
990 lines
35 KiB

package lnwallet
import (
btcwallet "github.com/btcsuite/btcwallet/wallet"
const (
// The size of the buffered queue of request to the wallet from the
// outside word.
msgBufferSize = 100
var (
// Error types
ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("not enough available outputs to " +
"create funding transaction")
// Which bitcoin network are we using?
// TODO(roasbeef): config
ActiveNetParams = &chaincfg.TestNet3Params
// Namespace bucket keys.
lightningNamespaceKey = []byte("ln-wallet")
waddrmgrNamespaceKey = []byte("waddrmgr")
wtxmgrNamespaceKey = []byte("wtxmgr")
// FundingType represents the type of the funding transaction. The type of
// funding transaction available depends entirely on the level of upgrades to
// Script on the current network. Across the network it's possible for asymmetric
// funding types to exist across hop. However, for direct links, the funding type
// supported by both parties must be identical. The most 'powerful' funding type
// is SEGWIT. This funding type also assumes that both CSV+CLTV are available on
// the network.
// NOTE: Ultimately, this will most likely be deprecated...
type FundingType uint16
const (
// Use SegWit, assumes CSV+CLTV
SEGWIT FundingType = iota
// Use CSV without reserve
// Use CSV with reserve
// Reserve is a permanent amount of funds locked and the capacity.
// CLTV with reserve.
// initFundingReserveReq is the first message sent to initiate the workflow
// required to open a payment channel with a remote peer. The initial required
// paramters are configurable accross channels. These paramters are to be chosen
// depending on the fee climate within the network, and time value of funds to
// be locked up within the channel. Upon success a ChannelReservation will be
// created in order to track the lifetime of this pending channel. Outputs
// selected will be 'locked', making them unavailable, for any other pending
// reservations. Therefore, all channels in reservation limbo will be periodically
// after a timeout period in order to avoid "exhaustion" attacks.
// NOTE: The workflow currently assumes fully balanced symmetric channels.
// Meaning both parties must encumber the same amount of funds.
// TODO(roasbeef): zombie reservation sweeper goroutine.
type initFundingReserveMsg struct {
// The type of the funding transaction. See above for further details.
fundingType FundingType
// The amount of funds requested for this channel.
fundingAmount btcutil.Amount
// The minimum accepted satoshis/KB fee for the funding transaction. In
// order to ensure timely confirmation, it is recomened that this fee
// should be generous, paying some multiple of the accepted base fee
// rate of the network.
// TODO(roasbeef): integrate fee estimation project...
minFeeRate btcutil.Amount
// The ID of the remote node we would like to open a channel with.
nodeID [32]byte
// The delay on the "pay-to-self" output(s) of the commitment transaction.
csvDelay uint32
// A channel in which all errors will be sent accross. Will be nil if
// this initial set is succesful.
// NOTE: In order to avoid deadlocks, this channel MUST be buffered.
err chan error
// A ChannelReservation with our contributions filled in will be sent
// accross this channel in the case of a succesfully reservation
// initiation. In the case of an error, this will read a nil pointer.
// NOTE: In order to avoid deadlocks, this channel MUST be buffered.
resp chan *ChannelReservation
// fundingReserveCancelMsg is a message reserved for cancelling an existing
// channel reservation identified by its reservation ID. Cancelling a reservation
// frees its locked outputs up, for inclusion within further reservations.
type fundingReserveCancelMsg struct {
pendingFundingID uint64
// NOTE: In order to avoid deadlocks, this channel MUST be buffered.
err chan error // Buffered
// addContributionMsg represents a message executing the second phase of the
// channel reservation workflow. This message carries the counterparty's
// "contribution" to the payment channel. In the case that this message is
// processed without generating any errors, then channel reservation will then
// be able to construct the funding tx, both commitment transactions, and
// finally generate signatures for all our inputs to the funding transaction,
// and for the remote node's version of the commitment transaction.
type addContributionMsg struct {
pendingFundingID uint64
// TODO(roasbeef): Should also carry SPV proofs in we're in SPV mode
contribution *ChannelContribution
// NOTE: In order to avoid deadlocks, this channel MUST be buffered.
err chan error
// addCounterPartySigsMsg represents the final message required to complete,
// and 'open' a payment channel. This message carries the counterparty's
// signatures for each of their inputs to the funding transaction, and also a
// signature allowing us to spend our version of the commitment transaction.
