lib,rlc_am_nr: starting to add unit test for retx'ing segments. Fixed issue in updating tx_next when segmenting the SDU.

This commit is contained in:
Pedro Alvarez 2022-01-28 12:35:40 +00:00
parent 801eddf899
commit 7206517846
2 changed files with 203 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ uint32_t rlc_am_nr_tx::build_continuation_sdu_segment(rlc_amd_tx_pdu_nr& tx_pdu,
RlcInfo("grant is large enough for full SDU."
"Removing current SDU info");
sdu_under_segmentation_sn = INVALID_RLC_SN;
// SDU is fully TX'ed. Increment TX_NEXt
return hdr_len + segment_payload_len;

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@ -350,6 +350,11 @@ int basic_segmentation_test()
rlc_am rlc1(srsran_rat_t::nr, srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RLC_AM_1"), 1, &tester, &tester, &timers);
rlc_am rlc2(srsran_rat_t::nr, srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RLC_AM_2"), 1, &tester, &tester, &timers);
rlc_am_nr_tx* tx1 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_tx*>(rlc1.get_tx());
rlc_am_nr_rx* rx1 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_rx*>(rlc1.get_rx());
rlc_am_nr_tx* tx2 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_tx*>(rlc2.get_tx());
rlc_am_nr_rx* rx2 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_rx*>(rlc2.get_rx());
// before configuring entity
TESTASSERT(0 == rlc1.get_buffer_state());
@ -407,6 +412,10 @@ int basic_segmentation_test()
TESTASSERT_EQ(13, metrics2.num_rx_pdu_bytes); // 1 PDU (No SO) + 2 PDUs (with SO) = 3 + 2*5
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics2.num_lost_sdus); // No lost SDUs
// Check state
rlc_am_nr_tx_state_t state1_tx = tx1->get_tx_state();
TESTASSERT_EQ(1, state1_tx.tx_next);
@ -582,6 +591,197 @@ int segment_retx_test()
int retx_segment_test()
rlc_am_tester tester;
timer_handler timers(8);
auto& test_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("TESTER ");
rlc_am rlc1(srsran_rat_t::nr, srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RLC_AM_1"), 1, &tester, &tester, &timers);
rlc_am rlc2(srsran_rat_t::nr, srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RLC_AM_2"), 1, &tester, &tester, &timers);
test_delimit_logger delimiter("retx segment PDU");
rlc_am_nr_tx* tx1 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_tx*>(rlc1.get_tx());
rlc_am_nr_rx* rx1 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_rx*>(rlc1.get_rx());
rlc_am_nr_tx* tx2 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_tx*>(rlc2.get_tx());
rlc_am_nr_rx* rx2 = dynamic_cast<rlc_am_nr_rx*>(rlc2.get_rx());
// before configuring entity
TESTASSERT(0 == rlc1.get_buffer_state());
if (not rlc1.configure(rlc_config_t::default_rlc_am_nr_config())) {
return -1;
if (not rlc2.configure(rlc_config_t::default_rlc_am_nr_config())) {
return -1;
int n_sdu_bufs = 5;
int n_pdu_bufs = 15;
// Push 5 SDUs into RLC1
std::vector<unique_byte_buffer_t> sdu_bufs(n_sdu_bufs);
for (int i = 0; i < n_sdu_bufs; i++) {
sdu_bufs[i] = srsran::make_byte_buffer();
sdu_bufs[i]->msg[0] = i; // Write the index into the buffer
sdu_bufs[i]->N_bytes = 3; // Give each buffer a size of 3 bytes
sdu_bufs[i]->md.pdcp_sn = i; // PDCP SN for notifications
TESTASSERT(25 == rlc1.get_buffer_state()); // 2 Bytes * NBUFFS (header size) + NBUFFS * 3 (data) = 25
// Read 15 PDUs from RLC1
std::vector<unique_byte_buffer_t> pdu_bufs(n_pdu_bufs);
for (int i = 0; i < n_pdu_bufs; i++) {
pdu_bufs[i] = srsran::make_byte_buffer();
if (i == 0 || i == 3 || i == 6 || i == 9 || i == 12) {
// First segment, no SO
uint32_t len = rlc1.read_pdu(pdu_bufs[i]->msg, 3); // 2 bytes for header + 1 byte payload
pdu_bufs[i]->N_bytes = len;
} else {
// Middle or last segment, SO present
uint32_t len = rlc1.read_pdu(pdu_bufs[i]->msg, 5); // 4 bytes for header + 1 byte payload
pdu_bufs[i]->N_bytes = len;
TESTASSERT(0 == rlc1.get_buffer_state());
// Write 15 - 3 PDUs into RLC2
for (int i = 0; i < n_pdu_bufs; i++) {
if (i != 3) {
rlc2.write_pdu(pdu_bufs[i]->msg, pdu_bufs[i]->N_bytes); // Lose first segment of RLC_SN=1.
if (i != 3) {
rlc2.write_pdu(pdu_bufs[i]->msg, pdu_bufs[i]->N_bytes); // Lose middle segment of RLC_SN=2.
if (i != 3) {
rlc2.write_pdu(pdu_bufs[i]->msg, pdu_bufs[i]->N_bytes); // Lose last segment of RLC_SN=3.
// Only after t-reassembly has expired, will the status report include NACKs.
