/** * Copyright 2013-2022 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsRAN. * * srsRAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsRAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srsran/phy/phch/sch_nr.h" #include "srsran/config.h" #include "srsran/phy/fec/cbsegm.h" #include "srsran/phy/fec/ldpc/ldpc_common.h" #include "srsran/phy/fec/ldpc/ldpc_rm.h" #include "srsran/phy/phch/ra_nr.h" #include "srsran/phy/utils/bit.h" #include "srsran/phy/utils/debug.h" #include "srsran/phy/utils/vector.h" #define SCH_INFO_TX(...) INFO("SCH Tx: " __VA_ARGS__) #define SCH_INFO_RX(...) INFO("SCH Rx: " __VA_ARGS__) srsran_basegraph_t srsran_sch_nr_select_basegraph(uint32_t tbs, double R) { // if A ≤ 292 , or if A ≤ 3824 and R ≤ 0.67 , or if R ≤ 0 . 25 , LDPC base graph 2 is used; // otherwise, LDPC base graph 1 is used srsran_basegraph_t bg = BG1; if ((tbs <= 292) || (tbs <= 3824 && R <= 0.67) || (R <= 0.25)) { bg = BG2; } return bg; } /** * Implementation of TS 38.212 V15.9.0 Table Value of n_prb_lbrm * @param nof_prb Maximum number of PRBs across all configured DL BWPs and UL BWPs of a carrier for DL-SCH and UL-SCH, * respectively * @return It returns n_prb_lbrm */ uint32_t sch_nr_n_prb_lbrm(uint32_t nof_prb) { if (nof_prb < 33) { return 32; } if (nof_prb <= 66) { return 32; } if (nof_prb <= 107) { return 107; } if (nof_prb <= 135) { return 135; } if (nof_prb <= 162) { return 162; } if (nof_prb <= 217) { return 217; } return 273; } static int sch_nr_cbsegm(srsran_basegraph_t bg, uint32_t tbs, srsran_cbsegm_t* cbsegm) { if (bg == BG1) { if (srsran_cbsegm_ldpc_bg1(cbsegm, tbs) != SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: calculating LDPC BG1 code block segmentation for tbs=%d", tbs); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } } else { if (srsran_cbsegm_ldpc_bg2(cbsegm, tbs) != SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: calculating LDPC BG1 code block segmentation for tbs=%d", tbs); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } static int sch_nr_Nref(uint32_t N_rb, srsran_mcs_table_t mcs_table, uint32_t max_mimo_layers) { uint32_t N_re_lbrm = SRSRAN_MAX_NRE_NR * sch_nr_n_prb_lbrm(N_rb); double TCR_lbrm = 948.0 / 1024.0; uint32_t Qm_lbrm = (mcs_table == srsran_mcs_table_256qam) ? 8 : 6; uint32_t TBS_LRBM = srsran_ra_nr_tbs(N_re_lbrm, 1.0, TCR_lbrm, Qm_lbrm, SRSRAN_MIN(4, max_mimo_layers)); double R = 2.0 / 3.0; srsran_basegraph_t bg = srsran_sch_nr_select_basegraph(TBS_LRBM, R); // Compute segmentation srsran_cbsegm_t cbsegm = {}; int r = sch_nr_cbsegm(bg, TBS_LRBM, &cbsegm); if (r < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error computing TB segmentation"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } return (int)ceil((double)TBS_LRBM / (double)(cbsegm.C * R)); } int srsran_sch_nr_fill_tb_info(const srsran_carrier_nr_t* carrier, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* sch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, srsran_sch_nr_tb_info_t* cfg) { if (!sch_cfg || !tb || !cfg) { return SRSRAN_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; } // LDPC base graph selection srsran_basegraph_t bg = srsran_sch_nr_select_basegraph(tb->tbs, tb->R); // Compute code block segmentation srsran_cbsegm_t cbsegm = {}; if (sch_nr_cbsegm(bg, tb->tbs, &cbsegm) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error calculation TB segmentation"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } if (cbsegm.Z > MAX_LIFTSIZE) { ERROR("Error: lifting size Z=%d is out-of-range maximum is %d", cbsegm.Z, MAX_LIFTSIZE); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } cfg->bg = bg; cfg->Qm = srsran_mod_bits_x_symbol(tb->mod); cfg->A = tb->tbs; cfg->L_tb = cbsegm.L_tb; cfg->L_cb = cbsegm.L_cb; cfg->B = cbsegm.tbs + cbsegm.L_tb; cfg->Bp = cfg->B + cbsegm.L_cb * cbsegm.C; cfg->Kp = cfg->Bp / cbsegm.C; cfg->Kr = cbsegm.K1; cfg->F = cfg->Kr - cfg->Kp; cfg->Z = cbsegm.Z; cfg->G = tb->nof_bits; cfg->Nl = tb->N_L; // Calculate Nref if (sch_cfg->limited_buffer_rm) { int Nref = sch_nr_Nref(carrier->nof_prb, sch_cfg->mcs_table, 4); if (Nref < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error computing N_ref"); } cfg->Nref = (uint32_t)Nref; } else { cfg->Nref = SRSRAN_LDPC_MAX_LEN_ENCODED_CB; } // Calculate number of code blocks after applying CBGTI... not implemented, activate all CB for (uint32_t r = 0; r < cbsegm.C; r++) { cfg->mask[r] = true; } for (uint32_t r = cbsegm.C; r < SRSRAN_SCH_NR_MAX_NOF_CB_LDPC; r++) { cfg->mask[r] = false; } cfg->C = cbsegm.C; cfg->Cp = cbsegm.C; return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } #define MOD(NUM, DEN) ((NUM) % (DEN)) static inline uint32_t sch_nr_get_E(const srsran_sch_nr_tb_info_t* cfg, uint32_t j) { if (cfg->Nl == 0 || cfg->Qm == 0 || cfg->Cp == 0) { ERROR("Invalid Nl (%d), Qm (%d) or Cp (%d)", cfg->Nl, cfg->Qm, cfg->Cp); return 0; } if (j <= (cfg->Cp - MOD(cfg->G / (cfg->Nl * cfg->Qm), cfg->Cp) - 1)) { return cfg->Nl * cfg->Qm * (cfg->G / (cfg->Nl * cfg->Qm * cfg->Cp)); } return cfg->Nl * cfg->Qm * SRSRAN_CEIL(cfg->G, cfg->Nl * cfg->Qm * cfg->Cp); } static inline int sch_nr_init_common(srsran_sch_nr_t* q) { if (q == NULL) { return SRSRAN_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; } if (srsran_crc_init(&q->crc_tb_24, SRSRAN_LTE_CRC24A, 24) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } if (srsran_crc_init(&q->crc_cb, SRSRAN_LTE_CRC24B, 24) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } if (srsran_crc_init(&q->crc_tb_16, SRSRAN_LTE_CRC16, 16) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } if (!q->temp_cb) { q->temp_cb = srsran_vec_u8_malloc(SRSRAN_LDPC_MAX_LEN_CB * 8); if (!q->temp_cb) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } int srsran_sch_nr_init_tx(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_nr_args_t* args) { int ret = sch_nr_init_common(q); if (ret < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return ret; } srsran_ldpc_encoder_type_t encoder_type = SRSRAN_LDPC_ENCODER_C; #ifdef LV_HAVE_AVX512 if (!args->disable_simd) { encoder_type = SRSRAN_LDPC_ENCODER_AVX512; } #else // LV_HAVE_AVX512 #ifdef LV_HAVE_AVX2 if (!args->disable_simd) { encoder_type = SRSRAN_LDPC_ENCODER_AVX2; } #endif // LV_HAVE_AVX2 #endif // LV_HAVE_AVX612 // Iterate over all possible lifting sizes for (uint16_t ls = 0; ls <= MAX_LIFTSIZE; ls++) { uint8_t ls_index = get_ls_index(ls); // Invalid lifting size if (ls_index == VOID_LIFTSIZE) { q->encoder_bg1[ls] = NULL; q->encoder_bg2[ls] = NULL; continue; } q->encoder_bg1[ls] = SRSRAN_MEM_ALLOC(srsran_ldpc_encoder_t, 1); if (!q->encoder_bg1[ls]) { ERROR("Error: calloc"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } SRSRAN_MEM_ZERO(q->encoder_bg1[ls], srsran_ldpc_encoder_t, 1); if (srsran_ldpc_encoder_init(q->encoder_bg1[ls], encoder_type, BG1, ls) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: initialising BG1 LDPC encoder for ls=%d", ls); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } q->encoder_bg2[ls] = SRSRAN_MEM_ALLOC(srsran_ldpc_encoder_t, 1); if (!q->encoder_bg2[ls]) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } SRSRAN_MEM_ZERO(q->encoder_bg2[ls], srsran_ldpc_encoder_t, 1); if (srsran_ldpc_encoder_init(q->encoder_bg2[ls], encoder_type, BG2, ls) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: initialising BG2 LDPC encoder for ls=%d", ls); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } } if (srsran_ldpc_rm_tx_init(&q->tx_rm) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: initialising Tx LDPC Rate matching"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } int srsran_sch_nr_init_rx(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_nr_args_t* args) { int ret = sch_nr_init_common(q); if (ret < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return ret; } srsran_ldpc_decoder_type_t decoder_type = args->decoder_use_flooded ? SRSRAN_LDPC_DECODER_C_FLOOD : SRSRAN_LDPC_DECODER_C; #ifdef LV_HAVE_AVX512 if (!args->disable_simd) { decoder_type = args->decoder_use_flooded ? SRSRAN_LDPC_DECODER_C_AVX512_FLOOD : SRSRAN_LDPC_DECODER_C_AVX512; } #else // LV_HAVE_AVX512 #ifdef LV_HAVE_AVX2 if (!args->disable_simd) { decoder_type = args->decoder_use_flooded ? SRSRAN_LDPC_DECODER_C_AVX2_FLOOD : SRSRAN_LDPC_DECODER_C_AVX2; } #endif // LV_HAVE_AVX2 #endif // LV_HAVE_AVX512 // If the scaling factor is not provided use a default value that allows decoding all possible combinations of nPRB // and MCS indexes for all possible MCS tables float scaling_factor = isnormal(args->decoder_scaling_factor) ? args->decoder_scaling_factor : 0.8f; // Iterate over all possible lifting sizes for (uint16_t ls = 0; ls <= MAX_LIFTSIZE; ls++) { uint8_t ls_index = get_ls_index(ls); // Invalid lifting size if (ls_index == VOID_LIFTSIZE) { q->decoder_bg1[ls] = NULL; q->decoder_bg2[ls] = NULL; continue; } // Initialise LDPC configuration arguments srsran_ldpc_decoder_args_t decoder_args = {}; decoder_args.type = decoder_type; decoder_args.ls = ls; decoder_args.scaling_fctr = scaling_factor; decoder_args.max_nof_iter = args->max_nof_iter; q->decoder_bg1[ls] = SRSRAN_MEM_ALLOC(srsran_ldpc_decoder_t, 1); if (!q->decoder_bg1[ls]) { ERROR("Error: calloc"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } SRSRAN_MEM_ZERO(q->decoder_bg1[ls], srsran_ldpc_decoder_t, 1); decoder_args.bg = BG1; if (srsran_ldpc_decoder_init(q->decoder_bg1[ls], &decoder_args) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: initialising BG1 LDPC decoder for ls=%d", ls); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } q->decoder_bg2[ls] = SRSRAN_MEM_ALLOC(srsran_ldpc_decoder_t, 1); if (!q->decoder_bg2[ls]) { ERROR("Error: calloc"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } SRSRAN_MEM_ZERO(q->decoder_bg2[ls], srsran_ldpc_decoder_t, 1); decoder_args.bg = BG2; if (srsran_ldpc_decoder_init(q->decoder_bg2[ls], &decoder_args) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: initialising BG2 LDPC decoder for ls=%d", ls); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } } if (srsran_ldpc_rm_rx_init_c(&q->rx_rm) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error: initialising Rx LDPC Rate matching"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } int srsran_sch_nr_set_carrier(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_carrier_nr_t* carrier) { if (!q) { return SRSRAN_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; } q->carrier = *carrier; return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } void srsran_sch_nr_free(srsran_sch_nr_t* q) { // Protect pointer if (!q) { return; } if (q->temp_cb) { free(q->temp_cb); } for (uint16_t ls = 0; ls <= MAX_LIFTSIZE; ls++) { if (q->encoder_bg1[ls]) { srsran_ldpc_encoder_free(q->encoder_bg1[ls]); free(q->encoder_bg1[ls]); } if (q->encoder_bg2[ls]) { srsran_ldpc_encoder_free(q->encoder_bg2[ls]); free(q->encoder_bg2[ls]); } if (q->decoder_bg1[ls]) { srsran_ldpc_decoder_free(q->decoder_bg1[ls]); free(q->decoder_bg1[ls]); } if (q->decoder_bg2[ls]) { srsran_ldpc_decoder_free(q->decoder_bg2[ls]); free(q->decoder_bg2[ls]); } } srsran_ldpc_rm_tx_free(&q->tx_rm); srsran_ldpc_rm_rx_free_c(&q->rx_rm); } static