
495 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import six
from datetime import datetime
import inspect
import requests
import sys
from threading import Thread
import time
import traceback
import csv
from decimal import Decimal
from .bitcoin import COIN
from .i18n import _
from .util import PrintError, ThreadJob
from .util import format_satoshis
# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217
CCY_PRECISIONS = {'BHD': 3, 'BIF': 0, 'BYR': 0, 'CLF': 4, 'CLP': 0,
'CVE': 0, 'DJF': 0, 'GNF': 0, 'IQD': 3, 'ISK': 0,
'JOD': 3, 'JPY': 0, 'KMF': 0, 'KRW': 0, 'KWD': 3,
'LYD': 3, 'MGA': 1, 'MRO': 1, 'OMR': 3, 'PYG': 0,
'RWF': 0, 'TND': 3, 'UGX': 0, 'UYI': 0, 'VND': 0,
'VUV': 0, 'XAF': 0, 'XAU': 4, 'XOF': 0, 'XPF': 0}
class ExchangeBase(PrintError):
def __init__(self, on_quotes, on_history):
self.history = {}
self.quotes = {}
self.on_quotes = on_quotes
self.on_history = on_history
def get_json(self, site, get_string):
# APIs must have https
url = ''.join(['https://', site, get_string])
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'})
return response.json()
def get_csv(self, site, get_string):
url = ''.join(['https://', site, get_string])
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'})
reader = csv.DictReader(response.content.decode().split('\n'))
return list(reader)
def name(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def update_safe(self, ccy):
self.print_error("getting fx quotes for", ccy)
self.quotes = self.get_rates(ccy)
self.print_error("received fx quotes")
except BaseException as e:
self.print_error("failed fx quotes:", e)
def update(self, ccy):
t = Thread(target=self.update_safe, args=(ccy,))
def get_historical_rates_safe(self, ccy):
self.print_error("requesting fx history for", ccy)
self.history[ccy] = self.historical_rates(ccy)
self.print_error("received fx history for", ccy)
except BaseException as e:
self.print_error("failed fx history:", e)
def get_historical_rates(self, ccy):
result = self.history.get(ccy)
if not result and ccy in self.history_ccys():
t = Thread(target=self.get_historical_rates_safe, args=(ccy,))
return result
def history_ccys(self):
return []
def historical_rate(self, ccy, d_t):
return self.history.get(ccy, {}).get(d_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
def get_currencies(self):
rates = self.get_rates('')
return sorted([str(a) for (a, b) in rates.iteritems() if b is not None and len(a)==3])
class BitcoinAverage(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com', '/indices/global/ticker/short')
return dict([(r.replace("BTC", ""), Decimal(json[r]['last']))
for r in json if r != 'timestamp'])
def history_ccys(self):
return ['AUD', 'BRL', 'CAD', 'CHF', 'CNY', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'IDR', 'ILS',
'MXN', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'PLN', 'RON', 'RUB', 'SEK', 'SGD', 'USD',
def historical_rates(self, ccy):
history = self.get_csv('apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com',
"/indices/global/history/BTC%s?period=alltime&format=csv" % ccy)
return dict([(h['DateTime'][:10], h['Average'])
for h in history])
class Bitcointoyou(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('bitcointoyou.com', "/API/ticker.aspx")
return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])}
def history_ccys(self):
return ['BRL']
class BitcoinVenezuela(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com', '/')
rates = [(r, json['BTC'][r]) for r in json['BTC']
if json['BTC'][r] is not None] # Giving NULL for LTC
return dict(rates)
def history_ccys(self):
return ['ARS', 'EUR', 'USD', 'VEF']
def historical_rates(self, ccy):
return self.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com',
"/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")[ccy +'_BTC']
class Bitmarket(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('www.bitmarket.pl', '/json/BTCPLN/ticker.json')
return {'PLN': Decimal(json['last'])}
class BitPay(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('bitpay.com', '/api/rates')
return dict([(r['code'], Decimal(r['rate'])) for r in json])
class Bitso(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.bitso.com', '/v2/ticker')
return {'MXN': Decimal(json['last'])}
class BitStamp(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('www.bitstamp.net', '/api/ticker/')