// If we're able to verify all the signatures are valid, the funding transaction
// will be broadcast to the network. After the funding transaction gains a
// configurable number of confirmations, the channel is officially considered
// 'open'.
type addCounterPartySigsMsg struct {
pendingFundingID uint64
// Should be order of sorted inputs that are theirs. Sorting is done
// in accordance to BIP-69:
// https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0069.mediawiki.
theirFundingSigs [][]byte
// This should be 1/2 of the signatures needed to succesfully spend our
// version of the commitment transaction.
theirCommitmentSig []byte
// NOTE: In order to avoid deadlocks, this channel MUST be buffered.
err chan error
// LightningWallet is a domain specific, yet general Bitcoin wallet capable of
// executing workflow required to interact with the Lightning Network. It is
// domain specific in the sense that it understands all the fancy scripts used
// within the Lightning Network, channel lifetimes, etc. However, it embedds a
// general purpose Bitcoin wallet within it. Therefore, it is also able to serve
// as a regular Bitcoin wallet which uses HD keys. The wallet is highly concurrent
// internally. All communication, and requests towards the wallet are
// dispatched as messages over channels, ensuring thread safety across all
// operations. Interaction has been designed independant of any peer-to-peer
// communication protocol, allowing the wallet to be self-contained and embeddable
// within future projects interacting with the Lightning Network.
// NOTE: At the moment the wallet requires a btcd full node, as it's dependant
// on btcd's websockets notifications as even triggers during the lifetime of
// a channel. However, once the chainntnfs package is complete, the wallet
// will be compatible with multiple RPC/notification services such as Electrum,
// Bitcoin Core + ZeroMQ, etc. Eventually, the wallet won't require a full-node
// at all, as SPV support is integrated inot btcwallet.
type LightningWallet struct {
// This mutex is to be held when generating external keys to be used
// as multi-sig, and commitment keys within the channel.
KeyGenMtx sync.RWMutex
// This mutex MUST be held when performing coin selection in order to
// avoid inadvertently creating multiple funding transaction which
// double spend inputs accross each other.
coinSelectMtx sync.RWMutex
// A wrapper around a namespace within boltdb reserved for ln-based
// wallet meta-data. See the 'channeldb' package for further
// information.
ChannelDB *channeldb.DB
db walletdb.DB
// The core wallet, all non Lightning Network specific interaction is
// proxied to the internal wallet.
// TODO(roasbeef): Why isn't this just embedded again?
// An active RPC connection to a full-node. In the case of a btcd node,
// websockets are used for notifications. If using Bitcoin Core,
// notifications are either generated via long-polling or the usage of
// ZeroMQ.
rpc *chain.Client
// All messages to the wallet are to be sent accross this channel.
msgChan chan interface{}
// Incomplete payment channels are stored in the map below. An intent
// to create a payment channel is tracked as a "reservation" within
// limbo. Once the final signatures have been exchanged, a reservation
// is removed from limbo. Each reservation is tracked by a unique
// monotonically integer. All requests concerning the channel MUST
// carry a valid, active funding ID.
fundingLimbo map[uint64]*ChannelReservation
nextFundingID uint64
limboMtx sync.RWMutex
// TODO(roasbeef): zombie garbage collection routine to solve
// lost-object/starvation problem/attack.
cfg *Config
started int32
shutdown int32
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// TODO(roasbeef): handle wallet lock/unlock
// NewLightningWallet creates/opens and initializes a LightningWallet instance.
// If the wallet has never been created (according to the passed dataDir), first-time
// setup is executed.
// TODO(roasbeef): fin...add config
func NewLightningWallet(config *Config) (*LightningWallet, error) {
// Ensure the wallet exists or create it when the create flag is set.
netDir := networkDir(config.DataDir, ActiveNetParams)
dbPath := filepath.Join(netDir, walletDbName)
var pubPass []byte
if config.PublicPass == nil {
pubPass = defaultPubPassphrase
} else {
pubPass = config.PublicPass
// Wallet has never been created, perform initial set up.
if !fileExists(dbPath) {
// Ensure the data directory for the network exists.