inline int sch_nr_encode(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* sch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t* e_bits) { // Pointer protection if (!q || !sch_cfg || !tb || !data || !e_bits) { return SRSRAN_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; } if (!tb->softbuffer.tx) { ERROR("Error: Missing Tx softbuffer"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } const uint8_t* input_ptr = data; uint8_t* output_ptr = e_bits; srsran_sch_nr_tb_info_t cfg = {}; if (srsran_sch_nr_fill_tb_info(&q->carrier, sch_cfg, tb, &cfg) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Select encoder and CRC srsran_ldpc_encoder_t* encoder = (cfg.bg == BG1) ? q->encoder_bg1[cfg.Z] : q->encoder_bg2[cfg.Z]; srsran_crc_t* crc_tb = (cfg.L_tb == 24) ? &q->crc_tb_24 : &q->crc_tb_16; // Check encoder if (encoder == NULL) { ERROR("Error: encoder for lifting size Z=%d not found (tbs=%d)", cfg.Z, tb->tbs); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Check CRC for TB if (crc_tb == NULL) { ERROR("Error: CRC for TB not found"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Soft-buffer number of code-block protection if (tb->softbuffer.tx->max_cb < cfg.C) { ERROR("Soft-buffer does not have enough code-blocks (max_cb=%d) for a TBS=%d, C=%d.", tb->softbuffer.tx->max_cb, tb->tbs, cfg.C); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } if (tb->softbuffer.tx->max_cb_size < (encoder->liftN - 2 * cfg.Z)) { ERROR("Soft-buffer code-block maximum size insufficient (max_cb_size=%d) for a TBS=%d, requires %d.", tb->softbuffer.tx->max_cb_size, tb->tbs, (encoder->liftN - 2 * cfg.Z)); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Calculate TB CRC uint32_t checksum_tb = srsran_crc_checksum_byte(crc_tb, data, tb->tbs); if (SRSRAN_DEBUG_ENABLED && get_srsran_verbose_level() >= SRSRAN_VERBOSE_DEBUG && !is_handler_registered()) { DEBUG("tb="); srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, data, tb->tbs / 8); } // For each code block... uint32_t j = 0; for (uint32_t r = 0; r < cfg.C; r++) { // Select rate matching circular buffer uint8_t* rm_buffer = tb->softbuffer.tx->buffer_b[r]; if (rm_buffer == NULL) { ERROR("Error: soft-buffer provided NULL buffer for cb_idx=%d", r); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // If data provided, encode and store in RM circular buffer if (data != NULL) { uint32_t cb_len = cfg.Kp - cfg.L_cb; // If it is the last segment... if (r == cfg.C - 1) { cb_len -= cfg.L_tb; // Copy payload without TB CRC srsran_bit_unpack_vector(input_ptr, q->temp_cb, (int)cb_len); // Append TB CRC uint8_t* ptr = &q->temp_cb[cb_len]; srsran_bit_unpack(checksum_tb, &ptr, cfg.L_tb); SCH_INFO_TX("CB %d: appending TB CRC=%06x", r, checksum_tb); } else { // Copy payload srsran_bit_unpack_vector(input_ptr, q->temp_cb, (int)cb_len); } if (SRSRAN_DEBUG_ENABLED && get_srsran_verbose_level() >= SRSRAN_VERBOSE_DEBUG && !is_handler_registered()) { DEBUG("cb%d=", r); srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, input_ptr, cb_len / 8); } input_ptr += cb_len / 8; // Attach code block CRC if required if (cfg.L_cb) { srsran_crc_attach(&q->crc_cb, q->temp_cb, (int)(cfg.Kp - cfg.L_cb)); SCH_INFO_TX("CB %d: CRC=%06x", r, (uint32_t)srsran_crc_checksum_get(&q->crc_cb)); } // Insert filler bits for (uint32_t i = cfg.Kp; i < cfg.Kr; i++) { q->temp_cb[i] = FILLER_BIT; } // Encode code block srsran_ldpc_encoder_encode(encoder, q->temp_cb, rm_buffer, cfg.Kr); if (SRSRAN_DEBUG_ENABLED && get_srsran_verbose_level() >= SRSRAN_VERBOSE_DEBUG && !is_handler_registered()) { DEBUG("encoded="); srsran_vec_fprint_b(stdout, rm_buffer, encoder->liftN - 2 * encoder->ls); } } // Skip block if (!cfg.mask[r]) { continue; } // Select rate matching output sequence number of bits uint32_t E = sch_nr_get_E(&cfg, j); j++; // LDPC Rate matching SCH_INFO_TX("RM CB %d: E=%d; F=%d; BG=%d; Z=%d; RV=%d; Qm=%d; Nref=%d;", r, E, cfg.F, cfg.bg == BG1 ? 