#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited # # This file is part of srsLTE # # srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in # the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution # and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # epc_pid=0 enb_pid=0 ue_pid=0 print_use(){ echo "Please call script with srsLTE build path as first argument and number of PRBs as second (number of component carrier is optional)" echo "E.g. ./run_lte.sh [build_path] [nof_prb] [num_cc]" exit -1 } kill_lte(){ echo "Shutting down LTE network" # Allow to gracefully exit kill -SIGTERM $ue_pid sleep 4 kill -SIGTERM $enb_pid sleep 4 kill -SIGTERM $epc_pid sleep 1 # Force kill if they are still running if ps -p $ue_pid > /dev/null then echo "Killing UE" kill -9 $ue_pid fi if ps -p $enb_pid > /dev/null then echo "Killing eNB" kill -9 $enb_pid fi if ps -p $epc_pid > /dev/null then echo "Killing EPC" kill -9 $epc_pid fi if [ -f ./srsLTE.backtrace.crash ]; then echo "Rename backtrace" mv ./srsLTE.backtrace.crash srsLTE.backtrace.log fi # Delete netns ip netns delete $ue_netns # Don't exit with return code .. } valid_num_prb() { case "$1" in "6"|"15"|"25"|"50"|"75"|"100") return 0;; *) echo "Invalid number of PRBs. Possible values are [6, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100]." return 1;; esac } # check if build path has been passed if ([ ! $1 ]) then print_use exit fi build_path="$1" # check number of PRBs if ([ ! $2 ]) then print_use exit fi nof_prb="$2" # check number of CC num_cc="1" if ([ $3 ]) then num_cc="$3" fi echo "Using $num_cc component carrier(s) in srsENB" base_srate="23.04e6" if ([ "$nof_prb" == "75" ]) then base_srate="15.36e6" fi if ([ "$nof_prb" == "15" ]) then base_srate="3.84e6" fi # Check for LTE binaries in build path if [ ! -x "$build_path/srsenb/src/srsenb" ]; then echo "Error! srsENB binary not found or not executable!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -x "$build_path/srsepc/src/srsepc" ]; then echo "Error! srsEPC binary not found or not executable!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -x "$build_path/srsue/src/srsue" ]; then echo "Error! srsUE binary not found or not executable!" exit 1 fi # Check PRB parameter if ! valid_num_prb "$nof_prb"; then exit 1 fi # Adding netns ue_netns="ue1" ip netns add $ue_netns if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Couldn't add netns. Missing permissions? Network namespace $ue_netns already exists?" exit 1 fi epc_args="$build_path/../srsepc/epc.conf.example \ --hss.db_file=$build_path/../srsepc/user_db.csv.example \ --log.filename=./${nof_prb}prb_epc.log" enb_args="$build_path/../srsenb/enb.conf.example \ --enb_files.sib_config=$build_path/../srsenb/sib.conf.example \ --enb_files.drb_config=$build_path/../srsenb/drb.conf.example \ --rf.device_name=zmq \ --expert.nof_phy_threads=1 \ --expert.rrc_inactivity_timer=5000 \ --enb.n_prb=$nof_prb \ --log.filename=./${nof_prb}prb_enb.log" ue_args="$build_path/../srsue/ue.conf.example \ --rf.device_name=zmq \ --phy.nof_phy_threads=1 \ --gw.netns=$ue_netns \ --log.filename=./${nof_prb}prb_ue.log \ --pcap.enable=true \ --pcap.filename=./${nof_prb}prb_ue.pcap" if ([ "$num_cc" == "2" ]) then enb_args="$enb_args --enb_files.rr_config=$build_path/../srsenb/rr_2ca.conf.example \ --rf.device_args=\"fail_on_disconnect=true,base_srate=${base_srate},id=enb,tx_port0=tcp://*:2000,tx_port1=tcp://*:2002,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2001,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2003,tx_freq0=2630e6,tx_freq1=2636e6,rx_freq0=2510e6,rx_freq1=2516e6\"" ue_args="$ue_args --rf.dl_earfcn=2850,2910 --rf.nof_carriers=2 --rrc.ue_category=7 --rrc.release=10 \ --rf.device_args=\"tx_port0=tcp://*:2001,tx_port1=tcp://*:2003,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2000,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2002,id=ue,base_srate=${base_srate},tx_freq0=2510e6,tx_freq1=2516e6,rx_freq0=2630e6,rx_freq1=2636e6\"" else enb_args="$enb_args --enb_files.rr_config=$build_path/../srsenb/rr.conf.example \ --rf.device_args=\"fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2000,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2001,id=enb,base_srate=${base_srate}\"" ue_args="$ue_args --rf.device_args=\"tx_port0=tcp://*:2001,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2000,id=ue,base_srate=${base_srate}\"" fi # Remove existing log files log_files=$(ls -l | grep ${nof_prb}prb_) if [ ! -z "$log_files" ]; then echo "Deleting existing log files for ${nof_prb} PRB." eval "rm -Rf ${nof_prb}prb_*.log" fi # Run srsEPC echo "Starting srsEPC" screen -S srsepc -dm -L -Logfile ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_srsepc.log $build_path/srsepc/src/srsepc $epc_args sleep 2 epc_pid=$(pgrep srsepc) if [ -z "$epc_pid" ] then echo "Couldn't start EPC." kill_lte exit 1 fi echo "srsEPC's PID is $epc_pid" # Run srsENB echo "Starting srsENB" screen -S srsenb -dm -L -Logfile ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_srsenb.log $build_path/srsenb/src/srsenb $enb_args sleep 2 enb_pid=$(pgrep srsenb) if [ -z "$enb_pid" ] then echo "Couldn't start ENB" kill_lte exit 1 fi echo "srsENB's PID is $enb_pid" # Run srsUE echo "Starting srsUE" screen -S srsue -dm -L -Logfile ${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_srsue.log $build_path/srsue/src/srsue $ue_args sleep 2 ue_pid=$(pgrep srsue) if [ -z "$ue_pid" ] then echo "Couldn't start UE" kill_lte exit 1 fi echo "srsUE's PID is $ue_pid" # Wait until UE is connected timeout=20 tun_dev="tun_srsue" echo "Waiting for $tun_dev to become available for ${timeout}s .." wait_time=0 ip=$(ip netns exec $ue_netns ip addr show $tun_dev | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) while [ -z $ip ] && [ $wait_time -ne $timeout ] do # Wait 1s before next attempt sleep 1 let wait_time++ ip=$(ip netns exec $ue_netns ip addr show $tun_dev | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) done if [ ! -z $ip ]; then echo "$tun_dev is up with IP $ip!" sleep 1 else echo "$tun_dev didn't get up after ${timeout}s" kill_lte exit 1 fi # extract MME IP baseip=`echo $ip | cut -d"." -f1-3` mme_ip=$baseip".1" echo "MME IP is $mme_ip" # show UE console trace screen -S srsue -X stuff "t$(printf \\r)" # Run tests now # run UL ping test echo "Run UL ping" ip netns exec $ue_netns screen -dm -L -Logfile ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_ping_ul.log ping $mme_ip -c 3 sleep 4 # sleep 3s to get RRC connection release echo "Run DL ping" screen -dm -L -Logfile ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_ping_dl.log ping $ip -c 3 sleep 4 # run UDP DL (rate must not be more than max DL rate for 6 PRB) echo "Run DL iperf" screen -dm -L -Logfile ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_iperf_dl.log iperf -c $ip -u -t 1 -i 1 -b 1M sleep 3 # Stop all running LTE components and remove netns kill_lte # check ping results loss_rate=$(cat ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_ping_ul.log | grep -oP '\d+(?=% packet loss)') if [ "$loss_rate" != "0" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Error. Detected $loss_rate per-cent loss rate in UL ping." exit 1 fi loss_rate=$(cat ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_ping_dl.log | grep -oP '\d+(?=% packet loss)') if [ "$loss_rate" != "0" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Error. Detected $loss_rate per-cent loss rate in DL ping." exit 1 fi # check that all log files have "Closing log" as last line last_line=$(cat ./${nof_prb}prb_ue.log | tail -n1) if [ "$last_line" != "Closing log" ]; then echo "Error. srsUE didn't seem to have exited properly." exit 1 fi last_line=$(cat ./${nof_prb}prb_enb.log | tail -n1) if [ "$last_line" != "Closing log" ]; then echo "Error. srsENB didn't seem to have exited properly." exit 1 fi last_line=$(cat ./${nof_prb}prb_epc.log | tail -n1) if [ "$last_line" != "Closing log" ]; then echo "Error. srsEPC didn't seem to have exited properly." exit 1 fi # Check PRACH results num_prach=$(cat ./${nof_prb}prb_screenlog_srsenb.log | grep RACH: | wc -l) if [ "$num_prach" != "1" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "Error. Detected $num_prach PRACH(s). But should be only 1." exit 1 fi echo "All tests passed!" exit 0