if err := checkCreateDir(netDir); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return nil, err
// Attempt to create a new wallet
if err := createWallet(config.PrivatePass, pubPass,
config.HdSeed, dbPath); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return nil, err
log.Printf("createWallet returned\n")
// open wallet to initialize and create id key
wallet, db, err := openWallet(pubPass, netDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("openWallet returned\n")
err = wallet.Manager.Unlock(config.PrivatePass)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("Unlock returned\n")
adrs, err := wallet.Manager.NextInternalAddresses(0, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
idPubkeyHash := adrs[0].Address().ScriptAddress()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lnNamespace, err := db.Namespace(lightningNamespaceKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cdb := channeldb.New(wallet.Manager, lnNamespace)
err = cdb.PutIdKey(idPubkeyHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("stored identity key pubkey hash in channeldb\n")
// Wallet has been created and been initialized at this point, open it
// along with all the required DB namepsaces, and the DB itself.
wallet, db, err := openWallet(pubPass, netDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a special namespace for our unique payment channel related
// meta-data. Subsequently initializing the channeldb around the
// created namespace.
lnNamespace, err := db.Namespace(lightningNamespaceKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(roasbeef): logging
return &LightningWallet{
db: db,
Wallet: wallet,
ChannelDB: channeldb.New(wallet.Manager, lnNamespace),
msgChan: make(chan interface{}, msgBufferSize),
// TODO(roasbeef): make this atomic.Uint32 instead? Which is
// faster, locks or CAS? I'm guessing CAS because assembly:
// * https://golang.org/src/sync/atomic/asm_amd64.s
nextFundingID: 0,
cfg: config,
fundingLimbo: make(map[uint64]*ChannelReservation),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
// Startup establishes a connection to the RPC source, and spins up all
// goroutines required to handle incoming messages.
func (l *LightningWallet) Startup() error {
// Already started?
if atomic.AddInt32(&l.started, 1) != 1 {
return nil
// TODO(roasbeef): config...
rpcc, err := chain.NewClient(ActiveNetParams,
l.cfg.RpcHost, l.cfg.RpcUser, l.cfg.RpcPass, l.cfg.CACert, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Start the goroutines in the underlying wallet.
l.rpc = rpcc
if err := l.rpc.Start(); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(roasbeef): multiple request handlers?
go l.requestHandler()
return nil
// Shutdown gracefully stops the wallet, and all active goroutines.
func (l *LightningWallet) Shutdown() error {
if atomic.AddInt32(&l.shutdown, 1) != 1 {
return nil
return nil
// requestHandler is the primary goroutine(s) resposible for handling, and
// dispatching relies to all messages.
func (l *LightningWallet) requestHandler() {
for {
select {
case m := <-l.msgChan:
switch msg := m.(type) {
case *initFundingReserveMsg:
case *fundingReserveCancelMsg:
case *addContributionMsg:
case *addCounterPartySigsMsg:
case <-l.quit:
// TODO: do some clean up
break out
// InitChannelReservation kicks off the 3-step workflow required to succesfully
// open a payment channel with a remote node. As part of the funding
// reservation, the inputs selected for the funding transaction are 'locked'.
// This ensures that multiple channel reservations aren't double spending the
// same inputs in the funding transaction. If reservation initialization is
// succesful, a ChannelReservation containing our completed contribution is
// returned. Our contribution contains all the items neccessary to allow the
// counter party to build the funding transaction, and both versions of the
// commitment transaction. Otherwise, an error occured a nil pointer along with
// an error are returned.
// Once a ChannelReservation has been obtained, two
// additional steps must be processed before a payment channel can be considered
// 'open'. The second step validates, and processes the counterparty's channel
// contribution. The third, and final step verifies all signatures for the inputs
// of the funding transaction, and that the signature we records for our version
// of the commitment transaction is valid.
func (l *LightningWallet) InitChannelReservation(a btcutil.Amount, t FundingType,
theirID [32]byte, csvDelay uint32) (*ChannelReservation, error) {
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
respChan := make(chan *ChannelReservation, 1)
l.msgChan <- &initFundingReserveMsg{
fundingAmount: a,
fundingType: t,
csvDelay: csvDelay,
nodeID: theirID,
err: errChan,
resp: respChan,
return <-respChan, <-errChan
// handleFundingReserveRequest processes a message intending to create, and
// validate a funding reservation request.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleFundingReserveRequest(req *initFundingReserveMsg) {
// Create a limbo and record entry for this newly pending funding request.
id := l.nextFundingID
reservation := newChannelReservation(req.fundingType, req.fundingAmount, req.minFeeRate, l, id)
l.fundingLimbo[id] = reservation
// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
defer reservation.Unlock()
reservation.partialState.TheirLNID = req.nodeID
ourContribution := reservation.ourContribution
ourContribution.CsvDelay = req.csvDelay
// We hold the coin select mutex while querying for outputs, and
// performing coin selection in order to avoid inadvertent double spends
// accross funding transactions.
