
402 lines
14 KiB
Protocol Buffer

Messages for TREZOR communication
Author: Marek Palatinus <>
Version: 0.5
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional bool binary = 50001; // message field has binary payload
extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
optional bool wire_in = 50002; // message can be transmitted via wire from PC to TREZOR
optional bool wire_out = 50003; // message can be transmitted via wire from TREZOR to PC
optional bool wire_debug_in = 50004; // message can be transmitted via debug wire from PC to TREZOR
optional bool wire_debug_out = 50005; // message can be transmitted via debug wire from TREZOR to PC
Mapping between Trezor wire identifier (int) and protobuf message
enum MessageType {
MessageType_Initialize = 0 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_Ping = 1 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_Success = 2 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_Failure = 3 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_ChangePin = 4 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_WipeDevice = 5 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_FirmwareErase = 6 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_FirmwareUpload = 7 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_GetEntropy = 9 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_Entropy = 10 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_GetMasterPublicKey = 11 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_MasterPublicKey = 12 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_LoadDevice = 13 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_ResetDevice = 14 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_SignTx = 15 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_SimpleSignTx = 16 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_Features = 17 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_PinMatrixRequest = 18 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_PinMatrixAck = 19 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_PinMatrixCancel = 20 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_TxRequest = 21 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_TxInput = 23 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_TxOutput = 24 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_ApplySettings = 25 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_ButtonRequest = 26 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_ButtonAck = 27 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_ButtonCancel = 28 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_GetAddress = 29 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_Address = 30 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_SettingsType = 31;
MessageType_XprvType = 32;
MessageType_CoinType = 33;
MessageType_XpubType = 34;
MessageType_EntropyRequest = 35 [(wire_out) = true];
MessageType_EntropyAck = 36 [(wire_in) = true];
MessageType_DebugLinkDecision = 100 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
MessageType_DebugLinkGetState = 101 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
MessageType_DebugLinkState = 102 [(wire_debug_out) = true];
MessageType_DebugLinkStop = 103 [(wire_debug_in) = true];
// ****************************************************************************
// Definition of custom field types
enum FailureType {
Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1;
Failure_ButtonExpected = 2;
Failure_SyntaxError = 3;
Failure_ActionCancelled = 4;
Failure_PinExpected = 5;
Failure_PinCancelled = 6;
Failure_PinInvalid = 7;
Failure_FirmwareError = 99;
// Specifies which script will be used for given transaction output.
enum ScriptType {
// Specifies which kind of information is required by transaction signing process
enum RequestType {
// Structure for BIP32-encoded node
// Used for imports into the device
message XprvType {
required uint32 version = 1;
required uint32 depth = 2;
required uint32 fingerprint = 3;
required uint32 child_num = 4;
required bytes chain_code = 5 [(binary) = true];
required bytes private_key = 6 [(binary) = true];
// Structure returned by GetMasterPublicKey
message XpubType {
required uint32 version = 1;
required uint32 depth = 2;
required uint32 fingerprint = 3;
required uint32 child_num = 4;
required bytes chain_code = 5 [(binary) = true];
required bytes public_key = 6 [(binary) = true];
message CoinType {
optional bytes coin_name = 1;
optional bytes coin_shortcut = 2;
optional uint32 address_type = 3;
optional uint64 maxfee_kb = 4;
message SettingsType {
optional bytes language = 1; // Trezor uses 'english' as default
optional CoinType coin = 2;
optional bytes label = 3; // Human readable wallet name
// ****************************************************************************
// Basic message
// Reset device to default state and ask for device details
// Response: Features
message Initialize {
// Response object for Initialize.
