/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ /******************************************************************************* * * 3GPP TS ASN1 RRC v15.11.0 (2020-09) * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SRSASN1_RRC_NBIOT_H #define SRSASN1_RRC_NBIOT_H #include "rrc.h" namespace asn1 { namespace rrc { /******************************************************************************* * Struct Definitions ******************************************************************************/ // AB-Config-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ab_cfg_nb_r13_s { struct ab_category_r13_opts { enum options { a, b, c, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated ab_category_r13_e_; // member variables bool ab_barr_for_exception_data_r13_present = false; ab_category_r13_e_ ab_category_r13; fixed_bitstring<10> ab_barr_bitmap_r13; fixed_bitstring<5> ab_barr_for_special_ac_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AB-ConfigPLMN-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ab_cfg_plmn_nb_r13_s { bool ab_cfg_r13_present = false; ab_cfg_nb_r13_s ab_cfg_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // T-PollRetransmit-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct t_poll_retx_nb_r13_opts { enum options { ms250, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, ms6000, ms10000, ms15000, ms25000, ms40000, ms60000, ms90000, ms120000, ms180000, ms300000_v1530, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t_poll_retx_nb_r13_e; // CarrierFreq-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freq_nb_r13_s { struct carrier_freq_offset_r13_opts { enum options { v_minus10, v_minus9, v_minus8, v_minus7, v_minus6, v_minus5, v_minus4, v_minus3, v_minus2, v_minus1, v_minus0dot5, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated carrier_freq_offset_r13_e_; // member variables bool carrier_freq_offset_r13_present = false; uint32_t carrier_freq_r13 = 0; carrier_freq_offset_r13_e_ carrier_freq_offset_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierFreq-NB-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freq_nb_v1550_s { struct carrier_freq_offset_v1550_opts { enum options { v_minus8dot5, v_minus4dot5, v3dot5, v7dot5, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated carrier_freq_offset_v1550_e_; // member variables carrier_freq_offset_v1550_e_ carrier_freq_offset_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-AM-RLC-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_am_rlc_nb_r13_s { bool enable_status_report_sn_gap_r13_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-Bitmap-NB-r13 ::= CHOICE struct dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c { struct types_opts { enum options { sf_pattern10_r13, sf_pattern40_r13, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c() = default; dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c(const dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& other); dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& operator=(const dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& other); ~dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters fixed_bitstring<10>& sf_pattern10_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern10_r13, type_, "DL-Bitmap-NB-r13"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<40>& sf_pattern40_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern40_r13, type_, "DL-Bitmap-NB-r13"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<10>& sf_pattern10_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern10_r13, type_, "DL-Bitmap-NB-r13"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<40>& sf_pattern40_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern40_r13, type_, "DL-Bitmap-NB-r13"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<10>& set_sf_pattern10_r13(); fixed_bitstring<40>& set_sf_pattern40_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t > c; void destroy_(); }; // DL-GapConfig-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s { struct dl_gap_thres_r13_opts { enum options { n32, n64, n128, n256, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated dl_gap_thres_r13_e_; struct dl_gap_periodicity_r13_opts { enum options { sf64, sf128, sf256, sf512, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated dl_gap_periodicity_r13_e_; struct dl_gap_dur_coeff_r13_opts { enum options { one_eighth, one_fourth, three_eighth, one_half, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated dl_gap_dur_coeff_r13_e_; // member variables dl_gap_thres_r13_e_ dl_gap_thres_r13; dl_gap_periodicity_r13_e_ dl_gap_periodicity_r13; dl_gap_dur_coeff_r13_e_ dl_gap_dur_coeff_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-GapConfig-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_gap_cfg_nb_v1530_s { // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // TDD-UL-DL-AlignmentOffset-NB-r15 ::= ENUMERATED struct tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_nb_r15_opts { enum options { khz_minus7dot5, khz0, khz7dot5, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_nb_r15_e; // UL-AM-RLC-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_am_rlc_nb_r13_s { struct max_retx_thres_r13_opts { enum options { t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t8, t16, t32, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated max_retx_thres_r13_e_; // member variables t_poll_retx_nb_r13_e t_poll_retx_r13; max_retx_thres_r13_e_ max_retx_thres_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ACK-NACK-NumRepetitions-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct ack_nack_num_repeats_nb_r13_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ack_nack_num_repeats_nb_r13_e; // DL-CarrierConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_carrier_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { struct dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { use_no_bitmap_r13, use_anchor_bitmap_r13, explicit_bitmap_cfg_r13, spare, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& explicit_bitmap_cfg_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_bitmap_cfg_r13, type_, "downlinkBitmapNonAnchor-r13"); return c; } const dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& explicit_bitmap_cfg_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_bitmap_cfg_r13, type_, "downlinkBitmapNonAnchor-r13"); return c; } void set_use_no_bitmap_r13(); void set_use_anchor_bitmap_r13(); dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& set_explicit_bitmap_cfg_r13(); void set_spare(); private: types type_; dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c c; }; struct dl_gap_non_anchor_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { use_no_gap_r13, use_anchor_gap_cfg_r13, explicit_gap_cfg_r13, spare, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_gap_non_anchor_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_gap_cfg_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_gap_cfg_r13, type_, "dl-GapNonAnchor-r13"); return c; } const dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_gap_cfg_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_gap_cfg_r13, type_, "dl-GapNonAnchor-r13"); return c; } void set_use_no_gap_r13(); void set_use_anchor_gap_cfg_r13(); dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s& set_explicit_gap_cfg_r13(); void set_spare(); private: types type_; dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s c; }; struct inband_carrier_info_r13_s_ { struct same_pci_ind_r13_c_ { struct same_pci_r13_s_ { int8_t idx_to_mid_prb_r13 = -55; }; struct different_pci_r13_s_ { struct eutra_num_crs_ports_r13_opts { enum options { same, four, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_num_crs_ports_r13_e_; // member variables eutra_num_crs_ports_r13_e_ eutra_num_crs_ports_r13; }; struct types_opts { enum options { same_pci_r13, different_pci_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods same_pci_ind_r13_c_() = default; same_pci_ind_r13_c_(const same_pci_ind_r13_c_& other); same_pci_ind_r13_c_& operator=(const same_pci_ind_r13_c_& other); ~same_pci_ind_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters same_pci_r13_s_& same_pci_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::same_pci_r13, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r13"); return