# kris@mygeekyhobby.com # # ver 1.0 - may 2020 - initial release # ver 1.2 - june 2020 - added save to SPI EEPROM functionality # - fixed the args parsing # - added auto load wait option # - added save SPI option # ver 1.3 - july 2020 - removed some of the debug stuff # - removed address scrolling when loading # ver 1.6g - Aug 2020 - Lunches GUI when no parameters specified (code contributed by John Gerrard)... requires PySimpleGUI module "pip install PySimpleGUI" # - small fixes to the output # ver 1.6e - fixed bug with SPI==y # # ver 2.0rc1 - Oct 2020 - save parameters in GUI # - .bin and .hex file support # - binary mode upload with packets of 128-512 bytes at a time # - Save to SPI works with any type of data range (any source file less than 128 bytes gets "padded" with 0xFF) version = "2.0rc1" import argparse import serial,os import time import PySimpleGUI as sg import sys # All routines here # Print int list in Hex format (for debugging only) def PrintHex(intList): row = 0 for val in intList: print("%0.2X"%val, end=' ', flush=True) row += 1 if row == 64: print("") row=0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def chunkData(bfr): """ Analyze the 64k buffer, find all 128Byte chunks that are in use (have data != to -1) Will return a list of 512 entries with "1" meaning block of 128Bytes had data chaned and "0" no data changed """ mapped=[] for i in range(0,len(bfr),128): chunk = bfr[i:i+128] # split buffer into 128 Bytes chunks used = False for cell in chunk: # if any byte changed, mark chunk for upload if cell > 0: used = True if used: mapped.append(1) else: mapped.append(0) return mapped # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def plotData(mapped): """ Display map of data usage in the buffer, "*" data used and "_" not used """ col=0 for idx in range(len(mapped)): if idx == 0: # first address special case print("0x%0.4X"%idx, end=' ', flush=True) if mapped[idx] == 1: print("*", end=' ', flush=True) else: print("_", end=' ', flush=True) col+=1 if col == 32: if (idx*128+128) < 65535: print("") print("0x%0.4X"%int(idx*128+128),end=' ', flush=True) col=0 return # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def packetData(mapped): data=[] """ create a list of tuples [(start_address,size),(start_address,size),...,(start_address,size)] ... size can be 128,256,384,512 in other words find continues ranges of 128Byte data that has changed, group into packets of 128-512 bytes, create a list for later processing """ n=0 col=0 start=-2 for idx in range(len(mapped)): if mapped[idx] == 1: if n == 0: start = idx*128 n+=1 if n == 4: data.append((start,512)) n=0 else: if n > 0: start = (idx-n)*128 data.append((start,n*128)) n=0 start = -2 return data # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def Decode(len, sum, addr, data): """ Borrowed this from www.sbprojects.net, credits to San Bergmans Decode an Intel string. Returns a list of N bytes. Returns an empty list if an error has occurred. """ global Errors checksum = len + (addr & 0xFF) + (addr >> 8) index = 0 bytes = [] if len <= 0 or len > 32: # Illegal length Eprint("Illegal line length found.") Errors += 1 return bytes while len > 0: # Iterate over all data bytes decimal = int(data[index:index+2], 16) bytes.append(decimal) checksum = checksum + decimal index += 2 len -= 1 checksum = (checksum + int(sum, 16)) & 0xFF if checksum != 0: # Checksum didn't add up Eprint("Checksum error.") bytes = [] Errors += 1 return bytes return bytes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def ParseIntelLine(line): """ Borrowed this from www.sbprojects.net, credits to San Bergmans Parse an IntelHex line. Record types 02, 03, 04 and 05 are ignored. Maximum payload length is 32 bytes. Everything after the checksum is ignored. Returns True if EOF record found, or when an error is found. """ global Errors # Remove EOL character and leading and trailing white space line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: # Ignore empty lines return False # Pad the line with plenty of spaces to make parsing easier # We don't have to worry about the line being too short line = line + ' '*74 if line[0] in ('#', ';'): # Ignore lines starting with a comment symbol return False if line[0] != ":": # Line must begin with a colon Eprint("Illegal start of formatted line.") Errors += 1 return True if line[7:9] in ('02', '03', '04', '05'): # These record types are simply ignored return False if line[0:11] == ":00000001FF": # End of file marker found return True datalength = int(line[1:3], 16) checksum_index = (datalength + 4) * 