Merge pull request #8 from z-classic/master

merge upstream
This commit is contained in:
Larry Ludlow 2017-09-10 08:45:29 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit a8cd7ba9e0
10 changed files with 452 additions and 258 deletions

View File

@ -15,19 +15,30 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
case 'stats':
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
case 'pool_stats':
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
case 'blocks':
case 'getblocksstats':
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
case 'payments':
var poolBlocks = [];
for(var pool in portalStats.stats.pools) {
poolBlocks.push({name: pool, pending: portalStats.stats.pools[pool].pending, payments: portalStats.stats.pools[pool].payments});
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
case 'worker_stats':
res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
if (req.url.indexOf("?")>0) {
var url_parms = req.url.split("?");
if (url_parms.length > 0) {
@ -78,7 +89,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
res.end(JSON.stringify({miner: address, totalHash: totalHash, totalShares: totalShares, networkSols: networkSols, balance: balances.totalHeld, paid: balances.totalPaid, workers: workers, history: history}));
res.end(JSON.stringify({miner: address, totalHash: totalHash, totalShares: totalShares, networkSols: networkSols, immature: balances.totalImmature, balance: balances.totalHeld, paid: balances.totalPaid, workers: workers, history: history}));
} else {

View File

@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// zcash team recommends 10 confirmations for safety from orphaned blocks
var minConfShield = Math.max((processingConfig.minConf || 10), 1); // Don't allow 0 conf transactions.
var minConfPayout = Math.max((processingConfig.minConf || 10), 1);
if (minConfPayout < 10) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, logComponent + 'minConf of 10 is recommended to reduce chances of payments being orphaned.');
if (minConfPayout < 3) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, logComponent + ' minConf of 3 is recommended.');
// minimum paymentInterval of 60 seconds
var paymentIntervalSecs = Math.max((processingConfig.paymentInterval || 180), 60);
if (parseInt(processingConfig.paymentInterval) < 180) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'paymentInterval of 180 seconds recommended to reduce the RPC work queue.');
var paymentIntervalSecs = Math.max((processingConfig.paymentInterval || 120), 30);
if (parseInt(processingConfig.paymentInterval) < 120) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, ' minimum paymentInterval of 120 seconds recommended.');
var maxBlocksPerPayment = Math.max(processingConfig.maxBlocksPerPayment || 3, 1);
@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
logger[severity](logSystem, logComponent, message);
var redisClient = redis.createClient(poolOptions.redis.port,;
// redis auth if enabled
// redis auth if enabled
if (poolOptions.redis.password) {
var magnitude;
var minPaymentSatoshis;
var coinPrecision;
@ -425,16 +427,21 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
}, shielding_interval);
// stats caching every 58 seconds
// network stats caching every 58 seconds
var stats_interval = 58 * 1000;
var statsInterval = setInterval(function() {
// update network stats using coin daemon
// update market stats using coinmarketcap
if (getMarketStats === true) {
}, stats_interval);
// market stats caching every 5 minutes
if (getMarketStats === true) {
var market_stats_interval = 300 * 1000;
var marketStatsInterval = setInterval(function() {
// update market stats using coinmarketcap
}, market_stats_interval);
// check operation statuses every 57 seconds
var opid_interval = 57 * 1000;
@ -444,6 +451,17 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var checkOpIdSuccessAndGetResult = function(ops) {
var batchRPC = [];
// if there are no op-ids
if (ops.length == 0) {
// and we think there is
if (opidCount !== 0) {
// clear them!
opidCount = 0;
opids = [];
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Clearing operation ids due to empty result set.');
// loop through op-ids checking their status
ops.forEach(function(op, i){
// check operation id status
if (op.status == "success" || op.status == "failed") {
@ -466,10 +484,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
logger.special(logSystem, logComponent, 'Shielding operation success ' + + ' txid: ' + op.result.txid);
} else if (op.status == "executing") {
if (opidCount == 0) {
logger.special(logSystem, logComponent, 'Shielding operation in progress ' + );
logger.special(logSystem, logComponent, 'Shielding operation in progress ' + );
// if there are no completed operations
@ -599,6 +614,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
txHash: details[1],
height: details[2],
minedby: details[3],
time: details[4],
duplicate: false,
serialized: r
@ -689,7 +705,6 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
