/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "srsran/phy/ch_estimation/chest_dl_nbiot.h" #include "srsran/phy/channel/ch_awgn.h" #include "srsran/phy/io/filesink.h" #include "srsran/phy/io/filesource.h" #include "srsran/phy/sync/npss.h" #include "srsran/phy/sync/nsss.h" #include "srsran/phy/ue/ue_dl_nbiot.h" #include "srsran/phy/utils/bit.h" #include "srsran/phy/utils/random.h" #define UE_CRNTI 0x1234 #define HAVE_NPDSCH 1 #define NPDCCH_SF_IDX 1 static const uint8_t dummy_sib1_payload[] = {0x43, 0x4d, 0xd0, 0x92, 0x22, 0x06, 0x04, 0x30, 0x28, 0x6e, 0x87, 0xd0, 0x4b, 0x13, 0x90, 0xb4, 0x12, 0xa1, 0x02, 0x1e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; #ifndef DISABLE_RF #include "srsran/phy/rf/rf.h" static srsran_rf_t radio; #else #pragma message "Compiling npdsch_ue with no RF support" #endif static char* output_file_name = NULL; static srsran_nbiot_cell_t cell = { .base = {.nof_ports = 1, .nof_prb = SRSRAN_NBIOT_DEFAULT_NUM_PRB_BASECELL, .cp = SRSRAN_CP_NORM, .id = 0}, .nbiot_prb = SRSRAN_NBIOT_DEFAULT_PRB_OFFSET, .n_id_ncell = 0, .nof_ports = 1, .mode = SRSRAN_NBIOT_MODE_STANDALONE, .is_r14 = true}; static uint32_t i_tbs_val = 1, last_i_tbs_val = 1; static int nof_frames = -1; static uint32_t i_sf_val = 0; static uint32_t i_rep_val = 0; static char* rf_args = ""; static float rf_amp = 0.8, rf_gain = 70.0, rf_freq = 0; static float file_snr = -100.0; static bool null_file_sink = false; static srsran_random_t* random_gen; static srsran_filesink_t fsink; static srsran_ofdm_t ifft; static srsran_npss_synch_t npss_sync; static srsran_nsss_synch_t nsss_sync; static srsran_npbch_t npbch; static srsran_npdcch_t npdcch; static srsran_npdsch_t npdsch; static srsran_npdsch_cfg_t sib1_npdsch_cfg; static srsran_npdsch_cfg_t npdsch_cfg; static srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_t ue_dl; static srsran_softbuffer_tx_t softbuffer; static srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t ra_dl; static srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t ra_dl_sib1; static srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_t ch_est; static srsran_mib_nb_t mib_nb; static uint32_t sched_info_tag = 0; // according to Table in 36.213, 0 means 4 NPDSCH repetitions with TBS 208 static cf_t *sf_buffer = NULL, *output_buffer = NULL; static int sf_n_re = 0, sf_n_samples = 0; void usage(char* prog) { printf("Usage: %s [agmiftlReosncvrpu]\n", prog); #ifndef DISABLE_RF printf("\t-a RF args [Default %s]\n", rf_args); printf("\t-e RF amplitude [Default %.2f]\n", rf_amp); printf("\t-g RF TX gain [Default %.2f dB]\n", rf_gain); printf("\t-f RF TX frequency [Default %.1f MHz]\n", rf_freq / 1000000); #else printf("\t RF is disabled.\n"); #endif printf("\t-o output_file [Default use RF board]\n"); printf("\t-s SNR-10 (only if output to file) [Default %f]\n", file_snr); printf("\t-t Value of schedulingInfoSIB1-NB-r13 [Default %d]\n", sched_info_tag); printf("\t-m Value of i_tbs (translates to MCS) [Default %d]\n", i_tbs_val); printf("\t-i Value of i_sf [Default %d]\n", i_sf_val); printf("\t-r Value of i_rep [Default %d]\n", i_rep_val); printf("\t-n number of frames [Default %d]\n", nof_frames); printf("\t-l n_id_ncell [Default %d]\n", cell.n_id_ncell); printf("\t-R Is R14 cell [Default %s]\n", cell.is_r14 ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\t-p NB-IoT PRB id [Default %d]\n", cell.nbiot_prb); printf("\t-v [set srsran_verbose to debug, default none]\n"); } void parse_args(int argc, char** argv) { int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "aglfmiosncrtvpuR")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': rf_args = argv[optind]; break; case 'g': rf_gain = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'e': rf_amp = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'f': rf_freq = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'o': output_file_name = argv[optind]; break; case 's': file_snr = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 't': sched_info_tag = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'm': i_tbs_val = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'i': i_sf_val = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'r': i_rep_val = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'n': nof_frames = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'l': cell.n_id_ncell = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'R': cell.is_r14 = !cell.is_r14; break; case 'p': cell.nbiot_prb = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'v': increase_srsran_verbose_level(); break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } } if (!output_file_name && rf_freq == 0) { usage(argv[0]); printf("\nError! Either RF frequency or output filename need to be specified.