// NOTE: we don't use defer her so we can properly release the lock
// when we encounter an error condition.
// Find all unlocked unspent outputs with greater than 6 confirmations.
maxConfs := int32(math.MaxInt32)
// TODO(roasbeef): make 6 a config paramter?
unspentOutputs, err := l.ListUnspent(6, maxConfs, nil)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
// Convert the outputs to coins for coin selection below.
coins, err := outputsToCoins(unspentOutputs)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
// Peform coin selection over our available, unlocked unspent outputs
// in order to find enough coins to meet the funding amount requirements.
// TODO(roasbeef): Should extend coinset with optimal coin selection
// heuristics for our use case.
// TODO(roasbeef): factor in fees..
// TODO(roasbeef): possibly integrate the fee prediction project? if
// results hold up...
// NOTE: this current selection assumes "priority" is still a thing.
selector := &coinset.MaxValueAgeCoinSelector{
MaxInputs: 10,
MinChangeAmount: 10000,
selectedCoins, err := selector.CoinSelect(req.fundingAmount, coins)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
// Lock the selected coins. These coins are now "reserved", this
// prevents concurrent funding requests from referring to and this
// double-spending the same set of coins.
ourContribution.Inputs = make([]*wire.TxIn, len(selectedCoins.Coins()))
for i, coin := range selectedCoins.Coins() {
txout := wire.NewOutPoint(coin.Hash(), coin.Index())
// Empty sig script, we'll actually sign if this reservation is
// queued up to be completed (the other side accepts).
outPoint := wire.NewOutPoint(coin.Hash(), coin.Index())
ourContribution.Inputs[i] = wire.NewTxIn(outPoint, nil)
// Create some possibly neccessary change outputs.
selectedTotalValue := coinset.NewCoinSet(selectedCoins.Coins()).TotalValue()
if selectedTotalValue > req.fundingAmount {
ourContribution.ChangeOutputs = make([]*wire.TxOut, 1)
// Change is necessary. Query for an available change address to
// send the remainder to.
changeAmount := selectedTotalValue - req.fundingAmount
addrs, err := l.Manager.NextInternalAddresses(waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum, 1)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
changeAddrScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addrs[0].Address())
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
// TODO(roasbeef): re-enable after tests are connected to real node.
// * or the change to btcwallet is made to reverse the dependancy
// between chain-client and wallet.
//changeAddr, err := l.wallet.NewChangeAddress(waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum)
ourContribution.ChangeOutputs[0] = wire.NewTxOut(int64(changeAmount),
// TODO(roasbeef): re-calculate fees here to minFeePerKB, may need more inputs
// TODO(roasbeef): use wallet.CurrentAddress() here instead? Solves the
// problem of 'wasted' unused addrtesses.
// Grab two fresh keys from out HD chain, one will be used for the
// multi-sig funding transaction, and the other for the commitment
// transaction.
multiSigKey, err := l.getNextRawKey()
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
commitKey, err := l.getNextRawKey()
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
reservation.partialState.MultiSigKey = multiSigKey
ourContribution.MultiSigKey = multiSigKey.PubKey()
reservation.partialState.OurCommitKey = commitKey
ourContribution.CommitKey = commitKey.PubKey()
// Generate a fresh address to be used in the case of a cooperative
// channel close.
// TODO(roasbeef): same here
//deliveryAddress, err := l.wallet.NewChangeAddress(waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum)
addrs, err := l.Manager.NextInternalAddresses(waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum, 1)
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): make into func sendErorr()
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
reservation.partialState.OurDeliveryAddress = addrs[0].Address()
ourContribution.DeliveryAddress = addrs[0].Address()
// Create a new shaChain for verifiable transaction revocations. This
// will be used to generate revocation hashes for our past/current
// commitment transactions once we start to make payments within the
// channel.
shaChain, err := shachain.NewFromSeed(nil, 0)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
req.resp <- nil
reservation.partialState.OurShaChain = shaChain
ourContribution.RevocationHash = shaChain.CurrentRevocationHash()
// Funding reservation request succesfully handled. The funding inputs
// will be marked as unavailable until the reservation is either
// completed, or cancecled.