c.get(); } different_pci_r13_s_& different_pci_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::different_pci_r13, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r13"); return c.get(); } const same_pci_r13_s_& same_pci_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::same_pci_r13, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r13"); return c.get(); } const different_pci_r13_s_& different_pci_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::different_pci_r13, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r13"); return c.get(); } same_pci_r13_s_& set_same_pci_r13(); different_pci_r13_s_& set_different_pci_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_e_; // member variables bool same_pci_ind_r13_present = false; same_pci_ind_r13_c_ same_pci_ind_r13; eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_e_ eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13; }; struct nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_v1330_opts { enum options { db_minus12, db_minus10, db_minus8, db_minus6, db_minus4, db_minus2, db0, db3, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_v1330_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r13_present = false; bool dl_gap_non_anchor_r13_present = false; bool inband_carrier_info_r13_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s dl_carrier_freq_r13; dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r13_c_ dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r13; dl_gap_non_anchor_r13_c_ dl_gap_non_anchor_r13; inband_carrier_info_r13_s_ inband_carrier_info_r13; // ... // group 0 bool nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_v1330_present = false; nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_v1330_e_ nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_v1330; // group 1 copy_ptr dl_gap_non_anchor_v1530; // group 2 copy_ptr dl_carrier_freq_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // LogicalChannelConfig-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct lc_ch_cfg_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool prio_r13_present = false; bool lc_ch_sr_prohibit_r13_present = false; uint8_t prio_r13 = 1; bool lc_ch_sr_prohibit_r13 = false; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PDCP-Config-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct pdcp_cfg_nb_r13_s { struct discard_timer_r13_opts { enum options { ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, ms81920, infinity, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef int32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated discard_timer_r13_e_; struct hdr_compress_r13_c_ { struct rohc_s_ { struct profiles_r13_s_ { bool profile0x0002 = false; bool profile0x0003 = false; bool profile0x0004 = false; bool profile0x0006 = false; bool profile0x0102 = false; bool profile0x0103 = false; bool profile0x0104 = false; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool max_cid_r13_present = false; uint16_t max_cid_r13 = 1; profiles_r13_s_ profiles_r13; // ... }; struct types_opts { enum options { not_used, rohc, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods hdr_compress_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rohc_s_& rohc() { assert_choice_type(types::rohc, type_, "headerCompression-r13"); return c; } const rohc_s_& rohc() const { assert_choice_type(types::rohc, type_, "headerCompression-r13"); return c; } void set_not_used(); rohc_s_& set_rohc(); private: types type_; rohc_s_ c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool discard_timer_r13_present = false; discard_timer_r13_e_ discard_timer_r13; hdr_compress_r13_c_ hdr_compress_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RLC-Config-NB-r13 ::= CHOICE struct rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c { struct am_s_ { ul_am_rlc_nb_r13_s ul_am_rlc_r13; dl_am_rlc_nb_r13_s dl_am_rlc_r13; }; struct types_opts { enum options { am, /*...*/ um_bi_dir_r15, um_uni_dir_ul_r15, um_uni_dir_dl_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters am_s_& am() { assert_choice_type(types::am, type_, "RLC-Config-NB-r13"); return c; } const am_s_& am() const { assert_choice_type(types::am, type_, "RLC-Config-NB-r13"); return c; } am_s_& set_am(); void set_um_bi_dir_r15(); void set_um_uni_dir_ul_r15(); void set_um_uni_dir_dl_r15(); private: types type_; am_s_ c; }; // RLC-Config-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct rlc_cfg_nb_v1430_s { bool t_reordering_r14_present = false; t_reordering_e t_reordering_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SR-NPRACH-Resource-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sr_nprach_res_nb_r15_s { struct nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { nprach_fmt0_fmt1_r15, nprach_fmt2_r15, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_() = default; nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_(const nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_& other); nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_& operator=(const nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_& other); ~nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& nprach_fmt0_fmt1_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::nprach_fmt0_fmt1_r15, type_, "nprach-SubCarrierIndex-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& nprach_fmt2_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::nprach_fmt2_r15, type_, "nprach-SubCarrierIndex-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& nprach_fmt0_fmt1_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::nprach_fmt0_fmt1_r15, type_, "nprach-SubCarrierIndex-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& nprach_fmt2_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::nprach_fmt2_r15, type_, "nprach-SubCarrierIndex-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_nprach_fmt0_fmt1_r15(); uint8_t& set_nprach_fmt2_r15(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct alpha_r15_opts { enum options { al0, al04, al05, al06, al07, al08, al09, al1, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated alpha_r15_e_; // member variables uint8_t nprach_carrier_idx_r15 = 0; uint8_t nprach_res_idx_r15 = 1; nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15_c_ nprach_sub_carrier_idx_r15; int8_t p0_sr_r15 = -126; alpha_r15_e_ alpha_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-CarrierConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_carrier_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool ul_carrier_freq_r13_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s ul_carrier_freq_r13; // ... // group 0 bool tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_r15_present = false; tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_nb_r15_e tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { dl_carrier_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s dl_carrier_cfg_r13; ul_carrier_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s ul_carrier_cfg_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DRB-ToAddMod-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct drb_to_add_mod_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool eps_bearer_id_r13_present = false; bool pdcp_cfg_r13_present = false; bool rlc_cfg_r13_present = false; bool lc_ch_id_r13_present = false; bool lc_ch_cfg_r13_present = false; uint8_t eps_bearer_id_r13 = 0; uint8_t drb_id_r13 = 1; pdcp_cfg_nb_r13_s pdcp_cfg_r13; rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c rlc_cfg_r13; uint8_t lc_ch_id_r13 = 3; lc_ch_cfg_nb_r13_s lc_ch_cfg_r13; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr rlc_cfg_v1430; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DRX-Config-NB-r13 ::= CHOICE struct drx_cfg_nb_r13_c { struct setup_s_ { struct on_dur_timer_r13_opts { enum options { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, spare, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated on_dur_timer_r13_e_; struct drx_inactivity_timer_r13_opts { enum options { pp0, pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_inactivity_timer_r13_e_; struct drx_retx_timer_r13_opts { enum options { pp0, pp1, pp2, pp4, pp6, pp8, pp16, pp24, pp33, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_retx_timer_r13_e_; struct drx_cycle_r13_opts { enum options { sf256, sf512, sf1024, sf1536, sf2048, sf3072, sf4096, sf4608, sf6144, sf7680, sf8192, sf9216, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_cycle_r13_e_; struct