\n"); exit(-1); } #ifdef DISABLE_RF if (!output_file_name) { usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } #endif } void base_init() { // init memory sf_buffer = srsran_vec_cf_malloc(sf_n_re); if (!sf_buffer) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } output_buffer = srsran_vec_cf_malloc(sf_n_samples); if (!output_buffer) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } // open file or USRP if (output_file_name) { if (strcmp(output_file_name, "NULL")) { if (srsran_filesink_init(&fsink, output_file_name, SRSRAN_COMPLEX_FLOAT_BIN)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s\n", output_file_name); exit(-1); } null_file_sink = false; } else { null_file_sink = true; } } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF printf("Opening RF device...\n"); if (srsran_rf_open(&radio, rf_args)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening rf\n"); exit(-1); } #else printf("Error RF not available. Select an output file\n"); exit(-1); #endif } if (srsran_ofdm_tx_init(&ifft, SRSRAN_CP_NORM, sf_buffer, output_buffer, cell.base.nof_prb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating iFFT object\n"); exit(-1); } srsran_ofdm_set_normalize(&ifft, true); srsran_ofdm_set_freq_shift(&ifft, -SRSRAN_NBIOT_FREQ_SHIFT_FACTOR); if (srsran_npss_synch_init(&npss_sync, sf_n_samples, srsran_symbol_sz(cell.base.nof_prb))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing NPSS object\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_nsss_synch_init(&nsss_sync, sf_n_samples, srsran_symbol_sz(cell.base.nof_prb))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing NSSS object\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_npbch_init(&npbch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating NPBCH object\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_npbch_set_cell(&npbch, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error setting cell in NPBCH object\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_npdcch_init(&npdcch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating NPDCCH object\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_npdcch_set_cell(&npdcch, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Configuring cell in NPDCCH\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_npdsch_init(&npdsch)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating NPDSCH object\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_npdsch_set_cell(&npdsch, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Configuring cell in NPDSCH\n"); exit(-1); } srsran_npdsch_set_rnti(&npdsch, UE_CRNTI); if (srsran_softbuffer_tx_init(&softbuffer, cell.base.nof_prb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating soft buffer\n"); exit(-1); } random_gen = srsran_random_init(time(NULL)); } void base_free() { srsran_random_free(random_gen); srsran_softbuffer_tx_free(&softbuffer); srsran_npdsch_free(&npdsch); srsran_npdcch_free(&npdcch); srsran_npbch_free(&npbch); srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_free(&ch_est); srsran_npss_synch_free(&npss_sync); srsran_nsss_synch_free(&nsss_sync); srsran_ofdm_tx_free(&ifft); if (sf_buffer) { free(sf_buffer); } if (output_buffer) { free(output_buffer); } if (output_file_name) { if (!null_file_sink) { srsran_filesink_free(&fsink); } } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF srsran_rf_close(&radio); #endif } } bool go_exit = false; #ifndef DISABLE_RF void sig_int_handler(int signo) { printf("SIGINT received. Exiting...