Step 2 - check if mined block coinbase tx are ready for payment
* adds block reward to rounds object
* adds block confirmations count to rounds object
* updates confirmation counts in redis
function(workers, rounds, callback){
// get pending block tx details
@ -707,8 +722,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var confirmsUpdate = [];
var addressAccount = "";
// check for transaction errors and generated coins
@ -720,6 +734,8 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var round = rounds[i];
// update confirmations for round
round.confirmations = parseInt((tx.result.confirmations || 0));
// look for transaction errors
if (tx.error && tx.error.code === -5){
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Daemon reports invalid transaction: ' + round.txHash);
@ -748,13 +764,10 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// get transaction category for round
round.category = generationTx.category;
round.confirmations = parseInt((tx.result.confirmations || 0));
// get reward for newly generated blocks
if (round.category === 'generate') {
if (round.category === 'generate' || round.category === 'immature') {
round.reward = coinsRound(parseFloat(generationTx.amount || generationTx.value));
// update confirmations in redis
confirmsUpdate.push(['hset', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', round.blockHash, round.confirmations]);
var canDeleteShares = function(r){
@ -777,66 +790,33 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
case 'orphan':
case 'kicked':
r.canDeleteShares = canDeleteShares(r);
return true;
case 'immature':
return true;
case 'generate':
return (payingBlocks <= maxBlocksPerPayment);
// if over maxBlocksPerPayment...
// change category to immature to prevent payment
// and to keep track of confirmations/immature balances
if (payingBlocks > maxBlocksPerPayment)
r.category = 'immature';
return true;
return false;
// TODO: make tx fees dynamic
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
// calculate what the pool owes its miners
var totalOwed = parseInt(0);
for (var i = 0; i < rounds.length; i++) {
// only pay generated blocks, not orphaned or kicked
if (rounds[i].category == 'generate') {
totalOwed = totalOwed + coinsToSatoshies(rounds[i].reward) - feeSatoshi;
var notAddr = null;
if (requireShielding === true) {
notAddr = poolOptions.address;
// update confirmations for pending blocks in redis
if (confirmsUpdate.length > 0) {
redisClient.multi(confirmsUpdate).exec(function(error, result){
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error could not update confirmations for pending blocks in redis ' + JSON.stringify(error));
return callback(true);
// check if we have enough tAddress funds to begin payment processing
listUnspent(null, notAddr, minConfPayout, false, function (error, tBalance){
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error checking pool balance before processing payments.');
return callback(true);
} else if (tBalance < totalOwed) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Insufficient funds ('+satoshisToCoins(tBalance) + ') to process payments (' + satoshisToCoins(totalOwed)+') for ' + payingBlocks + ' blocks; possibly waiting for txs.');
return callback(true);
// account feature not implemented at this time
addressAccount = "";
// begin payments for generated coins
callback(null, workers, rounds, addressAccount);
} else {
// no pending blocks, need to find a block!
return callback(true);
// continue to next step in waterfall
callback(null, workers, rounds, addressAccount);
Step 3 - lookup shares in redis and calculate rewards
Step 3 - lookup shares and calculate rewards
* pull pplnt times from redis
* pull shares from redis
* calculate rewards
* pplnt share reductions if needed
function(workers, rounds, addressAccount, callback){
// pplnt times lookup
@ -850,6 +830,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
callback('Check finished - redis error with multi get rounds time');
// shares lookup
var shareLookups ={
return ['hgetall', coin + ':shares:round' + r.height];
@ -863,107 +844,219 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// error detection
var err = null;
var performPayment = false;
// total shares
rounds.forEach(function(round, i){
var workerShares = allWorkerShares[i];
if (!workerShares){
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'No worker shares for round: ' + round.height + ' blockHash: ' + round.blockHash);
var workerTimes = allWorkerTimes[i];
switch (round.category){
case 'kicked':
case 'orphan':
round.workerShares = workerShares;
case 'generate':
// TODO: make tx fees dynamic
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
var reward = coinsToSatoshies(round.reward) - feeSatoshi;
var totalShares = parseFloat(0);
var sharesLost = parseFloat(0);
// find most time spent in this round by single worker
maxTime = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerTimes){
if (maxTime < parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]))
