#:import _ electrum_gui.kivy.i18n._ #:import Decimal decimal.Decimal #:set btc_symbol chr(171) #:set mbtc_symbol chr(187) #:set font_light 'gui/kivy/data/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf' SendScreen: id: s name: 'send' address: '' amount: '' message: '' is_pr: False BoxLayout padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp' spacing: '12dp' orientation: 'vertical' SendReceiveBlueBottom: id: blue_bottom size_hint: 1, None height: self.minimum_height BoxLayout: size_hint: 1, None height: blue_bottom.item_height spacing: '5dp' Image: source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/globe' size_hint: None, None size: '22dp', '22dp' pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} BlueButton: id: payto_e text: s.address if s.address else _('Recipient') shorten: True on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.show_info(_('Copy and paste the recipient address using the Paste button, or use the camera to scan a QR code.'))) CardSeparator: opacity: int(not root.is_pr) color: blue_bottom.foreground_color BoxLayout: size_hint: 1, None height: blue_bottom.item_height spacing: '5dp' Image: source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/calculator' opacity: 0.7 size_hint: None, None size: '22dp', '22dp' pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} BlueButton: id: amount_e default_text: _('Amount') text: s.amount if s.amount else _('Amount') disabled: root.is_pr on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.amount_dialog(s, True)) CardSeparator: opacity: int(not root.is_pr) color: blue_bottom.foreground_color BoxLayout: id: message_selection size_hint: 1, None height: blue_bottom.item_height spacing: '5dp' Image: source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/pen' size_hint: None, None size: '22dp', '22dp' pos_hint: {'center_y': .5} BlueButton: id: description text: s.message if s.message else (_('No Description') if root.is_pr else _('Description')) disabled: root.is_pr on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.description_dialog(s)) BoxLayout: size_hint: 1, None height: '48dp' IconButton: id: qr size_hint: 0.6, 1 on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.scan_qr(on_complete=app.on_qr)) icon: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/camera' Button: text: _('Paste') on_release: s.parent.do_paste() Button: text: _('Clear') on_release: s.parent.do_clear() IconButton: size_hint: 0.6, 1 on_release: s.parent.do_save() icon: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/save' BoxLayout: size_hint: 1, None height: '48dp' Widget: size_hint: 2, 1 Button: text: _('Pay') size_hint: 1, 1 on_release: s.parent.do_send() Widget: size_hint: 1, 1