import sys import os from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore import electrum from electrum.wallet import Wallet from electrum.util import UserCancelled from electrum.base_wizard import BaseWizard from electrum.i18n import _ from seed_dialog import SeedDisplayLayout, CreateSeedLayout, SeedInputLayout, TextInputLayout from network_dialog import NetworkChoiceLayout from util import * from password_dialog import PasswordLayout, PW_NEW class GoBack(Exception): pass MSG_GENERATING_WAIT = _("Electrum is generating your addresses, please wait...") MSG_ENTER_ANYTHING = _("Please enter a seed phrase, a master key, a list of " "Bitcoin addresses, or a list of private keys") MSG_ENTER_SEED_OR_MPK = _("Please enter a seed phrase or a master key (xpub or xprv):") MSG_COSIGNER = _("Please enter the master public key of cosigner #%d:") MSG_ENTER_PASSWORD = _("Choose a password to encrypt your wallet keys.") + '\n'\ + _("Leave this field empty if you want to disable encryption.") MSG_RESTORE_PASSPHRASE = \ _("Please enter your seed derivation passphrase. " "Note: this is NOT your encryption password. " "Leave this field empty if you did not use one or are unsure.") class CosignWidget(QWidget): size = 120 def __init__(self, m, n): QWidget.__init__(self) self.R = QRect(0, 0, self.size, self.size) self.setGeometry(self.R) self.setMinimumHeight(self.size) self.setMaximumHeight(self.size) self.m = m self.n = n def set_n(self, n): self.n = n self.update() def set_m(self, m): self.m = m self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): import math bgcolor = self.palette().color(QPalette.Background) pen = QPen(bgcolor, 7, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) qp.setBrush(Qt.gray) for i in range(self.n): alpha = int(16* 360 * i/self.n) alpha2 = int(16* 360 * 1/self.n) qp.setBrush( if i%s"%title if title else "") self.title.setVisible(bool(title)) # Get rid of any prior layout by assigning it to a temporary widget prior_layout = self.main_widget.layout() if prior_layout: QWidget().setLayout(prior_layout) self.main_widget.setLayout(layout) self.back_button.setEnabled(True) self.next_button.setEnabled(next_enabled) if next_enabled: self.next_button.setFocus() self.main_widget.setVisible(True) self.please_wait.setVisible(False) result = self.loop.exec_() if not result and raise_on_cancel: raise UserCancelled if result == 1: raise GoBack self.title.setVisible(False) self.back_button.setEnabled(False) self.next_button.setEnabled(False) self.main_widget.setVisible(False) self.please_wait.setVisible(True) self.refresh_gui() return result def refresh_gui(self): # For some reason, to refresh the GUI this needs to be called twice def remove_from_recently_open(self, filename): self.config.remove_from_recently_open(filename) def text_input(self, title, message, is_valid): slayout = TextInputLayout(self, message, is_valid) self.set_main_layout(slayout.layout(), title, next_enabled=False) return slayout.get_text() def seed_input(self, title, message, is_seed): slayout = SeedInputLayout(self, message, is_seed) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(slayout.layout()) if self.opt_bip39: vbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Options') + ':')) def f(b): slayout.is_seed = (lambda x: bool(x)) if b else is_seed slayout.on_edit() cb_bip39 = QCheckBox(_('BIP39 seed')) cb_bip39.toggled.connect(f) vbox.addWidget(cb_bip39) self.set_main_layout(vbox, title, next_enabled=False) seed = slayout.get_seed() is_bip39 = cb_bip39.isChecked() if self.opt_bip39 else False return seed, is_bip39 @wizard_dialog def add_xpub_dialog(self, title, message, is_valid, run_next): return self.text_input(title, message, is_valid) @wizard_dialog def add_cosigner_dialog(self, run_next, index, is_valid): title = _("Add Cosigner") + " %d"%index message = ' '.join([ _('Please enter the master public key of your cosigner.'), _('Enter their seed or master private key if you want to be able to sign for them.') ]) return self.text_input(title, message, is_valid) @wizard_dialog def restore_seed_dialog(self, run_next, test): title = _('Enter Seed') message = _('Please enter your seed phrase in order to restore your wallet.') return self.seed_input(title, message, test) @wizard_dialog def confirm_seed_dialog(self, run_next, test): title = _('Confirm Seed') message = ' '.join([ _('Your seed is important!'), _('If you lose your seed, your money will be permanently lost.'), _('To make sure that you have properly saved your seed, please retype it here.') ]) seed, is_bip39 = self.seed_input(title, message, test) return seed @wizard_dialog def show_seed_dialog(self, run_next, seed_text): slayout = CreateSeedLayout(seed_text) self.set_main_layout(slayout.layout()) return seed_text def pw_layout(self, msg, kind): playout = PasswordLayout(None, msg, kind, self.next_button) self.set_main_layout(playout.layout()) return