maxTime = parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]);
// total up shares for round
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var shares = parseFloat((workerShares[workerAddress] || 0));
// if pplnt mode
if (pplntEnabled === true && maxTime > 0) {
var tshares = shares;
var lost = parseFloat(0);
var address = workerAddress.split('.')[0];
if (workerTimes[address] != null && parseFloat(workerTimes[address]) > 0) {
var timePeriod = roundTo(parseFloat(workerTimes[address] || 1) / maxTime , 2);
if (timePeriod > 0 && timePeriod < pplntTimeQualify) {
var lost = shares - (shares * timePeriod);
sharesLost += lost;
shares = Math.max(shares - lost, 0);
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'PPLNT: Reduced shares for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' maxTime:'+maxTime+'sec timePeriod:'+roundTo(timePeriod,6)+' shares:'+tshares+' lost:'+lost+' new:'+shares);
if (timePeriod > 1.0) {
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Time share period is greater than 1.0 for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' blockHash:' + round.blockHash);
worker.timePeriod = timePeriod;
} else {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'PPLNT: Missing time share period for '+workerAddress+', miner shares qualified in round ' + round.height);
worker.roundShares = shares;
worker.totalShares = parseFloat(worker.totalShares || 0) + shares;
totalShares += shares;
//console.log('--REWARD DEBUG--------------');
// calculate rewards for round
var totalAmount = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var percent = parseFloat(worker.roundShares) / totalShares;
if (percent > 1.0) {
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Share percent is greater than 1.0 for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' blockHash:' + round.blockHash);
// calculate workers reward for this round
var workerRewardTotal = Math.round(reward * percent);
// add to total reward for worker
worker.reward = (worker.reward || 0) + workerRewardTotal;
// add to total amount sent to all workers
totalAmount += worker.reward;
//console.log('rewardAmount: '+workerAddress+' '+workerRewardTotal);
//console.log('totalAmount: '+workerAddress+' '+worker.reward);
//console.log('totalAmount: '+totalAmount);
//console.log('blockHeight: '+round.height);
//console.log('blockReward: '+reward);
//console.log('totalShares: '+totalShares);
//console.log('sharesLost: '+sharesLost);
// if there was no errors
if (err === null) {
// continue payments
callback(null, workers, rounds, addressAccount);
} else {
// stop waterfall flow, do not process payments
var notAddr = null;
if (requireShielding === true) {
notAddr = poolOptions.address;
// calculate what the pool owes its miners
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
var totalOwed = parseInt(0);
for (var i = 0; i < rounds.length; i++) {
// only pay generated blocks, not orphaned, kicked, immature
if (rounds[i].category == 'generate') {
totalOwed = totalOwed + coinsToSatoshies(rounds[i].reward) - feeSatoshi;
// also include balances owed
for (var w in workers) {
var worker = workers[w];
totalOwed = totalOwed + (worker.balance||0);
// check if we have enough tAddress funds to begin payment processing
listUnspent(null, notAddr, minConfPayout, false, function (error, tBalance){
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error checking pool balance before processing payments.');
return callback(true);
} else if (tBalance < totalOwed) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Insufficient funds ('+satoshisToCoins(tBalance) + ') to process payments (' + satoshisToCoins(totalOwed)+'); possibly waiting for txs.');
performPayment = false;
} else if (tBalance > totalOwed) {
performPayment = true;
// just in case...
if (totalOwed <= 0) {
performPayment = false;
// if we can not perform payment
if (performPayment === false) {
// convert category generate to immature
rounds = rounds.filter(function(r){
switch (r.category) {
case 'orphan':
case 'kicked':
case 'immature':
return true;
case 'generate':
r.category = 'immature';
return true;
return false;
// handle rounds
rounds.forEach(function(round, i){
var workerShares = allWorkerShares[i];
if (!workerShares){
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'No worker shares for round: ' + round.height + ' blockHash: ' + round.blockHash);
var workerTimes = allWorkerTimes[i];
switch (round.category){
case 'kicked':
case 'orphan':
round.workerShares = workerShares;
/* calculate immature balances */
case 'immature':
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
var immature = coinsToSatoshies(round.reward);
var totalShares = parseFloat(0);
var sharesLost = parseFloat(0);
// adjust block immature .. tx fees
immature = Math.round(immature - feeSatoshi);
// find most time spent in this round by single worker
maxTime = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerTimes){
if (maxTime < parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]))
