Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
hellcatz 2017-05-11 18:17:53 -07:00
commit fe72b6e533
11 changed files with 566 additions and 359 deletions

View File

@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ var spawnPoolWorkers = function(){
if (!_lastShareTimes[workerAddress] || !_lastStartTimes[workerAddress]) {
_lastShareTimes[workerAddress] = now;
_lastStartTimes[workerAddress] = now;
logger.debug('PPLNT', msg.coin, 'Thread '+msg.thread, workerAddress+' joined current round.');
if (_lastShareTimes[workerAddress] != null && _lastShareTimes[workerAddress] > 0) {
lastShareTime = _lastShareTimes[workerAddress];
@ -273,13 +274,13 @@ var spawnPoolWorkers = function(){
var redisCommands = [];
// if its been less than 10 minutes since last share was submitted
// if its been less than 15 minutes since last share was submitted
var timeChangeSec = roundTo(Math.max(now - lastShareTime, 0) / 1000, 4);
var timeChangeTotal = roundTo(Math.max(now - lastStartTime, 0) / 1000, 4);
if (timeChangeSec < 600) {
if (timeChangeSec < 900) {
// loyal miner keeps mining :)
redisCommands.push(['hincrbyfloat', msg.coin + ':shares:timesCurrent', workerAddress, timeChangeSec]);
logger.debug('PPLNT', msg.coin, 'Thread '+msg.thread, workerAddress+':{totalTimeSec:'+timeChangeTotal+', timeChangeSec:'+timeChangeSec+'}');
//logger.debug('PPLNT', msg.coin, 'Thread '+msg.thread, workerAddress+':{totalTimeSec:'+timeChangeTotal+', timeChangeSec:'+timeChangeSec+'}');
connection.multi(redisCommands).exec(function(err, replies){
if (err)
logger.error('PPLNT', msg.coin, 'Thread '+msg.thread, 'Error with time share processor call to redis ' + JSON.stringify(err));
@ -287,6 +288,7 @@ var spawnPoolWorkers = function(){
} else {
// they just re-joined the pool
_lastStartTimes[workerAddress] = now;
logger.debug('PPLNT', msg.coin, 'Thread '+msg.thread, workerAddress+' re-joined current round.');
// track last time share

