#!/usr/bin/env python # # # For debugging we use the bottom left corner pixel and: # # show red dot if failed to get data # show blue dot if failed to refresh the cookie. # show orange when we start refreshing data. # show yellow when login fails. # # # ver 1.1 added dispaly of ip address on boot in binary format. # # import time import json import requests import time import unicornhat as unicorn import urllib3 import socket import commands urllib3.disable_warnings() unicorn.set_layout(unicorn.PHAT) unicorn.rotation(180) unicorn.brightness(0.4) height,width=unicorn.get_shape() # login details for your APIC apic = '' username = 'aci-health' password = 'aci-health' # show blue pixels in each corner def show_icon(timedel): unicorn.set_pixel(0,0,0,0,255) unicorn.set_pixel(0,3,0,0,255) unicorn.set_pixel(7,0,0,0,255) unicorn.set_pixel(7,3,0,0,255) unicorn.show() time.sleep(timedel) # show ipv4 address in binary on the 4x8 LEDs def show_ip(timedel): for address in filter(None, commands.getoutput("hostname -I").split(" ")): show_icon(1) try: print "processing: ",address for octetidx,octet in enumerate(address.split(".")): bin_octet="{0:08b}".format(int(octet)) for idx,c in enumerate(bin_octet[::-1]): if c == "0": unicorn.set_pixel(idx,octetidx,0,255,0) elif c == "1": unicorn.set_pixel(idx,octetidx,255,0,0) print "display: ", address unicorn.show() time.sleep(timedel) except: print "skip ipv6" pass unicorn.clear() unicorn.show() return() # some colour defs red=(255,0,0) orange=(255,128,0) green=(0,255,0) # # get data from APIC function # def getdata(): url='https://%s/api/node/mo/topology/health.json' % apic try: print "Getting data from APIC...",apic response = requests.get(url,cookies=cook,timeout=2,verify=False) json_data = response.json() health = json_data["imdata"][0]["fabricHealthTotal"]["attributes"]["cur"] print "currnet health score is",health show_unicorn(int(health)) print "\n---------------\n" except: unicorn.clear() unicorn.set_pixel(0,0,255,0,0) unicorn.show() print "Missing health data, or timeout" pass return() # # refresh session cookie # def refreshSession(oldcook): url = 'https://%s/api/aaaRefresh.json' % apic print "\n---------------\n" r = None while r is None: try: r = requests.get(url, cookies=oldcook,timeout=10,verify=False) newcook = r.cookies print "got a new cookie" print "\n---------------\n" except: unicorn.clear() unicorn.set_pixel(0,0,0,0,255) unicorn.show() print "timeout refreshing cookie" print "\n---------------\n" newcook = loginAPIC() pass return(newcook) # # display the health score # def show_unicorn(health): if health == 100: colour=green level=8 elif 90 <= health <= 99: colour=green level=7 elif 60 <= health <= 89: colour=orange level=6 elif 50 <= health <= 59: colour=orange level=5 elif 30 <= health <= 49: colour=orange level=4 elif 20 <= health <= 29: colour=red level=2 else: colour=red level=1 print "level",level print "colour",colour for y in range(level): for x in range(width): r=colour[0] g=colour[1] b=colour[2] unicorn.set_pixel(y,x,r,g,b) unicorn.show() time.sleep(0.05) return() def loginAPIC(): headers={'content-type':'application/json'} auth = {'aaaUser': {'attributes': {'name':username,'pwd':password}}} url = 'https://%s/api/aaaLogin.json' % apic r = None while r is None: try: r = requests.post( url, data=json.dumps(auth), timeout=5, verify=False ) print "logging in, status ",r.status_code cook = r.cookies except: unicorn.clear() unicorn.set_pixel(0,0,255,255,0) unicorn.show() print "timeout logging in, but we will keep trying" show_ip(5) pass return(cook) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main program loop starts here # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Stared monitorig script..." show_icon(1) print "waiting for network" while len(filter(None, commands.getoutput("hostname -I").split(" "))) < 1: print "Waiting for at least 1 ip" print "got an ip address" # show ip addresses for 10s (1s delay between if more IPs found) show_ip(10) # Perform initial login, later we will need to refresh the cookie frequently cook = loginAPIC() while True: for num in range(0,8): unicorn.clear() unicorn.set_pixel(0,0,255,128,0) unicorn.show() getdata() time.sleep(5) print "Refreshing cookie" cook = refreshSession(cook)