drx_ul_retx_timer_r13_opts { enum options { pp0, pp1, pp2, pp4, pp6, pp8, pp16, pp24, pp33, pp40, pp64, pp80, pp96, pp112, pp128, pp160, pp320, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_ul_retx_timer_r13_e_; // member variables on_dur_timer_r13_e_ on_dur_timer_r13; drx_inactivity_timer_r13_e_ drx_inactivity_timer_r13; drx_retx_timer_r13_e_ drx_retx_timer_r13; drx_cycle_r13_e_ drx_cycle_r13; uint16_t drx_start_offset_r13 = 0; drx_ul_retx_timer_r13_e_ drx_ul_retx_timer_r13; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods drx_cfg_nb_r13_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "DRX-Config-NB-r13"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "DRX-Config-NB-r13"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // NPDCCH-ConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct npdcch_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { struct npdcch_num_repeats_r13_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_r13_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_uss_r13_opts { enum options { v1dot5, v2, v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_uss_r13_e_; struct npdcch_offset_uss_r13_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_fourth, three_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_uss_r13_e_; // member variables npdcch_num_repeats_r13_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_r13; npdcch_start_sf_uss_r13_e_ npdcch_start_sf_uss_r13; npdcch_offset_uss_r13_e_ npdcch_offset_uss_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPDCCH-ConfigDedicated-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct npdcch_cfg_ded_nb_v1530_s { struct npdcch_start_sf_uss_v1530_opts { enum options { v96, v128, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_uss_v1530_e_; // member variables npdcch_start_sf_uss_v1530_e_ npdcch_start_sf_uss_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPUSCH-ConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct npusch_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { bool ack_nack_num_repeats_r13_present = false; bool npusch_all_symbols_r13_present = false; bool group_hop_disabled_r13_present = false; ack_nack_num_repeats_nb_r13_e ack_nack_num_repeats_r13; bool npusch_all_symbols_r13 = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PeriodicBSR-Timer-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct periodic_bsr_timer_nb_r13_opts { enum options { pp2, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp64, pp128, infinity, spare, nulltype } value; typedef int16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated periodic_bsr_timer_nb_r13_e; // RetxBSR-Timer-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct retx_bsr_timer_nb_r13_opts { enum options { pp4, pp16, pp64, pp128, pp256, pp512, infinity, spare, nulltype } value; typedef int16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated retx_bsr_timer_nb_r13_e; // SR-SPS-BSR-Config-NB-r15 ::= CHOICE struct sr_sps_bsr_cfg_nb_r15_c { struct setup_s_ { struct semi_persist_sched_interv_ul_r15_opts { enum options { sf128, sf256, sf512, sf1024, sf1280, sf2048, sf2560, sf5120, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated semi_persist_sched_interv_ul_r15_e_; // member variables fixed_bitstring<16> semi_persist_sched_c_rnti_r15; semi_persist_sched_interv_ul_r15_e_ semi_persist_sched_interv_ul_r15; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods sr_sps_bsr_cfg_nb_r15_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "SR-SPS-BSR-Config-NB-r15"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "SR-SPS-BSR-Config-NB-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // SR-WithoutHARQ-ACK-Config-NB-r15 ::= CHOICE struct sr_without_harq_ack_cfg_nb_r15_c { struct setup_s_ { bool sr_prohibit_timer_r15_present = false; bool sr_nprach_res_r15_present = false; uint8_t sr_prohibit_timer_r15 = 0; sr_nprach_res_nb_r15_s sr_nprach_res_r15; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods sr_without_harq_ack_cfg_nb_r15_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "SR-WithoutHARQ-ACK-Config-NB-r15"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "SR-WithoutHARQ-ACK-Config-NB-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // SRB-ToAddMod-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct srb_to_add_mod_nb_r13_s { struct rlc_cfg_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { explicit_value, default_value, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods rlc_cfg_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c& explicit_value() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_value, type_, "rlc-Config-r13"); return c; } const rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c& explicit_value() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_value, type_, "rlc-Config-r13"); return c; } rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c& set_explicit_value(); void set_default_value(); private: types type_; rlc_cfg_nb_r13_c c; }; struct lc_ch_cfg_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { explicit_value, default_value, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods lc_ch_cfg_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters lc_ch_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_value() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_value, type_, "logicalChannelConfig-r13"); return c; } const lc_ch_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_value() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_value, type_, "logicalChannelConfig-r13"); return c; } lc_ch_cfg_nb_r13_s& set_explicit_value(); void set_default_value(); private: types type_; lc_ch_cfg_nb_r13_s c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool rlc_cfg_r13_present = false; bool lc_ch_cfg_r13_present = false; rlc_cfg_r13_c_ rlc_cfg_r13; lc_ch_cfg_r13_c_ lc_ch_cfg_r13; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr rlc_cfg_v1430; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UplinkPowerControlDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_pwr_ctrl_ded_nb_r13_s { int8_t p0_ue_npusch_r13 = -8; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DRB-ToAddModList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF DRB-ToAddMod-NB-r13 using drb_to_add_mod_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // DRB-ToReleaseList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF INTEGER (1..32) using drb_to_release_list_nb_r13_l = bounded_array; // MAC-MainConfig-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct mac_main_cfg_nb_r13_s { struct ul_sch_cfg_r13_s_ { bool periodic_bsr_timer_r13_present = false; periodic_bsr_timer_nb_r13_e periodic_bsr_timer_r13; retx_bsr_timer_nb_r13_e retx_bsr_timer_r13; }; struct lc_ch_sr_cfg_r13_c_ { struct setup_s_ { struct lc_ch_sr_prohibit_timer_r13_opts { enum options { pp2, pp8, pp32, pp128, pp512, pp1024, pp2048, spare, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated lc_ch_sr_prohibit_timer_r13_e_; // member variables lc_ch_sr_prohibit_timer_r13_e_ lc_ch_sr_prohibit_timer_r13; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods lc_ch_sr_cfg_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "logicalChannelSR-Config-r13"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "logicalChannelSR-Config-r13"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; struct data_inactivity_timer_cfg_r14_c_ { struct setup_s_ { data_inactivity_timer_r14_e data_inactivity_timer_r14; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods data_inactivity_timer_cfg_r14_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "dataInactivityTimerConfig-r14"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "dataInactivityTimerConfig-r14"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; struct drx_cycle_v1430_opts { enum options { sf1280, sf2560, sf5120, sf10240, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_cycle_v1430_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool ul_sch_cfg_r13_present = false; bool drx_cfg_r13_present = false; bool lc_ch_sr_cfg_r13_present = false; ul_sch_cfg_r13_s_ ul_sch_cfg_r13; drx_cfg_nb_r13_c drx_cfg_r13; time_align_timer_e time_align_timer_ded_r13; lc_ch_sr_cfg_r13_c_ lc_ch_sr_cfg_r13; // ... // group 0 bool rai_activation_r14_present = false; copy_ptr