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
var redis = require('redis');
var async = require('async');
@ -50,17 +51,24 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var logComponent = coin;
var opidCount = 0;
var minConfShield = 3;
var minConfPayout = 3;
// zcash team recommends 10 confirmations for safety from orphaned blocks
var minConfShield = Math.max((processingConfig.minConf || 10), 3);
var minConfPayout = Math.max((processingConfig.minConf || 10), 3);
var maxBlocksPerPayment = processingConfig.maxBlocksPerPayment || 3;
// pplnt - pay per last N time shares
var pplntEnabled = processingConfig.paymentMode === "pplnt" || false;
var pplntTimeQualify = processingConfig.pplnt || 0.51; // 51%
var getMarketStats = poolOptions.coin.getMarketStats === true;
var requireShielding = poolOptions.coin.requireShielding === true;
var fee = parseFloat(poolOptions.coin.txfee) || parseFloat(0.0004);
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logComponent + ' requireShielding: ' + requireShielding);
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logComponent + ' payments txfee reserve: ' + fee);
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logComponent + ' maxBlocksPerPayment: ' + maxBlocksPerPayment);
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logComponent + ' PPLNT: ' + pplntEnabled + ', time period: '+pplntTimeQualify);
var daemon = new Stratum.daemon.interface([processingConfig.daemon], function(severity, message){
logger[severity](logSystem, logComponent, message);
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var amount = balanceRound((tBalance - 10000) / magnitude);
var amount = satoshisToCoins(tBalance - 10000);
var params = [poolOptions.address, [{'address': poolOptions.zAddress, 'amount': amount}]];
daemon.cmd('z_sendmany', params,
function (result) {
@ -269,8 +277,8 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var amount = balanceRound((zBalance - 10000) / magnitude);
// no more than 100 ZEC at a time
var amount = satoshisToCoins(zBalance - 10000);
// unshield no more than 100 ZEC at a time
if (amount > 100.0)
amount = 100.0;
@ -294,6 +302,36 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// TODO, this needs to be moved out of payments processor
function cacheMarketStats() {
var marketStatsUpdate = [];
var coin = logComponent.replace('_testnet', '');
request(''+coin+'/', function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error getting coin market stats from CoinMarketCap ' + JSON.stringify(err));
if (response && response.statusCode) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
if (body) {
var data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.length > 0) {
marketStatsUpdate.push(['hset', coin + ':stats', 'coinmarketcap', JSON.stringify(data)]);
redisClient.multi(marketStatsUpdate).exec(function(err, results){
if (err){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error update coin market stats to redis ' + JSON.stringify(err));
} else {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error returned from coinmarketcap ' + JSON.stringify(response));
// TODO, this needs to be moved out of payments processor
function cacheNetworkStats () {
var params = null;
@ -345,39 +383,45 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// run coinbase coin transfers every x minutes
var intervalState = 0; // do not send ZtoT and TtoZ and same time, this results in operation failed!
var interval = poolOptions.walletInterval * 60 * 1000; // run every x minutes
setInterval(function() {
var shieldIntervalState = 0; // do not send ZtoT and TtoZ and same time, this results in operation failed!
var shielding_interval = poolOptions.walletInterval * 60 * 1000; // run every x minutes
// shielding not required for some equihash coins
if (requireShielding === true) {
switch (intervalState) {
var shieldInterval = setInterval(function() {
switch (shieldIntervalState) {
case 1:
listUnspent(poolOptions.address, null, minConfShield, false, sendTToZ);
listUnspentZ(poolOptions.zAddress, minConfShield, false, sendZToT);
intervalState = 0;
shieldIntervalState = 0;
}, shielding_interval);
// stats caching every 58 seconds
var stats_interval = 58 * 1000;
var statsInterval = setInterval(function() {
// update network stats using coin daemon
}, interval);
// update market stats using coinmarketcap
if (getMarketStats === true) {
}, stats_interval);
// check operation statuses every x seconds
var opid_interval = poolOptions.walletInterval * 1000;
// check operation statuses every 57 seconds
var opid_interval = 57 * 1000;
// shielding not required for some equihash coins
if (requireShielding === true) {
var checkOpids = function() {
var checkOpIdSuccessAndGetResult = function(ops) {
var batchRPC = [];
ops.forEach(function(op, i){
if (op.status == "success" || op.status == "failed") {
daemon.cmd('z_getoperationresult', [[]], function (result) {
if (result.error) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Unable to get payment operation id result ' + JSON.stringify(result));
if (result.response) {
batchRPC.push(['z_getoperationresult', [[]]]);
if (opidCount > 0) {
opidCount = 0;
@ -390,8 +434,6 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
} else {
logger.special(logSystem, logComponent, 'Shielding operation success ' + + ' txid: ' + op.result.txid);
}, true, true);
} else if (op.status == "executing") {
if (opidCount == 0) {
@ -399,28 +441,58 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (batchRPC.length <= 0) {
opidInterval = setInterval(checkOpids, opid_interval);
daemon.batchCmd(batchRPC, function(error, results){
if (error || !results) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error with z_getoperationresult ' + JSON.stringify(error));
results.forEach(function(result, i) {
if (parseFloat(result.result[i].execution_secs || 0) > parseFloat(poolOptions.walletInterval))