\n"); if (signo == SIGINT) { go_exit = true; } } #endif static int update_radl(void) { bzero(&ra_dl_sib1, sizeof(srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t)); // NB-IoT specific fields ra_dl_sib1.alloc.has_sib1 = true; ra_dl_sib1.alloc.sched_info_sib1 = mib_nb.sched_info_sib1; ra_dl_sib1.mcs_idx = 1; bzero(&ra_dl, sizeof(srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t)); ra_dl.mcs_idx = i_tbs_val; // NB-IoT specific fields ra_dl.format = 1; // FormatN1 DCI ra_dl.alloc.has_sib1 = false; ra_dl.alloc.is_ra = false; ra_dl.alloc.i_delay = 0; ra_dl.alloc.i_sf = i_sf_val; ra_dl.alloc.i_rep = i_rep_val; ra_dl.alloc.harq_ack = 1; ra_dl.alloc.i_n_start = 0; srsran_nbiot_dl_dci_fprint(stdout, &ra_dl); srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_grant_t dummy_grant; srsran_ra_nbits_t dummy_nbits; #define DUMMY_SFIDX 1 #define DUMMY_SFN 0 srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_to_grant(&ra_dl, &dummy_grant, DUMMY_SFN, DUMMY_SFIDX, DUMMY_R_MAX, false, cell.mode); srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_grant_to_nbits(&dummy_grant, cell, 0, &dummy_nbits); srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_grant_fprint(stdout, &dummy_grant); printf("Type new MCS index and press Enter: "); fflush(stdout); return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } /* Read new MCS from stdin */ static int update_control(void) { char input[128]; fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(0, &set); struct timeval to; to.tv_sec = 0; to.tv_usec = 0; int n = select(1, &set, NULL, NULL, &to); if (n == 1) { // stdin ready if (fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin)) { last_i_tbs_val = i_tbs_val; i_tbs_val = atoi(input); bzero(input, sizeof(input)); if (update_radl()) { printf("Trying with last known MCS index\n"); i_tbs_val = last_i_tbs_val; return update_radl(); } } return 0; } else if (n < 0) { // error perror("select"); return -1; } else { return 0; } } #define DATA_BUFF_SZ 1024 * 128 uint8_t data[8 * DATA_BUFF_SZ] = {}; uint8_t data2[DATA_BUFF_SZ] = {}; uint8_t data_tmp[DATA_BUFF_SZ] = {}; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int nf = 0, sf_idx = 0; cf_t npss_signal[SRSRAN_NPSS_TOT_LEN]; cf_t nsss_signal[SRSRAN_NSSS_LEN * SRSRAN_NSSS_NUM_SEQ]; // for subframe 9 uint8_t bch_payload[SRSRAN_MIB_NB_LEN]; uint8_t sib1_nb_payload[SRSRAN_NPDSCH_MAX_TBS]; srsran_dci_msg_t dci_msg; srsran_dci_location_t locations[SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME][30]; uint32_t sfn = 0; uint32_t hfn = 0; // Hyper frame number is incremented when sfn wraps and is also 10bit wide #ifdef DISABLE_RF if (argc < 3) { usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } #endif parse_args(argc, argv); // adjust SNR input to allow for negative values if (output_file_name && file_snr != -100.0) { file_snr -= 10.0; printf("Target SNR: %.2fdB\n", file_snr); } sf_n_re = 2 * SRSRAN_CP_NORM_NSYMB * cell.base.nof_prb * SRSRAN_NRE; sf_n_samples = 2 * SRSRAN_SLOT_LEN(srsran_symbol_sz(cell.base.nof_prb)); /* this *must* be called after setting slot_len_* */ base_init(); // buffer for outputting signal in RE representation (using sf_n_re) cf_t* sf_re_symbols[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; sf_re_symbols[0] = sf_buffer; // buffer for outputting actual IQ samples (using sf_n_samples) cf_t* sf_symbols[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; sf_symbols[0] = output_buffer; // construct MIB-NB mib_nb.sched_info_sib1 = sched_info_tag; mib_nb.sys_info_tag = 0; mib_nb.ac_barring = false; mib_nb.mode = SRSRAN_NBIOT_MODE_STANDALONE; // Initialize UE DL if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_init(&ue_dl, sf_symbols, SRSRAN_NBIOT_MAX_PRB, SRSRAN_NBIOT_NUM_RX_ANTENNAS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating UE downlink processing module\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_set_cell(&ue_dl, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Setting cell in UE DL\n"); return -1; } srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_set_mib(&ue_dl, mib_nb); /* Generate NPSS/NSSS signals */ srsran_npss_generate(npss_signal); srsran_nsss_generate(nsss_signal, cell.n_id_ncell); #ifdef NPSS_DUMP srsran_filesink_t debug_fsink; char