1 : 2, cfg.Z, tb->rv, cfg.Qm, cfg.Nref); srsran_ldpc_rm_tx(&q->tx_rm, rm_buffer, output_ptr, E, cfg.bg, cfg.Z, tb->rv, tb->mod, cfg.Nref); output_ptr += E; } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } static int sch_nr_decode(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* sch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, int8_t* e_bits, srsran_sch_tb_res_nr_t* res) { // Pointer protection if (!q || !sch_cfg || !tb || !e_bits || !res) { return SRSRAN_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; } // Protect softbuffer access if (!tb->softbuffer.rx) { ERROR("Missing softbuffer!"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Protect PDU access if (!res->payload) { ERROR("Missing payload pointer!"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } int8_t* input_ptr = e_bits; uint32_t nof_iter_sum = 0; srsran_sch_nr_tb_info_t cfg = {}; if (srsran_sch_nr_fill_tb_info(&q->carrier, sch_cfg, tb, &cfg) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Select encoder and CRC srsran_ldpc_decoder_t* decoder = (cfg.bg == BG1) ? q->decoder_bg1[cfg.Z] : q->decoder_bg2[cfg.Z]; srsran_crc_t* crc_tb = (cfg.L_tb == 24) ? &q->crc_tb_24 : &q->crc_tb_16; // Check decoder if (decoder == NULL) { ERROR("Error: decoder for lifting size Z=%d not found", cfg.Z); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Check CRC for TB if (crc_tb == NULL) { ERROR("Error: CRC for TB not found"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Soft-buffer number of code-block protection if (tb->softbuffer.rx->max_cb < cfg.Cp || tb->softbuffer.rx->max_cb_size < (decoder->liftN - 2 * cfg.Z)) { return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Counter of code blocks that have matched CRC uint32_t cb_ok = 0; res->crc = false; // For each code block... uint32_t j = 0; for (uint32_t r = 0; r < cfg.C; r++) { bool decoded = tb->softbuffer.rx->cb_crc[r]; int8_t* rm_buffer = (int8_t*)tb->softbuffer.tx->buffer_b[r]; if (!rm_buffer) { ERROR("Error: soft-buffer provided NULL buffer for cb_idx=%d", r); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Skip CB if mask indicates no transmission of the CB if (!cfg.mask[r]) { if (decoded) { cb_ok++; } SCH_INFO_RX("RM CB %d: Disabled, CRC %s ... Skipping", r, decoded ? "OK" : "KO"); continue; } // Select rate matching output sequence number of bits uint32_t E = sch_nr_get_E(&cfg, j); j++; // Skip CB if it has a matched CRC if (decoded) { SCH_INFO_RX("RM CB %d: CRC OK ... Skipping", r); cb_ok++; continue; } // LDPC Rate matching SCH_INFO_RX("RM CB %d: E=%d; F=%d; BG=%d; Z=%d; RV=%d; Qm=%d; Nref=%d;", r, E, cfg.F, cfg.bg == BG1 ? 1 : 2, cfg.Z, tb->rv, cfg.Qm, cfg.Nref); int n_llr = srsran_ldpc_rm_rx_c(&q->rx_rm, input_ptr, rm_buffer, E, cfg.F, cfg.bg, cfg.Z, tb->rv, tb->mod, cfg.Nref); if (n_llr < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error in LDPC rate mateching"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Select CB or TB early stop CRC srsran_crc_t* crc = (cfg.L_tb == 16) ? &q->crc_tb_16 : &q->crc_tb_24; if (cfg.L_cb) { crc = &q->crc_cb; } // Decode. if CRC=KO, then ret=0 int ret = srsran_ldpc_decoder_decode_crc_c(decoder, rm_buffer, q->temp_cb, n_llr, crc); if (ret < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error decoding CB"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // Compute number of iterations uint32_t n_iter_cb = (ret == 0) ? decoder->max_nof_iter : (uint32_t)ret; nof_iter_sum += n_iter_cb; // Check if CB is all zeros uint32_t cb_len = cfg.Kp - cfg.L_cb; tb->softbuffer.rx->cb_crc[r] = (ret != 0); SCH_INFO_RX("CB %d/%d iter=%d CRC=%s", r, cfg.C, n_iter_cb, tb->softbuffer.rx->cb_crc[r] ? "OK" : "KO"); // CB Debug trace if (SRSRAN_DEBUG_ENABLED && get_srsran_verbose_level() >= SRSRAN_VERBOSE_DEBUG && !is_handler_registered()) { DEBUG("CB %d/%d:", r, cfg.C); srsran_vec_fprint_hex(stdout, q->temp_cb, cb_len); } // Pack and count CRC OK only if CRC is match if (tb->softbuffer.rx->cb_crc[r]) { srsran_bit_pack_vector(q->temp_cb, tb->softbuffer.rx->data[r], cb_len); cb_ok++; } input_ptr += E; } // Set average number of iterations res->avg_iter = (float)nof_iter_sum / (float)cfg.C; // Set average number of iterations if (cfg.C > 0) { res->avg_iter = (float)nof_iter_sum / (float)cfg.C; } else { res->avg_iter = NAN; } // Not all CB are decoded, skip TB union and CRC check if (cb_ok != cfg.C) { return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } uint32_t checksum2 = 0; uint8_t* output_ptr = res->payload; for (uint32_t r = 0; r < cfg.C; r++) { uint32_t cb_len = cfg.Kp - cfg.L_cb; // Subtract TB CRC from the last code block if (r == cfg.C - 1) { cb_len -= cfg.L_tb; } // Append CB srsran_vec_u8_copy(output_ptr, tb->softbuffer.rx->data[r], cb_len / 8); output_ptr += cb_len / 8; // Compute TB CRC for last block if (cfg.C > 1 && r == cfg.C - 1) { uint8_t tb_crc_unpacked[24] = {}; uint8_t* tb_crc_unpacked_ptr = tb_crc_unpacked; srsran_bit_unpack_vector(&tb->softbuffer.rx->data[r][cb_len / 8], tb_crc_unpacked, cfg.L_tb); checksum2 = srsran_bit_pack(&tb_crc_unpacked_ptr, cfg.L_tb); } } // Calculate TB CRC from packed data if (cfg.C == 1) { SCH_INFO_RX("TB: TBS=%d; CRC=%s", tb->tbs, tb->softbuffer.rx->cb_crc[0] ? "OK" : "KO"); res->crc = true; } else { // More than one uint32_t checksum1 = srsran_crc_checksum_byte(crc_tb, res->payload, tb->tbs); res->crc = (checksum1 == checksum2); SCH_INFO_RX("TB: TBS=%d; CRC={%06x, %06x}", tb->tbs, checksum1, checksum2); } if (SRSRAN_DEBUG_ENABLED && get_srsran_verbose_level() >= SRSRAN_VERBOSE_DEBUG && !is_handler_registered()) { DEBUG("Decode: "); srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, res->payload, tb->tbs / 8); } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } int srsran_dlsch_nr_encode(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* pdsch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t* e_bits) { return sch_nr_encode(q, pdsch_cfg, tb, data, e_bits); } int srsran_dlsch_nr_decode(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* sch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, int8_t* e_bits, srsran_sch_tb_res_nr_t* res) { return sch_nr_decode(q, sch_cfg, tb, e_bits, res); } int srsran_ulsch_nr_encode(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* pdsch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t* e_bits) { return sch_nr_encode(q, pdsch_cfg, tb, data, e_bits); } int srsran_ulsch_nr_decode(srsran_sch_nr_t* q, const srsran_sch_cfg_t* sch_cfg, const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, int8_t* e_bits, srsran_sch_tb_res_nr_t* res) { return sch_nr_decode(q, sch_cfg, tb, e_bits, res); } int srsran_sch_nr_tb_info(const srsran_sch_tb_t* tb, const srsran_sch_tb_res_nr_t* res, char* str, uint32_t str_len) { int len = 0; if (tb->enabled) { len = srsran_print_check(str, str_len, len, "CW%d: mod=%s tbs=%d R=%.3f rv=%d ", tb->cw_idx, srsran_mod_string(tb->mod), tb->tbs / 8, tb->R_prime, tb->rv); if (res != NULL) { len = srsran_print_check(str, str_len, len, "CRC=%s iter=%.1f ", res->crc ? "OK" : "KO", res->avg_iter); } } return len; }