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Increase walletInterval in pool_config. opid execution took '+result.result[i].execution_secs+' secs.');
opidInterval = setInterval(checkOpids, opid_interval);
daemon.cmd('z_getoperationstatus', null, function (result) {
if (result.error) {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Unable to get operation ids for clearing.');
if (result.response) {
opidInterval = setInterval(checkOpids, opid_interval);
} else if (result.response) {
} else {
opidInterval = setInterval(checkOpids, opid_interval);
}, true, true);
}, opid_interval);
var opidInterval = setInterval(checkOpids, opid_interval);
function roundTo(n, digits) {
if (digits === undefined) {
digits = 0;
var multiplicator = Math.pow(10, digits);
n = parseFloat((n * multiplicator).toFixed(11));
var test =(Math.round(n) / multiplicator);
return +(test.toFixed(digits));
var satoshisToCoins = function(satoshis){
return parseFloat((satoshis / magnitude).toFixed(coinPrecision));
return roundTo((satoshis / magnitude), coinPrecision);
var coinsToSatoshies = function(coins){
return Math.round(coins * magnitude);
function balanceRound(number) {
return parseFloat((Math.round(number * 100000000) / 100000000).toFixed(8));
function coinsRound(number) {
return roundTo(number, coinPrecision);
function checkForDuplicateBlockHeight(rounds, height) {
@ -452,8 +524,10 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var endRPCTimer = function(){ timeSpentRPC += - startTimeRedis };
/* Call redis to get an array of rounds and balances - which are coinbase transactions and block heights from submitted blocks. */
Step 1 - build workers and rounds objects from redis
* removes duplicate block submissions from redis
@ -466,12 +540,12 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// build worker balances
// build workers object from :balances
var workers = {};
for (var w in results[0]){
workers[w] = {balance: coinsToSatoshies(parseFloat(results[0][w]))};
// build initial rounds data from blocksPending
// build rounds object from :blocksPending
var rounds = results[1].map(function(r){
var details = r.split(':');
return {
@ -561,86 +635,42 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
/* Does a batch rpc call to daemon with all the transaction hashes to see if they are confirmed yet.
It also adds the block reward amount to the round object - which the daemon gives also gives us. */
Step 2 - check if mined block coinbase tx are ready for payment
* adds block reward to rounds object
* adds block confirmations count to rounds object
* updates confirmation counts in redis
function(workers, rounds, callback){
// first verify block confirmations by block hash
var batchRPCcommand2 ={
return ['getblock', [r.blockHash]];
// guarantee a response for batchRPCcommand2
daemon.batchCmd(batchRPCcommand2, function(error, blockDetails){
// error getting block info by hash?
if (error || !blockDetails){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Check finished - daemon rpc error with batch getblock '
+ JSON.stringify(error));
// update confirmations in redis for pending blocks
var confirmsUpdate = {
if (b.result != null && b.result.confirmations > 0) {
if (b.result.confirmations > 100) {
return ['hdel', logComponent + ':blocksPendingConfirms', b.result.hash];
return ['hset', logComponent + ':blocksPendingConfirms', b.result.hash, b.result.confirmations];
return null;
// filter nulls, last item is always null...
confirmsUpdate = confirmsUpdate.filter(function(val) { return val !== null; });
// guarantee at least one redis update
if (confirmsUpdate.length < 1)
confirmsUpdate.push(['hset', logComponent + ':blocksPendingConfirms', 0, 0]);
redisClient.multi(confirmsUpdate).exec(function(error, updated){
if (error){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'failed to update pending block confirmations'
+ JSON.stringify(error));
// get pending block transaction details from coin daemon
// get pending block tx details
var batchRPCcommand ={
return ['gettransaction', [r.txHash]];
// get account address (not implemented in zcash at this time..)
// get account address (not implemented at this time)
batchRPCcommand.push(['getaccount', [poolOptions.address]]);
daemon.batchCmd(batchRPCcommand, function(error, txDetails){
if (error || !txDetails){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Check finished - daemon rpc error with batch gettransactions '
+ JSON.stringify(error));
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Check finished - daemon rpc error with batch gettransactions ' + JSON.stringify(error));
var confirmsUpdate = [];
var addressAccount = "";
// check for transaction errors and generated coins
txDetails.forEach(function(tx, i){
if (i === txDetails.length - 1){
addressAccount = tx.result;
if (tx.result && tx.result.toString().length > 0) {
addressAccount = tx.result.toString();
var round = rounds[i];
// look for transaction errors
if (tx.error && tx.error.code === -5){
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Daemon reports invalid transaction: ' + round.txHash);
round.category = 'kicked';
@ -652,29 +682,29 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
else if (tx.error || !tx.result){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Odd error with gettransaction ' + round.txHash + ' '
+ JSON.stringify(tx));
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Odd error with gettransaction ' + round.txHash + ' ' + JSON.stringify(tx));
// get the coin base generation tx
var generationTx = tx.result.details.filter(function(tx){
return tx.address === poolOptions.address;
if (!generationTx && tx.result.details.length === 1){
generationTx = tx.result.details[0];
if (!generationTx){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Missing output details to pool address for transaction ' + round.txHash);
// get transaction category for round
round.category = generationTx.category;
round.confirmations = parseInt((tx.result.confirmations || 0));
// get reward for newly generated blocks