fname[] = "npss.bin"; if (srsran_filesink_init(&debug_fsink, fname, SRSRAN_COMPLEX_FLOAT_BIN)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s\n", fname); exit(-1); } srsran_filesink_write(&debug_fsink, npss_signal, SRSRAN_NPSS_LEN * 11); srsran_filesink_free(&debug_fsink); #endif /* Generate CRS+NRS signals */ if (srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_init(&ch_est, SRSRAN_NBIOT_MAX_PRB)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing equalizer\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_set_cell(&ch_est, cell) != SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error setting channel estimator's cell configuration\n"); return -1; } #ifndef DISABLE_RF sigset_t sigset; sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL); signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler); if (!output_file_name) { int srate = srsran_sampling_freq_hz(cell.base.nof_prb); if (srate != -1) { printf("Setting sampling rate %.2f MHz\n", (float)srate / 1000000); float srate_rf = srsran_rf_set_tx_srate(&radio, (double)srate); if (srate_rf != srate) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not set sampling rate\n"); exit(-1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of PRB %d\n", cell.base.nof_prb); exit(-1); } srsran_rf_set_tx_gain(&radio, rf_gain); printf("Set TX gain: %.1f dB\n", srsran_rf_get_tx_gain(&radio)); printf("Set TX freq: %.2f MHz\n", srsran_rf_set_tx_freq(&radio, 0, rf_freq) / 1000000); } #endif if (update_radl()) { exit(-1); } /* Initiate valid DCI locations */ for (int i = 0; i < SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME; i++) { locations[i][0].L = 1; // Agg-level 2, i.e. both NCEEs used locations[i][0].ncce = 0; } nf = 0; bool send_data = false; bool npdsch_active = false; srsran_softbuffer_tx_reset(&softbuffer); bzero(&sib1_npdsch_cfg, sizeof(srsran_npdsch_cfg_t)); bzero(&npdsch_cfg, sizeof(srsran_npdsch_cfg_t)); #ifndef DISABLE_RF bool start_of_burst = true; #endif while ((nf < nof_frames || nof_frames == -1) && !go_exit) { for (sf_idx = 0; sf_idx < SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME && (nf < nof_frames || nof_frames == -1); sf_idx++) { srsran_vec_cf_zero(sf_buffer, sf_n_re); // Transmit NPBCH in subframe 0 if (sf_idx == 0) { if ((sfn % SRSRAN_NPBCH_NUM_FRAMES) == 0) { srsran_npbch_mib_pack(hfn, sfn, mib_nb, bch_payload); } srsran_npbch_put_subframe(&npbch, bch_payload, sf_re_symbols, sfn); if (SRSRAN_VERBOSE_ISDEBUG()) { printf("MIB payload: "); srsran_vec_fprint_hex(stdout, bch_payload, SRSRAN_MIB_NB_LEN); } } // Transmit NPSS, NSSS and NRS if (sf_idx == 5) { // NPSS at subframe 5 srsran_npss_put_subframe(&npss_sync, npss_signal, sf_buffer, cell.base.nof_prb, cell.nbiot_prb); } else if ((sfn % 2 == 0) && sf_idx == 9) { // NSSS in every even numbered frame at subframe 9 srsran_nsss_put_subframe(&nsss_sync, nsss_signal, sf_buffer, sfn, cell.base.nof_prb, cell.nbiot_prb); } else { // NRS in all other subframes (using CSR signal intentionally) // DEBUG("%d.%d: Putting %d NRS pilots", sfn, sf_idx, SRSRAN_REFSIGNAL_NUM_SF(1, cell.nof_ports)); srsran_refsignal_nrs_put_sf(cell, 0, ch_est.nrs_signal.pilots[0][sf_idx], sf_buffer); } #if HAVE_NPDSCH // only transmit in subframes not used for NPBCH, NPSS or NSSS and only use subframe 4 when there is no SIB1 // transmission if (sf_idx != 0 && sf_idx != 5 && (!(sf_idx == 9 && sfn % 2 == 0)) && !srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_is_sib1_sf(&ue_dl, sfn, sf_idx)) { send_data = true; } else { send_data = false; } // SIB1-NB content if (hfn % 4 == 0 && sfn == 0 && sf_idx == 0) { // copy captured SIB1 memcpy(sib1_nb_payload, dummy_sib1_payload, sizeof(dummy_sib1_payload)); // overwrite Hyper Frame Number (HFN), 8 MSB uint8_t unpacked_hfn[4 * 8]; srsran_bit_unpack_vector(sib1_nb_payload, unpacked_hfn, 4 * 8); uint8_t* tmp = unpacked_hfn; tmp += 12; srsran_bit_unpack(hfn >> 2, &tmp, 8); uint8_t packed_hfn[4]; srsran_bit_pack_vector(unpacked_hfn, packed_hfn, 32); memcpy(sib1_nb_payload, packed_hfn, sizeof(packed_hfn)); if (SRSRAN_VERBOSE_ISDEBUG()) { printf("SIB1-NB payload: "); srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, sib1_nb_payload, sizeof(dummy_sib1_payload)); } } if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_is_sib1_sf(&ue_dl, sfn, sf_idx)) { INFO("%d.