var redis = require('redis'); var async = require('async'); var Stratum = require('stratum-pool'); module.exports = function(logger){ var poolConfigs = JSON.parse(process.env.pools); Object.keys(poolConfigs).forEach(function(coin) { SetupForPool(logger, poolConfigs[coin]); }); }; function SetupForPool(logger, poolOptions){ var coin =; var processingConfig = poolOptions.shareProcessing.internal; if (!processingConfig.enabled) return; var logIdentify = 'Payment Processor (' + coin + ')'; var paymentLogger = { debug: function(key, text){ logger.logDebug(logIdentify, key, text); }, warning: function(key, text){ logger.logWarning(logIdentify, key, text); }, error: function(key, text){ logger.logError(logIdentify, key, text); } }; var daemon = new Stratum.daemon.interface([processingConfig.daemon]); daemon.once('online', function(){ paymentLogger.debug('system', 'Connected to daemon for payment processing'); daemon.cmd('validateaddress', [poolOptions.address], function(result){ if (!result[0].response.ismine){ paymentLogger.error('system', 'Daemon does not own pool address - payment processing can not be done with this daemon'); } }); }).once('connectionFailed', function(error){ paymentLogger.error('system', 'Failed to connect to daemon for payment processing: ' + JSON.stringify(error)); }).on('error', function(error){ paymentLogger.error('system', error); }).init(); var redisClient; var connectToRedis = function(){ var reconnectTimeout; redisClient = redis.createClient(processingConfig.redis.port,; redisClient.on('ready', function(){ clearTimeout(reconnectTimeout); paymentLogger.debug('redis', 'Successfully connected to redis database'); }).on('error', function(err){ paymentLogger.error('redis', 'Redis client had an error: ' + JSON.stringify(err)) }).on('end', function(){ paymentLogger.error('redis', 'Connection to redis database as been ended'); paymentLogger.warning('redis', 'Trying reconnection in 3 seconds...'); reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ connectToRedis(); }, 3000); }); }; connectToRedis(); var processPayments = function(){ async.waterfall([ /* Call redis to get an array of rounds - which are coinbase transactions and block heights from submitted blocks. */ function(callback){ redisClient.smembers(coin + '_blocksPending', function(error, results){ if (error){ logger.error('redis', 'Could get blocks from redis ' + JSON.stringify(error)); callback('done - redis error for getting blocks'); return; } if (results.length === 0){ callback('done - no pending blocks in redis'); return; } var rounds ={ var details = r.split(':'); return {txHash: details[0], height: details[1], reward: details[2], serialized: r}; }); callback(null, rounds); }); }, /* Does a batch rpc call to daemon with all the transaction hashes to see if they are confirmed yet. It also adds the block reward amount to the round object - which the daemon gives also gives us. */ function(rounds, callback){ var batchRPCcommand ={ return ['gettransaction', [r.txHash]]; }); daemon.batchCmd(batchRPCcommand, function(error, txDetails){ if (error || !txDetails){ callback('done - daemon rpc error with batch gettransactions ' + JSON.stringify(error)); return; } txDetails = txDetails.filter(function(tx){ if (tx.error || !tx.result){ console.log('error with requesting transaction from block daemon: ' + JSON.stringify(t)); return false; } return true; }); var orphanedRounds = []; var confirmedRounds = []; //Rounds that are not confirmed yet are removed from the round array //We also get reward amount for each block from daemon reply rounds.forEach(function(r){ var tx = txDetails.filter(function(tx){return tx.result.txid === r.txHash})[0]; if (!tx){ console.log('daemon did not give us back a transaction that we asked for: ' + r.txHash); return; } r.category = tx.result.details[0].category; if (r.category === 'orphan'){ orphanedRounds.push(r); } else if (r.category === 'generate'){ r.amount = tx.result.amount; r.magnitude = r.reward / r.amount; confirmedRounds.push(r); } }); if (orphanedRounds.length === 0 && confirmedRounds.length === 0){ callback('done - no confirmed or orhpaned rounds'); } else{ callback(null, confirmedRounds, orphanedRounds); } }); }, /* Does a batch redis call to get shares contributed to each round. Then calculates the reward amount owned to each miner for each round. */ function(confirmedRounds, orphanedRounds, callback){ var rounds = []; for (var i = 0; i < orphanedRounds.length; i++) rounds.push(orphanedRounds[i]); for (var i = 0; i < confirmedRounds.length; i++) rounds.push(confirmedRounds[i]); var shareLookups ={ return ['hgetall', coin + '_shares:round' + r.height] }); redisClient.multi(shareLookups).exec(function(error, allWorkerShares){ if (error){ callback('done - redis error with multi get rounds share') return; } // Iterate through the beginning of the share results which are for the orphaned rounds var orphanMergeCommands = [] for (var i = 0; i < orphanedRounds.length; i++){ var workerShares = allWorkerShares[i]; Object.keys(workerShares).forEach(function(worker){ orphanMergeCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + '_shares:roundCurrent', worker, workerShares[worker]]); }); orphanMergeCommands.push([]); } // Iterate through the rest of the share results which are for the worker rewards var workerRewards = {}; for (var i = orphanedRounds.length; i < allWorkerShares.length; i++){ var round = rounds[i]; var workerShares = allWorkerShares[i]; var reward = round.reward * (1 - processingConfig.feePercent); var totalShares = Object.keys(workerShares).reduce(function(p, c){ return p + parseInt(workerShares[c]) }, 0); for (var worker in workerShares){ var percent = parseInt(workerShares[worker]) / totalShares; var workerRewardTotal = Math.floor(reward * percent); if (!