/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2015 Software Radio Systems Limited * * \section LICENSE * * This file is part of the srsLTE library. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "srslte/srslte.h" #include "rf_uhd_imp.h" #include "srslte/rf/rf.h" #include "uhd_c_api.h" typedef struct { char *devname; uhd_usrp_handle usrp; uhd_rx_streamer_handle rx_stream; uhd_tx_streamer_handle tx_stream; uhd_rx_metadata_handle rx_md, rx_md_first; uhd_tx_metadata_handle tx_md; uhd_meta_range_handle rx_gain_range; size_t rx_nof_samples; size_t tx_nof_samples; double tx_rate; bool dynamic_rate; bool has_rssi; uhd_sensor_value_handle rssi_value; } rf_uhd_handler_t; void suppress_handler(const char *x) { // do nothing } srslte_rf_error_handler_t uhd_error_handler = NULL; void msg_handler(const char *msg) { srslte_rf_error_t error; bzero(&error, sizeof(srslte_rf_error_t)); if(0 == strcmp(msg, "O")) { error.type = SRSLTE_RF_ERROR_OVERFLOW; } else if(0 == strcmp(msg, "D")) { error.type = SRSLTE_RF_ERROR_OVERFLOW; }else if(0 == strcmp(msg, "U")) { error.type = SRSLTE_RF_ERROR_UNDERFLOW; } else if(0 == strcmp(msg, "L")) { error.type = SRSLTE_RF_ERROR_LATE; } if (uhd_error_handler) { uhd_error_handler(error); } } void rf_uhd_suppress_stdout(void *h) { rf_uhd_register_msg_handler_c(suppress_handler); } void rf_uhd_register_error_handler(void *notused, srslte_rf_error_handler_t new_handler) { uhd_error_handler = new_handler; rf_uhd_register_msg_handler_c(msg_handler); } static bool find_string(uhd_string_vector_handle h, char *str) { char buff[128]; size_t n; uhd_string_vector_size(h, &n); for (int i=0;iusrp, sensor_name, 0, value_h); uhd_sensor_value_to_bool(*value_h, &val_out); } else { usleep(500); val_out = true; } return val_out; } char* rf_uhd_devname(void* h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; return handler->devname; } bool rf_uhd_rx_wait_lo_locked(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_string_vector_handle mb_sensors; uhd_string_vector_handle rx_sensors; char *sensor_name; uhd_sensor_value_handle value_h; uhd_string_vector_make(&mb_sensors); uhd_string_vector_make(&rx_sensors); uhd_sensor_value_make_from_bool(&value_h, "", true, "True", "False"); uhd_usrp_get_mboard_sensor_names(handler->usrp, 0, &mb_sensors); uhd_usrp_get_rx_sensor_names(handler->usrp, 0, &rx_sensors); if (find_string(rx_sensors, "lo_locked")) { sensor_name = "lo_locked"; } else if (find_string(mb_sensors, "ref_locked")) { sensor_name = "ref_locked"; } else { sensor_name = NULL; } double report = 0.0; while (!isLocked(handler, sensor_name, &value_h) && report < 30.0) { report += 0.1; usleep(1000); } bool val = isLocked(handler, sensor_name, &value_h); uhd_string_vector_free(&mb_sensors); uhd_string_vector_free(&rx_sensors); uhd_sensor_value_free(&value_h); return val; } void rf_uhd_set_tx_cal(void *h, srslte_rf_cal_t *cal) { } void rf_uhd_set_rx_cal(void *h, srslte_rf_cal_t *cal) { } int rf_uhd_start_rx_stream(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_stream_cmd_t stream_cmd = { .stream_mode = UHD_STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS, .stream_now = true }; uhd_rx_streamer_issue_stream_cmd(handler->rx_stream, &stream_cmd); return 0; } int rf_uhd_stop_rx_stream(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_stream_cmd_t stream_cmd = { .stream_mode = UHD_STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS, .stream_now = true }; uhd_rx_streamer_issue_stream_cmd(handler->rx_stream, &stream_cmd); return 0; } void rf_uhd_flush_buffer(void *h) { int n; cf_t tmp[1024]; do { n = rf_uhd_recv_with_time(h, tmp, 1024, 0, NULL, NULL); } while (n > 0); } bool rf_uhd_has_rssi(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; return handler->has_rssi; } bool get_has_rssi(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_string_vector_handle rx_sensors; uhd_string_vector_make(&rx_sensors); uhd_usrp_get_rx_sensor_names(handler->usrp, 0, &rx_sensors); bool ret = find_string(rx_sensors, "rssi"); uhd_string_vector_free(&rx_sensors); return ret; } float rf_uhd_get_rssi(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; if (handler->has_rssi) { double val_out; uhd_usrp_get_rx_sensor(handler->usrp, "rssi", 0, &handler->rssi_value); uhd_sensor_value_to_realnum(handler->rssi_value, &val_out); return val_out; } else { return 0.0; } } int rf_uhd_open(char *args, void **h) { if (h) { *h = NULL; rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) malloc(sizeof(rf_uhd_handler_t)); if (!handler) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } *h = handler; /* Set priority to UHD threads */ uhd_set_thread_priority(uhd_default_thread_priority, true); /* Find available devices */ uhd_string_vector_handle devices_str; uhd_string_vector_make(&devices_str); uhd_usrp_find("", &devices_str); char args2[512]; handler->dynamic_rate = true; // Allow NULL parameter if (args == NULL) { args = ""; } handler->devname = NULL; /* If device type or name not given in args, choose a B200 */ if (args[0]=='\0') { if (find_string(devices_str, "type=b200") && !strstr(args, "recv_frame_size")) { // If B200 is available, use it args = "type=b200"; handler->devname = DEVNAME_B200; } else if (find_string(devices_str, "type=x300")) { // Else if X300 is available, set master clock rate now (can't be changed later) args = "type=x300,master_clock_rate=184.32e6"; handler->dynamic_rate = false; handler->devname = DEVNAME_X300; } } else { // If args is set and x300 type is specified, make sure master_clock_rate is defined if (strstr(args, "type=x300") && !strstr(args, "master_clock_rate")) { sprintf(args2, "%s,master_clock_rate=184.32e6",args); args = args2; handler->dynamic_rate = false; handler->devname = DEVNAME_X300; } else if (strstr(args, "type=b200")) { handler->devname = DEVNAME_B200; } } /* Create UHD handler */ printf("Opening USRP with args: %s\n", args); uhd_error error = uhd_usrp_make(&handler->usrp, args); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening UHD: code %d\n", error); return -1; } if (!handler->devname) { char dev_str[1024]; uhd_usrp_get_mboard_name(handler->usrp, 0, dev_str, 1024); if (strstr(dev_str, "B2") || strstr(dev_str, "B2")) { handler->devname = DEVNAME_B200; } else if (strstr(dev_str, "X3") || strstr(dev_str, "X3")) { handler->devname = DEVNAME_X300; } } if (!handler->devname) { handler->devname = "uhd_unknown"; } size_t channel = 0; uhd_stream_args_t stream_args = { .cpu_format = "fc32", .otw_format = "sc16", .args = "", .channel_list = &channel, .n_channels = 1 }; // Set external clock reference if (strstr(args, "clock=external")) { uhd_usrp_set_clock_source(handler->usrp, "external", 0); } handler->has_rssi = get_has_rssi(handler); if (handler->has_rssi) { uhd_sensor_value_make_from_realnum(&handler->rssi_value, "rssi", 0, "dBm", "%f"); } /* Initialize rx and tx stremers */ uhd_rx_streamer_make(&handler->rx_stream); error = uhd_usrp_get_rx_stream(handler->usrp, &stream_args, handler->rx_stream); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening RX stream: %d\n", error); return -1; } uhd_tx_streamer_make(&handler->tx_stream); error = uhd_usrp_get_tx_stream(handler->usrp, &stream_args, handler->tx_stream); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening TX stream: %d\n", error); return -1; } uhd_rx_streamer_max_num_samps(handler->rx_stream, &handler->rx_nof_samples); uhd_tx_streamer_max_num_samps(handler->tx_stream, &handler->tx_nof_samples); uhd_meta_range_make(&handler->rx_gain_range); uhd_usrp_get_rx_gain_range(handler->usrp, "", 0, handler->rx_gain_range); // Make metadata objects for RX/TX uhd_rx_metadata_make(&handler->rx_md); uhd_rx_metadata_make(&handler->rx_md_first); uhd_tx_metadata_make(&handler->tx_md, false, 0, 0, false, false); return 0; } else { return SRSLTE_ERROR_INVALID_INPUTS; } } int rf_uhd_close(void *h) { rf_uhd_stop_rx_stream(h); /** Something else to close the USRP?? */ return 0; } void rf_uhd_set_master_clock_rate(void *h, double rate) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; if (handler->dynamic_rate) { uhd_usrp_set_master_clock_rate(handler->usrp, rate, 0); } } bool rf_uhd_is_master_clock_dynamic(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; return handler->dynamic_rate; } double rf_uhd_set_rx_srate(void *h, double freq) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_set_rx_rate(handler->usrp, freq, 0); uhd_usrp_get_rx_rate(handler->usrp, 0, &freq); return freq; } double rf_uhd_set_tx_srate(void *h, double freq) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_set_tx_rate(handler->usrp, freq, 0); uhd_usrp_get_tx_rate(handler->usrp, 0, &freq); handler->tx_rate = freq; return freq; } double rf_uhd_set_rx_gain(void *h, double gain) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_set_rx_gain(handler->usrp, gain, 