data_inactivity_timer_cfg_r14; // group 1 bool drx_cycle_v1430_present = false; drx_cycle_v1430_e_ drx_cycle_v1430; // group 2 bool ra_cfra_cfg_r14_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PhysicalConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct phys_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool carrier_cfg_ded_r13_present = false; bool npdcch_cfg_ded_r13_present = false; bool npusch_cfg_ded_r13_present = false; bool ul_pwr_ctrl_ded_r13_present = false; carrier_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s carrier_cfg_ded_r13; npdcch_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s npdcch_cfg_ded_r13; npusch_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s npusch_cfg_ded_r13; ul_pwr_ctrl_ded_nb_r13_s ul_pwr_ctrl_ded_r13; // ... // group 0 bool two_harq_processes_cfg_r14_present = false; // group 1 bool interference_randomisation_cfg_r14_present = false; // group 2 copy_ptr npdcch_cfg_ded_v1530; // group 3 bool add_tx_sib1_cfg_v1540_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RLF-TimersAndConstants-NB-r13 ::= CHOICE struct rlf_timers_and_consts_nb_r13_c { struct setup_s_ { struct t301_r13_opts { enum options { ms2500, ms4000, ms6000, ms10000, ms15000, ms25000, ms40000, ms60000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t301_r13_e_; struct t310_r13_opts { enum options { ms0, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms4000, ms8000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t310_r13_e_; struct n310_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated n310_r13_e_; struct t311_r13_opts { enum options { ms1000, ms3000, ms5000, ms10000, ms15000, ms20000, ms30000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_r13_e_; struct n311_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated n311_r13_e_; struct t311_v1350_opts { enum options { ms40000, ms60000, ms90000, ms120000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_v1350_e_; struct t301_v1530_opts { enum options { ms80000, ms100000, ms120000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t301_v1530_e_; struct t311_v1530_opts { enum options { ms160000, ms200000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_v1530_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; t301_r13_e_ t301_r13; t310_r13_e_ t310_r13; n310_r13_e_ n310_r13; t311_r13_e_ t311_r13; n311_r13_e_ n311_r13; // ... // group 0 bool t311_v1350_present = false; t311_v1350_e_ t311_v1350; // group 1 bool t301_v1530_present = false; bool t311_v1530_present = false; t301_v1530_e_ t301_v1530; t311_v1530_e_ t311_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods rlf_timers_and_consts_nb_r13_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "RLF-TimersAndConstants-NB-r13"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "RLF-TimersAndConstants-NB-r13"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // SRB-ToAddModList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1)) OF SRB-ToAddMod-NB-r13 using srb_to_add_mod_list_nb_r13_l = std::array; // SchedulingRequestConfig-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sched_request_cfg_nb_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool sr_with_harq_ack_cfg_r15_present = false; bool sr_without_harq_ack_cfg_r15_present = false; bool sr_sps_bsr_cfg_r15_present = false; sr_without_harq_ack_cfg_nb_r15_c sr_without_harq_ack_cfg_r15; sr_sps_bsr_cfg_nb_r15_c sr_sps_bsr_cfg_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RadioResourceConfigDedicated-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct rr_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s { struct mac_main_cfg_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { explicit_value_r13, default_value_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods mac_main_cfg_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters mac_main_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_value_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_value_r13, type_, "mac-MainConfig-r13"); return c; } const mac_main_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_value_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_value_r13, type_, "mac-MainConfig-r13"); return c; } mac_main_cfg_nb_r13_s& set_explicit_value_r13(); void set_default_value_r13(); private: types type_; mac_main_cfg_nb_r13_s c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool srb_to_add_mod_list_r13_present = false; bool drb_to_add_mod_list_r13_present = false; bool drb_to_release_list_r13_present = false; bool mac_main_cfg_r13_present = false; bool phys_cfg_ded_r13_present = false; bool rlf_timers_and_consts_r13_present = false; srb_to_add_mod_list_nb_r13_l srb_to_add_mod_list_r13; drb_to_add_mod_list_nb_r13_l drb_to_add_mod_list_r13; drb_to_release_list_nb_r13_l drb_to_release_list_r13; mac_main_cfg_r13_c_ mac_main_cfg_r13; phys_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s phys_cfg_ded_r13; rlf_timers_and_consts_nb_r13_c rlf_timers_and_consts_r13; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr sched_request_cfg_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AS-Config-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct as_cfg_nb_s { bool ext = false; rr_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s source_rr_cfg_r13; security_algorithm_cfg_s source_security_algorithm_cfg_r13; fixed_bitstring<16> source_ue_id_r13; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s source_dl_carrier_freq_r13; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr source_dl_carrier_freq_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ReestablishmentInfo-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct reest_info_nb_s { bool ext = false; bool add_reestab_info_list_r13_present = false; uint16_t source_pci_r13 = 0; fixed_bitstring<16> target_cell_short_mac_i_r13; add_reestab_info_list_l add_reestab_info_list_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AS-Context-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct as_context_nb_s { bool ext = false; bool reest_info_r13_present = false; reest_info_nb_s reest_info_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AdditionalBandInfoList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (1..256) using add_band_info_list_nb_r14_l = bounded_array; // ChannelRasterOffset-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct ch_raster_offset_nb_r13_opts { enum options { khz_minus7dot5, khz_minus2dot5, khz2dot5, khz7dot5, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated ch_raster_offset_nb_r13_e; // Guardband-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct guardband_nb_r13_s { ch_raster_offset_nb_r13_e raster_offset_r13; fixed_bitstring<3> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // Inband-DifferentPCI-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct inband_different_pci_nb_r13_s { struct eutra_num_crs_ports_r13_opts { enum options { same, four, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_num_crs_ports_r13_e_; // member variables eutra_num_crs_ports_r13_e_ eutra_num_crs_ports_r13; ch_raster_offset_nb_r13_e raster_offset_r13; fixed_bitstring<2> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // Inband-SamePCI-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct inband_same_pci_nb_r13_s { uint8_t eutra_crs_seq_info_r13 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // Standalone-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct standalone_nb_r13_s { fixed_bitstring<5> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MasterInformationBlock-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct mib_nb_s { struct operation_mode_info_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { inband_same_pci_r13, inband_different_pci_r13, guardband_r13, standalone_r13, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods operation_mode_info_r13_c_() = default; operation_mode_info_r13_c_(const operation_mode_info_r13_c_& other); operation_mode_info_r13_c_& operator=(const operation_mode_info_r13_c_& other); ~operation_mode_info_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters inband_same_pci_nb_r13_s& inband_same_pci_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::inband_same_pci_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } inband_different_pci_nb_r13_s& inband_different_pci_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::inband_different_pci_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } guardband_nb_r13_s& guardband_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::guardband_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } standalone_nb_r13_s& standalone_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::standalone_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } const inband_same_pci_nb_r13_s& inband_same_pci_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::inband_same_pci_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } const inband_different_pci_nb_r13_s& inband_different_pci_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::inband_different_pci_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } const guardband_nb_r13_s& guardband_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::guardband_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } const standalone_nb_r13_s& standalone_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::standalone_r13, type_, "operationModeInfo-r13"); return c.get(); } inband_same_pci_nb_r13_s& set_inband_same_pci_r13(); inband_different_pci_nb_r13_s& set_inband_different_pci_r13(); guardband_nb_r13_s& set_guardband_r13(); standalone_nb_r13_s& set_standalone_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables fixed_bitstring<4> sys_frame_num_msb_r13; fixed_bitstring<2> hyper_sfn_lsb_r13; uint8_t sched_info_sib1_r13 = 0; uint8_t sys_info_value_tag_r13 = 0; bool ab_enabled_r13 = false; operation_mode_info_r13_c_ operation_mode_info_r13; bool add_tx_sib1_r15 = false; fixed_bitstring<10> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BCCH-BCH-MessageType-NB ::= MasterInformationBlock-NB using bcch_bch_msg_type_nb_s = mib_nb_s; // BCCH-BCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct bcch_bch_msg_nb_s { bcch_bch_msg_type_nb_s msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-GuardbandAnchorTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_guardband_anchor_tdd_nb_r15_s { fixed_bitstring<1> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-GuardbandGuardbandTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_guardband_guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct sib_guardband_guardband_location_r15_opts { enum options { same, opposite, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_guardband_guardband_location_r15_e_; // member variables sib_guardband_guardband_location_r15_e_ sib_guardband_guardband_location_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-GuardbandInbandDiffPCI-TDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_guardband_inband_diff_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct sib_eutra_num_crs_ports_r15_opts { enum options { same, four, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_eutra_num_crs_ports_r15_e_; // member variables sib_eutra_num_crs_ports_r15_e_ sib_eutra_num_crs_ports_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-GuardbandInbandSamePCI-TDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s { fixed_bitstring<1> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // GuardbandTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct sib_guardband_info_r15_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sib_guardband_anchor_r15, sib_guardband_guardband_r15, sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_r15, sib_guardbandinband_diff_pci_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sib_guardband_info_r15_c_() = default; sib_guardband_info_r15_c_(const sib_guardband_info_r15_c_& other); sib_guardband_info_r15_c_& operator=(const sib_guardband_info_r15_c_& other); ~sib_guardband_info_r15_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters sib_guardband_anchor_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardband_anchor_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardband_anchor_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } sib_guardband_guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardband_guardband_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardband_guardband_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } sib_guardband_inband_diff_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardbandinband_diff_pci_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardbandinband_diff_pci_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const sib_guardband_anchor_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardband_anchor_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardband_anchor_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const sib_guardband_guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardband_guardband_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardband_guardband_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const sib_guardband_inband_diff_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& sib_guardbandinband_diff_pci_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib_guardbandinband_diff_pci_r15, type_, "sib-GuardbandInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } sib_guardband_anchor_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_sib_guardband_anchor_r15(); sib_guardband_guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_sib_guardband_guardband_r15(); sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_sib_guardband_inband_same_pci_r15(); sib_guardband_inband_diff_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_sib_guardbandinband_diff_pci_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct eutra_bandwitdh_r15_opts { enum options { bw5or10, bw15or20, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_bandwitdh_r15_e_; // member variables ch_raster_offset_nb_r13_e raster_offset_r15; sib_guardband_info_r15_c_ sib_guardband_info_r15; eutra_bandwitdh_r15_e_ eutra_bandwitdh_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // Inband-DifferentPCI-TDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct inband_different_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct eutra_num_crs_ports_r15_opts { enum options { same, four, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_num_crs_ports_r15_e_; struct sib_inband_location_r15_opts { enum options { lower, higher, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_inband_location_r15_e_; // member variables eutra_num_crs_ports_r15_e_ eutra_num_crs_ports_r15; ch_raster_offset_nb_r13_e raster_offset_r15; sib_inband_location_r15_e_ sib_inband_location_r15; fixed_bitstring<2> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // Inband-SamePCI-TDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct sib_inband_location_r15_opts { enum options { lower, higher, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_inband_location_r15_e_; // member variables uint8_t eutra_crs_seq_info_r15 = 0; sib_inband_location_r15_e_ sib_inband_location_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // StandaloneTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct standalone_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct sib_standalone_location_r15_opts { enum options { lower, higher, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_standalone_location_r15_e_; // member variables sib_standalone_location_r15_e_ sib_standalone_location_r15; fixed_bitstring<5> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MasterInformationBlock-TDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct mib_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct operation_mode_info_r15_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { inband_same_pci_r15, inband_different_pci_r15, guardband_r15, standalone_r15, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods operation_mode_info_r15_c_() = default; operation_mode_info_r15_c_(const operation_mode_info_r15_c_& other); operation_mode_info_r15_c_& operator=(const operation_mode_info_r15_c_& other); ~operation_mode_info_r15_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& inband_same_pci_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::inband_same_pci_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } inband_different_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& inband_different_pci_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::inband_different_pci_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s& guardband_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::guardband_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } standalone_tdd_nb_r15_s& standalone_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::standalone_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& inband_same_pci_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::inband_same_pci_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const