function [out] = convfft(z1,z2) %CONVFFT FFT-based convolution and polynomial multiplication. % C = CONVFFT(A, B) convolves vectors A and B. The resulting % vector is length LENGTH(A)+LENGTH(B)-1. % If A and B are vectors of polynomial coefficients, convolving % them is equivalent to multiplying the two polynomials. % % Please contribute if you find this software useful. % Report bugs to % %***************************************************************** % Luigi Rosa % Via Centrale 27 % 67042 Civita di Bagno % L'Aquila --- ITALY % email % mobile +39 340 3463208 % %***************************************************************** % z1x=size(z1,1); z1y=size(z1,2); z2x=size(z2,1); z2y=size(z2,2); if (~isa(z1,'double'))||(~isa(z2,'double'))||(ndims(z1)>2)||(ndims(z2)>2) disp('Error: input vector must be unidimensional double array'); out=[]; return; else if ((z1x>1)&&(z1y>1)) || ((z2x>1)&&(z2y>1)) out=[]; disp('Error: input vectors are double matrices'); return; else if (z1x==1)&&(z1y>1) z1=z1'; z1x=z1y; end if (z2x==1)&&(z2y>1) z2=z2'; z2x=z2y; end if (any(any(imag(z1))))||(any(any(imag(z2)))) out=(ifft(fft(z1,z1x+z2x-1).*fft(z2,z1x+z2x-1))); else out=real(ifft(fft(z1,z1x+z2x-1).*fft(z2,z1x+z2x-1))); end end end