if (round.category === 'generate') {
round.reward = balanceRound(generationTx.amount - fee) || balanceRound(generationTx.value - fee); // TODO: Adjust fees to be dynamic
round.reward = coinsRound(parseFloat(generationTx.amount || generationTx.value));
// update confirmations in redis
confirmsUpdate.push(['hset', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', round.blockHash, round.confirmations]);
var canDeleteShares = function(r){
@ -692,10 +722,8 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// limit blocks paid per payment round
var payingBlocks = 0;
//filter out all rounds that are immature (not confirmed or orphaned yet)
rounds = rounds.filter(function(r){
// only pay max blocks at a time
if (payingBlocks >= maxBlocksPerPayment)
return false;
@ -715,14 +743,13 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// TODO: make tx fees dynamic
var feeSatoshi = fee * magnitude;
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
// calculate what the pool owes its miners
var totalOwed = parseInt(0);
for (var i = 0; i < rounds.length; i++) {
// only pay generated blocks, not orphaned or kicked
if (rounds[i].category == 'generate') {
totalOwed = totalOwed + Math.round(rounds[i].reward * magnitude) - feeSatoshi;
totalOwed = totalOwed + coinsToSatoshies(rounds[i].reward) - feeSatoshi;
@ -731,93 +758,180 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
notAddr = poolOptions.address;
// check if we have enough tAddress funds to brgin payment processing
// update confirmations for pending blocks in redis
if (confirmsUpdate.length > 0) {
redisClient.multi(confirmsUpdate).exec(function(error, result){
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error could not update confirmations for pending blocks in redis ' + JSON.stringify(error));
return callback(true);
// check if we have enough tAddress funds to begin payment processing
listUnspent(null, notAddr, minConfPayout, false, function (error, tBalance){
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error checking pool balance before processing payments.');
return callback(true);
} else if (tBalance < totalOwed) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Insufficient funds to process payments for ' + payingBlocks + ' blocks ('+(tBalance / magnitude).toFixed(8) + ' < ' + (totalOwed / magnitude).toFixed(8)+'). Possibly waiting for shielding process.');
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Insufficient funds ('+satoshisToCoins(tBalance) + ') to process payments (' + satoshisToCoins(totalOwed)+') for ' + payingBlocks + ' blocks; possibly waiting for txs.');
return callback(true);
} else {
// zcash daemon does not support account feature
// account feature not implemented at this time
addressAccount = "";
// begin payments for generated coins
callback(null, workers, rounds, addressAccount);
} else {
// no pending blocks, need to find a block!
return callback(true);
/* Does a batch redis call to get shares contributed to each round. Then calculates the reward
amount owned to each miner for each round. */
Step 3 - lookup shares in redis and calculate rewards
function(workers, rounds, addressAccount, callback){
var shareLookups ={
return ['hgetall', coin + ':shares:round' + r.height]
// pplnt times lookup
var timeLookups ={
return ['hgetall', coin + ':shares:times' + r.height]
redisClient.multi(timeLookups).exec(function(error, allWorkerTimes){
if (error){
callback('Check finished - redis error with multi get rounds time');
var shareLookups ={
return ['hgetall', coin + ':shares:round' + r.height];
redisClient.multi(shareLookups).exec(function(error, allWorkerShares){
if (error){
callback('Check finished - redis error with multi get rounds share');
// error detection
var err = null;
// total shares
rounds.forEach(function(round, i){
var workerShares = allWorkerShares[i];
if (!workerShares){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'No worker shares for round: '
+ round.height + ' blockHash: ' + round.blockHash);
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'No worker shares for round: ' + round.height + ' blockHash: ' + round.blockHash);
var workerTimes = allWorkerTimes[i];
switch (round.category){
case 'kicked':
case 'orphan':
round.workerShares = workerShares;
case 'generate':
/* We found a confirmed block! Now get the reward for it and calculate how much
we owe each miner based on the shares they submitted during that block round. */
var reward = parseInt(round.reward * magnitude);
var totalShares = Object.keys(workerShares).reduce(function(p, c){
return p + parseFloat(workerShares[c])
}, 0);
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var percent = parseFloat(workerShares[workerAddress]) / totalShares;
var workerRewardTotal = Math.floor(reward * percent);
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
worker.totalShares = (worker.totalShares || 0) + parseFloat(workerShares[workerAddress]);
worker.reward = (worker.reward || 0) + workerRewardTotal;
// TODO: make tx fees dynamic
var feeSatoshi = coinsToSatoshies(fee);
var reward = coinsToSatoshies(round.reward) - feeSatoshi;
var totalShares = parseFloat(0);
var sharesLost = parseFloat(0);
// find most time spent in this round by single worker
maxTime = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerTimes){
if (maxTime < parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]))
maxTime = parseFloat(workerTimes[workerAddress]);
// total up shares for round
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var shares = parseFloat((workerShares[workerAddress] || 0));
// if pplnt mode
if (pplntEnabled === true && maxTime > 0) {
var tshares = shares;
var lost = parseFloat(0);
var address = workerAddress.split('.')[0];
if (workerTimes[address] != null && parseFloat(workerTimes[address]) > 0) {
var timePeriod = roundTo(parseFloat(workerTimes[address] || 1) / maxTime , 2);
if (timePeriod > 0 && timePeriod < pplntTimeQualify) {