return {'USD': Decimal(json['last'])}
class Bitvalor(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self,ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.bitvalor.com', '/v1/ticker.json')
return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['total']['last'])}
class BlockchainInfo(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('blockchain.info', '/ticker')
return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['15m'])) for r in json])
class BTCChina(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('data.btcchina.com', '/data/ticker')
return {'CNY': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])}
class BTCe(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json_eur = self.get_json('btc-e.nz', '/api/3/ticker/btc_eur')
json_rub = self.get_json('btc-e.nz', '/api/3/ticker/btc_rur')
json_usd = self.get_json('btc-e.nz', '/api/3/ticker/btc_usd')
return {'EUR': Decimal(json_eur['btc_eur']['last']),
'RUB': Decimal(json_rub['btc_rur']['last']),
'USD': Decimal(json_usd['btc_usd']['last'])}
class BTCParalelo(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('btcparalelo.com', '/api/price')
return {'VEF': Decimal(json['price'])}
class Coinbase(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('coinbase.com',
return dict([(r[7:].upper(), Decimal(json[r]))
for r in json if r.startswith('btc_to_')])
class CoinDesk(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
dicts = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com',
json = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com',
'/v1/bpi/currentprice/%s.json' % ccy)
ccys = [d['currency'] for d in dicts]
result = dict.fromkeys(ccys)
result[ccy] = Decimal(json['bpi'][ccy]['rate_float'])
return result
def history_starts(self):
return { 'USD': '2012-11-30' }
def history_ccys(self):
return self.history_starts().keys()
def historical_rates(self, ccy):
start = self.history_starts()[ccy]
end = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# Note ?currency and ?index don't work as documented. Sigh.
query = ('/v1/bpi/historical/close.json?start=%s&end=%s'
% (start, end))
json = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com', query)
return json['bpi']
class Coinsecure(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.coinsecure.in', '/v0/noauth/newticker')
return {'INR': Decimal(json['lastprice'] / 100.0 )}
class Foxbit(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self,ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.bitvalor.com', '/v1/ticker.json')
return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['exchanges']['FOX']['last'])}
class itBit(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
ccys = ['USD', 'EUR', 'SGD']
json = self.get_json('api.itbit.com', '/v1/markets/XBT%s/ticker' % ccy)
result = dict.fromkeys(ccys)
if ccy in ccys:
result[ccy] = Decimal(json['lastPrice'])
return result
class Kraken(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
ccys = ['EUR', 'USD', 'CAD', 'GBP', 'JPY']
pairs = ['XBT%s' % c for c in ccys]
json = self.get_json('api.kraken.com',
'/0/public/Ticker?pair=%s' % ','.join(pairs))
return dict((k[-3:], Decimal(float(v['c'][0])))
for k, v in json['result'].items())
class LocalBitcoins(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('localbitcoins.com',
return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['rates']['last'])) for r in json])
class MercadoBitcoin(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.bitvalor.com', '/v1/ticker.json')
return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['exchanges']['MBT']['last'])}
class NegocieCoins(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self,ccy):
json = self.get_json('api.bitvalor.com', '/v1/ticker.json')
return {'BRL': Decimal(json['ticker_1h']['exchanges']['NEG']['last'])}
def history_ccys(self):
return ['BRL']
class Unocoin(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('www.unocoin.com', 'trade?buy')
return {'INR': Decimal(json)}
class Winkdex(ExchangeBase):
def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('winkdex.com', '/api/v0/price')
return {'USD': Decimal(json['price'] / 100.0)}
def history_ccys(self):
return ['USD']
def historical_rates(self, ccy):
json = self.get_json('winkdex.com',
history = json['series'][0]['results']
return dict([(h['timestamp'][:10], h['price'] / 100.0)