message Features {
optional bytes vendor = 1; // Name of the manufacturer, e.g. ""
optional uint32 major_version = 2; // Major version of the device, e.g. 1
optional uint32 minor_version = 3; // Minor version of the device, e.g. 0
optional uint32 bugfix_version = 4;
optional bool bootloader_mode = 5;
optional SettingsType settings = 6; // User-level settings of the device
optional bytes device_id = 7 [(binary) = true]; // Device's unique identifier
optional bytes mpk_hash = 8 [(binary) = true]; // Hash of master public key (sha256(XpubType.public_key).digest())
optional bool pin_protection = 9; // True if Trezor is covered by PIN
// Overwrites only filled fields of the structure
message ApplySettings {
optional bytes language = 1;
optional bytes coin_shortcut = 2;
optional bytes label = 3;
// Starts workflow for setting/changing the PIN
// Response: ButtonRequest, PinMatrixRequest
message ChangePin {
optional bool remove = 1; // Set True if want to remove PIN protection
// Test if device is live, device will send back the message on success
// Response: None or Success
message Ping {
optional bytes message = 1; // Message will be sent back in Success message
// Response object defining success of the previous request
message Success {
optional bytes message = 1; // May contain human readable description of the action or request-specific payload
// Response object defining failure of the previous request
message Failure {
optional FailureType code = 1; // May contain computer-readable definition of the error state
optional bytes message = 2; // May contain human-readable message of the error state
// Message can be sent by the *device* as a resopnse to any request.
// Device is waiting for HW button press. No action is required from computer
// Computer should respond with ButtonAck message or ButtonCancel to cancel
// the original request.
message ButtonRequest {
// Computer agrees to wait for HW button press.
message ButtonAck {
// Computer want to cancel current action (don't wait to HW button press)
message ButtonCancel {
// Message can be sent by the *device* as a response to any request.
// Message asks computer to send back PinMatrixAck with the password encoded in pin matrix scheme.
// Response: PinMatrixAck, PinMatrixCancel
message PinMatrixRequest {
optional bytes message = 1; // Human readable message
// Message is sent by the computer as a response to PinMatrixRequest previously sent by the device.
message PinMatrixAck {
required bytes pin = 1; // User must write down the password for accessing the device.
// Message is sent as a response to PinMatrixRequest by the computer, asking the device to cancel
// pending action and reset to the default state.
message PinMatrixCancel {
// Request a sample of random data generated by hardware RNG. May be used
// for tests of internal RNG.
// Response: PinMatrixRequest, Entropy, Failure
message GetEntropy {
required uint32 size = 1; // Size of randomly generated buffer
// Response to GetEntropy request contains random data generated by internal HRNG.
message Entropy {
required bytes entropy = 1 [(binary) = true]; // Stream of generated bytes
// Ask device for it's current master public key. This may be used for generating
// public keys on the computer independently to the device. API doesn't provide
// any other way how to get bitcoin addresses from the device.
// Response: MasterPublicKey, Failure
message GetMasterPublicKey {
// Contains master public key derived from device's seed.
message MasterPublicKey {
required XpubType mpk = 1; // BIP32 node public key + chaincode
message GetAddress {
repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // Parameter for address generation algorithm to derive the address from the master public key
message Address {
required bytes address = 1; // Bitcoin address in base58 encoding corresponding to GetAddress(n) call
// Request device to wipe all sensitive data and settings.
// Device will be turned to uninitialized state.
// Response: ButtonRequest
message WipeDevice {
// Load seed and related internal settings from computer to the device. Existing seed is overwritten.
// Response: Success, ButtonRequest, PinMatrixRequest, Failure
message LoadDevice {
optional bytes seed = 1; // Seed encoded as a mnemonic (12 english words)
optional XprvType xprv = 2;
optional bytes pin = 3; // Set PIN protection for important actions
// Request device to do full-reset, to generate new seed
// and ask user for new settings (PIN).
// Workflow is splitted into ResetDevice/EntropyRequest to be sure
// that entropy provided by device isn't calculated on base of computer provided
// entropy.
// Response: EntropyRequest, PinMatrixRequest, Failure
message ResetDevice {
optional bool display_random = 1; // If set, displays entropy generated by the device used
// for generating the seed *before* asking
// for additional entropy from computer
// Asks for additional Entropy from host computer
message EntropyRequest {
// Provide additional entropy for seed generation function.
message EntropyAck {
optional bytes entropy = 1 [(binary) = true]; // Recommended to provide 256 bytes of random data.