2 + 1 checksum = line[checksum_index:checksum_index + 2] address = int(line[3:7], 16) data = line[9:checksum_index] # Decode the dataline bytes = Decode(datalength, checksum, address, data) if len(bytes) == 0: # Decoding the line resulted in an error return True #print(address, bytes) for x in range (0,len(bytes)): buff64k[x+address] = bytes[x] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sg.theme('DarkAmber') # Add a touch of color #if not sg.user_settings_get_entry('startaddress',''): # this is a hack for default settings not working for some reason in sg.user_settings module # sg.user_settings_set_entry('startaddress', "0x0000") form = sg.FlexForm('Eprom emulator Uploader 2.0') from serial.tools.list_ports import comports com = [p.device for p in comports()] layout = [ [sg.Text('Eprom Type'), sg.InputCombo(('2716', '2732','2764', '27128','27256', '27512'),sg.user_settings_get_entry('mem',''), key='mem', size=(10, 6))], [sg.Text('COM port '), sg.InputCombo(com,sg.user_settings_get_entry('port',''),key='port',size=(10, 1))], [sg.Checkbox('Save to SPI',sg.user_settings_get_entry('spi',False),key='spi'),sg.Checkbox('Show Data Map',sg.user_settings_get_entry('map',True),key='map')], [sg.Checkbox('Auto Start',sg.user_settings_get_entry('auto',False),key='auto')], [sg.Text('Start Address (for *.bin files)'),sg.Input(sg.user_settings_get_entry('startaddress',"0x0000"), key='startaddress', size=(10,1))], # 4 [sg.Text('Choose A File', size=(35, 1))], [sg.In(sg.user_settings_get_entry('filename', ''),key='filename'),sg.FileBrowse(file_types=(("iHex files", "*.hex"),("Binary","*.bin")))], # 6 [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()], ] if len(sys.argv) >= 2: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This script sends data to EPROM Emulator over serial port, requires python 3.8, pyserial and pysimplegui (use "pip3 install"') parser.add_argument('file_arg', metavar='', type=str, help='Data file in 8 bit iHEX (*.hex) or binary format (*.bin)') parser.add_argument('port_arg', metavar='', type=str, help='Serial port to use, eg COM1 in Windows or "/dev/ttyUSB0" in Linux') parser.add_argument('-mem', metavar='', type=str, choices=['2716', '2732','2764', '27128', '27256', '27512'], default='27512', help='Emulated EPROM memory type, eg.: 2716..27512. Defaults to 27512') parser.add_argument('-spi', metavar='y/n', choices=['y','n'], default=False, help='Enable/Disable emulator saves data to SPI EEPROM') parser.add_argument('-auto', metavar='y/n', choices=['y','n'], default=False, help='Enable/Disable emulator automatically load last saved image and EPROM configuraiton on start.') parser.add_argument('-start', metavar='', type=str, default="0x0000", help='start address for loading binary files, defaults to 0x0000 if none provided') parser.add_argument('-map', metavar='y/n', choices=['y','n'], default=True, help='Show a map of memory usage after loading files') args = parser.parse_args() mem = args.mem port = args.port_arg spi = args.spi auto = args.auto startaddrstr = args.start mapmem = args.map file = args.file_arg gui = False else: window = sg.Window('EPROM EMU NG GUI Uploader '+version, layout) gui = True # Create the Window # Event Loop to process "events" and get the "values" of the inputs while True: event, values = window.read() mem = values['mem'] port = values['port'] spi = values['spi'] auto = values['auto'] startaddrstr = values['startaddress'] mapmem = values['map'] if values['spi']: spi="y" else: spi= "n" if values['auto']: auto="y" else: auto = "n" if values['map']: mapmem="y" else: mapmem = "n" file = values['filename'] if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel': # if user closes window or clicks cancel exit() break if event == 'Submit': # if user closes window or clicks cancel sg.user_settings_set_entry('filename', values['filename']) sg.user_settings_set_entry('startaddress', values['startaddress']) sg.user_settings_set_entry('mem', values['mem']) sg.user_settings_set_entry('spi', values['spi']) sg.user_settings_set_entry('auto', values['auto']) sg.user_settings_set_entry('port', values['port']) sg.user_settings_set_entry('map', values['map']) break window.close() mem_type = "" if mem == "2716": mem_type = ':ini16' max_size = 2048 elif mem == "2732": mem_type = ':ini32' max_size = 4096 elif mem == "2764": mem_type = ':ini64' max_size = 8192 elif mem == "27128": mem_type = ':ini128' max_size = 16384 elif mem == "27256": mem_type = ':ini256' max_size = 32768 elif mem == "27512": mem_type = ':ini512' max_size = 65536 try: ser = serial.Serial(port=port,baudrate=115200,timeout=0.5,writeTimeout=0) except: print("Failed to open port, verify port name") exit() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ buff64k = [-1]*65536 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- print ("\nRunning EPROM EMU NG python script version",version) print("") print("File used: {}\n".format(os.path.basename(file))) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file) if file_extension.lower() == ".bin": isbin = True else: isbin = False if isbin: # process bin startaddr = int(startaddrstr, 16) binfile = open(file,"rb").read() file_size = len(binfile) # load the binary file into the buffer at start location for x in range (0,file_size): buff64k[x+startaddr] = binfile[x] print("Done processing bin\n") else: # process hex file Bytes_Written = 0 Errors = 0 with open(file) as fp: while True: line = fp.readline() if len(line) > 0: if ParseIntelLine(line): break else: break if Errors == 0: print("Done processing hex\n") fp.close() # generate data map (list of 128Byte chunks that has data) datamap = chunkData(buff64k) # display map of data in buffer if mapmem == "y": print('Each symbol represents 128Bytes "*" with data, "-" with no data\n') plotData(datamap) else: print("Memory map disabled") # process data map into a list of 128Byte chunks that can be sent in 1,2,3 or 4 chunks of 128Bytes to the emulator data = packetData(datamap) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("\n\nUsing serial port {}, emulating: {} EPROM".format(port,mem)) time.sleep(2) # on nano, opening the port will trigger reset of the arduino, so need to wait try: for x in range(4): data_tx = ("\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) ser.flushInput() # ignore anything waiting in the input buffer. print("\n-- attempting to get sync --\n") data_tx = (":dml\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() if "HW: " in response.decode(): # Emulator will respond with version number like "HW: v1.0" print(response.decode()) elif "...." in response.decode(): print("Waiting for autoupload to finish... Note: you can disable autoupload by long pressing pushbutton") while "..." in ser.readline().decode(): print(".", end=' ', flush=True) print("") time.sleep(2) ser.flushInput() # ignore anything waiting in the input buffer. data_tx = (":dml\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() if "HW: " in response.decode(): print(response.decode()) else: print("Failed to connect after autoload - exiting") exit() else: print("Failed to connect - exiting") exit() # if spi == "y": print('-- Setting "Save to SPI EEPROM" option to enable --') data_tx = (":iniSPI1\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) if spi == "n": print('-- Setting "Save to SPI EEPROM" option to disable --') data_tx = (":iniSPI0\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) # # Set the Auto load from SPI EEPROM option # if auto == "y": print('-- Setting "Auto load from SPI EEPROM" option to enable --') data_tx = (":iniAuto1\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) if auto == "n": print('-- Setting "Auto load from SPI EEPROM" option to disable --') data_tx = (":iniAuto0\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) print("-- prcessing file --\n") start = time.time() for StartAddr,FrameSize in data: # request byte frame processing data_tx = (":SBN\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) # Wait for ACK response = ser.readline() # this is a form of sync before the array gets sent # Send address and no of bytes incomming ser.write((str(StartAddr)+"\n").encode()) ser.write((str(FrameSize)+"\n").encode()) # set un-used bytes "-1" to "0xffh" for x in range (StartAddr,StartAddr+FrameSize): if buff64k[x] < 0: buff64k[x] = 0xff #print("\nBuffer: ", len(buff64k[StartAddr:StartAddr+FrameSize])," Start Address:",str(hex(StartAddr))) #PrintHex(buff64k[StartAddr:StartAddr+FrameSize]) # send to emulator ser.write(buff64k[StartAddr:StartAddr+FrameSize]) # Wait for ACK response = ser.readline() print("0x%0.4X"%StartAddr,response.decode().strip(), end='\r', flush=True) taken = time.time() - start print("\n\nTime taken to transfer: {}s \n".format(str(round(taken,2)))) print("-- Setting EPROM Type --") data_tx = (mem_type + "\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) print("-- Finished -- ") # enable emulation data_tx = (":EMUON\r\n").encode() ser.write(data_tx) response = ser.readline() print(response.decode()) except Exception as e: print("Failed to send",e) ser.close() if gui: input("Press Enter to continue...") sys.exit(0)