maxTime = parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]);
// total up shares for round
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var shares = parseFloat((workerShares[workerAddress] || 0));
// if pplnt mode
if (pplntEnabled === true && maxTime > 0) {
var tshares = shares;
var lost = parseFloat(0);
var address = workerAddress.split('.')[0];
if (workerTimes[address] != null && parseFloat(workerTimes[address]) > 0) {
var timePeriod = roundTo(parseFloat(workerTimes[address] || 1) / maxTime , 2);
if (timePeriod > 0 && timePeriod < pplntTimeQualify) {
var lost = shares - (shares * timePeriod);
sharesLost += lost;
shares = Math.max(shares - lost, 0);
worker.roundShares = shares;
totalShares += shares;
//console.log('--IMMATURE DEBUG--------------');
//console.log('performPayment: '+performPayment);
//console.log('blockHeight: '+round.height);
//console.log('blockReward: '+Math.round(immature));
//console.log('blockConfirmations: '+round.confirmations);
// calculate rewards for round
var totalAmount = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var percent = parseFloat(worker.roundShares) / totalShares;
// calculate workers immature for this round
var workerImmatureTotal = Math.round(immature * percent);
worker.immature = (worker.immature || 0) + workerImmatureTotal;
totalAmount += workerImmatureTotal;
/* calculate reward balances */
case 'generate':
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
var reward = coinsToSatoshies(round.reward);
var totalShares = parseFloat(0);
var sharesLost = parseFloat(0);
// adjust block reward .. tx fees
reward = Math.round(reward - feeSatoshi);
// find most time spent in this round by single worker
maxTime = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerTimes){
if (maxTime < parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]))
maxTime = parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]);
// total up shares for round
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var shares = parseFloat((workerShares[workerAddress] || 0));
// if pplnt mode
if (pplntEnabled === true && maxTime > 0) {
var tshares = shares;
var lost = parseFloat(0);
var address = workerAddress.split('.')[0];
if (workerTimes[address] != null && parseFloat(workerTimes[address]) > 0) {
var timePeriod = roundTo(parseFloat(workerTimes[address] || 1) / maxTime , 2);
if (timePeriod > 0 && timePeriod < pplntTimeQualify) {
var lost = shares - (shares * timePeriod);
sharesLost += lost;
shares = Math.max(shares - lost, 0);
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'PPLNT: Reduced shares for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' maxTime:'+maxTime+'sec timePeriod:'+roundTo(timePeriod,6)+' shares:'+tshares+' lost:'+lost+' new:'+shares);
if (timePeriod > 1.0) {
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Time share period is greater than 1.0 for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' blockHash:' + round.blockHash);
worker.timePeriod = timePeriod;
worker.roundShares = shares;
worker.totalShares = parseFloat(worker.totalShares || 0) + shares;
totalShares += shares;
//console.log('--REWARD DEBUG--------------');
//console.log('performPayment: '+performPayment);
//console.log('blockHeight: '+round.height);
//console.log('blockReward: ' + Math.round(reward));
//console.log('blockConfirmations: '+round.confirmations);
// calculate rewards for round
var totalAmount = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var percent = parseFloat(worker.roundShares) / totalShares;
if (percent > 1.0) {
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Share percent is greater than 1.0 for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' blockHash:' + round.blockHash);
// calculate workers reward for this round
var workerRewardTotal = Math.round(reward * percent);
worker.reward = (worker.reward || 0) + workerRewardTotal;
totalAmount += workerRewardTotal;
// if there was no errors
if (err === null) {
callback(null, workers, rounds, addressAccount);
} else {
// some error, stop waterfall
}); // end funds check
});// end share lookup
}); // end time lookup
@ -976,6 +1069,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var tries = 0;
var trySend = function (withholdPercent) {
var addressAmounts = {};
var balanceAmounts = {};
var shareAmounts = {};
@ -1015,7 +1109,6 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// send funds
worker.sent = satoshisToCoins(toSendSatoshis);
worker.balanceChange = Math.min(worker.balance, toSendSatoshis) * -1;
// multiple workers may have same address, add them up
if (addressAmounts[address] != null && addressAmounts[address] > 0) {
addressAmounts[address] = coinsRound(addressAmounts[address] + worker.sent);
} else {
@ -1046,7 +1139,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// if no payouts...continue to next set of callbacks
if (Object.keys(addressAmounts).length === 0){
callback(null, workers, rounds);
callback(null, workers, rounds, []);
