wallet/signing: native P2WPKH, P2WPKH in P2SH, scripts

This commit is contained in:
Tomas Susanka 2017-11-10 14:10:19 +01:00
parent b7b46b6980
commit dc6701af90
8 changed files with 482 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -28,13 +28,12 @@ def strip(address_type, raw_address):
def split(coin, raw_address):
l = None
for f in ['', '_p2sh', '_p2wpkh', '_p2wsh']:
at = getattr(coin, 'address_type' + f)
for f in ('address_type',
at = getattr(coin, f)
if at is not None and check(at, raw_address):
l = length(coin.address_type)
if l is not None:
return raw_address[:l], raw_address[l:]
raise ValueError('Invalid addressXXX')
l = length(at)
return raw_address[:l], raw_address[l:]
raise ValueError('Invalid address')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.writers import *
# TX Scripts
# ===
# -------------------------- First gen --------------------------
# =============== P2PK ===============
# obsolete
# =============== P2PKH ===============
def input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(5 + len(signature) + 1 + 5 + len(pubkey))
append_signature_and_pubkey(w, pubkey, signature)
return w
def output_script_p2pkh(pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:
s = bytearray(25)
s[0] = 0x76 # OP_DUP
s[1] = 0xA9 # OP_HASH_160
s[2] = 0x14 # pushing 20 bytes
s[3:23] = pubkeyhash
s[23] = 0x88 # OP_EQUALVERIFY
s[24] = 0xAC # OP_CHECKSIG
return s
# =============== P2SH ===============
# see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0016.mediawiki
# input script (scriptSig) is the same as input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh
# output script (scriptPubKey) is A9 14 <scripthash> 87
def output_script_p2sh(scripthash: bytes) -> bytearray:
s = bytearray(23)
s[0] = 0xA9 # OP_HASH_160
s[1] = 0x14 # pushing 20 bytes
s[2:22] = scripthash
s[22] = 0x87 # OP_EQUAL
return s
# -------------------------- SegWit --------------------------
# =============== Native P2WPKH ===============
# see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wpkh
# P2WPKH (Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash) is the segwit native P2PKH
# not backwards compatible
# input script is completely replaced by the witness and therefore empty
def input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh() -> bytearray:
return bytearray(0)
# output script consists of 00 14 <20-byte-key-hash>
def output_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh(pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(3 + len(pubkeyhash))
w.append(0x00) # witness version byte
w.append(len(pubkeyhash)) # pub key hash length is 20 (P2WPKH) or 32 (P2WSH) bytes
write_bytes(w, pubkeyhash) # pub key hash
return w
# =============== Native P2WPKH nested in P2SH ===============
# P2WPKH is nested in P2SH to be backwards compatible
# see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#witness-program
# input script (scriptSig) is 16 00 14 <pubkeyhash>
# signature is moved to the witness
def input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(3 + len(pubkeyhash))
w.append(0x16) # 0x16 - length of the redeemScript
w.append(0x00) # witness version byte
w.append(0x14) # P2WPKH witness program (pub key hash length)
write_bytes(w, pubkeyhash) # pub key hash
return w
# output script (scriptPubKey) is A9 14 <scripthash> 87
# which is same as the output_script_p2sh
# =============== Native P2WSH ===============
# see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#p2wsh
# P2WSH (Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash) is segwit native P2SH
# not backwards compatible
# input script is completely replaced by the witness and therefore empty
# same as input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh
# output script consists of 00 20 <32-byte-key-hash>
# same as output_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh (only different length)
# -------------------------- Others --------------------------
# === OP_RETURN script
def output_script_paytoopreturn(data: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(1 + 5 + len(data))
w.append(0x6A) # OP_RETURN
write_op_push(w, len(data))
return w
# === helpers
def append_signature_and_pubkey(w: bytearray, pubkey: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bytearray:
write_op_push(w, len(signature) + 1)
write_bytes(w, signature)
w.append(0x01) # SIGHASH_ALL
write_op_push(w, len(pubkey))
write_bytes(w, pubkey)
return w

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256, ripemd160
from trezor.crypto.curve import secp256k1
from trezor.crypto import base58, der
from trezor.crypto import base58, der, bech32
from trezor.utils import ensure
from trezor.messages.TxRequestSerializedType import TxRequestSerializedType
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ from trezor.messages import OutputScriptType
from apps.common import address_type
from apps.common import coins
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.segwit_bip143 import *