// ****************************************************************************
// Messages related to transaction signing
// Request the device to sign the transaction
// Response: TxRequest, PinMatrixRequest, Failure
message SignTx {
required uint32 outputs_count = 3; // Count of outputs of the transaction
required uint32 inputs_count = 5; // Count of inputs of the transaction
// Request a simplified workflow of signing.
// This method doesn't support streaming,
// so there may be hardware limits
// in number of inputs and outputs.
// This simplified workflow should not be used
// in production, it is designed mainly for debug purposes.
// When everything is fine, Success.message contains
// serialized transaction.
// Response: Success, PinMatrixRequest, Failure
message SimpleSignTx {
repeated TxInput inputs = 1;
repeated TxOutput outputs = 2;
// Sent by the device as a response for SignTx. Device asks for information for signing transaction.
// If request_index is set, device asks for TxInput/TxOutput message (depends on request_type)
// with details of index's input.
// If signed_index is set, 'signature' contains signed input of signed_index's input.
message TxRequest {
optional int32 request_index = 1; // If >=0, device expects TxInput/TxOutput message from the computer
optional RequestType request_type = 2; // Ask for TxInput or TxOutput?
optional int32 signed_index = 3; // If >=0, 'signature' contains signed input of this input
optional bytes signature = 4 [(binary) = true]; // If signed_index>=0, represent signature of the signed_index input
optional bytes serialized_tx = 5 [(binary) = true]; // Part of serialized and signed transaction
// Transaction onput for SignTx workflow. It is response to TxRequest message sent by device.
// Response: TxRequest, Failure
message TxInput {
required uint32 index = 1; // Position of input in proposed transaction
repeated uint32 address_n = 2; // Parameter for address generation algorithm to derive the address from the master public key
required uint64 amount = 3; // Amount to spend in satoshis. The rest will be used for transaction fees
required bytes prev_hash = 4 [(binary) = true]; // Hash of previous transaction output to spend by this input
required uint32 prev_index = 5; // Index of previous output to spend
optional bytes script_sig = 6 [(binary) = true]; // Script signature
// Transaction output for SignTx workflow. It is response to TxRequest message sent by the device.
message TxOutput {
required uint32 index = 1; // Position of output in proposed transaction
required bytes address = 2; // Target bitcoin address in base58 encoding
repeated uint32 address_n = 3; // Has higher priority than "address". If the output is to myself, specify parameter for address generation algorithm.
required uint64 amount = 4; // Amount to send in satoshis
required ScriptType script_type = 5; // Select output script type
repeated bytes script_args = 6 [(binary) = true]; // Provide additional parameters for the script (its script-depended)
// ****************************************************************************
// Bootloader messages
message FirmwareErase {
message FirmwareUpload {
required bytes payload = 1 [(binary) = true]; // Firmware to flash into device
// ****************************************************************************
// Debug* messages are used only on DebugLink interface (separated from USB HID)
// Virtually "press" the button on the device.
// Message is available only on debugging connection and device must support "debug_link" feature.
// Response: Success
message DebugLinkDecision {
required bool yes_no = 1; // True for "confirm", False for "cancel"
// When sent over debug link connection, computer asks for some internal information of the device.
// Response: DebugLinkState
message DebugLinkGetState {
optional bool layout = 1; // Request raw buffer of display
optional bool pin = 2; // Request current pin
optional bool matrix = 3; // Request current pin matrix
optional bool seed = 4; // Request current seed
// optional bool state = 5;
// Response object reflecting device's current state. It can be received only over debug link connection.
message DebugLinkState {
optional bytes layout = 1 [(binary) = true]; // Raw buffer of display
optional bytes pin = 2; // Current PIN, blank if PIN is not set/enabled
optional bytes matrix = 3; // Current PIN matrix
optional bytes seed = 4; // Current seed (in mnemonic format)
// optional bytes state = 5 [(binary) = true];
// Ask device to shutdown/restart
message DebugLinkStop {