req.resp <- reservation
req.err <- nil
// handleFundingReserveCancel cancels an existing channel reservation. As part
// of the cancellation, outputs previously selected as inputs for the funding
// transaction via coin selection are freed allowing future reservations to
// include them.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleFundingCancelRequest(req *fundingReserveCancelMsg) {
// TODO(roasbeef): holding lock too long
defer l.limboMtx.Unlock()
pendingReservation, ok := l.fundingLimbo[req.pendingFundingID]
if !ok {
// TODO(roasbeef): make new error, "unkown funding state" or something
req.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to cancel non-existant funding state")
// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
defer pendingReservation.Unlock()
// Mark all previously locked outpoints as usuable for future funding
// requests.
for _, unusedInput := range pendingReservation.ourContribution.Inputs {
// TODO(roasbeef): is it even worth it to keep track of unsed keys?
// TODO(roasbeef): Is it possible to mark the unused change also as
// available?
delete(l.fundingLimbo, req.pendingFundingID)
req.err <- nil
// handleFundingCounterPartyFunds processes the second workflow step for the
// lifetime of a channel reservation. Upon completion, the reservation will
// carry a completed funding transaction (minus the counterparty's input
// signatures), both versions of the commitment transaction, and our signature
// for their version of the commitment transaction.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleContributionMsg(req *addContributionMsg) {
pendingReservation, ok := l.fundingLimbo[req.pendingFundingID]
if !ok {
req.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to update non-existant funding state")
// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
defer pendingReservation.Unlock()
// Create a blank, fresh transaction. Soon to be a complete funding
// transaction which will allow opening a lightning channel.
pendingReservation.partialState.FundingTx = wire.NewMsgTx()
fundingTx := pendingReservation.partialState.FundingTx
// Some temporary variables to cut down on the resolution verbosity.
pendingReservation.theirContribution = req.contribution
theirContribution := req.contribution
ourContribution := pendingReservation.ourContribution
// First, add all multi-party inputs to the transaction
// TODO(roasbeef); handle case that tx doesn't exist, fake input
// TODO(roasbeef): validate SPV proof from other side if in SPV mode.
// * actually, pure SPV would need fraud proofs right? must prove input
// is unspent
// * or, something like getutxo?
for _, ourInput := range ourContribution.Inputs {
for _, theirInput := range theirContribution.Inputs {
// Next, add all multi-party outputs to the transaction. This includes
// change outputs for both side.
for _, ourChangeOutput := range ourContribution.ChangeOutputs {
for _, theirChangeOutput := range theirContribution.ChangeOutputs {
ourKey := pendingReservation.partialState.MultiSigKey
theirKey := theirContribution.MultiSigKey
// Finally, add the 2-of-2 multi-sig output which will set up the lightning
// channel.
channelCapacity := int64(pendingReservation.partialState.Capacity)
redeemScript, multiSigOut, err := fundMultiSigOut(ourKey.PubKey().SerializeCompressed(),
theirKey.SerializeCompressed(), channelCapacity)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
// TODO(roasbeef): do Manager.ImportScript(..) here, gives us a
// ManagedScriptAddress to play around with if we need it.
pendingReservation.partialState.FundingRedeemScript = redeemScript
// Sort the transaction. Since both side agree to a cannonical
// ordering, by sorting we no longer need to send the entire
// transaction. Only signatures will be exchanged.
// Now that the transaction has been cannonically sorted, compute the
// normalized transation ID before we attach our signatures.
// TODO(roasbeef): this isn't the normalized txid, this isn't recursive...
// pendingReservation.normalizedTxID = pendingReservation.fundingTx.TxSha()
// Next, sign all inputs that are ours, collecting the signatures in
// order of the inputs.
pendingReservation.ourFundingSigs = make([][]byte, 0, len(ourContribution.Inputs))
for i, txIn := range fundingTx.TxIn {
// Does the wallet know about the txin?
txDetail, _ := l.TxStore.TxDetails(&txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash)
if txDetail == nil {
// Is this our txin? TODO(roasbeef): assumes all inputs are P2PKH...
