from electrum.util import print_error from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton, QMessageBox, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QLabel from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt from electrum.i18n import _ import re from electrum import Transaction from electrum.bitcoin import MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE, is_valid from electrum_gui.qt.qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget from electrum import bmp import json try: import zbar except ImportError: zbar = None from electrum import BasePlugin class Plugin(BasePlugin): def fullname(self): return 'QR scans' def description(self): return "QR Scans.\nInstall the zbar package ( to enable this plugin" def __init__(self, gui, name): BasePlugin.__init__(self, gui, name) self._is_available = self._init() def _init(self): if not zbar: return False try: proc = zbar.Processor() proc.init() except zbar.SystemError: # Cannot open video device return False return True def load_wallet(self, wallet): b = QPushButton(_("Scan QR code")) b.clicked.connect(self.fill_from_qr) self.send_tab_grid.addWidget(b, 1, 5) b2 = QPushButton(_("Scan TxQR")) b2.clicked.connect(self.read_raw_qr) if not wallet.seed: b3 = QPushButton(_("Show unsigned TxQR")) b3.clicked.connect(self.show_raw_qr) self.send_tab_grid.addWidget(b3, 7, 1) self.send_tab_grid.addWidget(b2, 7, 2) else: self.send_tab_grid.addWidget(b2, 7, 1) def is_available(self): return self._is_available def create_send_tab(self, grid): self.send_tab_grid = grid def scan_qr(self): proc = zbar.Processor() proc.init() proc.visible = True while True: try: proc.process_one() except: # User closed the preview window return {} for r in proc.results: if str(r.type) != 'QRCODE': continue return def show_raw_qr(self): r = unicode( self.gui.main_window.payto_e.text() ) r = r.strip() # label or alias, with address in brackets m = re.match('(.*?)\s*\<([1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,})\>', r) to_address = if m else r if not is_valid(to_address): QMessageBox.warning(self.gui.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Bitcoin Address') + ':\n' + to_address, _('OK')) return try: amount = self.gui.main_window.read_amount(unicode( self.gui.main_window.amount_e.text())) except: QMessageBox.warning(self.gui.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Amount'), _('OK')) return try: fee = self.gui.main_window.read_amount(unicode( self.gui.main_window.fee_e.text())) except: QMessageBox.warning(self.gui.main_window, _('Error'), _('Invalid Fee'), _('OK')) return try: tx = self.gui.main_window.wallet.mktx( [(to_address, amount)], None, fee) except BaseException, e: self.gui.main_window.show_message(str(e)) return if tx.requires_fee(self.gui.main_window.wallet.verifier) and fee < MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE: QMessageBox.warning(self.gui.main_window, _('Error'), _("This transaction requires a higher fee, or it will not be propagated by the network."), _('OK')) return try: out = { "hex" : tx.hash(), "complete" : "false" } input_info = [] except BaseException, e: self.gui.main_window.show_message(str(e)) try: json_text = json.dumps(tx.as_dict()).replace(' ', '') self.show_tx_qrcode(json_text, 'Unsigned Transaction') except BaseException, e: self.gui.main_window.show_message(str(e)) def show_tx_qrcode(self, data, title): if not data: return d = QDialog(self.gui.main_window) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(title) d.setMinimumSize(250, 525) vbox = QVBoxLayout() qrw = QRCodeWidget(data) vbox.addWidget(qrw, 0) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) def print_qr(self): filename = "qrcode.bmp" electrum_gui.bmp.save_qrcode(qrw.qr, filename) QMessageBox.information(None, _('Message'), _("QR code saved to file") + " " + filename, _('OK')) b = QPushButton(_("Save")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(print_qr) b = QPushButton(_("Close")) hbox.addWidget(b) b.clicked.connect(d.accept) b.setDefault(True) vbox.addLayout(hbox, 1) d.setLayout(vbox) d.exec_() def read_raw_qr(self): qrcode = self.scan_qr() if qrcode: tx_dict = self.gui.main_window.tx_dict_from_text(qrcode) if tx_dict: self.create_transaction_details_window(tx_dict) def create_transaction_details_window(self, tx_dict): tx = Transaction(tx_dict["hex"]) dialog = QDialog(self.gui.main_window) dialog.setMinimumWidth(500) dialog.setWindowTitle(_('Process Offline transaction')) dialog.setModal(1) l = QGridLayout() dialog.setLayout(l) l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Transaction status:")), 3,0) l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Actions")), 4,0) if tx_dict["complete"] == False: l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Unsigned")), 3,1) if self.gui.main_window.wallet.seed : b = QPushButton("Sign transaction") input_info = json.loads(tx_dict["input_info"]) b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sign_raw_transaction(tx, input_info, dialog)) l.addWidget(b, 4, 1) else: l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Wallet is de-seeded, can't sign.")), 4,1) else: l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Signed")), 3,1) b = QPushButton("Broadcast transaction") b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.gui.main_window.send_raw_transaction(tx, dialog)) l.addWidget(b,4,1) l.addWidget( self.gui.main_window.generate_transaction_information_widget(tx), 0,0,2,3) closeButton = QPushButton(_("Close")) closeButton.clicked.connect(lambda: dialog.done(0)) l.addWidget(closeButton, 4,2) dialog.exec_() def do_protect(self, func, args): if self.gui.main_window.wallet.use_encryption: password = self.gui.main_window.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None if args != (False,): args = (self,) + args + (password,) else: args = (self,password) apply( func, args) def protected(func): return lambda s, *args: s.do_protect(func, args) @protected def sign_raw_transaction(self, tx, input_info, dialog ="", password = ""): try: self.gui.main_window.wallet.signrawtransaction(tx, input_info, [], password) txtext = json.dumps(tx.as_dict()).replace(' ', '') self.show_tx_qrcode(txtext, 'Signed Transaction') except BaseException, e: self.gui.main_window.show_message(str(e)) def fill_from_qr(self): qrcode = parse_uri(self.scan_qr()) if not qrcode: return if 'address' in qrcode: self.gui.main_window.payto_e.setText(qrcode['address']) if 'amount' in qrcode: self.gui.main_window.amount_e.setText(str(qrcode['amount'])) if 'label' in qrcode: self.gui.main_window.message_e.setText(qrcode['label']) if 'message' in qrcode: self.gui.main_window.message_e.setText("%s (%s)" % (self.gui.main_window.message_e.text(), qrcode['message'])) def parse_uri(uri): if ':' not in uri: # It's just an address (not BIP21) return {'address': uri} if '//' not in uri: # Workaround for urlparse, it don't handle bitcoin: URI properly uri = uri.replace(':', '://') uri = urlparse(uri) result = {'address': uri.netloc} if uri.path.startswith('?'): params = parse_qs(uri.path[1:]) else: params = parse_qs(uri.path) for k,v in params.items(): if k in ('amount', 'label', 'message'): result[k] = v[0] return result if __name__ == '__main__': # Run some tests assert(parse_uri('1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN') == {'address': '1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN'}) assert(parse_uri('bitcoin://1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN') == {'address': '1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN'}) assert(parse_uri('bitcoin:1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN') == {'address': '1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN'}) assert(parse_uri('bitcoin:1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN?amount=10') == {'amount': '10', 'address': '1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN'}) assert(parse_uri('bitcoin:1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN?amount=10&label=slush&message=Small%20tip%20to%20slush') == {'amount': '10', 'label': 'slush', 'message': 'Small tip to slush', 'address': '1Marek48fwU7mugmSe186do2QpUkBnpzSN'})