import argparse import serial,os parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=' ', description='This script sends data to ERMAX100 EPROM Emulator over serial port, requires python 3.8 and pyserial "pip install pyserial"') parser.add_argument('eprom_arg', metavar='EPROM', type=str, nargs=1, help='Specify EPROM Type: 2716..27512') parser.add_argument('file_arg', metavar='file', type=str, nargs=1, help='Binary data file') parser.add_argument('port_arg', metavar='port', type=str, nargs=1, help='Serial port to use, eg COM1 in Windows or "/dev/ttyUSB0" in Linux') # ver 1.0 args = parser.parse_args() try: binary_data = open(args.file_arg[0], 'rb').read() except: print("Failed to open the file") exit() if args.eprom_arg[0] == "2716": mem_type = b'\x01' if len(binary_data) > 2048: print("File size is {} is large for this type of memory".format(len(binary_data))) exit() elif args.eprom_arg[0] == "2732": mem_type = b'\x02' if len(binary_data) > 4096: print("File size is {} is large for this type of memory".format(len(binary_data))) exit() elif args.eprom_arg[0] == "2764": mem_type = b'\x03' if len(binary_data) > 8192: print("File size is {} is large for this type of memory".format(len(binary_data))) exit() elif args.eprom_arg[0] == "27128": mem_type = b'\x04' if len(binary_data) > 16384: print("File size is {} is large for this type of memory".format(len(binary_data))) exit() elif args.eprom_arg[0] == "27256": mem_type = b'\x05' if len(binary_data) > 32768: print("File size is {} is large for this type of memory".format(len(binary_data))) exit() elif args.eprom_arg[0] == "27512": mem_type = b'\x06' if len(binary_data) > 65536: print("File size is {} is large for this type of memory".format(len(binary_data))) exit() else: print("Unsupported memory type: {}".format(args.eprom_arg[0])) exit() try: ser = serial.Serial(args.port_arg[0],57600) except: print("Failed to open port, verify port name") exit() print("Sending: {} bytes over serial port {}, emulating: {} EPROM".format(str(len(binary_data)),args.port_arg[0],args.eprom_arg[0])) sync_byte = b'\x55' is_one = b'\x01' out_data = sync_byte + mem_type + is_one + binary_data try: ser.write(out_data) print("Sent: OK!") except: Print("Failed to send") ser.close() exit()