(worker in workerRewards)) workerRewards[worker] = 0; workerRewards[worker] += workerRewardTotal; } } //this calculates profit if you wanna see it /* var workerTotalRewards = Object.keys(workerRewards).reduce(function(p, c){ return p + workerRewards[c]; }, 0); var poolTotalRewards = rounds.reduce(function(p, c){ return p + c.amount * c.magnitude; }, 0); console.log(workerRewards); console.log('pool profit percent' + ((poolTotalRewards - workerTotalRewards) / poolTotalRewards)); */ callback(null, rounds, workerRewards, orphanMergeCommands); }); }, /* Does a batch call to redis to get worker existing balances from coin_balances*/ function(rounds, workerRewards, orphanMergeCommands, callback){ var workers = Object.keys(workerRewards); redisClient.hmget([coin + '_balances'].concat(workers), function(error, results){ if (error){ callback('done - redis error with multi get balances'); return; } var workerBalances = {}; for (var i = 0; i < workers.length; i++){ workerBalances[workers[i]] = parseInt(results[i]) || 0; } callback(null, rounds, workerRewards, workerBalances, orphanMergeCommands); }); }, /* Calculate if any payments are ready to be sent and trigger them sending Get balance different for each address and pass it along as object of latest balances such as {worker1: balance1, worker2, balance2} when deciding the sent balance, it the difference should be -1*amount they had in db, if not sending the balance, the differnce should be +(the amount they earned this round) */ function(rounds, workerRewards, workerBalances, orphanMergeCommands, callback){ var magnitude = rounds[0].magnitude; daemon.cmd('getbalance', [], function(results){ var totalBalance = results[0].response * magnitude; var toBePaid = 0; var workerPayments = {}; var balanceUpdateCommands = []; var workerPayoutsCommand = []; for (var worker in workerRewards){ workerPayments[worker] = (workerPayments[worker] || 0) + workerRewards[worker]; } for (var worker in workerBalances){ workerPayments[worker] = (workerPayments[worker] || 0) + workerBalances[worker]; } for (var worker in workerPayments){ if (workerPayments[worker] < processingConfig.minimumPayment * magnitude){ balanceUpdateCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + '_balances', worker, workerRewards[worker]]); delete workerPayments[worker]; } else{ if (workerBalances[worker] !== 0) balanceUpdateCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + '_balances', worker, -1 * workerBalances[worker]]); workerPayoutsCommand.push(['hincrby', coin + '_balances', worker, workerRewards[worker]]); toBePaid += workerPayments[worker]; } } var balanceLeftOver = totalBalance - toBePaid; var minReserveSatoshis = processingConfig.minimumReserve * magnitude; if (balanceLeftOver < minReserveSatoshis){ callback('done - payments would wipe out minimum reserve, tried to pay out ' + toBePaid + ' but only have ' + totalBalance + '. Left over balance would be ' + balanceLeftOver + ', needs to be at least ' + minReserveSatoshis); return; } var movePendingCommands = []; var deleteRoundsCommand = ['del']; rounds.forEach(function(r){ var destinationSet = r.category === 'orphan' ? '_blocksOrphaned' : '_blocksConfirmed'; movePendingCommands.push(['smove', coin + '_blocksPending', coin + destinationSet, r.serialized]); deleteRoundsCommand.push(coin + '_shares:round' + r.height) }); var finalRedisCommands = []; finalRedisCommands = finalRedisCommands.concat( movePendingCommands, orphanMergeCommands, balanceUpdateCommands, workerPayoutsCommand ); finalRedisCommands.push(deleteRoundsCommand); finalRedisCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + '_stats', 'totalPaid', toBePaid]); callback(null, magnitude, workerPayments, finalRedisCommands); }); }, function(magnitude, workerPayments, finalRedisCommands, callback){ var sendManyCmd = ['', {}]; for (var address in workerPayments){ sendManyCmd[1][address] = workerPayments[address] / magnitude; } console.log(JSON.stringify(finalRedisCommands, null, 4)); console.log(JSON.stringify(workerPayments, null, 4)); console.log(JSON.stringify(sendManyCmd, null, 4)); return; //not yet... daemon.cmd('sendmany', sendManyCmd, function(results){ if (results[0].error){ callback('done - error with sendmany ' + JSON.stringify(results[0].error)); return; } redisClient.multi(finalRedisCommands).exec(function(error, results){ if (error){ callback('done - error with final redis commands for cleaning up ' + JSON.stringify(error)); return; } callback(null, 'Payments sent'); }); }); } ], function(error, result){ if (error) logger.debug(error) else{ logger.debug(result); } }); }; setInterval(processPayments, processingConfig.paymentInterval * 1000); setTimeout(processPayments, 100); };