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# LoRa Cryto utils
# Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastien Dudek (@FlUxIuS) at @PentHertz
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import CMAC
import binascii
def JoinAcceptPayload_decrypt(key, hexpkt):
Decrypt Join Accept payloads
In(1): String 128 bits key
In(2): String packet
Out: String decrypted Join accept packet
payload = hexpkt[4:-2] # removing CRC
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
return cipher.encrypt(payload) # logic right? :D
def JoinAcceptPayload_encrypt(key, hexpkt):
Encrypts Join Accept Payload
In(1): String 128 bits key
In(2): String packet
Out: String encrypted Join accept payload
payload = hexpkt[4:]
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
return cipher.decrypt(payload)
def getPHY_CMAC(key, hexpkt, direction=1):
Compute MIC with AES CMAC
In(1): String 128 bits key for CMAC
In(2): hexstring of the packet
In(3): Direction (1: network, 0: end device)
Out: Hexdigest of computed MIC
lowoff = -4
if direction == 0:
lowoff = -6 # skip the CRC
payload = hexpkt[3:lowoff]
cobj = CMAC.new(key, ciphermod=AES)
toret = cobj.update(payload).hexdigest()
return toret[:8]
def checkMIC(key, hexpkt, direction=1):
Check MIC in the packet
In(1): String key for CMAC
In(2): String of the packet
In(3): Direction (1: network, 0: end device)
Out: True if key is correct, False otherwise
mic = hexpkt[-4:]
if direction == 0:
mic = hexpkt[-6:-2] # skip the CRC
except Exception:
mic = binascii.hexlify(mic)
cmic = bytes(getPHY_CMAC(key, hexpkt), 'utf-8')
print (repr(mic), repr(cmic))
return (mic == cmic)
# TODO: more helpers