from micropython import const import math import utime from trezorui import Display from trezor import io from trezor import loop from trezor import res from trezor import workflow from trezor.utils import model display = Display() # for desktop platforms, we need to refresh the display after each frame if model() == 'EMU': loop.after_step_hook = display.refresh # import constants from modtrezorui SIZE = Display.FONT_SIZE NORMAL = Display.FONT_NORMAL BOLD = Display.FONT_BOLD MONO = Display.FONT_MONO WIDTH = Display.WIDTH HEIGHT = Display.HEIGHT def lerpi(a: int, b: int, t: float) -> int: return int(a + t * (b - a)) def rgb(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int: return ((r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((g & 0xFC) << 3) | ((b & 0xF8) >> 3) def blend(ca: int, cb: int, t: float) -> int: return rgb( lerpi((ca >> 8) & 0xF8, (cb >> 8) & 0xF8, t), lerpi((ca >> 3) & 0xFC, (cb >> 3) & 0xFC, t), lerpi((ca << 3) & 0xF8, (cb << 3) & 0xF8, t)) from import * def contains(area: tuple, pos: tuple) -> bool: x, y = pos ax, ay, aw, ah = area return ax <= x <= ax + aw and ay <= y <= ay + ah def rotate(pos: tuple) -> tuple: r = display.orientation() if r == 0: return pos x, y = pos if r == 90: return (y, WIDTH - x) if r == 180: return (WIDTH - x, HEIGHT - y) if r == 270: return (HEIGHT - y, x) def pulse(delay: int): while True: # normalize sin from interval -1:1 to 0:1 yield 0.5 + 0.5 * math.sin(utime.ticks_us() / delay) async def alert(count: int=3): short_sleep = loop.sleep(20000) long_sleep = loop.sleep(80000) current = display.backlight() for i in range(count * 2): if i % 2 == 0: display.backlight(BACKLIGHT_MAX) yield short_sleep else: display.backlight(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL) yield long_sleep display.backlight(current) async def click() -> tuple: touch = while True: ev, *pos = yield touch if ev == io.TOUCH_START: break while True: ev, *pos = yield touch if ev == io.TOUCH_END: break return pos async def backlight_slide(val: int, delay: int=35000, step: int=20): sleep = loop.sleep(delay) current = display.backlight() for i in range(current, val, -step if current > val else step): display.backlight(i) yield sleep def layout(f): async def inner(*args, **kwargs): await backlight_slide(BACKLIGHT_DIM) slide = backlight_slide(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL) try: layout = f(*args, **kwargs) workflow.onlayoutstart(layout) loop.schedule(slide) display.clear() return await layout finally: loop.close(slide) workflow.onlayoutclose(layout) return inner def header(title: str, icon: bytes=ICON_DEFAULT, fg: int=FG, bg: int=BG, ifg: int=GREEN): if icon is not None: display.icon(14, 15, res.load(icon), ifg, bg) display.text(44, 35, title, BOLD, fg, bg) VIEWX = const(6) VIEWY = const(9) def grid(i: int, n_x: int=3, n_y: int=5, start_x: int=VIEWX, start_y: int=VIEWY, end_x: int=(WIDTH - VIEWX), end_y: int=(HEIGHT - VIEWY), cells_x: int=1, cells_y: int=1, spacing: int=0): w = (end_x - start_x) // n_x h = (end_y - start_y) // n_y x = (i % n_x) * w y = (i // n_x) * h return (x + start_x, y + start_y, (w - spacing) * cells_x, (h - spacing) * cells_y) class Widget: def render(self): pass def touch(self, event, pos): pass def __iter__(self): touch = result = None while result is None: self.render() event, *pos = yield touch result = self.touch(event, pos) return result