for h in history])
def dictinvert(d):
inv = {}
for k, vlist in d.items():
for v in vlist:
keys = inv.setdefault(v, [])
return inv
def get_exchanges_and_currencies():
import os, json
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'currencies.json')
return json.loads(open(path, 'r').read())
d = {}
is_exchange = lambda obj: (inspect.isclass(obj)
and issubclass(obj, ExchangeBase)
and obj != ExchangeBase)
exchanges = dict(inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], is_exchange))
for name, klass in exchanges.items():
exchange = klass(None, None)
d[name] = exchange.get_currencies()
with open(path, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return d
CURRENCIES = get_exchanges_and_currencies()
def get_exchanges_by_ccy(history=True):
if not history:
return dictinvert(CURRENCIES)
d = {}
exchanges = CURRENCIES.keys()
for name in exchanges:
klass = globals()[name]
exchange = klass(None, None)
d[name] = exchange.history_ccys()
return dictinvert(d)
class FxThread(ThreadJob):
def __init__(self, config, network):
self.config = config
self.network = network
self.ccy = self.get_currency()
self.history_used_spot = False
self.ccy_combo = None
self.hist_checkbox = None
def get_currencies(self, h):
d = get_exchanges_by_ccy(h)
return sorted(d.keys())
def get_exchanges_by_ccy(self, ccy, h):
d = get_exchanges_by_ccy(h)
return d.get(ccy, [])
def ccy_amount_str(self, amount, commas):
prec = CCY_PRECISIONS.get(self.ccy, 2)
fmt_str = "{:%s.%df}" % ("," if commas else "", max(0, prec))
return fmt_str.format(round(amount, prec))
def run(self):
# This runs from the plugins thread which catches exceptions
if self.is_enabled():
if self.timeout ==0 and self.show_history():
if self.timeout <= time.time():
self.timeout = time.time() + 150
def is_enabled(self):
return bool(self.config.get('use_exchange_rate'))
def set_enabled(self, b):
return self.config.set_key('use_exchange_rate', bool(b))
def get_history_config(self):
return bool(self.config.get('history_rates'))
def set_history_config(self, b):
self.config.set_key('history_rates', bool(b))
def get_fiat_address_config(self):
return bool(self.config.get('fiat_address'))
def set_fiat_address_config(self, b):
self.config.set_key('fiat_address', bool(b))
def get_currency(self):
'''Use when dynamic fetching is needed'''
return self.config.get("currency", "EUR")
def config_exchange(self):
return self.config.get('use_exchange', 'BitcoinAverage')
def show_history(self):
return self.is_enabled() and self.get_history_config() and self.ccy in self.exchange.history_ccys()
def set_currency(self, ccy):
self.ccy = ccy
self.config.set_key('currency', ccy, True)
self.timeout = 0 # Because self.ccy changes
def set_exchange(self, name):
class_ = globals().get(name, BitcoinAverage)
self.print_error("using exchange", name)
if self.config_exchange() != name:
self.config.set_key('use_exchange', name, True)
self.exchange = class_(self.on_quotes, self.on_history)
# A new exchange means new fx quotes, initially empty. Force
# a quote refresh
self.timeout = 0
def on_quotes(self):
def on_history(self):
def exchange_rate(self):
'''Returns None, or the exchange rate as a Decimal'''
rate = self.exchange.quotes.get(self.ccy)
if rate:
return Decimal(rate)
def format_amount_and_units(self, btc_balance):
rate = self.exchange_rate()
return '' if rate is None else "%s %s" % (self.value_str(btc_balance, rate), self.ccy)
def get_fiat_status_text(self, btc_balance, base_unit, decimal_point):
rate = self.exchange_rate()
return _(" (No FX rate available)") if rate is None else " 1 %s~%s %s" % (base_unit,
self.value_str(COIN / (10**(8 - decimal_point)), rate), self.ccy)
def value_str(self, satoshis, rate):
if satoshis is None: # Can happen with incomplete history
return _("Unknown")
if rate:
value = Decimal(satoshis) / COIN * Decimal(rate)
return "%s" % (self.ccy_amount_str(value, True))
return _("No data")
def history_rate(self, d_t):
rate = self.exchange.historical_rate(self.ccy, d_t)
# Frequently there is no rate for today, until tomorrow :)
# Use spot quotes in that case
if rate is None and (datetime.today().date() - d_t.date()).days <= 2:
rate = self.exchange.quotes.get(self.ccy)
self.history_used_spot = True
return rate
def historical_value_str(self, satoshis, d_t):
rate = self.history_rate(d_t)
return self.value_str(satoshis, rate)