inband_different_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& inband_different_pci_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::inband_different_pci_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s& guardband_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::guardband_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const standalone_tdd_nb_r15_s& standalone_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::standalone_r15, type_, "operationModeInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } inband_same_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_inband_same_pci_r15(); inband_different_pci_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_inband_different_pci_r15(); guardband_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_guardband_r15(); standalone_tdd_nb_r15_s& set_standalone_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct sib1_carrier_info_r15_opts { enum options { anchor, non_anchor, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sib1_carrier_info_r15_e_; // member variables fixed_bitstring<4> sys_frame_num_msb_r15; fixed_bitstring<2> hyper_sfn_lsb_r15; uint8_t sched_info_sib1_r15 = 0; uint8_t sys_info_value_tag_r15 = 0; bool ab_enabled_r15 = false; operation_mode_info_r15_c_ operation_mode_info_r15; sib1_carrier_info_r15_e_ sib1_carrier_info_r15; fixed_bitstring<9> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BCCH-BCH-MessageType-TDD-NB-r15 ::= MasterInformationBlock-TDD-NB-r15 using bcch_bch_msg_type_tdd_nb_r15_s = mib_tdd_nb_r15_s; // BCCH-BCH-Message-TDD-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct bcch_bch_msg_tdd_nb_s { bcch_bch_msg_type_tdd_nb_r15_s msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NS-PmaxValue-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ns_pmax_value_nb_r13_s { bool add_pmax_r13_present = false; int8_t add_pmax_r13 = -30; uint8_t add_spec_emission_r13 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-Type-NB-v1530 ::= ENUMERATED struct sib_type_nb_v1530_opts { enum options { sib_type23_nb_r15, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_type_nb_v1530_e; // NS-PmaxList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF NS-PmaxValue-NB-r13 using ns_pmax_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // NSSS-RRM-Config-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct nsss_rrm_cfg_nb_r15_s { struct nsss_rrm_pwr_offset_r15_opts { enum options { db_minus3, db0, db3, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nsss_rrm_pwr_offset_r15_e_; struct nsss_num_occ_diff_precoders_r15_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n4, n8, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nsss_num_occ_diff_precoders_r15_e_; // member variables bool nsss_num_occ_diff_precoders_r15_present = false; nsss_rrm_pwr_offset_r15_e_ nsss_rrm_pwr_offset_r15; nsss_num_occ_diff_precoders_r15_e_ nsss_num_occ_diff_precoders_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-MappingInfo-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SIB-Type-NB-v1530 using sib_map_info_nb_v1530_l = bounded_array; // EDT-TBS-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct edt_tbs_nb_r15_s { struct edt_tbs_r15_opts { enum options { b328, b408, b504, b584, b680, b808, b936, b1000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated edt_tbs_r15_e_; // member variables bool edt_small_tbs_enabled_r15 = false; edt_tbs_r15_e_ edt_tbs_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // InterFreqNeighCellInfo-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct inter_freq_neigh_cell_info_nb_v1530_s { bool nsss_rrm_cfg_r15_present = false; nsss_rrm_cfg_nb_r15_s nsss_rrm_cfg_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MultiBandInfo-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct multi_band_info_nb_r13_s { bool freq_band_ind_r13_present = false; bool freq_band_info_r13_present = false; uint16_t freq_band_ind_r13 = 1; ns_pmax_list_nb_r13_l freq_band_info_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-Parameters-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_params_nb_r13_s { struct nprach_periodicity_r13_opts { enum options { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms240, ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_periodicity_r13_e_; struct nprach_start_time_r13_opts { enum options { ms8, ms16, ms32, ms64, ms128, ms256, ms512, ms1024, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_start_time_r13_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_offset_r13_opts { enum options { n0, n12, n24, n36, n2, n18, n34, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_offset_r13_e_; struct nprach_num_subcarriers_r13_opts { enum options { n12, n24, n36, n48, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_subcarriers_r13_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r13_opts { enum options { zero, one_third, two_third, one, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r13_e_; struct max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r13_opts { enum options { n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n10, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r13_e_; struct num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n128, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_r13_e_; struct npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r13_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r13_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r13_opts { enum options { v1dot5, v2, v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r13_e_; struct npdcch_offset_ra_r13_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_fourth, three_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_ra_r13_e_; // member variables nprach_periodicity_r13_e_ nprach_periodicity_r13; nprach_start_time_r13_e_ nprach_start_time_r13; nprach_subcarrier_offset_r13_e_ nprach_subcarrier_offset_r13; nprach_num_subcarriers_r13_e_ nprach_num_subcarriers_r13; nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r13_e_ nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r13; max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r13_e_ max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r13; num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_r13_e_ num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_r13; npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r13_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r13; npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r13_e_ npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r13; npdcch_offset_ra_r13_e_ npdcch_offset_ra_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-Parameters-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_params_nb_r14_s { struct nprach_params_r14_s_ { struct nprach_periodicity_r14_opts { enum options { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms240, ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_periodicity_r14_e_; struct nprach_start_time_r14_opts { enum options { ms8, ms16, ms32, ms64, ms128, ms256, ms512, ms1024, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_start_time_r14_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_offset_r14_opts { enum options { n0, n12, n24, n36, n2, n18, n34, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_offset_r14_e_; struct nprach_num_subcarriers_r14_opts { enum options { n12, n24, n36, n48, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_subcarriers_r14_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r14_opts { enum options { zero, one_third, two_third, one, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r14_e_; struct npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r14_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r14_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r14_opts { enum options { v1dot5, v2, v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r14_e_; struct