prevIndex := txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Index
prevOut := txDetail.TxRecord.MsgTx.TxOut[prevIndex]
_, addrs, _, _ := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(prevOut.PkScript, ActiveNetParams)
apkh, ok := addrs[0].(*btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash)
if !ok {
req.err <- btcwallet.ErrUnsupportedTransactionType
ai, err := l.Manager.Address(apkh)
if err != nil {
req.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot get address info: %v", err)
pka := ai.(waddrmgr.ManagedPubKeyAddress)
privkey, err := pka.PrivKey()
if err != nil {
req.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot get private key: %v", err)
sigscript, err := txscript.SignatureScript(pendingReservation.partialState.FundingTx, i,
prevOut.PkScript, txscript.SigHashAll, privkey,
if err != nil {
req.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot create sigscript: %s", err)
fundingTx.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = sigscript
pendingReservation.ourFundingSigs = append(pendingReservation.ourFundingSigs, sigscript)
// Initialize an empty sha-chain for them, tracking the current pending
// revocation hash (we don't yet know the pre-image so we can't add it
// to the chain).
pendingReservation.partialState.TheirShaChain = shachain.New()
pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCurrentRevocation = theirContribution.RevocationHash
// Grab the hash of the current pre-image in our chain, this is needed
// for our commitment tx.
// TODO(roasbeef): grab partial state above to avoid long attr chain
ourCurrentRevokeHash := pendingReservation.partialState.OurShaChain.CurrentRevocationHash()
ourContribution.RevocationHash = ourCurrentRevokeHash
// Create the txIn to our commitment transaction. In the process, we
// need to locate the index of the multi-sig output on the funding tx
// since the outputs are cannonically sorted.
fundingNTxid := fundingTx.TxSha() // NOTE: assumes testnet-L
_, multiSigIndex := findScriptOutputIndex(fundingTx, multiSigOut.PkScript)
fundingTxIn := wire.NewTxIn(wire.NewOutPoint(&fundingNTxid, multiSigIndex), nil)
// With the funding tx complete, create both commitment transactions.
initialBalance := ourContribution.FundingAmount
pendingReservation.fundingLockTime = theirContribution.CsvDelay
ourCommitKey := ourContribution.CommitKey
theirCommitKey := theirContribution.CommitKey
ourCommitTx, err := createCommitTx(fundingTxIn, ourCommitKey, theirCommitKey,
ourCurrentRevokeHash, theirContribution.CsvDelay, initialBalance)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
theirCommitTx, err := createCommitTx(fundingTxIn, theirCommitKey, ourCommitKey,
theirContribution.RevocationHash, theirContribution.CsvDelay, initialBalance)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
// Record newly available information witin the open channel state.
pendingReservation.partialState.CsvDelay = theirContribution.CsvDelay
pendingReservation.partialState.TheirDeliveryAddress = theirContribution.DeliveryAddress
pendingReservation.partialState.ChanID = fundingNTxid
pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCommitKey = theirCommitKey
pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCommitTx = theirCommitTx
pendingReservation.partialState.OurCommitTx = ourCommitTx
// Generate a signature for their version of the initial commitment
// transaction.
sigTheirCommit, err := txscript.RawTxInSignature(theirCommitTx, 0, redeemScript,
txscript.SigHashAll, ourKey)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
pendingReservation.ourCommitmentSig = sigTheirCommit
req.err <- nil
// handleFundingCounterPartySigs is the final step in the channel reservation
// workflow. During this setp, we validate *all* the received signatures for
// inputs to the funding transaction. If any of these are invalid, we bail,
// and forcibly cancel this funding request. Additionally, we ensure that the
// signature we received from the counterparty for our version of the commitment
// transaction allows us to spend from the funding output with the addition of
// our signature.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleFundingCounterPartySigs(msg *addCounterPartySigsMsg) {
pendingReservation, ok := l.fundingLimbo[msg.pendingFundingID]
if !ok {
msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to update non-existant funding state")
// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
defer pendingReservation.Unlock()
// Now we can complete the funding transaction by adding their
// signatures to their inputs.
pendingReservation.theirFundingSigs = msg.theirFundingSigs
fundingTx := pendingReservation.partialState.FundingTx
for i, txin := range fundingTx.TxIn {
if txin.SignatureScript == nil {
txin.SignatureScript = pendingReservation.theirFundingSigs[i]
// TODO(roasbeef): uncomment after nodetest is finished.