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.writers import *
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.helpers import *
from apps.wallet.sign_tx.scripts import *
class SigningError(ValueError):
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ async def check_tx_fee(tx: SignTx, root):
txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
write_tx_input_check(h_first, txi)
if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
if txi.script_type in (InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS):
segwit[i] = True
# Add I to segwit hash_prevouts, hash_sequence
@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, root):
if segwit[i_sign]:
txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)
if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
write_tx_input_check(h_second, txi_sign)
if txi_sign.script_type in (InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS, InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS):
key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n)
key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(txi_sign, key_sign_pub)
@ -151,7 +152,9 @@ async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, root):
txi_sign = txi
key_sign = node_derive(root, txi.address_n)
key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
txi.script_sig = input_derive_script(txi, key_sign_pub)
# the signature has to be also over the output script to prevent modification
# todo this should fail for p2sh
txi_sign.script_sig = output_script_p2pkh(ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub))
txi.script_sig = bytes()
write_tx_input(h_sign, txi)
@ -197,6 +200,7 @@ async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, root):
txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o)
txo_bin.amount = txo.amount
txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root)
write_tx_output(h_second, txo_bin) # for segwit (not yet checked)
# serialize output
w_txo_bin = bytearray_with_cap(
@ -216,8 +220,8 @@ async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, root):
txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
# Check amount
if txi.amount > authorized_in:
# Check amount and the control digests
if txi.amount > authorized_in or (get_tx_hash(h_first, False) != get_tx_hash(h_second, False)):
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'Transaction has changed during signing')
authorized_in -= txi.amount
@ -274,13 +278,14 @@ async def get_prevtx_output_value(tx_req: TxRequest, prev_hash: bytes, prev_inde
return total_out
def estimate_tx_size(inputs, outputs):
def estimate_tx_size(inputs: int, outputs: int) -> int:
return 10 + inputs * 149 + outputs * 35
# TX Helpers
# ===
def get_tx_header(tx: SignTx, segwit=False):
w_txi = bytearray()
write_uint32(w_txi, tx.version)
@ -298,64 +303,114 @@ def get_p2wpkh_witness(signature: bytes, pubkey: bytes):
return w
def get_address(script_type: InputScriptType, coin: CoinType, node) -> bytes:
if script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS: # p2pkh
return node.address(coin.address_type)
elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS: # native p2wpkh
if not coin.segwit or not coin.bech32_prefix:
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'Coin does not support segwit')
return address_p2wpkh(node.public_key(), coin.bech32_prefix)
elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS: # p2wpkh using p2sh
if not coin.segwit or not coin.address_type_p2sh:
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'Coin does not support segwit')
return address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(node.public_key(), coin.address_type_p2sh)
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, 'Invalid script type')
def address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(pubkey: bytes, addrtype: int) -> str:
s = bytearray(21)
s[0] = addrtype
s[1:21] = address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_raw(pubkey)
return base58.encode_check(bytes(s))
def address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_raw(pubkey: bytes) -> bytes:
s = bytearray(22)
s[0] = 0x00 # OP_0
s[1] = 0x14 # pushing 20 bytes
s[2:22] = ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey)
h = sha256(s).digest()
h = ripemd160(h).digest()
return h
def address_p2wpkh(pubkey: bytes, hrp: str) -> str:
pubkeyhash = ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey)
address = bech32.encode(hrp, 0, pubkeyhash) # TODO: constant?
if address is None:
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'Invalid address')
return address
def decode_bech32_address(prefix: str, address: str) -> bytes:
witver, raw = bech32.decode(prefix, address)
if witver != 0: # TODO: constant?
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'Invalid address witness program')
return bytes(raw)
# TX Outputs
# ===
def output_derive_script(o: TxOutputType, coin: CoinType, root) -> bytes:
# if PAYTOADDRESS check address prefix todo could be better?
if o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOADDRESS and o.address:
raw = base58.decode_check(o.address)
coin_type, address = address_type.split(coin, raw)
if int.from_bytes(coin_type, 'little') == coin.address_type_p2sh:
o.script_type = OutputScriptType.PAYTOSCRIPTHASH
if o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOOPRETURN:
if o.amount != 0:
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'OP_RETURN output with non-zero amount')
return output_script_paytoopreturn(o.op_return_data)
if o.address_n: # change output
if o.address:
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
'Both address_n and address provided')
address = get_address_for_change(o, coin, root)
if not o.address:
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, 'Missing address')
address = o.address
if coin.bech32_prefix and address.startswith(coin.bech32_prefix): # p2wpkh or p2wsh
# todo check if p2wsh works
pubkeyhash = decode_bech32_address(coin.bech32_prefix, address)
return output_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh(pubkeyhash)
raw_address = base58.decode_check(address)
if address_type.check(coin.address_type, raw_address): # p2pkh
pubkeyhash = address_type.strip(coin.address_type, raw_address)
return output_script_p2pkh(pubkeyhash)
elif address_type.check(coin.address_type_p2sh, raw_address): # p2sh
scripthash = address_type.strip(coin.address_type_p2sh, raw_address)
return output_script_p2sh(scripthash)
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, 'Invalid address type')
def get_address_for_change(o: TxOutputType, coin: CoinType, root):
if o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOADDRESS:
ra = output_paytoaddress_extract_raw_address(o, coin, root)
ra = address_type.strip(coin.address_type, ra)
return script_paytoaddress_new(ra)
elif o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOSCRIPTHASH:
ra = output_paytoaddress_extract_raw_address(o, coin, root, p2sh=True)
ra = address_type.strip(coin.address_type_p2sh, ra)
return script_paytoscripthash_new(ra)
elif o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS: # todo ok? check if change?
node = node_derive(root, o.address_n)
address = get_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(node.public_key(), coin)
ra = base58.decode_check(address)
ra = address_type.strip(coin.address_type_p2sh, ra)
return script_paytoscripthash_new(ra)
elif o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOOPRETURN:
if o.amount == 0:
return script_paytoopreturn_new(o.op_return_data)
raise SigningError(FailureType.SyntaxError,
'OP_RETURN output with non-zero amount')
input_script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
elif o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOMULTISIG:
input_script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG
elif o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOWITNESS:
input_script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS
elif o.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS:
input_script_type = InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS
raise SigningError(FailureType.SyntaxError,
'Invalid output script type')
def output_paytoaddress_extract_raw_address(
o: TxOutputType, coin: CoinType, root, p2sh: bool=False) -> bytes:
addr_type = coin.address_type_p2sh if p2sh else coin.address_type
# TODO: dont encode/decode more then necessary
if o.address_n is not None:
node = node_derive(root, o.address_n)
address = node.address(addr_type)
return base58.decode_check(address)
if o.address:
raw = base58.decode_check(o.address)
if not address_type.check(addr_type, raw):
raise SigningError(FailureType.SyntaxError,
'Invalid address type')
return raw
raise SigningError(FailureType.SyntaxError,
'Missing address')
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, 'Invalid script type')
return get_address(input_script_type, coin, node_derive(root, o.address_n))
def output_is_change(o: TxOutputType) -> bool:
@ -368,17 +423,16 @@ def output_is_change(o: TxOutputType) -> bool:
def input_derive_script(i: TxInputType, pubkey: bytes, signature: bytes=None) -> bytes:
if i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
if signature is None:
return script_paytoaddress_new(ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey))
return script_spendaddress_new(pubkey, signature)
return input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey, signature) # p2pkh or p2sh
if i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS: # p2wpkh using p2sh
return script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey))
return input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey))
elif i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS: # native p2wpkh or p2wsh
return input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh()
raise SigningError(FailureType.SyntaxError,
'Unknown input script type')
raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, 'Invalid script type')
def node_derive(root, address_n: list):
@ -403,78 +457,3 @@ def ecdsa_sign(node, digest: bytes) -> bytes:
sig = secp256k1.sign(node.private_key(), digest)
sigder = der.encode_seq((sig[1:33], sig[33:65]))
return sigder
def get_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(pubkey: bytes, coin: CoinType) -> str:
pubkeyhash = ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey)
s = bytearray(22)
s[0] = 0x00 # OP_0
s[1] = 0x14 # pushing 20 bytes
s[2:22] = pubkeyhash
h = sha256(s).digest()
h = ripemd160(h).digest()
s = bytearray(21) # todo better?
