/* * Copyright (c) Jan Pochyla, SatoshiLabs * * Licensed under TREZOR License * see LICENSE file for details */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "../trezorhal/flash.h" #ifndef FLASH_FILE #define FLASH_FILE "/var/tmp/trezor.config" #endif #define SECTOR_COUNT 24 #define FLASH_SIZE 0x200000 static const uint32_t sector_table[SECTOR_COUNT + 1] = { [ 0] = 0x08000000, // - 0x08003FFF | 16 KiB [ 1] = 0x08004000, // - 0x08007FFF | 16 KiB [ 2] = 0x08008000, // - 0x0800BFFF | 16 KiB [ 3] = 0x0800C000, // - 0x0800FFFF | 16 KiB [ 4] = 0x08010000, // - 0x0801FFFF | 64 KiB [ 5] = 0x08020000, // - 0x0803FFFF | 128 KiB [ 6] = 0x08040000, // - 0x0805FFFF | 128 KiB [ 7] = 0x08060000, // - 0x0807FFFF | 128 KiB [ 8] = 0x08080000, // - 0x0809FFFF | 128 KiB [ 9] = 0x080A0000, // - 0x080BFFFF | 128 KiB [10] = 0x080C0000, // - 0x080DFFFF | 128 KiB [11] = 0x080E0000, // - 0x080FFFFF | 128 KiB [12] = 0x08100000, // - 0x08103FFF | 16 KiB [13] = 0x08104000, // - 0x08107FFF | 16 KiB [14] = 0x08108000, // - 0x0810BFFF | 16 KiB [15] = 0x0810C000, // - 0x0810FFFF | 16 KiB [16] = 0x08110000, // - 0x0811FFFF | 64 KiB [17] = 0x08120000, // - 0x0813FFFF | 128 KiB [18] = 0x08140000, // - 0x0815FFFF | 128 KiB [19] = 0x08160000, // - 0x0817FFFF | 128 KiB [20] = 0x08180000, // - 0x0819FFFF | 128 KiB [21] = 0x081A0000, // - 0x081BFFFF | 128 KiB [22] = 0x081C0000, // - 0x081DFFFF | 128 KiB [23] = 0x081E0000, // - 0x081FFFFF | 128 KiB [24] = 0x08200000, // last element - not a valid sector }; static uint8_t *flash_buffer; static void flash_exit(void) { int r = munmap(flash_buffer, FLASH_SIZE); ensure(sectrue * (r == 0), "munmap failed"); } void flash_init(void) { int r; // check whether the file exists and it has the correct size struct stat sb; r = stat(FLASH_FILE, &sb); // (re)create if non existant or wrong size if (r != 0 || sb.st_size != FLASH_SIZE) { int fd = open(FLASH_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, (mode_t)0600); ensure(sectrue * (fd >= 0), "open failed"); for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_SIZE / 16; i++) { ssize_t s = write(fd, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 16); ensure(sectrue * (s >= 0), "write failed"); } r = close(fd); ensure(sectrue * (r == 0), "close failed"); } // mmap file int fd = open(FLASH_FILE, O_RDWR); ensure(sectrue * (fd >= 0), "open failed"); void *map = mmap(0, FLASH_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); ensure(sectrue * (map != MAP_FAILED), "mmap failed"); flash_buffer = (uint8_t *)map; atexit(flash_exit); } secbool flash_unlock(void) { return sectrue; } secbool flash_lock(void) { return sectrue; } const void *flash_get_address(uint8_t sector, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) { if (sector >= SECTOR_COUNT) { return NULL; } const uint32_t sector_size = sector_table[sector + 1] - sector_table[sector]; if (offset + size > sector_size) { return NULL; } const uint32_t sector_offset = sector_table[sector] - sector_table[0]; return flash_buffer + sector_offset + offset; } secbool flash_erase_sectors(const uint8_t *sectors, int len, void (*progress)(int pos, int len)) { if (progress) { progress(0, len); } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { const uint8_t sector = sectors[i]; const uint32_t offset = sector_table[sector] - sector_table[0]; const uint32_t size = sector_table[sector + 1] - sector_table[sector]; memset(flash_buffer + offset, 0xFF, size); if (progress) { progress(i + 1, len); } } return sectrue; } secbool flash_write_byte_rel(uint8_t sector, uint32_t offset, uint8_t data) { uint8_t *flash = (uint8_t *)flash_get_address(sector, offset, sizeof(data)); if (!flash) { return secfalse; } if ((flash[0] & data) != data) { return secfalse; // we cannot change zeroes to ones } flash[0] = data; return sectrue; } secbool flash_write_word_rel(uint8_t sector, uint32_t offset, uint32_t data) { if (offset % 4) { // we write only at 4-byte boundary return secfalse; } uint32_t *flash = (uint32_t *)flash_get_address(sector, offset, sizeof(data)); if (!flash) { return secfalse; } if ((flash[0] & data) != data) { return secfalse; // we cannot change zeroes to ones } flash[0] = data; return sectrue; } secbool flash_read_word_rel(uint8_t sector, uint32_t offset, uint32_t *data) { if (offset % 4) { // we read only at 4-byte boundary return secfalse; } const uint32_t *flash = (const uint32_t *)flash_get_address(sector, offset, sizeof(data)); if (!flash) { return secfalse; } data[0] = flash[0]; return sectrue; } secbool flash_otp_read(uint8_t block, uint8_t offset, uint8_t *data, uint8_t datalen) { return secfalse; } secbool flash_otp_write(uint8_t block, uint8_t offset, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t datalen) { return secfalse; } secbool flash_otp_lock(uint8_t block) { return secfalse; } secbool flash_otp_is_locked(uint8_t block) { return secfalse; }