var lost = shares - (shares * timePeriod);
sharesLost += lost;
shares = Math.max(shares - lost, 0);
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'PPLNT: Reduced shares for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' maxTime:'+maxTime+'sec timePeriod:'+roundTo(timePeriod,6)+' shares:'+tshares+' lost:'+lost+' new:'+shares);
if (timePeriod > 1.0) {
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Time share period is greater than 1.0 for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' blockHash:' + round.blockHash);
} else {
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'PPLNT: Missing time share period for '+workerAddress+', miner shares qualified in round ' + round.height);
worker.roundShares = shares;
worker.totalShares = parseFloat(worker.totalShares || 0) + shares;
totalShares += shares;
//console.log('--REWARD DEBUG--------------');
// calculate rewards for round
var totalAmount = 0;
for (var workerAddress in workerShares){
var worker = workers[workerAddress] = (workers[workerAddress] || {});
var percent = parseFloat(worker.roundShares) / totalShares;
if (percent > 1.0) {
err = true;
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Share percent is greater than 1.0 for '+workerAddress+' round:' + round.height + ' blockHash:' + round.blockHash);
// calculate workers reward for this round
var workerRewardTotal = Math.round(reward * percent);
// add to total reward for worker
worker.reward = (worker.reward || 0) + workerRewardTotal;
// add to total amount sent to all workers
totalAmount += worker.reward;
//console.log('rewardAmount: '+workerAddress+' '+workerRewardTotal);
//console.log('totalAmount: '+workerAddress+' '+worker.reward);
//console.log('totalAmount: '+totalAmount);
//console.log('blockHeight: '+round.height);
//console.log('blockReward: '+reward);
//console.log('totalShares: '+totalShares);
//console.log('sharesLost: '+sharesLost);
// if there was no errors
if (err === null) {
// continue payments
callback(null, workers, rounds, addressAccount);
} else {
// stop waterfall flow, do not process payments
/* Calculate if any payments are ready to be sent and trigger them sending
Get balance different for each address and pass it along as object of latest balances such as
{worker1: balance1, worker2, balance2}
when deciding the sent balance, it the difference should be -1*amount they had in db,
if not sending the balance, the differnce should be +(the amount they earned this round)
Step 4 - Generate RPC commands to send payments
When deciding the sent balance, it the difference should be -1*amount they had in db,
If not sending the balance, the differnce should be +(the amount they earned this round)
function(workers, rounds, addressAccount, callback) {
var trySend = function (withholdPercent) {
var addressAmounts = {};
var balanceAmounts = {};
var shareAmounts = {};
var minerTotals = {};
var totalSent = 0;
var totalShares = 0;
@ -827,12 +941,13 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
totalShares += (worker.totalShares || 0)
worker.balance = worker.balance || 0;
worker.reward = worker.reward || 0;
var toSend = balanceRound(satoshisToCoins(Math.floor((worker.balance + worker.reward) * (1 - withholdPercent))));
// get miner payout totals
var toSendSatoshis = Math.round((worker.balance + worker.reward) * (1 - withholdPercent));
var address = worker.address = (worker.address || getProperAddress(w.split('.')[0]));
if (minerTotals[address] != null && minerTotals[address] > 0) {
minerTotals[address] = balanceRound(minerTotals[address] + toSend);
minerTotals[address] += toSendSatoshis;
} else {
minerTotals[address] = toSend;
minerTotals[address] = toSendSatoshis;
// now process each workers balance, and pay the miner
@ -840,23 +955,40 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
var worker = workers[w];
worker.balance = worker.balance || 0;
worker.reward = worker.reward || 0;
var toSend = Math.floor((worker.balance + worker.reward) * (1 - withholdPercent));
var toSendSatoshis = Math.round((worker.balance + worker.reward) * (1 - withholdPercent));
var address = worker.address = (worker.address || getProperAddress(w.split('.')[0]));
// if miners total is enough, go ahead and add this worker balance
if (minerTotals[address] >= satoshisToCoins(minPaymentSatoshis)) {
totalSent += toSend;
worker.sent = balanceRound(satoshisToCoins(toSend));
worker.balanceChange = Math.min(worker.balance, toSend) * -1;
if (minerTotals[address] >= minPaymentSatoshis) {
totalSent += toSendSatoshis;
// send funds
worker.sent = satoshisToCoins(toSendSatoshis);
worker.balanceChange = Math.min(worker.balance, toSendSatoshis) * -1;
// multiple workers may have same address, add them up
if (addressAmounts[address] != null && addressAmounts[address] > 0) {
addressAmounts[address] = balanceRound(addressAmounts[address] + worker.sent);
addressAmounts[address] = coinsRound(addressAmounts[address] + worker.sent);
} else {
addressAmounts[address] = worker.sent;
else {
worker.balanceChange = Math.max(toSend - worker.balance, 0);
} else {
// add to balance, not enough minerals
worker.sent = 0;
worker.balanceChange = Math.max(toSendSatoshis - worker.balance, 0);
// track balance changes
if (worker.balanceChange > 0) {
if (balanceAmounts[address] != null && balanceAmounts[address] > 0) {
balanceAmounts[address] = coinsRound(balanceAmounts[address] + satoshisToCoins(worker.balanceChange));
} else {
balanceAmounts[address] = satoshisToCoins(worker.balanceChange);
// track share work
if (worker.totalShares > 0) {
if (shareAmounts[address] != null && shareAmounts[address] > 0) {
shareAmounts[address] += worker.totalShares;
} else {
shareAmounts[address] = worker.totalShares;
@ -865,49 +997,40 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
callback(null, workers, rounds);
var undoPaymentsOnError = function(workers) {
totalSent = 0;
// TODO, set round.category to immature, to attempt to pay again
// we did not send anything to any workers