s[0] = coin.address_type_p2sh
s[1:21] = h
return base58.encode_check(bytes(s))
# TX Scripts
# ===
def script_paytoaddress_new(pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:
s = bytearray(25)
s[0] = 0x76 # OP_DUP
s[1] = 0xA9 # OP_HASH_160
s[2] = 0x14 # pushing 20 bytes
s[3:23] = pubkeyhash
s[23] = 0x88 # OP_EQUALVERIFY
s[24] = 0xAC # OP_CHECKSIG
return s
def script_paytoscripthash_new(scripthash: bytes) -> bytearray:
s = bytearray(23)
s[0] = 0xA9 # OP_HASH_160
s[1] = 0x14 # pushing 20 bytes
s[2:22] = scripthash
s[22] = 0x87 # OP_EQUAL
return s
# P2WPKH is nested in P2SH to be backwards compatible
# see https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki#witness-program
# this pushes 16 00 14 <pubkeyhash>
def script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(pubkeyhash: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(3 + len(pubkeyhash))
write_op_push(w, len(pubkeyhash) + 2) # 0x16 - length of the redeemScript
w.append(0x00) # witness version byte
w.append(0x14) # P2WPKH witness program (pub key hash length + pub key hash)
write_bytes(w, pubkeyhash)
return w
def script_paytoopreturn_new(data: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(1 + 5 + len(data))
w.append(0x6A) # OP_RETURN
write_op_push(w, len(data))
return w
def script_spendaddress_new(pubkey: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bytearray:
w = bytearray_with_cap(5 + len(signature) + 1 + 5 + len(pubkey))
append_signature_and_pubkey(w, pubkey, signature)
return w
def append_signature_and_pubkey(w: bytearray, pubkey: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bytearray:
write_op_push(w, len(signature) + 1)
write_bytes(w, signature)
w.append(0x01) # SIGHASH_ALL
write_op_push(w, len(pubkey))
write_bytes(w, pubkey)
return w

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ def write_tx_input_check(w, i: TxInputType):
for n in i.address_n:
write_uint32(w, n)
write_uint32(w, i_sequence)
i_amount = i.amount if i.amount is not None else 0
write_uint32(w, i_amount) # this is probably redundant, but better safe than sorry
def write_tx_output(w, o: TxOutputBinType):

View File

@ -9,33 +9,37 @@ class TestSegwitAddress(unittest.TestCase):
# pylint: disable=C0301
def test_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(self):
coin = coins.by_name('Testnet')
address = get_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(
address = address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(
self.assertEqual(address, '2Mww8dCYPUpKHofjgcXcBCEGmniw9CoaiD2')
def test_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_node_derive_address(self):
def test_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_raw_address(self):
raw = address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_raw(
self.assertEqual(raw, unhexlify('336caa13e08b96080a32b5d818d59b4ab3b36742'))
def test_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_node_derive_address(self):
coin = coins.by_name('Testnet')
seed = bip39.seed(' '.join(['all'] * 12), '')
root = bip32.from_seed(seed, 'secp256k1')
node = node_derive(root, [49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 0])
address = get_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(node.public_key(), coin)
address = address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(node.public_key(), coin.address_type_p2sh)
self.assertEqual(address, '2N1LGaGg836mqSQqiuUBLfcyGBhyZbremDX')
node = node_derive(root, [49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 1])
address = get_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(node.public_key(), coin)
address = address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(node.public_key(), coin.address_type_p2sh)
self.assertEqual(address, '2NFWLCJQBSpz1oUJwwLpX8ECifFWGznBVqs')
node = node_derive(root, [49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 0, 0])
address = get_p2wpkh_in_p2sh_address(node.public_key(), coin)
address = address_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(node.public_key(), coin.address_type_p2sh)
self.assertEqual(address, '2N4Q5FhU2497BryFfUgbqkAJE87aKHUhXMp')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
from common import *
from trezor.utils import chunks
from trezor.crypto import bip32, bip39
from trezor.messages.SignTx import SignTx
from trezor.messages.TxInputType import TxInputType
from trezor.messages.TxOutputType import TxOutputType
from trezor.messages.TxRequest import TxRequest
from trezor.messages.TxAck import TxAck
from trezor.messages.TransactionType import TransactionType
from trezor.messages.RequestType import TXINPUT, TXOUTPUT, TXMETA, TXFINISHED
from trezor.messages.TxRequestDetailsType import TxRequestDetailsType
from trezor.messages.TxRequestSerializedType import TxRequestSerializedType
from trezor.messages import InputScriptType
from trezor.messages import OutputScriptType
from apps.common import coins
from apps.wallet.sign_tx import signing
class TestSignSegwitTxNativeP2WPKH(unittest.TestCase):
# pylint: disable=C0301
def test_send_native_p2wpkh(self):
coin = coins.by_name('Testnet')
seed = bip39.seed(' '.join(['all'] * 12), '')
