# kris@mygeekyhobby.com # ver 1.0 - may 2020 - initial release # ver 1.2 - june 2020 - added save to SPI EEPROM functionality # - fixed the args parsing # - added auto load wait option # - added save SPI option import argparse import serial,os import time parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script sends data to EPROM Emulator over serial port, requires python 3.8 and pyserial "pip install pyserial"') parser.add_argument('file_arg', metavar='', type=str, help='Data file in 8 bit InteHEX format') parser.add_argument('port_arg', metavar='', type=str, help='Serial port to use, eg COM1 in Windows or "/dev/ttyUSB0" in Linux') parser.add_argument('-mem', metavar='', type=str, choices=['2716', '2732','2764', '27128', '27256', '27512'], default='27512', help='Emulated EPROM memory type, eg.: 2716..27512. Defaults to 27512') parser.add_argument('-spi', metavar='y/n', choices=['y','n'], default=False, help='Enable/Disable emulator saves data to SPI EEPROM. This only works on "full images" with data in blocks of 128 bytes, starting from 0000h') parser.add_argument('-auto', metavar='y/n', choices=['y','n'], default=False, help='Enable/Disable emulator automatically load last saved image and EPROM configuraiton on start.') args = parser.parse_args() print("") print(args) print("") mem_type = "" if args.mem == "2716": mem_type = ':ini16' max_size = 2048 elif args.mem == "2732": mem_type = ':ini32' max_size = 4096 elif args.mem == "2764": mem_type = ':ini64' max_size = 8192 elif args.mem == "27128": mem_type = ':ini128' max_size = 16384 elif args.mem == "27256": mem_type = ':ini256' max_size = 32768 elif args.mem == "27512": mem_type = ':ini512' max_size = 65536 try: ser = serial.Serial(port=args.port_arg,baudrate=115200,timeout=0.1,writeTimeout=0) except: print("Failed to open port, verify port name") exit() print("Using serial port {}, emulating: {} EPROM".format(args.port_arg,args.mem)) time.sleep(2) # on nano, opening the port will trigger reset of the arduino, so need to wait try: for x in range(4): data_tx = ("\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) ser.flushInput() # ignore anything waiting in the input buffer. print("\n-- attempting to get sync --") data_tx = (":dml\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() if "HW: " in response.decode(): # Emulator will respond with version number like "HW: v1.0" print(response.decode()) elif "...." in response.decode(): print("Waiting for autoupload to finish... Note: you can disable autoupload by long pressing pushbutton") while "..." in ser.readline().decode(): print(".") time.sleep(2) ser.flushInput() # ignore anything waiting in the input buffer. data_tx = (":dml\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() if "HW: " in response.decode(): print(response.decode()) else: print("Failed to connect after autoload - exiting") exit() else: print("Failed to connect - exiting") exit() # # when sending entire "image" of and EPROM, for example 32k of data to emulate 27256 EPROM, you can ask the EMULATOR to save the data to SPI EEPROM # this will only work if you send full blocks of 128 bytes, in consecutive range starting from address 0000h up to the size of emulated EPROM # the emulator can reload this data when the button is pressed, can take up to 1min for 27512 - LED will quickly flash during loading. # if args.spi == "y": print('-- Setting "Save to SPI EEPROM" option to enable --') data_tx = (":iniSPI1\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) if args.spi == "n": print('-- Setting "Save to SPI EEPROM" option to disable --') data_tx = (":iniSPI0\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) # # Set the Auto load from SPI EEPROM option # if args.auto == "y": print('-- Setting "Auto load from SPI EEPROM" option to enable --') data_tx = (":iniAuto1\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) if args.auto == "n": print('-- Setting "Auto load from SPI EEPROM" option to disable --') data_tx = (":iniAuto0\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) print("-- prcessing file --") start = time.time() bytesdata = 0 with open(args.file_arg) as fp: while True: line = fp.readline() ser.write(line.encode()) response = ser.readline() print(response[:-2].decode("utf-8")) if line[7:9] == "00": # count only data records bytesdata += len(line[9:-3])//2 if not line: break taken = time.time() - start print("Sent {} bytes in {} seconds\n".format(str(bytesdata),round(taken,2))) if bytesdata > max_size: print("Warninig!!! Sent {} bytes, but the selected {} EPROM can only hold {} bytes...\n".format(str(bytesdata),str(args.mem),str(max_size))) print("-- Setting EPROM Type --") data_tx = (mem_type + "\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) print("-- Finished -- ") #while(True): # if ser.in_waiting > 0: # print(ser.readline()) except Exception as e: print("Failed to send",e) ser.close() exit()