playout.new_password() @wizard_dialog def request_password(self, run_next): """Request the user enter a new password and confirm it. Return the password or None for no password.""" return self.pw_layout(MSG_ENTER_PASSWORD, PW_NEW) def show_restore(self, wallet, network): # FIXME: these messages are shown after the install wizard is # finished and the window closed. On MacOSX they appear parented # with a re-appeared ghost install wizard window... if network: def task(): wallet.wait_until_synchronized() if wallet.is_found(): msg = _("Recovery successful") else: msg = _("No transactions found for this seed") self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('synchronized'), msg) self.connect(self, QtCore.SIGNAL('synchronized'), self.show_message) t = threading.Thread(target = task) t.daemon = True t.start() else: msg = _("This wallet was restored offline. It may " "contain more addresses than displayed.") self.show_message(msg) @wizard_dialog def confirm_dialog(self, title, message, run_next): self.confirm(message, title) def confirm(self, message, title): vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(message)) self.set_main_layout(vbox, title) @wizard_dialog def action_dialog(self, action, run_next): def terminate(self): self.wallet.start_threads( self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('accept')) def waiting_dialog(self, task, msg): self.please_wait.setText(MSG_GENERATING_WAIT) self.refresh_gui() t = threading.Thread(target = task) t.start() @wizard_dialog def choice_dialog(self, title, message, choices, run_next): c_values = map(lambda x: x[0], choices) c_titles = map(lambda x: x[1], choices) clayout = ChoicesLayout(message, c_titles) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(clayout.layout()) self.set_main_layout(vbox, title) action = c_values[clayout.selected_index()] return action def query_choice(self, msg, choices): """called by hardware wallets""" clayout = ChoicesLayout(msg, choices) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(clayout.layout()) self.set_main_layout(vbox, '') return clayout.selected_index() @wizard_dialog def line_dialog(self, run_next, title, message, default, test, warning=''): vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(message)) line = QLineEdit() line.setText(default) def f(text): self.next_button.setEnabled(test(text)) line.textEdited.connect(f) vbox.addWidget(line) vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(warning)) self.set_main_layout(vbox, title, next_enabled=test(default)) return ' '.join(unicode(line.text()).split()) @wizard_dialog def show_xpub_dialog(self, xpub, run_next): msg = ' '.join([ _("Here is your master public key."), _("Please share it with your cosigners.") ]) vbox = QVBoxLayout() layout = SeedDisplayLayout(xpub, title=msg, sid='hot') vbox.addLayout(layout.layout()) self.set_main_layout(vbox, _('Master Public Key')) return None def choose_server(self, network): title = _("Electrum communicates with remote servers to get " "information about your transactions and addresses. The " "servers all fulfil the same purpose only differing in " "hardware. In most cases you simply want to let Electrum " "pick one at random. However if you prefer feel free to " "select a server manually.") choices = [_("Auto connect"), _("Select server manually")] choices_title = _("How do you want to connect to a server? ") clayout = ChoicesLayout(choices_title, choices) self.set_main_layout(clayout.layout(), title) auto_connect = True if clayout.selected_index() == 1: nlayout = NetworkChoiceLayout(network, self.config, wizard=True) if self.set_main_layout(nlayout.layout(), raise_on_cancel=False): nlayout.accept() auto_connect = False self.config.set_key('auto_connect', auto_connect, True) network.auto_connect = auto_connect @wizard_dialog def multisig_dialog(self, run_next): cw = CosignWidget(2, 2) m_edit = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) n_edit = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) n_edit.setMinimum(2) n_edit.setMaximum(15) m_edit.setMinimum(1) m_edit.setMaximum(2) n_edit.setValue(2) m_edit.setValue(2) n_label = QLabel() m_label = QLabel() grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(n_label, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(n_edit, 0, 1) grid.addWidget(m_label, 1, 0) grid.addWidget(m_edit, 1, 1) def on_m(m): m_label.setText(_('Require %d signatures')%m) cw.set_m(m) def on_n(n): n_label.setText(_('From %d cosigners')%n) cw.set_n(n) m_edit.setMaximum(n) n_edit.valueChanged.connect(on_n) m_edit.valueChanged.connect(on_m) on_n(2) on_m(2) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(cw) vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(_("Choose the number of signatures needed to unlock funds in your wallet:"))) vbox.addLayout(grid) self.set_main_layout(vbox, _("Multi-Signature Wallet")) m = int(m_edit.value()) n = int(n_edit.value()) return (m, n)