%d: Transmitting SIB1-NB.", sfn, sf_idx); assert(send_data == false); // configure DL grant for SIB1-NB transmission if (sib1_npdsch_cfg.sf_idx == 0) { srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_grant_t grant; srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_to_grant(&ra_dl_sib1, &grant, sfn, sf_idx, DUMMY_R_MAX, true, cell.mode); if (srsran_npdsch_cfg(&sib1_npdsch_cfg, cell, &grant, sf_idx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error configuring NPDSCH\n"); exit(-1); } } // Encode SIB1 content if (srsran_npdsch_encode_rnti( &npdsch, &sib1_npdsch_cfg, &softbuffer, sib1_nb_payload, SRSRAN_SIRNTI, sf_re_symbols)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error encoding NPDSCH\n"); exit(-1); } if (sib1_npdsch_cfg.sf_idx == sib1_npdsch_cfg.grant.nof_sf) { bzero(&sib1_npdsch_cfg, sizeof(srsran_npdsch_cfg_t)); } } // Update DL resource allocation from control port if (update_control()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error updating parameters from control port\n"); } if (send_data) { // always transmit NPDCCH on fixed positions if no transmission is going on if (sf_idx == NPDCCH_SF_IDX && !npdsch_active) { // Encode NPDCCH INFO("Putting DCI to location: n=%d, L=%d", locations[sf_idx][0].ncce, locations[sf_idx][0].L); srsran_dci_msg_pack_npdsch(&ra_dl, SRSRAN_DCI_FORMATN1, &dci_msg, false); if (srsran_npdcch_encode(&npdcch, &dci_msg, locations[sf_idx][0], UE_CRNTI, sf_re_symbols, sf_idx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error encoding DCI message\n"); exit(-1); } // Configure NPDSCH accordingly srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_grant_t grant; srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_to_grant(&ra_dl, &grant, sfn, sf_idx, DUMMY_R_MAX, false, cell.mode); if (srsran_npdsch_cfg(&npdsch_cfg, cell, &grant, sf_idx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error configuring NPDSCH\n"); exit(-1); } } // catch start of "user" NPDSCH if (!npdsch_active && (sf_idx == npdsch_cfg.grant.start_sfidx && sfn == npdsch_cfg.grant.start_sfn)) { // generate data only in first sf INFO("%d.%d: Generating %d random bits", sfn, sf_idx, npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs); for (int i = 0; i < npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8; i++) { data[i] = srsran_random_uniform_int_dist(random_gen, 0, 255); } if (SRSRAN_VERBOSE_ISDEBUG()) { printf("Tx payload: "); srsran_vec_fprint_b(stdout, data, npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8); } npdsch_active = true; } if (npdsch_active) { DEBUG("Current sf_idx=%d, Encoding npdsch.sf_idx=%d start=%d, nof=%d", sf_idx, npdsch_cfg.sf_idx, npdsch_cfg.grant.start_sfidx, npdsch_cfg.grant.nof_sf); // Encode NPDSCH if (srsran_npdsch_encode(&npdsch, &npdsch_cfg, &softbuffer, data, sf_re_symbols)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error encoding NPDSCH\n"); exit(-1); } if (npdsch_cfg.num_sf == npdsch_cfg.grant.nof_sf * npdsch_cfg.grant.nof_rep) { INFO("Deactive current NPDSCH"); npdsch_active = false; } } } #endif /* Transform to OFDM symbols */ srsran_ofdm_tx_sf(&ifft); if (output_file_name && file_snr != -100.0) { // compute average energy per symbol float abs_avg = srsran_vec_avg_power_cf(output_buffer, sf_n_samples); // find the noise spectral density float snr_lin = srsran_convert_dB_to_power(file_snr); float n0 = abs_avg / snr_lin; // add some noise to the signal srsran_ch_awgn_c(output_buffer, output_buffer, n0, sf_n_samples); } /* send to file or usrp */ if (output_file_name) { // write to file if (!null_file_sink) { srsran_filesink_write(&fsink, output_buffer, sf_n_samples); } usleep(1000); } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF // TODO: output scaling needed? srsran_rf_send2(&radio, output_buffer, sf_n_samples, true, start_of_burst, false); start_of_burst = false; #endif } } nf++; sfn++; if (sfn >= 1024) { sfn = 0; hfn = (hfn + 1) % 1024; printf("NB-IoT HFN: %d\n", hfn); } } base_free(); printf("Done\n"); return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; }