@ -1055,12 +1148,14 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
for (var a in addressAmounts) {
addressAmounts[a] = coinsRound(addressAmounts[a]);
// perform the sendmany operation .. addressAccount
var rpccallTracking = 'sendmany "" '+JSON.stringify(addressAmounts);
daemon.cmd('sendmany', ["", addressAmounts], function (result) {
// check for failed payments, there are many reasons
if (result.error && result.error.code === -6) {
@ -1137,15 +1232,8 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var paymentsUpdate = [];
var paymentsData = {, txid:txid, shares:totalShares, paid:satoshisToCoins(totalSent), miners:Object.keys(addressAmounts).length, blocks: paymentBlocks, amounts: addressAmounts, balances: balanceAmounts, work:shareAmounts};
paymentsUpdate.push(['zadd', logComponent + ':payments',, JSON.stringify(paymentsData)]);
redisClient.multi(paymentsUpdate).exec(function(error, payments){
if (error){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error redis save payments data ' + JSON.stringify(payments));
// perform final redis updates
callback(null, workers, rounds);
callback(null, workers, rounds, paymentsUpdate);
} else {
@ -1160,26 +1248,28 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
}, true, true);
// attempt to send any owed payments
Step 5 - Final redis commands
function(workers, rounds, callback){
function(workers, rounds, paymentsUpdate, callback){
var totalPaid = parseFloat(0);
var immatureUpdateCommands = [];
var balanceUpdateCommands = [];
var workerPayoutsCommand = [];
// update worker paid/balance stats
for (var w in workers) {
var worker = workers[w];
if (worker.balanceChange !== 0){
// update balances
if ((worker.balanceChange || 0) !== 0){
coin + ':balances',
@ -1187,41 +1277,51 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (worker.sent !== 0){
// update payouts
if ((worker.sent || 0) > 0){
workerPayoutsCommand.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':payouts', w, coinsRound(worker.sent)]);
totalPaid = coinsRound(totalPaid + worker.sent);
// update immature balances
if ((worker.immature || 0) > 0) {
immatureUpdateCommands.push(['hset', coin + ':immature', w, worker.immature]);
} else {
immatureUpdateCommands.push(['hset', coin + ':immature', w, 0]);
var movePendingCommands = [];
var roundsToDelete = [];
var orphanMergeCommands = [];
var confirmsUpdate = [];
var confirmsToDelete = [];
var moveSharesToCurrent = function(r){
var workerShares = r.workerShares;
if (workerShares != null) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Moving shares from orphaned block '+r.height+' to current round.');
orphanMergeCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + ':shares:roundCurrent', worker, workerShares[worker]]);
// handle the round
case 'kicked':
confirmsToDelete.push(['hdel', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksKicked', r.serialized]);
case 'orphan':
confirmsToDelete.push(['hdel', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksOrphaned', r.serialized]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksKicked', r.serialized]);
if (r.canDeleteShares){
roundsToDelete.push(coin + ':shares:round' + r.height);
roundsToDelete.push(coin + ':shares:times' + r.height);
case 'immature':
confirmsUpdate.push(['hset', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash, (r.confirmations || 0)]);
case 'generate':
confirmsToDelete.push(['hdel', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksConfirmed', r.serialized]);
@ -1239,6 +1339,9 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (orphanMergeCommands.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(orphanMergeCommands);
if (immatureUpdateCommands.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(immatureUpdateCommands);
if (balanceUpdateCommands.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(balanceUpdateCommands);
@ -1248,9 +1351,15 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (roundsToDelete.length > 0)
if (confirmsUpdate.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(confirmsUpdate);
if (confirmsToDelete.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(confirmsToDelete);
if (paymentsUpdate.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(paymentsUpdate);
if (totalPaid !== 0)
finalRedisCommands.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':stats', 'totalPaid', totalPaid]);
@ -1290,7 +1399,15 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var getProperAddress = function(address){
return address;
if (address.length >= 40){
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Invalid address '+address+', convert to address '+(poolOptions.invalidAddress || poolOptions.address));
return (poolOptions.invalidAddress || poolOptions.address);
if (address.length <= 30) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Invalid address '+address+', convert to address '+(poolOptions.invalidAddress || poolOptions.address));
return (poolOptions.invalidAddress || poolOptions.address);
return address;