root = bip32.from_seed(seed, 'secp256k1')
inp1 = TxInputType(
# 49'/1'/0'/0/0" - tb1qqzv60m9ajw8drqulta4ld4gfx0rdh82un5s65s
address_n=[49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 0, 0],
out1 = TxOutputType(
address_n=None, # @todo ask honza about sanitizing
out2 = TxOutputType(
amount=12300000 - 11000 - 5000000,
tx = SignTx(coin_name='Testnet', version=None, lock_time=None, inputs_count=1, outputs_count=2)
messages = [
# check fee
TxRequest(request_type=TXINPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None)),
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=None),
signing.UiConfirmOutput(out1, coin),
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=1, tx_hash=None), serialized=None),
signing.UiConfirmOutput(out2, coin),
signing.UiConfirmTotal(12300000 - 11000, 11000, coin),
# sign tx
TxRequest(request_type=TXINPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=None),
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
# returned serialized inp1
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=1, tx_hash=None), serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
# returned serialized out1
# segwit
TxRequest(request_type=TXINPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
# returned serialized out2
TxRequest(request_type=TXFINISHED, details=None, serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
signer = signing.sign_tx(tx, root)
for request, response in chunks(messages, 2):
self.assertEqualEx(signer.send(request), response)
with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
def test_send_native_p2wpkh_change(self):
coin = coins.by_name('Testnet')
seed = bip39.seed(' '.join(['all'] * 12), '')
root = bip32.from_seed(seed, 'secp256k1')
inp1 = TxInputType(
# 49'/1'/0'/0/0" - tb1qqzv60m9ajw8drqulta4ld4gfx0rdh82un5s65s
address_n=[49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 0, 0],
out1 = TxOutputType(
address_n=None, # @todo ask honza about sanitizing
out2 = TxOutputType(
address_n=[49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 0],
amount=12300000 - 11000 - 5000000,
tx = SignTx(coin_name='Testnet', version=None, lock_time=None, inputs_count=1, outputs_count=2)
messages = [
# check fee
TxRequest(request_type=TXINPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None)),
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=None),
signing.UiConfirmOutput(out1, coin),
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=1, tx_hash=None), serialized=None),
signing.UiConfirmTotal(5000000, 11000, coin),
# sign tx
TxRequest(request_type=TXINPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=None),
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
# returned serialized inp1
TxRequest(request_type=TXOUTPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=1, tx_hash=None), serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
# returned serialized out1
# segwit
TxRequest(request_type=TXINPUT, details=TxRequestDetailsType(request_index=0, tx_hash=None), serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
# returned serialized out2
TxRequest(request_type=TXFINISHED, details=None, serialized=TxRequestSerializedType(
signer = signing.sign_tx(tx, root)
for request, response in chunks(messages, 2):
self.assertEqualEx(signer.send(request), response)
with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
def assertEqualEx(self, a, b):
# hack to avoid adding __eq__ to signing.Ui* classes
if ((isinstance(a, signing.UiConfirmOutput) and isinstance(b, signing.UiConfirmOutput)) or
(isinstance(a, signing.UiConfirmTotal) and isinstance(b, signing.UiConfirmTotal))):
return self.assertEqual(a.__dict__, b.__dict__)
return self.assertEqual(a, b)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from apps.common import coins
from apps.wallet.sign_tx import signing
class TestSignSegwitTx(unittest.TestCase):
class TestSignSegwitTxP2WPKHInP2SH(unittest.TestCase):
# pylint: disable=C0301
def test_send_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(self):
@ -136,9 +136,10 @@ class TestSignSegwitTx(unittest.TestCase):
out2 = TxOutputType(
address_n = [49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 0],
script_type = OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS,
amount = 123456789 - 11000 - 12300000,
address_n=[49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 0],
amount=123456789 - 11000 - 12300000,
address=None, # todo ask about sanitizing
tx = SignTx(coin_name='Testnet', version=None, lock_time=None, inputs_count=1, outputs_count=2)
@ -245,9 +246,10 @@ class TestSignSegwitTx(unittest.TestCase):
out2 = TxOutputType(
address_n = [49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 0],
script_type = OutputScriptType.PAYTOP2SHWITNESS,
amount = 1,
address_n=[49 | 0x80000000, 1 | 0x80000000, 0 | 0x80000000, 1, 0],
address=None, # todo ask about sanitizing
tx = SignTx(coin_name='Testnet', version=None, lock_time=None, inputs_count=1, outputs_count=2)

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class TestSignTx(unittest.TestCase):
# amount=390000,
out1 = TxOutputType(address='1MJ2tj2ThBE62zXbBYA5ZaN3fdve5CPAz1',