var redis = require('redis'); var async = require('async'); var os = require('os'); module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){ var _this = this; var redisClients = []; Object.keys(poolConfigs).forEach(function(coin){ var poolConfig = poolConfigs[coin]; var internalConfig = poolConfig.shareProcessing.internal; var redisConfig = internalConfig.redis; for (var i = 0; i < redisClients.length; i++){ var client = redisClients[i]; if (client.client.port === redisConfig.port && ==={ client.coins.push(coin); return; } } redisClients.push({ coins: [coin], client: redis.createClient(redisConfig.port, }); }); this.stats = {}; this.getStats = function(callback){ var allCoinStats = []; async.each(redisClients, function(client, callback){ var windowTime = ( / 1000 | 0) -; var redisCommands = []; var commandsPerCoin = 4; //Clear out old hashrate stats for each coin from redis client.coins.forEach(function(coin){ redisCommands.push(['zremrangebyscore', coin + '_hashrate', '-inf', windowTime]); redisCommands.push(['zrangebyscore', coin + '_hashrate', windowTime, '+inf']); redisCommands.push(['hgetall', coin + '_stats']); redisCommands.push(['scard', coin + '_blocks']); }); client.client.multi(redisCommands).exec(function(err, replies){ if (err){ console.log('error with getting hashrate stats ' + JSON.stringify(err)); callback(err); } else{ for(var i = 0; i < replies.length; i += commandsPerCoin){ var coinStats = { coinName: client.coins[i / commandsPerCoin | 0], hashrates: replies[i + 1], poolStats: replies[i + 2], poolPendingBlocks: replies[i + 3] }; allCoinStats.push(coinStats) } callback(); } }); }, function(err){ if (err){ console.log('error getting all stats' + JSON.stringify(err)); callback(); return; } var portalStats = { global:{ workers: 0, hashrate: 0 }, pools: allCoinStats }; allCoinStats.forEach(function(coinStats){ coinStats.workers = {}; coinStats.shares = 0; coinStats.hashrates.forEach(function(ins){ var parts = ins.split(':'); var workerShares = parseInt(parts[0]); coinStats.shares += workerShares; var worker = parts[1]; if (worker in coinStats.workers) coinStats.workers[worker] += workerShares else coinStats.workers[worker] = workerShares }); coinStats.hashrate = (coinStats.shares * 4294967296 / / 100000000 | 0; delete coinStats.hashrates; += coinStats.hashrate; += Object.keys(coinStats.workers).length; }); console.log(JSON.stringify(portalStats, null, 4)); _this.stats = portalStats; callback(); }); /* { global: { } */ //get stats like hashrate and in/valid shares/blocks and workers in current round }; };