#TREZOR Core API Syntax used below is a valid Python function declaration with type hints defined in [PEP 0484](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/). ##trezor.crypto ###trezor.crypto.base58 ``` python def trezor.crypto.base58.encode(data: bytes) -> str ``` Convert bytes to base58 encoded string. ``` python def trezor.crypto.base58.decode(string: str) -> bytes ``` Convert base58 encoded string to bytes. ``` python def trezor.crypto.base58.encode_check(data: bytes) -> str ``` Convert bytes to base58 encoded string, append checksum. ``` python def trezor.crypto.base58.decode_check(string: str) -> bytes ``` Convert base58 encoded string to bytes and verify checksum. ###trezor.crypto.bip39 ``` python def trezor.crypto.bip39.generate(strength: int) -> str ``` Generate a mnemonic of given strength (128, 160, 192, 224 and 256 bits) ``` python def trezor.crypto.bip39.from_data(data: bytes) -> str ``` Generate a mnemonic from given data (of 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 bytes) ``` python def trezor.crypto.bip39.check(mnemonic: str) -> bool ``` Check whether given mnemonic is valid ``` python def trezor.crypto.bip39.seed(mnemonic: str, passphrase: str) -> bytes ``` Generate seed from mnemonic and passphrase ###trezor.crypto.curve ####trezor.crypto.curve.ed25519 ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.ed25519.publickey(secret_key: bytes) -> bytes ``` Computes public key from secret key. ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.ed25519.sign(secret_key: bytes, message: bytes) -> bytes ``` Uses secret key to produce the signature of message. ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.ed25519.verify(public_key: bytes, signature: bytes, message: bytes) -> bool ``` Uses public key to verify the signature of the message Returns True on success. ####trezor.crypto.curve.nist256p1 ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.nist256p1.publickey(secret_key: bytes, compressed: bool=True) -> bytes ``` Computes public key from secret key. ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.nist256p1.sign(secret_key: bytes, message: bytes) -> bytes ``` Uses secret key to produce the signature of message. ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.nist256p1.verify(public_key: bytes, signature: bytes, message: bytes) -> bool ``` Uses public key to verify the signature of the message Returns True on success. ####trezor.crypto.curve.secp256k1 ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.secp256k1.publickey(secret_key: bytes, compressed: bool=True) -> bytes ``` Computes public key from secret key. ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.secp256k1.sign(secret_key: bytes, message: bytes) -> bytes ``` Uses secret key to produce the signature of message. ``` python def trezor.crypto.curve.secp256k1.verify(public_key: bytes, signature: bytes, message: bytes) -> bool ``` Uses public key to verify the signature of the message Returns True on success. ###trezor.crypto.hashlib ####trezor.crypto.hashlib.ripemd160 ``` python def trezor.crypto.hashlib.ripemd160(data: bytes=None) -> Ripemd160 ``` Creates a hash context object. ``` python def Ripemd160.update(self, data: bytes) -> None ``` Update the hash context with hashed data. ``` python def Ripemd160.digest(self) -> bytes ``` Returns the digest of hashed data. ####trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha256 ``` python def trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha256(data: bytes=None) -> Sha256 ``` Creates a hash context object. ``` python def Sha256.update(self, data: bytes) -> None ``` Update the hash context with hashed data. ``` python def Sha256.digest(self) -> bytes ``` Returns the digest of hashed data. ####trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha512 ``` python def trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha512(data: bytes=None) -> Sha512 ``` Creates a hash context object. ``` python def Sha512.hash(self, data: bytes) -> None ``` Update the hash context with hashed data. ``` python def Sha512.digest(self) -> bytes ``` Returns the digest of hashed data. ####trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha3_256 ``` python def trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha3_256(data: bytes=None) -> Sha3_256 ``` Creates a hash context object. ``` python def Sha3_256.update(self, data: bytes) -> None ``` Update the hash context with hashed data. ``` python def Sha3_256.digest(self) -> bytes ``` Returns the digest of hashed data. ####trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha3_512 ``` python def trezor.crypto.hashlib.sha3_512(data: bytes=None) -> Sha3_512 ``` Creates a hash context object. ``` python