#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited # # By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set # forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of # the distribution. # # Auto-updated by CMake with actual install path SRSRAN_INSTALL_DIR="${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${DATA_DIR}" # check if install mode has been provided if ([ ! $1 ]) then echo "Please call script with either user or service as first parameter." echo "" echo "E.g. ./srsran_install_configs.sh user" echo " .. to install all config files to $HOME/.config/srsran" echo "" echo "E.g. ./srsran_install_configs.sh service" echo " .. to install all config files to /etc/srsran" exit fi if [ "$1" == "user" ] then dest_folder="$HOME/.config/srsran" elif [ "$1" == "service" ] then dest_folder="/etc/srsran" else echo "Please call script with either user or service as first parameter." exit fi if [ "$2" == "--force" ] then echo "Force overwrite called. Overwritting any existing configuration files." read -e -p "Is this OK? [y/n]: " choice [[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] && force_install="true" || exit elif [ "$2" == "--force-no-db" ] then echo "Force overwrite called. Overwritting all existing configuration files, except ue_db.csv." read -e -p "Is this OK? [y/n]: " choice if [[ "$choice" == [Yy]* ]] ; then force_install="true" && no_db="true"; else exit; fi elif [ "$2" == "" ] then : #NOOP else echo "Invalid command line option provided." exit fi install_file(){ source_path="$SRSRAN_INSTALL_DIR/$1" dest_path=$(echo "$dest_folder/$1" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//') # Strip .example from filename # Check if config file already exists in location if [ -f $dest_path ]; then # If --force option is selected, overwrite file if [ "$force_install" != "true" ] && [ "$no_db" != "true" ] ; then echo " - $dest_path already exists. Skipping it." return fi # If --force-no-db option is selected, overwrite file unless it ends in ".csv" if [ "$force_install" == "true" ] && [ "$no_db" == "true" ] && [[ $dest_path =~ \.csv$ ]]; then echo " - $dest_path already exists. Skipping it." return fi fi # Check if config file exists in source location if [ -f $source_path ]; then echo " - Installing $1 in $dest_path" cp $source_path $dest_path # Set file ownership to user calling sudo if [ $SUDO_USER ]; then user=$SUDO_USER chown $user:$user $dest_path fi else echo " - $source_path doesn't exists. Skipping it." fi return } # Install all srsRAN config files echo "Installing srsRAN configuration files:" # Make sure the target directory exists if [ ! -d "$dest_folder" ]; then echo " - Creating srsRAN config folder $dest_folder" mkdir -p $dest_folder if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit fi fi install_file "ue.conf.example" install_file "enb.conf.example" install_file "sib.conf.example" install_file "rr.conf.example" install_file "drb.conf.example" install_file "epc.conf.example" install_file "mbms.conf.example" install_file "user_db.csv.example" echo "Done."