var zlib = require('zlib'); var redis = require('redis'); var async = require('async'); var os = require('os'); var algos = require('stratum-pool/lib/algoProperties.js'); module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){ var _this = this; var logSystem = 'Stats'; var redisClients = []; var redisStats; this.statHistory = []; this.statPoolHistory = []; this.stats = {}; this.statsString = ''; setupStatsRedis(); gatherStatHistory(); var canDoStats = true; Object.keys(poolConfigs).forEach(function(coin){ if (!canDoStats) return; var poolConfig = poolConfigs[coin]; var redisConfig = poolConfig.redis; for (var i = 0; i < redisClients.length; i++){ var client = redisClients[i]; if (client.client.port === redisConfig.port && ==={ client.coins.push(coin); return; } } redisClients.push({ coins: [coin], client: redis.createClient(redisConfig.port, }); }); function setupStatsRedis(){ redisStats = redis.createClient(portalConfig.redis.port,; redisStats.on('error', function(err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Historics', 'Redis for stats had an error ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); } function gatherStatHistory(){ var retentionTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0).toString(); redisStats.zrangebyscore(['statHistory', retentionTime, '+inf'], function(err, replies){ if (err) { logger.error(logSystem, 'Historics', 'Error when trying to grab historical stats ' + JSON.stringify(err)); return; } for (var i = 0; i < replies.length; i++){ _this.statHistory.push(JSON.parse(replies[i])); } _this.statHistory = _this.statHistory.sort(function(a, b){ return a.time - b.time; }); _this.statHistory.forEach(function(stats){ addStatPoolHistory(stats); }); }); } function addStatPoolHistory(stats){ var data = { time: stats.time, pools: {} }; for (var pool in stats.pools){ data.pools[pool] = { hashrate: stats.pools[pool].hashrate, workerCount: stats.pools[pool].workerCount, blocks: stats.pools[pool].blocks } } _this.statPoolHistory.push(data); } this.getGlobalStats = function(callback){ var statGatherTime = / 1000 | 0; var allCoinStats = {}; async.each(redisClients, function(client, callback){ var windowTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0).toString(); var redisCommands = []; var redisCommandTemplates = [ ['zremrangebyscore', ':hashrate', '-inf', '(' + windowTime], ['zrangebyscore', ':hashrate', windowTime, '+inf'], ['hgetall', ':stats'], ['scard', ':blocksPending'], ['scard', ':blocksConfirmed'], ['scard', ':blocksKicked'] ]; var commandsPerCoin = redisCommandTemplates.length;{{ var clonedTemplates = t.slice(0); clonedTemplates[1] = coin + clonedTemplates[1]; redisCommands.push(clonedTemplates); }); }); client.client.multi(redisCommands).exec(function(err, replies){ if (err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Global', 'error with getting global stats ' + JSON.stringify(err)); callback(err); } else{ for(var i = 0; i < replies.length; i += commandsPerCoin){ var coinName = client.coins[i / commandsPerCoin | 0]; var coinStats = { name: coinName, symbol: poolConfigs[coinName].coin.symbol.toUpperCase(), algorithm: poolConfigs[coinName].coin.algorithm, hashrates: replies[i + 1], poolStats: { validShares: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].validShares || 0) : 0, validBlocks: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].validBlocks || 0) : 0, invalidShares: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].invalidShares || 0) : 0, totalPaid: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].totalPaid || 0) : 0 }, blocks: { pending: replies[i + 3], confirmed: replies[i + 4], orphaned: replies[i + 5] } }; allCoinStats[] = (coinStats); } callback(); } }); }, function(err){ if (err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Global', 'error getting all stats' + JSON.stringify(err)); callback(); return; } var portalStats = { time: statGatherTime, global:{ workers: 0, hashrate: 0 }, algos: {}, pools: allCoinStats }; Object.keys(allCoinStats).forEach(function(coin){ var coinStats = allCoinStats[coin]; coinStats.workers = {}; coinStats.shares = 0; coinStats.hashrates.forEach(function(ins){ var parts = ins.split(':'); var workerShares = parseFloat(parts[0]); var worker = parts[1]; if (workerShares > 0) { coinStats.shares += workerShares; if (worker in coinStats.workers) coinStats.workers[worker].shares += workerShares; else coinStats.workers[worker] = { shares: workerShares, invalidshares: 0, hashrateString: null }; } else { if (worker in coinStats.workers) coinStats.workers[worker].invalidshares -= workerShares; // workerShares is negative number! else coinStats.workers[worker] = { shares: 0, invalidshares: -workerShares, hashrateString: null }; } }); var shareMultiplier = Math.pow(2, 32) / algos[coinStats.algorithm].multiplier; coinStats.hashrate = shareMultiplier * coinStats.shares /; coinStats.workerCount = Object.keys(coinStats.workers).length; += coinStats.workerCount; /* algorithm specific global stats */ var algo = coinStats.algorithm; if (!portalStats.algos.hasOwnProperty(algo)){ portalStats.algos[algo] = { workers: 0, hashrate: 0, hashrateString: null }; } portalStats.algos[algo].hashrate += coinStats.hashrate; portalStats.algos[algo].workers += Object.keys(coinStats.workers).length; for (var worker in coinStats.workers) { coinStats.workers[worker].hashrateString = _this.getReadableHashRateString(shareMultiplier * coinStats.workers[worker].shares /; } delete coinStats.hashrates; delete coinStats.shares; coinStats.hashrateString = _this.getReadableHashRateString(coinStats.hashrate); }); Object.keys(portalStats.algos).forEach(function(algo){ var algoStats = portalStats.algos[algo]; algoStats.hashrateString = _this.getReadableHashRateString(algoStats.hashrate); }); _this.stats = portalStats; _this.statsString = JSON.stringify(portalStats); _this.statHistory.push(portalStats); addStatPoolHistory(portalStats); var retentionTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0); for (var i = 0; i < _this.statHistory.length; i++){ if (retentionTime < _this.statHistory[i].time){ if (i > 0) { _this.statHistory = _this.statHistory.slice(i); _this.statPoolHistory = _this.statPoolHistory.slice(i); } break; } } redisStats.multi([ ['zadd', 'statHistory', statGatherTime, _this.statsString], ['zremrangebyscore', 'statHistory', '-inf', '(' + retentionTime] ]).exec(function(err, replies){ if (err) logger.error(logSystem, 'Historics', 'Error adding stats to historics ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); callback(); }); }; this.getReadableHashRateString = function(hashrate){ var i = -1; var byteUnits = [ ' Sol',' KSol', ' MSol', ' GSol', ' TSol', ' PSol' ]; do { hashrate = hashrate / 100000; i++; } while (hashrate > 1000); return hashrate.toFixed(2) + byteUnits[i]; }; };