npdcch_offset_ra_r14_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_fourth, three_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_ra_r14_e_; struct nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r14_opts { enum options { n8, n10, n11, n12, n20, n22, n23, n24, n32, n34, n35, n36, n40, n44, n46, n48, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool nprach_periodicity_r14_present = false; bool nprach_start_time_r14_present = false; bool nprach_subcarrier_offset_r14_present = false; bool nprach_num_subcarriers_r14_present = false; bool nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r14_present = false; bool npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r14_present = false; bool npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r14_present = false; bool npdcch_offset_ra_r14_present = false; bool nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r14_present = false; bool npdcch_carrier_idx_r14_present = false; nprach_periodicity_r14_e_ nprach_periodicity_r14; nprach_start_time_r14_e_ nprach_start_time_r14; nprach_subcarrier_offset_r14_e_ nprach_subcarrier_offset_r14; nprach_num_subcarriers_r14_e_ nprach_num_subcarriers_r14; nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r14_e_ nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r14; npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r14_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r14; npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r14_e_ npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r14; npdcch_offset_ra_r14_e_ npdcch_offset_ra_r14; nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r14_e_ nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r14; uint8_t npdcch_carrier_idx_r14 = 1; // ... }; // member variables bool nprach_params_r14_present = false; nprach_params_r14_s_ nprach_params_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-Parameters-NB-v1330 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_params_nb_v1330_s { struct nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r13_opts { enum options { n8, n10, n11, n12, n20, n22, n23, n24, n32, n34, n35, n36, n40, n44, n46, n48, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r13_e_; // member variables nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r13_e_ nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ParametersFmt2-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_params_fmt2_nb_r15_s { struct nprach_params_r15_s_ { struct nprach_periodicity_r15_opts { enum options { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_periodicity_r15_e_; struct nprach_start_time_r15_opts { enum options { ms8, ms16, ms32, ms64, ms128, ms256, ms512, ms1024, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_start_time_r15_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_opts { enum options { n0, n36, n72, n108, n6, n54, n102, n42, n78, n90, n12, n24, n48, n84, n60, n18, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_e_; struct nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_opts { enum options { n36, n72, n108, n144, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_opts { enum options { zero, one_third, two_third, one, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_e_; struct npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_opts { enum options { v1dot5, v2, v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_e_; struct npdcch_offset_ra_r15_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_fourth, three_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_ra_r15_e_; struct nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_opts { enum options { n24, n30, n33, n36, n60, n66, n69, n72, n96, n102, n105, n108, n120, n132, n138, n144, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool nprach_periodicity_r15_present = false; bool nprach_start_time_r15_present = false; bool nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_present = false; bool nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_present = false; bool nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_offset_ra_r15_present = false; bool nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_carrier_idx_r15_present = false; nprach_periodicity_r15_e_ nprach_periodicity_r15; nprach_start_time_r15_e_ nprach_start_time_r15; nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_e_ nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15; nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_e_ nprach_num_subcarriers_r15; nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_e_ nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15; npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15; npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_e_ npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15; npdcch_offset_ra_r15_e_ npdcch_offset_ra_r15; nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_e_ nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15; uint8_t npdcch_carrier_idx_r15 = 1; // ... }; // member variables bool nprach_params_r15_present = false; nprach_params_r15_s_ nprach_params_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ParametersTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_params_tdd_nb_r15_s { struct nprach_params_r15_s_ { struct nprach_periodicity_r15_opts { enum options { ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_periodicity_r15_e_; struct nprach_start_time_r15_opts { enum options { ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_start_time_r15_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_opts { enum options { n0, n12, n24, n36, n2, n18, n34, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_e_; struct nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_opts { enum options { n12, n24, n36, n48, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_e_; struct nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_opts { enum options { zero, one_third, two_third, one, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_e_; struct npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_opts { enum options { v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, v96, v128, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_e_; struct npdcch_offset_ra_r15_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_fourth, three_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_ra_r15_e_; struct nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_opts { enum options { n8, n10, n11, n12, n20, n22, n23, n24, n32, n34, n35, n36, n40, n44, n46, n48, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool nprach_periodicity_r15_present = false; bool nprach_start_time_r15_present = false; bool nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_present = false; bool nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_present = false; bool nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_present = false; bool npdcch_offset_ra_r15_present = false; bool nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_present = false; nprach_periodicity_r15_e_ nprach_periodicity_r15; nprach_start_time_r15_e_ nprach_start_time_r15; nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15_e_ nprach_subcarrier_offset_r15; nprach_num_subcarriers_r15_e_ nprach_num_subcarriers_r15; nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15_e_ nprach_subcarrier_msg3_range_start_r15; npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_ra_r15; npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15_e_ npdcch_start_sf_css_ra_r15; npdcch_offset_ra_r15_e_ npdcch_offset_ra_r15; nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15_e_ nprach_num_cbra_start_subcarriers_r15; // ... }; // member variables bool nprach_params_r15_present = false; nprach_params_r15_s_ nprach_params_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ParametersTDD-NB-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_params_tdd_nb_v1550_s { struct max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_v1550_opts { enum options { n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n10, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_v1550_e_; struct num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_v1550_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n128, n256, n512, n1024, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_v1550_e_; // member