for (var w in workers) {
var worker = workers[w];
if (worker.sent > 0) {
worker.balanceChange = 0;
worker.sent = 0;
// perform the sendmany operation
// perform the sendmany operation .. addressAccount
daemon.cmd('sendmany', ["", addressAmounts], function (result) {
// check for failed payments, there are many reasons
if (result.error && result.error.code === -6) {
// not enough minerals...
var higherPercent = withholdPercent + 0.01;
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Not enough funds to cover the tx fees for sending out payments, decreasing rewards by '
+ (higherPercent * 100) + '% and retrying');
// we thought we had enough funds to send payments, but apparently not...
// try decreasing payments by a small percent to cover unexpected tx fees?
var higherPercent = withholdPercent + 0.001;
logger.warning(logSystem, logComponent, 'Not enough funds to cover the tx fees for sending out payments, decreasing rewards by ' + (higherPercent * 100) + '% and retrying');
//callback(true); not a complete failure...
else if (result.error && result.error.code === -5) {
// invalid address specified in addressAmounts array
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error sending payments ' + result.error.message);
// payment failed, prevent updates to redis
else if (result.error && result.error.message != null) {
// unknown error from daemon
// error from daemon
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error sending payments ' + result.error.message);
// payment failed, prevent updates to redis
else if (result.error) {
// some other unknown error
// unknown error
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error sending payments ' + JSON.stringify(result.error));
// payment failed, prevent updates to redis
@ -921,7 +1044,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (txid != null) {
// it worked, congrats on your pools payout ;)
logger.special(logSystem, logComponent, 'Sent ' + (totalSent / magnitude).toFixed(8)
logger.special(logSystem, logComponent, 'Sent ' + satoshisToCoins(totalSent)
+ ' to ' + Object.keys(addressAmounts).length + ' miners; txid: '+txid);
if (withholdPercent > 0) {
@ -931,11 +1054,12 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
// save payments data to redis
var paymentBlocks ={
var paymentBlocks = rounds.filter(function(r){ return r.category == 'generate'; }).map(function(r){
return parseInt(r.height);
var paymentsUpdate = [];
var paymentsData = {, txid:txid, shares:totalShares, paid:balanceRound(totalSent / magnitude), miners:Object.keys(addressAmounts).length, blocks: paymentBlocks, amounts: addressAmounts};
var paymentsData = {, txid:txid, shares:totalShares, paid:satoshisToCoins(totalSent), miners:Object.keys(addressAmounts).length, blocks: paymentBlocks, amounts: addressAmounts, balances: balanceAmounts, work:shareAmounts};
paymentsUpdate.push(['zadd', logComponent + ':payments',, JSON.stringify(paymentsData)]);
redisClient.multi(paymentsUpdate).exec(function(error, payments){
@ -943,6 +1067,7 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (error){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, 'Error redis save payments data ' + JSON.stringify(payments));
// perform final redis updates
callback(null, workers, rounds);
@ -958,12 +1083,16 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
}, true, true);
Step 5 - Final redis commands
function(workers, rounds, callback){
var totalPaid = parseFloat(0);
@ -979,18 +1108,19 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
coin + ':balances',
if (worker.sent !== 0){
workerPayoutsCommand.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':payouts', w, balanceRound(worker.sent)]);
totalPaid = balanceRound(totalPaid + worker.sent);
workerPayoutsCommand.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':payouts', w, coinsRound(worker.sent)]);
totalPaid = coinsRound(totalPaid + worker.sent);
var movePendingCommands = [];
var roundsToDelete = [];
var orphanMergeCommands = [];
var confirmsToDelete = [];
var moveSharesToCurrent = function(r){
var workerShares = r.workerShares;
@ -1005,17 +1135,22 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
case 'kicked':
confirmsToDelete.push(['hdel', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksKicked', r.serialized]);
case 'orphan':
confirmsToDelete.push(['hdel', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksOrphaned', r.serialized]);
if (r.canDeleteShares){
roundsToDelete.push(coin + ':shares:round' + r.height);
roundsToDelete.push(coin + ':shares:times' + r.height);
case 'generate':
confirmsToDelete.push(['hdel', coin + ':blocksPendingConfirms', r.blockHash]);
movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + ':blocksPending', coin + ':blocksConfirmed', r.serialized]);
roundsToDelete.push(coin + ':shares:round' + r.height);
roundsToDelete.push(coin + ':shares:times' + r.height);
@ -1037,8 +1172,11 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (roundsToDelete.length > 0)
if (confirmsToDelete.length > 0)
finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat(confirmsToDelete);
if (totalPaid !== 0)
finalRedisCommands.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':stats', 'totalPaid', balanceRound(totalPaid)]);
finalRedisCommands.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':stats', 'totalPaid', totalPaid]);
if (finalRedisCommands.length === 0){
@ -1050,10 +1188,12 @@ function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions, setupFinished){
if (error) {
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent,
'Payments sent but could not update redis. ' + JSON.stringify(error)
+ ' Disabling payment processing to prevent possible double-payouts. The redis commands in '
+ coin + '_finalRedisCommands.txt must be ran manually');
fs.writeFile(coin + '_finalRedisCommands.txt', JSON.stringify(finalRedisCommands), function(err){
logger.error('Could not write finalRedisCommands.txt, you are fucked.');

