var events = require('events'); var net = require('net'); var listener = module.exports = function listener(options){ var _this = this; var emitLog = function(text){ _this.emit('log', text); }; this.start = function(){ if (!options || !options.enabled){ emitLog('Blocknotify listener disabled'); return; } var blockNotifyServer = net.createServer(function(c) { emitLog('Block listener has incoming connection'); var data = ''; try { c.on('data', function (d) { emitLog('Block listener received blocknotify data'); data += d; if (data.slice(-1) === '\n') { c.end(); } }); c.on('end', function () { emitLog('Block listener connection ended'); var message = JSON.parse(data); if (message.password === options.password) { _this.emit('hash', message); } else emitLog('Block listener received notification with incorrect password'); }); } catch(e){ emitLog('Block listener failed to parse message ' + data); } }); blockNotifyServer.listen(options.port, function() { emitLog('Block notify listener server started on port ' + options.port) }); emitLog("Block listener is enabled, starting server on port " + options.port); } }; listener.prototype.__proto__ = events.EventEmitter.prototype;