/*// Fetch the alleged previous output along with the
// pkscript referenced by this input.
prevOut := txin.PreviousOutPoint
output, err := l.rpc.GetTxOut(&prevOut.Hash, prevOut.Index, false)
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): do this at the start to avoid wasting out time?
// 8 or a set of nodes "we" run with exposed unauthenticated RPC?
msg.err <- err
pkscript, err := hex.DecodeString(output.ScriptPubKey.Hex)
if err != nil {
msg.err <- err
// Ensure that the signature is valid.
vm, err := txscript.NewEngine(pkscript,
fundingTx, i, txscript.StandardVerifyFlags, nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): cancel at this stage if invalid sigs?
msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot create script engine: %s", err)
if err = vm.Execute(); err != nil {
msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot validate transaction: %s", err)
// At this point, we can also record and verify their signature for our
// commitment transaction.
pendingReservation.theirCommitmentSig = msg.theirCommitmentSig
commitTx := pendingReservation.partialState.OurCommitTx
theirKey := pendingReservation.theirContribution.MultiSigKey
ourKey := pendingReservation.partialState.MultiSigKey
// Re-generate both the redeemScript and p2sh output. We sign the
// redeemScript script, but include the p2sh output as the subscript
// for verification.
redeemScript := pendingReservation.partialState.FundingRedeemScript
p2sh, err := scriptHashPkScript(redeemScript)
if err != nil {
msg.err <- err
// First, we sign our copy of the commitment transaction ourselves.
ourCommitSig, err := txscript.RawTxInSignature(commitTx, 0, redeemScript,
txscript.SigHashAll, ourKey)
if err != nil {
msg.err <- err
// Next, create the spending scriptSig, and then verify that the script
// is complete, allowing us to spend from the funding transaction.
// When initially generating the redeemScript, we sorted the serialized
// public keys in descending order. So we do a quick comparison in order
// ensure the signatures appear on the Script Virual Machine stack in
// the correct order.
var scriptSig []byte
theirCommitSig := msg.theirCommitmentSig
if bytes.Compare(ourKey.PubKey().SerializeCompressed(), theirKey.SerializeCompressed()) == -1 {
scriptSig, err = spendMultiSig(redeemScript, theirCommitSig, ourCommitSig)
} else {
scriptSig, err = spendMultiSig(redeemScript, ourCommitSig, theirCommitSig)
if err != nil {
msg.err <- err
// Finally, create an instance of a Script VM, and ensure that the
// Script executes succesfully.
commitTx.TxIn[0].SignatureScript = scriptSig
vm, err := txscript.NewEngine(p2sh, commitTx, 0,
txscript.StandardVerifyFlags, nil)
if err != nil {
msg.err <- err
if err := vm.Execute(); err != nil {
msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("counterparty's commitment signature is invalid: %v", err)
// Funding complete, this entry can be removed from limbo.
delete(l.fundingLimbo, pendingReservation.reservationID)
// TODO(roasbeef): unlock outputs here, Store.InsertTx will handle marking
// input in unconfirmed tx, so future coin selects don't pick it up
// * also record location of change address so can use AddCredit
// Add the complete funding transaction to the DB, in it's open bucket
// which will be used for the lifetime of this channel.
err = l.ChannelDB.PutOpenChannel(pendingReservation.partialState)
// TODO(roasbeef): broadcast now?
// * create goroutine, listens on blockconnected+blockdisconnected channels
// * after six blocks, then will create an LightningChannel struct and
// send over reservation.
// * will need a multi-plexer to fan out, to listen on ListenConnectedBlocks
// * should prob be a separate struct/modele
// * use NotifySpent in order to catch non-cooperative spends of revoked
// * NotifySpent(outpoints []*wire.OutPoint)
// commitment txns. Hmm using p2sh or bare multi-sig?
// * record partialState.CreationTime once tx is 'open'
msg.err <- err
// getNextRawKey retrieves the next key within our HD key-chain for use within
// as a multi-sig key within the funding transaction, or within the commitment
// transaction's outputs.
// TODO(roasbeef): on shutdown, write state of pending keys, then read back?
func (l *LightningWallet) getNextRawKey() (*btcec.PrivateKey, error) {
defer l.KeyGenMtx.Unlock()
nextAddr, err := l.Manager.NextExternalAddresses(waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum, 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkAddr := nextAddr[0].(waddrmgr.ManagedPubKeyAddress)
return pkAddr.PrivKey()