def Sha3_512.update(self, data: bytes) -> None ``` Update the hash context with hashed data. ``` python def Sha3_512.digest(self) -> bytes ``` Returns the digest of hashed data. ###trezor.crypto.hmac ``` python def trezor.crypto.hmac.new(key, msg, digestmod) -> Hmac ``` Creates a HMAC context object. ``` python def Hmac.update(self, msg: bytes) -> None ``` Update the context with data. ``` python def Hmac.digest(self) -> bytes ``` Returns the digest of processed data. ##trezor.msg ``` python def trezor.msg.send(message) -> int ``` Sends message using USB HID (device) or UDP (emulator). ``` python def trezor.msg.select(timeout_us: int) -> tuple ``` Polls the event queue and returns the event object. Function returns None if timeout specified in microseconds is reached. ##trezor.ui ``` python def trezor.ui.rgbcolor(r: int, g: int, b: int) -> int ``` ``` python def trezor.ui.lerpi(a: int, b: int, t: float) -> int ``` ``` python def trezor.ui.blend(ca: int, cb: int, t: float) -> int ``` ``` python def trezor.ui.animate_pulse(func, ca, cb, speed=200000, delay=30000) ``` ###trezor.ui.display ``` python def trezor.ui.display.bar(x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, fgcolor: int, bgcolor: int=None) -> None ``` Renders a bar at position (x,y = upper left corner) with width w and height h of color fgcolor. When a bgcolor is set, the bar is drawn with rounded corners and bgcolor is used for background. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.blit(x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, data: bytes) -> None ``` Renders rectangle at position (x,y = upper left corner) with width w and height h with data. The data needs to have the correct format. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.image(x: int, y: int, image: bytes) -> None ``` Renders an image at position (x,y). The image needs to be in TREZOR Optimized Image Format (TOIF) - full-color mode. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.icon(x: int, y: int, icon: bytes, fgcolor: int, bgcolor: int) -> None ``` Renders an icon at position (x,y), fgcolor is used as foreground color, bgcolor as background. The image needs to be in TREZOR Optimized Image Format (TOIF) - gray-scale mode. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.text(x: int, y: int, text: bytes, font: int, fgcolor: int, bgcolor: int) -> None ``` Renders left-aligned text at position (x,y) where x is left position and y is baseline. Font font is used for rendering, fgcolor is used as foreground color, bgcolor as background. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.text_center(x: int, y: int, text: bytes, font: int, fgcolor: int, bgcolor: int) -> None ``` Renders text centered at position (x,y) where x is text center and y is baseline. Font font is used for rendering, fgcolor is used as foreground color, bgcolor as background. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.text_right(x: int, y: int, text: bytes, font: int, fgcolor: int, bgcolor: int) -> None ``` Renders right-aligned text at position (x,y) where x is right position and y is baseline. Font font is used for rendering, fgcolor is used as foreground color, bgcolor as background. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.text_width(text: bytes, font: int) -> int ``` Returns a width of text in pixels. Font font is used for rendering. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.qrcode(x: int, y: int, data: bytes, scale: int) -> None ``` Renders data encoded as a QR code at position (x,y). Scale determines a zoom factor. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.loader(progress: int, fgcolor: int, bgcolor: int, icon: bytes=None, iconfgcolor: int=None) -> None ``` Renders a rotating loader graphic. Progress determines its position (0-1000), fgcolor is used as foreground color, bgcolor as background. When icon and iconfgcolor are provided, an icon is drawn in the middle using the color specified in iconfgcolor. Icon needs to be of exaclty 96x96 pixels size. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.orientation(degrees: int) -> None ``` Sets display orientation to 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees. Everything needs to be redrawn again when this function is used. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.backlight(val: int) -> None ``` Sets backlight intensity to the value specified in val. ``` python def trezor.ui.display.raw(reg: int, data: bytes) -> None ``` Performs a raw command on the display. Read the datasheet to learn more. ###trezor.utils ``` python def trezor.utils.memaccess(address: int, length: int) -> bytes ``` Creates a bytes object that can be used to access certain memory location.