###### Jul-9-2022 As of hardware version 1.9d and 2.2d support for a cheaper 28 pin probe has been added to the PCB, so depending on the type of probe you end up using, connector J1 has to be soldered in accordingly, see the picture below: ![EPROM EMULATOR NG](https://github.com/Kris-Sekula/EPROM-EMU-NG/blob/master/Pictures/Connectors_J1_options.jpg) ###### Feb-6-2022 At this point there are two differnt hardware version of the emulator, one using 2x 32kb SRAMs and the other using a single 128kb SRAM (64k usable). Firmware and software is exaclty the same for both. ![EPROM EMULATOR NG](https://github.com/Kris-Sekula/EPROM-EMU-NG/blob/master/Pictures/hw_2.2c_vs_1.9c_m.png)