View File

@ -187,18 +187,21 @@ module.exports = function(logger){
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Block found: ' + data.blockHash + ' by ' + data.worker);
if (isValidShare) {
if(data.shareDiff > 1000000000)
if(data.shareDiff > 1000000000) {
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Share was found with diff higher than!');
else if(data.shareDiff > 1000000)
} else if(data.shareDiff > 1000000) {
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Share was found with diff higher than 1.000.000!');
//logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Share accepted at diff ' + data.difficulty + '/' + data.shareDiff + ' by ' + data.worker + ' [' + data.ip + ']' );
} else if (!isValidShare)
} else if (!isValidShare) {
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Share rejected: ' + shareData);
handlers.share(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data)
// handle the share
handlers.share(isValidShare, isValidBlock, data);
// send to master for pplnt time tracking
process.send({type: 'shareTrack', thread:(parseInt(forkId)+1),, isValidShare:isValidShare, isValidBlock:isValidBlock, data:data});
}).on('difficultyUpdate', function(workerName, diff){
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Difficulty update to diff ' + diff + ' workerName=' + JSON.stringify(workerName));

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
var logSubCat = 'Thread ' + (parseInt(forkId) + 1);
var connection = redis.createClient(redisConfig.port,;
connection.on('ready', function(){
logger.debug(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Share processing setup with redis (' + +
':' + redisConfig.port + ')');
@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
connection.on('end', function(){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Connection to redis database has been ended');
});, response){
if (error){
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Redis version check failed');
@ -65,7 +63,6 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
this.handleShare = function(isValidShare, isValidBlock, shareData) {
var redisCommands = [];
@ -73,10 +70,10 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
if (isValidShare) {
redisCommands.push(['hincrbyfloat', coin + ':shares:roundCurrent', shareData.worker, shareData.difficulty]);
redisCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + ':stats', 'validShares', 1]);
} else {
redisCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + ':stats', 'invalidShares', 1]);
/* Stores share diff, worker, and unique value with a score that is the timestamp. Unique value ensures it
doesn't overwrite an existing entry, and timestamp as score lets us query shares from last X minutes to
generate hashrate for each worker and pool. */
@ -86,6 +83,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
if (isValidBlock){
redisCommands.push(['rename', coin + ':shares:roundCurrent', coin + ':shares:round' + shareData.height]);
redisCommands.push(['rename', coin + ':shares:timesCurrent', coin + ':shares:times' + shareData.height]);
redisCommands.push(['sadd', coin + ':blocksPending', [shareData.blockHash, shareData.txHash, shareData.height, shareData.worker, dateNow].join(':')]);
redisCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + ':stats', 'validBlocks', 1]);
@ -97,8 +95,6 @@ module.exports = function(logger, poolConfig){
if (err)
logger.error(logSystem, logComponent, logSubCat, 'Error with share processor multi ' + JSON.stringify(err));