View File

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ module.exports = function(logger){
var proxySwitch = {};
var redisClient = redis.createClient(portalConfig.redis.port,;
// redis auth if enabled
if (portalConfig.redis.password) {
//Handle messages from master process sent via IPC
process.on('message', function(message) {
@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ module.exports = function(logger){
handlers.share = function(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data){

View File

@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
var logSubCat = 'Thread ' + (parseInt(forkId) + 1);
var connection = redis.createClient(redisConfig.port,;
// redis auth if needed
if (redisConfig.password) {
connection.on('ready', function(){
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Share processing setup with redis (' + +
':' + redisConfig.port + ')');

View File

@ -10,13 +10,12 @@ var algos = require('stratum-pool/lib/algoProperties.js');
// redis callback Ready check failed bypass trick
function rediscreateClient(port, host, pass) {
var client = redis.createClient(port, host);
if (pass) {
return client;
function balanceRound(number) {
return parseFloat((Math.round(number * 100000000) / 100000000).toFixed(8));
* Sort object properties (only own properties will be sorted).
@ -98,6 +97,24 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
this.getBlocks = function (cback) {
var allBlocks = {};
async.each(_this.stats.pools, function(pool, pcb) {
if (_this.stats.pools[].pending && _this.stats.pools[].pending.blocks)
for (var i=0; i<_this.stats.pools[].pending.blocks.length; i++)
allBlocks["-"+_this.stats.pools[].pending.blocks[i].split(':')[2]] = _this.stats.pools[].pending.blocks[i];
if (_this.stats.pools[].confirmed && _this.stats.pools[].confirmed.blocks)
for (var i=0; i<_this.stats.pools[].confirmed.blocks.length; i++)
allBlocks["-"+_this.stats.pools[].confirmed.blocks[i].split(':')[2]] = _this.stats.pools[].confirmed.blocks[i];
}, function(err) {
function gatherStatHistory(){
var retentionTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0).toString();
redisStats.zrangebyscore(['statHistory', retentionTime, '+inf'], function(err, replies){
@ -160,6 +177,31 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
var magnitude = 100000000;
var coinPrecision = magnitude.toString().length - 1;
function roundTo(n, digits) {
if (digits === undefined) {
digits = 0;
var multiplicator = Math.pow(10, digits);
n = parseFloat((n * multiplicator).toFixed(11));
var test =(Math.round(n) / multiplicator);
return +(test.toFixed(digits));
var satoshisToCoins = function(satoshis){
return roundTo((satoshis / magnitude), coinPrecision);
var coinsToSatoshies = function(coins){
return Math.round(coins * magnitude);
function coinsRound(number) {
return roundTo(number, coinPrecision);
function readableSeconds(t) {
var seconds = Math.round(t);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
@ -187,7 +229,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
], function(err, total){
@ -202,7 +244,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
async.each(_this.stats.pools, function(pool, pcb) {
var coin = String(_this.stats.pools[].name);
client.hscan(coin + ':shares:roundCurrent', 0, "match", a+"*", function(error, result) {
client.hscan(coin + ':shares:roundCurrent', 0, "match", a+"*", "count", 1000, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
@ -232,7 +274,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
this.getBalanceByAddress = function(address, cback){
var a = address.split(".")[0];
@ -243,53 +285,68 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
var totalHeld = parseFloat(0);
var totalPaid = parseFloat(0);
var totalImmature = parseFloat(0);
async.each(_this.stats.pools, function(pool, pcb) {
var coin = String(_this.stats.pools[].name);
// get all balances from address
client.hscan(coin + ':balances', 0, "match", a+"*", "count", 1000, function(error, bals) {
// get all payouts from address
client.hscan(coin + ':payouts', 0, "match", a+"*", "count", 1000, function(error, pays) {
var workerName = "";
var balName = "";
var balAmount = 0;
var paidAmount = 0;
var workers = {};
for (var i in pays[1]) {
if (Math.abs(i % 2) != 1) {
workerName = String(pays[1][i]);
workers[workerName] = (workers[workerName] || {});
} else {
paidAmount = parseFloat(pays[1][i]);
workers[workerName].paid = balanceRound(paidAmount);
totalPaid += paidAmount;
for (var b in bals[1]) {
if (Math.abs(b % 2) != 1) {
balName = String(bals[1][b]);
workers[balName] = (workers[balName] || {});
} else {
balAmount = parseFloat(bals[1][b]);
workers[balName].balance = balanceRound(balAmount);
totalHeld += balAmount;
// get all immature balances from address
client.hscan(coin + ':immature', 0, "match", a+"*", "count", 10000, function(error, pends) {
// get all balances from address
client.hscan(coin + ':balances', 0, "match", a+"*", "count", 10000, function(error, bals) {
// get all payouts from address
client.hscan(coin + ':payouts', 0, "match", a+"*", "count", 10000, function(error, pays) {
var workerName = "";
var balAmount = 0;
var paidAmount = 0;
var pendingAmount = 0;
var workers = {};
for (var i in pays[1]) {
if (Math.abs(i % 2) != 1) {
workerName = String(pays[1][i]);
workers[workerName] = (workers[workerName] || {});
} else {
paidAmount = parseFloat(pays[1][i]);
workers[workerName].paid = coinsRound(paidAmount);
totalPaid += paidAmount;
for (var w in workers) {
for (var b in bals[1]) {
if (Math.abs(b % 2) != 1) {
workerName = String(bals[1][b]);
workers[workerName] = (workers[workerName] || {});
} else {
balAmount = parseFloat(bals[1][b]);
workers[workerName].balance = coinsRound(balAmount);
totalHeld += balAmount;
for (var b in pends[1]) {
if (Math.abs(b % 2) != 1) {
workerName = String(pends[1][b]);
workers[workerName] = (workers[workerName] || {});
} else {
pendingAmount = parseFloat(pends[1][b]);
workers[workerName].immature = coinsRound(pendingAmount);
totalImmature += pendingAmount;
for (var w in workers) {
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
callback("There was an error getting balances");
@ -298,8 +355,8 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
_this.stats.balances = balances;
_this.stats.address = address;
cback({totalHeld:balanceRound(totalHeld), totalPaid:balanceRound(totalPaid), balances});
cback({totalHeld:coinsRound(totalHeld), totalPaid:coinsRound(totalPaid), totalImmature:satoshisToCoins(totalImmature), balances});
@ -382,9 +439,9 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
blocks: replies[i + 6].sort(sortBlocks),
confirms: (replies[i + 9] || {})
/* show last 5 found blocks */
/* show last 50 found blocks */
confirmed: {
blocks: replies[i + 7].sort(sortBlocks).slice(0,5)
blocks: replies[i + 7].sort(sortBlocks).slice(0,50)
payments: [],
currentRoundShares: (replies[i + 8] || {}),