TESTASSERT(3 == rlc2.get_buffer_state());
// Read status PDU from RLC2
byte_buffer_t status_buf;
int len = rlc2.read_pdu(status_buf.msg, 5);
status_buf.N_bytes = len;
TESTASSERT(0 == rlc2.get_buffer_state());
// Assert status is correct
rlc_am_nr_status_pdu_t status_check = {};
rlc_am_nr_read_status_pdu(&status_buf, rlc_am_nr_sn_size_t::size12bits, &status_check);
TESTASSERT(status_check.ack_sn == 3); // 3 is the next expected SN (i.e. the lost packet.)
// Write status PDU to RLC1
rlc1.write_pdu(status_buf.msg, status_buf.N_bytes);
// Step timers until reassambly timeout expires
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 35; cnt++) {
// t-reassembly has expired. There should be a NACK in the status report.
TESTASSERT(5 == rlc2.get_buffer_state());
// Read status PDU from RLC2
byte_buffer_t status_buf;
int len = rlc2.read_pdu(status_buf.msg, 5);
status_buf.N_bytes = len;
TESTASSERT(0 == rlc2.get_buffer_state());
// Assert status is correct
rlc_am_nr_status_pdu_t status_check = {};
rlc_am_nr_read_status_pdu(&status_buf, rlc_am_nr_sn_size_t::size12bits, &status_check);
TESTASSERT(status_check.ack_sn == 5); // 5 is the next expected SN.
TESTASSERT(status_check.N_nack == 1); // We lost one PDU.
TESTASSERT(status_check.nacks[0].nack_sn == 3); // Lost PDU SN=3.
// Write status PDU to RLC1
rlc1.write_pdu(status_buf.msg, status_buf.N_bytes);
// Check there is an Retx of SN=3
TESTASSERT(5 == rlc1.get_buffer_state());
// Re-transmit PDU in 3 segments
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
byte_buffer_t retx_buf;
uint32_t len = 0;
if (i == 0) {
len = rlc1.read_pdu(retx_buf.msg, 3);
TESTASSERT(3 == len);
} else {
len = rlc1.read_pdu(retx_buf.msg, 5);
TESTASSERT(5 == len);
retx_buf.N_bytes = len;
rlc_am_nr_pdu_header_t header_check = {};
uint32_t hdr_len = rlc_am_nr_read_data_pdu_header(&retx_buf, rlc_am_nr_sn_size_t::size12bits, &header_check);
// Double check header.
TESTASSERT( == 3); // Double check RETX SN
if (i == 0) {
TESTASSERT( == rlc_nr_si_field_t::first_segment);
} else if (i == 1) {
TESTASSERT( == rlc_nr_si_field_t::neither_first_nor_last_segment);
} else {
TESTASSERT( == rlc_nr_si_field_t::last_segment);
rlc2.write_pdu(retx_buf.msg, retx_buf.N_bytes);
TESTASSERT(0 == rlc1.get_buffer_state());
// Check statistics
rlc_bearer_metrics_t metrics1 = rlc1.get_metrics();
rlc_bearer_metrics_t metrics2 = rlc2.get_metrics();
// SDU metrics
TESTASSERT_EQ(5, metrics1.num_tx_sdus);
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics1.num_rx_sdus);
TESTASSERT_EQ(15, metrics1.num_tx_sdu_bytes);
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics1.num_rx_sdu_bytes);
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics1.num_lost_sdus);
// PDU metrics
TESTASSERT_EQ(5 + 3, metrics1.num_tx_pdus); // 3 re-transmissions
TESTASSERT_EQ(2, metrics1.num_rx_pdus); // Two status PDU
TESTASSERT_EQ(38, metrics1.num_tx_pdu_bytes); // 2 Bytes * NBUFFS (header size) + NBUFFS * 3 (data) +
// 3 (1 retx no SO) + 2 * 5 (2 retx with SO) = 38
TESTASSERT_EQ(3 + 5, metrics1.num_rx_pdu_bytes); // Two status PDU (one with a NACK)
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics1.num_lost_sdus); // No lost SDUs
// PDU metrics
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics2.num_tx_sdus);
TESTASSERT_EQ(5, metrics2.num_rx_sdus);
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics2.num_tx_sdu_bytes);
TESTASSERT_EQ(15, metrics2.num_rx_sdu_bytes); // 5 SDUs, 3 bytes each
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics2.num_lost_sdus);
// SDU metrics
TESTASSERT_EQ(2, metrics2.num_tx_pdus); // Two status PDUs
TESTASSERT_EQ(7, metrics2.num_rx_pdus); // 7 PDUs (8 tx'ed, but one was lost)
TESTASSERT_EQ(5 + 3, metrics2.num_tx_pdu_bytes); // Two status PDU (one with a NACK)
TESTASSERT_EQ(33, metrics2.num_rx_pdu_bytes); // 2 Bytes * (NBUFFS-1) (header size) + (NBUFFS-1) * 3 (data)
// 3 (1 retx no SO) + 2 * 5 (2 retx with SO) = 33
TESTASSERT_EQ(0, metrics2.num_lost_sdus); // No lost SDUs
// Check state
rlc_am_nr_rx_state_t state2_rx = rx2->get_rx_state();
TESTASSERT_EQ(5, state2_rx.rx_next);
int main()
// Setup the log message spy to intercept error and warning log entries from RLC
@ -612,6 +812,6 @@ int main()
TESTASSERT(lost_pdu_test() == SRSRAN_SUCCESS);
TESTASSERT(basic_segmentation_test() == SRSRAN_SUCCESS);
TESTASSERT(segment_retx_test() == SRSRAN_SUCCESS);
TESTASSERT(retx_segment_test() == SRSRAN_SUCCESS);