const fs = require('fs'); const glob = require('glob'); /** * Load all md and mdx files from /docs and check whether links are not staring with "" * @param {Array} files - List of file names to check */ const validateAbsoluteUrls = (files) => { const wikiUrl = ''; const regexPattern = new RegExp(`\\]\\((https|http):\\/\\/${wikiUrl}`, 'i'); /** @type {Array<{ fileName: string, lineContent: string, lineNo: number }>} */ const errors = []; files.forEach((fileName) => { const lines = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8').split('\n'); lines.forEach((line) => { if (regexPattern.test(line)) { errors.push({ fileName, lineContent: line, lineNo: lines.indexOf(line) + 1, }); } }); }); if (errors.length > 0) { console.log('❌ Failed\n'); console.log(`Absolute URLs to "${wikiUrl}" found in the following files:\n`); errors.forEach((error) => { console.log( `[${error.fileName}:${error.lineNo}] ${error.lineContent.trim()}` ); }); process.exit(1); } console.log('✅ Ok'); } const files = glob.sync('docs/**/*.md?(x)'); console.log('Validating links...'); validateAbsoluteUrls(files);