View File

@ -153,6 +153,20 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
function readableSeconds(t) {
var seconds = Math.round(t);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
var days = Math.floor(hours/24);
hours = hours-(days*24);
minutes = minutes-(days*24*60)-(hours*60);
seconds = seconds-(days*24*60*60)-(hours*60*60)-(minutes*60);
if (days > 0) { return (days + "d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"); }
if (hours > 0) { return (hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"); }
if (minutes > 0) {return (minutes + "m " + seconds + "s"); }
return (seconds + "s");
this.getCoins = function(cback){
_this.stats.coins = redisClients[0].coins;
@ -296,7 +310,8 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
['smembers', ':blocksConfirmed'],
['hgetall', ':shares:roundCurrent'],
['hgetall', ':blocksPendingConfirms'],
['zrange', ':payments', -100, -1]
['zrange', ':payments', -100, -1],
['hgetall', ':shares:timesCurrent']
var commandsPerCoin = redisCommandTemplates.length;
@ -317,6 +332,12 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
for(var i = 0; i < replies.length; i += commandsPerCoin){
var coinName = client.coins[i / commandsPerCoin | 0];
var marketStats = {};
if (replies[i + 2]) {
if (replies[i + 2].coinmarketcap) {
marketStats = replies[i + 2] ? (JSON.parse(replies[i + 2].coinmarketcap)[0] || 0) : 0;
var coinStats = {
name: coinName,
symbol: poolConfigs[coinName].coin.symbol.toUpperCase(),
@ -335,6 +356,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
networkVersion: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].networkSubVersion || 0) : 0,
networkProtocolVersion: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].networkProtocolVersion || 0) : 0
marketStats: marketStats,
/* block stat counts */
blocks: {
pending: replies[i + 3],
@ -344,14 +366,17 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
/* show all pending blocks */
pending: {
blocks: replies[i + 6].sort(sortBlocks),
confirms: replies[i + 9]
confirms: (replies[i + 9] || {})
/* show last 5 found blocks */
confirmed: {
blocks: replies[i + 7].sort(sortBlocks).slice(0,5)
payments: [],
currentRoundShares: replies[i + 8]
currentRoundShares: (replies[i + 8] || {}),
currentRoundTimes: (replies[i + 11] || {}),
maxRoundTime: 0,
shareCount: 0
for(var j = replies[i + 10].length; j > 0; j--){
var jsonObj;
@ -364,17 +389,10 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
for (var b in coinStats.confirmed.blocks) {
var parms = coinStats.confirmed.blocks[b].split(':');
if (parms[4] != null && parms[4] > 0) {
console.log(fancyTimestamp(parseInt(parms[4]), true));
allCoinStats[] = (coinStats);
// sort pools alphabetically
allCoinStats = sortPoolsByName(allCoinStats);
@ -419,6 +437,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
shares: workerShares,
invalidshares: 0,
currRoundShares: 0,
currRoundTime: 0,
hashrate: null,
hashrateString: null,
luckDays: null,
@ -436,6 +455,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
shares: workerShares,
invalidshares: 0,
currRoundShares: 0,
currRoundTime: 0,
hashrate: null,
hashrateString: null,
luckDays: null,
@ -455,6 +475,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
shares: 0,
invalidshares: -workerShares,
currRoundShares: 0,
currRoundTime: 0,
hashrate: null,
hashrateString: null,
luckDays: null,
@ -472,6 +493,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
shares: 0,
invalidshares: -workerShares,
currRoundShares: 0,
currRoundTime: 0,
hashrate: null,
hashrateString: null,
luckDays: null,
@ -510,6 +532,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
portalStats.algos[algo].workers += Object.keys(coinStats.workers).length;
var _shareTotal = parseFloat(0);
var _maxTimeShare = parseFloat(0);
for (var worker in coinStats.currentRoundShares) {
var miner = worker.split(".")[0];
if (miner in coinStats.miners) {
@ -520,7 +543,20 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
_shareTotal += parseFloat(coinStats.currentRoundShares[worker]);
for (var worker in coinStats.currentRoundTimes) {
var time = parseFloat(coinStats.currentRoundTimes[worker]);
if (_maxTimeShare < time)
_maxTimeShare = time;
var miner = worker.split(".")[0];
if (miner in coinStats.miners) {
coinStats.miners[miner].currRoundTime += parseFloat(coinStats.currentRoundTimes[worker]);
coinStats.shareCount = _shareTotal;
coinStats.maxRoundTime = _maxTimeShare;
coinStats.maxRoundTimeString = readableSeconds(_maxTimeShare);
for (var worker in coinStats.workers) {
var _workerRate = shareMultiplier * coinStats.workers[worker].shares /;
@ -559,6 +595,7 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
delete saveStats.pools[pool].pending;
delete saveStats.pools[pool].confirmed;
delete saveStats.pools[pool].currentRoundShares;
delete saveStats.pools[pool].currentRoundTimes;
delete saveStats.pools[pool].payments;
delete saveStats.pools[pool].miners;
@ -591,11 +628,22 @@ module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
function sortPoolsByName(objects) {
var newObject = {};
var sortedArray = sortProperties(objects, 'name', false, false);
for (var i = 0; i < sortedArray.length; i++) {
var key = sortedArray[i][0];
var value = sortedArray[i][1];
newObject[key] = value;
return newObject;
function sortBlocks(a, b) {
var as = a.split(":");
var bs = b.split(":");
if (as[2] > bs[2]) return -1;
if (as[2] < bs[2]) return 1;
var as = parseInt(a.split(":")[2]);
var bs = parseInt(b.split(":")[2]);
if (as > bs) return -1;
if (as < bs) return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -98,7 +98,13 @@ module.exports = function(logger){
// if an html file was changed reload it
/* requires node-watch 0.5.0 or newer */
watch(['./website', './website/pages'], function(evt, filename){
var basename = path.basename(filename);
var basename;
// support older versions of node-watch automatically
if (!filename && evt)
basename = path.basename(evt);
basename = path.basename(filename);
if (basename in pageFiles){
logger.special(logSystem, 'Server', 'Reloaded file ' + basename);

View File

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
"paymentProcessing": {
"enabled": true,
"paymentMode": "prop",
"_comment_paymentMode":"prop, pplnt",
"paymentInterval": 57,
"_comment_paymentInterval": "Interval in seconds to check and perform payments.",
"minimumPayment": 0.1,

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
"paymentProcessing": {
"enabled": false,
"paymentMode": "prop",
"_comment_paymentMode":"prop, pplnt",
"paymentInterval": 20,
"minimumPayment": 0.1,
"maxBlocksPerPayment": 3,

View File

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
"paymentProcessing": {
"enabled": false,
"paymentMode": "prop",
"_comment_paymentMode":"prop, pplnt",
"paymentInterval": 20,
"minimumPayment": 0.1,
"maxBlocksPerPayment": 1,

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"paymentProcessing": {
"enabled": true,
"paymentMode": "prop",
"_comment_paymentMode":"prop, pplnt",
"paymentInterval": 20,
"minimumPayment": 0.1,
"maxBlocksPerPayment": 3,

View File

@ -153,11 +153,15 @@
{{if (block[4] != null) { }}
<span style="padding-left: 18px;"><small>{{=readableDate(block[4])}}</small></span>
{{ } }}
{{if (it.stats.pools[pool].pending.confirms) { }}
{{if (it.stats.pools[pool].pending.confirms[block[0]]) { }}
<span style="float:right; color: red;"><small>{{=it.stats.pools[pool].pending.confirms[block[0]]}} of 100</small></span>
{{ } else { }}
<span style="float:right; color: red;"><small>*PENDING*</small></span>
{{ } }}
{{ } else { }}
<span style="float:right; color: red;"><small>*PENDING*</small></span>
{{ } }}
<div><i class="fa fa-gavel"></i><small>Mined By:</small> <a href="/workers/{{=block[3].split('.')[0]}}">{{=block[3]}}</a></div>
{{ blockscomb.push(block);}}