Changes requested

This commit is contained in:
Guillem Foreman 2019-07-12 14:11:26 +02:00
parent ca6d9576c3
commit eab73829f6
4 changed files with 24 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ option(ENABLE_SRSENB "Build srsENB application" ON)
option(ENABLE_SRSEPC "Build srsEPC application" ON)
option(DISABLE_SIMD "disable simd instructions" OFF)
option(ENABLE_GUI "Enable GUI (using srsGUI)" OFF)
option(ENABLE_GUI "Enable GUI (using srsGUI)" ON)
option(ENABLE_UHD "Enable UHD" ON)
option(ENABLE_BLADERF "Enable BladeRF" ON)
option(ENABLE_SOAPYSDR "Enable SoapySDR" ON)

View File

@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ typedef struct {
int cpu_affinity;
bool disable_plots;
bool disable_plots_except_constellation;
bool disable_cfo;
uint32_t time_offset;
bool disable_cfo;
uint32_t time_offset;
int force_N_id_2;
uint16_t rnti;
char *input_file_name;
int file_offset_time;
int file_offset_time;
float file_offset_freq;
uint32_t file_nof_prb;
uint32_t file_nof_ports;
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ typedef struct {
bool enable_cfo_ref;
bool average_subframe;
char *rf_dev;
char *rf_args;
uint32_t rf_nof_rx_ant;
double rf_freq;
char* rf_args;
uint32_t rf_nof_rx_ant;
double rf_freq;
float rf_gain;
int net_port;
char *net_address;
int net_port_signal;
int net_port;
char* net_address;
int net_port_signal;
char *net_address_signal;
int decimate;
int32_t mbsfn_area_id;
@ -116,25 +116,25 @@ void args_default(prog_args_t* args)
args->disable_plots = false;
args->disable_plots_except_constellation = false;
args->nof_subframes = -1;
args->rnti = SRSLTE_SIRNTI;
args->force_N_id_2 = -1; // Pick the best
args->nof_subframes = -1;
args->rnti = SRSLTE_SIRNTI;
args->force_N_id_2 = -1; // Pick the best
args->tdd_special_sf = -1;
args->sf_config = -1;
args->input_file_name = NULL;
args->input_file_name = NULL;
args->disable_cfo = false;
args->time_offset = 0;
args->file_nof_prb = 25;
args->file_nof_ports = 1;
args->file_cell_id = 0;
args->file_offset_time = 0;
args->file_offset_freq = 0;
args->rf_dev = "";
args->rf_args = "";
args->rf_freq = -1.0;
args->rf_nof_rx_ant = 1;
args->enable_cfo_ref = false;
args->average_subframe = false;
args->file_offset_freq = 0;
args->rf_dev = "";
args->rf_args = "";
args->rf_freq = -1.0;
args->rf_nof_rx_ant = 1;
args->enable_cfo_ref = false;
args->average_subframe = false;
args->enable_256qam = false;
args->rf_gain = -1.0;

View File

@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ static void csi_correction(srslte_pdsch_t *q, srslte_pdsch_cfg_t *cfg, uint32_t
} else {
int i = 0;
#ifndef LV_HAVE_SSE
#ifdef LV_HAVE_SSE
__m128 _csi_scale = _mm_set1_ps(INT16_MAX / csi_max);
__m64* _e = (__m64*)e;
@ -666,7 +666,8 @@ static void csi_correction(srslte_pdsch_t *q, srslte_pdsch_cfg_t *cfg, uint32_t
_csi = _mm_mul_ps(_csi, _csi_scale);
_e[0] = _mm_mulhi_pi16(_e[0], _mm_cvtps_pi16(_csi));
_e += 1;
_e[1] = _mm_mulhi_pi16(_e[1], _mm_cvtps_pi16(_csi));
_e += 2;

View File

@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ foreach (cell_n_prb 6 15 25 50 75 100)
set(phy_dl_test_args ${phy_dl_test_args} -q)
endif (${allow_256})
set(phy_dl_test_args ${phy_dl_test_args} -m ${ue_dl_mcs})
string(REGEX REPLACE "\ " "" test_name_args ${phy_dl_test_args})
add_test(phy_dl_test${test_name_args} phy_dl_test ${phy_dl_test_args})
endforeach (ue_dl_mcs)
endforeach (ue_dl_tm)