View File

@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ module.exports = function(logger){
var client = redis.createClient(portalConfig.redis.port,;
if (portalConfig.redis.password) {
client.hgetall('coinVersionBytes', function(err, coinBytes){
if (err){
@ -302,8 +304,8 @@ module.exports = function(logger){
//app.get('/stats/shares/:coin', usershares);
//app.get('/stats/shares', shares);
//app.get('/payout/:address', payout);
app.get('/workers/:address', minerpage);
app.get('/workers/:address', minerpage);
app.get('/:page', route);
app.get('/', route);

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
"tAddress": "znV763BSvdEySe3SCaTgHNiFrawiYzxRysb",
"_comment_tAddress": "transparent address used to send payments, make this a different address, otherwise payments will not send",
"_comment_invalidAddress": "Invalid addresses will be converted to the above",
"walletInterval": 2.5,
"rewardRecipients": {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<li><a href="/api/stats">/stats</a> global pool stats</li>
<li><a href="/api/blocks">/stats</a> global block stats</li>
<li><a href="/api/pool_stats">/pool_stats</a> - historical stats</li>
<li><a href="/api/payments">/payments</a> - payment history</li>
<li><a href="/api/worker_stats?taddr">/worker_stats?taddr</a> - historical time per pool json </li>

View File

@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
<div class="chartHolder"><svg id="workerHashrate" /></div>
<div style="float:right; padding-top: 9px; padding-right: 18px;"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> Shares: <span id="statsTotalShares">...</span></div>
<div style="float:left; padding-top: 9px; padding-left: 18px; padding-right: 18px;"><i class="fa fa-money"></i> Immature: <span id="statsTotalImmature">...</span> </div>
<div style="float:left; padding-top: 9px; padding-left: 18px; padding-right: 18px;"><i class="fa fa-money"></i> Bal: <span id="statsTotalBal">...</span> </div>
<div style="padding-top: 9px; padding-left: 18px;"><i class="fa fa-money"></i> Paid: <span id="statsTotalPaid">...</span> </div>

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ var workerHistoryMax = 160;
var statData;
var totalHash;
var totalImmature;
var totalBal;
var totalPaid;
var totalShares;
@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ function updateStats() {
totalHash = statData.totalHash;
totalPaid = statData.paid;
totalBal = statData.balance;
totalImmature = statData.immature;
totalShares = statData.totalShares;
// do some calculations
var _blocktime = 250;
@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ function updateStats() {