x): try: address = self.parse_address(x) return bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, address except: script = self.parse_script(x) return bitcoin.TYPE_SCRIPT, script def parse_script(self, x): from electrum.transaction import opcodes, push_script script = '' for word in x.split(): if word[0:3] == 'OP_': assert word in opcodes.lookup script += chr(opcodes.lookup[word]) else: script += push_script(word).decode('hex') return script def parse_amount(self, x): if x.strip() == '!': return '!' p = pow(10, self.amount_edit.decimal_point()) return int(p * Decimal(x.strip())) def parse_address(self, line): r = line.strip() m = re.match('^'+RE_ALIAS+'$', r) address = str(m.group(2) if m else r) assert bitcoin.is_address(address) return address def check_text(self): self.errors = [] if self.is_pr: return # filter out empty lines lines = [i for i in self.lines() if i] outputs = [] total = 0 self.payto_address = None if len(lines) == 1: data = lines[0] if data.startswith("bitcoin:"): self.scan_f(data) return try: self.payto_address = self.parse_output(data) except: pass if self.payto_address: self.win.lock_amount(False) return is_max = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): try: _type, to_address, amount = self.parse_address_and_amount(line) except: self.errors.append((i, line.strip())) continue outputs.append((_type, to_address, amount)) if amount == '!': is_max = True else: total += amount self.win.is_max = is_max self.outputs = outputs self.payto_address = None if self.win.is_max: self.win.do_update_fee() else: self.amount_edit.setAmount(total if outputs else None) self.win.lock_amount(total or len(lines)>1) def get_errors(self): return self.errors def get_recipient(self): return self.payto_address def get_outputs(self, is_max): if self.payto_address: if is_max: amount = '!' else: amount = self.amount_edit.get_amount() _type, addr = self.payto_address self.outputs = [(_type, addr, amount)] return self.outputs[:] def lines(self): return self.toPlainText().split('\n') def is_multiline(self): return len(self.lines()) > 1 def paytomany(self): self.setText("\n\n\n") self.update_size() def update_size(self): docHeight = self.document().size().height() h = docHeight*17 + 11 if self.heightMin <= h <= self.heightMax: self.setMinimumHeight(h) self.setMaximumHeight(h) self.verticalScrollBar().hide() def setCompleter(self, completer): self.c = completer self.c.setWidget(self) self.c.setCompletionMode(QCompleter.PopupCompletion) self.c.activated.connect(self.insertCompletion) def insertCompletion(self, completion): if self.c.widget() != self: return tc = self.textCursor() extra = len(completion) - len(self.c.completionPrefix()) tc.movePosition(QTextCursor.Left) tc.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfWord) tc.insertText(completion[-extra:]) self.setTextCursor(tc) def textUnderCursor(self): tc = self.textCursor() tc.select(QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor) return tc.selectedText() def keyPressEvent(self, e): if self.isReadOnly(): return if self.c.popup().isVisible(): if e.key() in [Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return]: e.ignore() return if e.key() in [Qt.Key_Tab]: e.ignore() return if e.key() in [Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_Up] and not self.is_multiline(): e.ignore() return QPlainTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self, e) ctrlOrShift = e.modifiers() and (Qt.ControlModifier or Qt.ShiftModifier) if self.c is None or (ctrlOrShift and not e.text()): return eow = "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?,./;'[]\\-=" hasModifier = (e.modifiers() != Qt.NoModifier) and not ctrlOrShift completionPrefix = self.textUnderCursor() if hasModifier or not e.text() or len(completionPrefix) < 1 or eow.find(e.text()[-1]) >= 0: self.c.popup().hide() return if completionPrefix != self.c.completionPrefix(): self.c.setCompletionPrefix(completionPrefix) self.c.popup().setCurrentIndex(self.c.completionModel().index(0, 0)) cr = self.cursorRect() cr.setWidth(self.c.popup().sizeHintForColumn(0) + self.c.popup().verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width()) self.c.complete(cr) def qr_input(self): data = super(PayToEdit,self).qr_input() if data.startswith("bitcoin:"): self.scan_f(data) # TODO: update fee def resolve(self): self.is_alias = False if self.hasFocus(): return if self.is_multiline(): # only supports single line entries atm return if self.is_pr: return key = str(self.toPlainText()) if key == self.previous_payto: return self.previous_payto = key if not (('.' in key) and (not '<' in key) and (not ' ' in key)): return try: data = self.win.contacts.resolve(key) except: return if not data: return self.is_alias = True address = data.get('address') name = data.get('name') new_url = key + ' <' + address + '>' self.setText(new_url) self.previous_payto = new_url #if self.win.config.get('openalias_autoadd') == 'checked': self.win.contacts[key] = ('openalias', name) self.win.contact_list.on_update() self.setFrozen(True) if data.get('type') == 'openalias': self.validated = data.get('validated') if self.validated: self.setGreen() else: self.setExpired() else: self.validated = None