0, ""); uhd_usrp_get_rx_gain(handler->usrp, 0, "", &gain); return gain; } double rf_uhd_set_tx_gain(void *h, double gain) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_set_tx_gain(handler->usrp, gain, 0, ""); uhd_usrp_get_tx_gain(handler->usrp, 0, "", &gain); return gain; } double rf_uhd_get_rx_gain(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; double gain; uhd_usrp_get_rx_gain(handler->usrp, 0, "", &gain); return gain; } double rf_uhd_get_tx_gain(void *h) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; double gain; uhd_usrp_get_tx_gain(handler->usrp, 0, "", &gain); return gain; } double rf_uhd_set_rx_freq(void *h, double freq) { uhd_tune_request_t tune_request = { .target_freq = freq, .rf_freq_policy = UHD_TUNE_REQUEST_POLICY_AUTO, .dsp_freq_policy = UHD_TUNE_REQUEST_POLICY_AUTO, }; uhd_tune_result_t tune_result; rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_set_rx_freq(handler->usrp, &tune_request, 0, &tune_result); uhd_usrp_get_rx_freq(handler->usrp, 0, &freq); return freq; } double rf_uhd_set_tx_freq(void *h, double freq) { uhd_tune_request_t tune_request = { .target_freq = freq, .rf_freq_policy = UHD_TUNE_REQUEST_POLICY_AUTO, .dsp_freq_policy = UHD_TUNE_REQUEST_POLICY_AUTO, }; uhd_tune_result_t tune_result; rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_set_tx_freq(handler->usrp, &tune_request, 0, &tune_result); uhd_usrp_get_tx_freq(handler->usrp, 0, &freq); return freq; } void rf_uhd_get_time(void *h, time_t *secs, double *frac_secs) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; uhd_usrp_get_time_now(handler->usrp, 0, secs, frac_secs); } int rf_uhd_recv_with_time(void *h, void *data, uint32_t nsamples, bool blocking, time_t *secs, double *frac_secs) { rf_uhd_handler_t *handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; size_t rxd_samples; uhd_rx_metadata_handle *md = &handler->rx_md_first; int trials = 0; if (blocking) { int n = 0; cf_t *data_c = (cf_t*) data; do { size_t rx_samples = handler->rx_nof_samples; if (rx_samples > nsamples - n) { rx_samples = nsamples - n; } void *buff = (void*) &data_c[n]; void **buffs_ptr = (void**) &buff; uhd_error error = uhd_rx_streamer_recv(handler->rx_stream, buffs_ptr, rx_samples, md, 5.0, false, &rxd_samples); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving from UHD: %d\n", error); return -1; } md = &handler->rx_md; n += rxd_samples; trials++; } while (n < nsamples && trials < 100); } else { void **buffs_ptr = (void**) &data; return uhd_rx_streamer_recv(handler->rx_stream, buffs_ptr, nsamples, md, 0.0, false, &rxd_samples); } if (secs && frac_secs) { uhd_rx_metadata_time_spec(handler->rx_md_first, secs, frac_secs); } return nsamples; } int rf_uhd_send_timed(void *h, void *data, int nsamples, time_t secs, double frac_secs, bool has_time_spec, bool blocking, bool is_start_of_burst, bool is_end_of_burst) { rf_uhd_handler_t* handler = (rf_uhd_handler_t*) h; size_t txd_samples; if (has_time_spec) { uhd_tx_metadata_set_time_spec(&handler->tx_md, secs, frac_secs); } int trials = 0; if (blocking) { int n = 0; cf_t *data_c = (cf_t*) data; do { size_t tx_samples = handler->tx_nof_samples; // First packet is start of burst if so defined, others are never if (n == 0) { uhd_tx_metadata_set_start(&handler->tx_md, is_start_of_burst); } else { uhd_tx_metadata_set_start(&handler->tx_md, false); } // middle packets are never end of burst, last one as defined if (nsamples - n > tx_samples) { uhd_tx_metadata_set_end(&handler->tx_md, false); } else { tx_samples = nsamples - n; uhd_tx_metadata_set_end(&handler->tx_md, is_end_of_burst); } void *buff = (void*) &data_c[n]; const void **buffs_ptr = (const void**) &buff; uhd_error error = uhd_tx_streamer_send(handler->tx_stream, buffs_ptr, tx_samples, &handler->tx_md, 3.0, &txd_samples); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error sending to UHD: %d\n", error); return -1; } // Increase time spec uhd_tx_metadata_add_time_spec(&handler->tx_md, txd_samples/handler->tx_rate); n += txd_samples; trials++; } while (n < nsamples && trials < 100); return nsamples; } else { const void **buffs_ptr = (const void**) &data; uhd_tx_metadata_set_start(&handler->tx_md, is_start_of_burst); uhd_tx_metadata_set_end(&handler->tx_md, is_end_of_burst); return uhd_tx_streamer_send(handler->tx_stream, buffs_ptr, nsamples, &handler->tx_md, 0.0, &txd_samples); } }