variables max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_v1550_e_ max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_v1550; num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_v1550_e_ num_repeats_per_preamb_attempt_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PagingWeight-NB-r14 ::= ENUMERATED struct paging_weight_nb_r14_opts { enum options { w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13, w14, w15, w16, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated paging_weight_nb_r14_e; // RACH-Info-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct rach_info_nb_r13_s { struct ra_resp_win_size_r13_opts { enum options { pp2, pp3, pp4, pp5, pp6, pp7, pp8, pp10, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ra_resp_win_size_r13_e_; struct mac_contention_resolution_timer_r13_opts { enum options { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, pp64, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated mac_contention_resolution_timer_r13_e_; // member variables ra_resp_win_size_r13_e_ ra_resp_win_size_r13; mac_contention_resolution_timer_r13_e_ mac_contention_resolution_timer_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RACH-Info-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct rach_info_nb_v1530_s { struct mac_contention_resolution_timer_r15_opts { enum options { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, pp64, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated mac_contention_resolution_timer_r15_e_; // member variables mac_contention_resolution_timer_r15_e_ mac_contention_resolution_timer_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SchedulingInfo-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct sched_info_nb_v1530_s { bool sib_map_info_v1530_present = false; sib_map_info_nb_v1530_l sib_map_info_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // WUS-MaxDurationFactor-NB-r15 ::= ENUMERATED struct wus_max_dur_factor_nb_r15_opts { enum options { one128th, one64th, one32th, one16th, one_eighth, one_quarter, one_half, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated wus_max_dur_factor_nb_r15_e; // DL-CarrierConfigCommon-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s { struct dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { use_no_bitmap_r14, use_anchor_bitmap_r14, explicit_bitmap_cfg_r14, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r14_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& explicit_bitmap_cfg_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_bitmap_cfg_r14, type_, "downlinkBitmapNonAnchor-r14"); return c; } const dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& explicit_bitmap_cfg_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_bitmap_cfg_r14, type_, "downlinkBitmapNonAnchor-r14"); return c; } void set_use_no_bitmap_r14(); void set_use_anchor_bitmap_r14(); dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c& set_explicit_bitmap_cfg_r14(); private: types type_; dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c c; }; struct dl_gap_non_anchor_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { use_no_gap_r14, use_anchor_gap_cfg_r14, explicit_gap_cfg_r14, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_gap_non_anchor_r14_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_gap_cfg_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_gap_cfg_r14, type_, "dl-GapNonAnchor-r14"); return c; } const dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s& explicit_gap_cfg_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_gap_cfg_r14, type_, "dl-GapNonAnchor-r14"); return c; } void set_use_no_gap_r14(); void set_use_anchor_gap_cfg_r14(); dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s& set_explicit_gap_cfg_r14(); private: types type_; dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s c; }; struct inband_carrier_info_r14_s_ { struct same_pci_ind_r14_c_ { struct same_pci_r14_s_ { int8_t idx_to_mid_prb_r14 = -55; }; struct different_pci_r14_s_ { struct eutra_num_crs_ports_r14_opts { enum options { same, four, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_num_crs_ports_r14_e_; // member variables eutra_num_crs_ports_r14_e_ eutra_num_crs_ports_r14; }; struct types_opts { enum options { same_pci_r14, different_pci_r14, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods same_pci_ind_r14_c_() = default; same_pci_ind_r14_c_(const same_pci_ind_r14_c_& other); same_pci_ind_r14_c_& operator=(const same_pci_ind_r14_c_& other); ~same_pci_ind_r14_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters same_pci_r14_s_& same_pci_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::same_pci_r14, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r14"); return c.get(); } different_pci_r14_s_& different_pci_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::different_pci_r14, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r14"); return c.get(); } const same_pci_r14_s_& same_pci_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::same_pci_r14, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r14"); return c.get(); } const different_pci_r14_s_& different_pci_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::different_pci_r14, type_, "samePCI-Indicator-r14"); return c.get(); } same_pci_r14_s_& set_same_pci_r14(); different_pci_r14_s_& set_different_pci_r14(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct eutra_ctrl_region_size_r14_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_ctrl_region_size_r14_e_; // member variables bool same_pci_ind_r14_present = false; same_pci_ind_r14_c_ same_pci_ind_r14; eutra_ctrl_region_size_r14_e_ eutra_ctrl_region_size_r14; }; struct nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_r14_opts { enum options { db_minus12, db_minus10, db_minus8, db_minus6, db_minus4, db_minus2, db0, db3, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool inband_carrier_info_r14_present = false; bool nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_r14_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s dl_carrier_freq_r14; dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r14_c_ dl_bitmap_non_anchor_r14; dl_gap_non_anchor_r14_c_ dl_gap_non_anchor_r14; inband_carrier_info_r14_s_ inband_carrier_info_r14; nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_r14_e_ nrs_pwr_offset_non_anchor_r14; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr dl_gap_non_anchor_v1530; // group 1 copy_ptr dl_carrier_freq_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // EDT-TBS-InfoList-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF EDT-TBS-NB-r15 using edt_tbs_info_list_nb_r15_l = dyn_array; // InterFreqBlackCellList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF INTEGER (0..503) using inter_freq_black_cell_list_nb_r13_l = bounded_array; // InterFreqNeighCellList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF INTEGER (0..503) using inter_freq_neigh_cell_list_nb_r13_l = bounded_array; // InterFreqNeighCellList-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF InterFreqNeighCellInfo-NB-v1530 using inter_freq_neigh_cell_list_nb_v1530_l = dyn_array; // MultiBandInfoList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MultiBandInfo-NB-r13 using multi_band_info_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // NPRACH-ParametersList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-Parameters-NB-r13 using nprach_params_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // NPRACH-ParametersList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-Parameters-NB-r14 using nprach_params_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // NPRACH-ParametersList-NB-v1330 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-Parameters-NB-v1330 using nprach_params_list_nb_v1330_l = dyn_array; // NPRACH-ParametersListFmt2-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-ParametersFmt2-NB-r15 using nprach_params_list_fmt2_nb_r15_l = dyn_array; // NPRACH-ParametersListTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-ParametersTDD-NB-r15 using nprach_params_list_tdd_nb_r15_l = dyn_array; // NPRACH-ParametersListTDD-NB-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-ParametersTDD-NB-v1550 using nprach_params_list_tdd_nb_v1550_l = dyn_array; // PCCH-Config-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct pcch_cfg_nb_r14_s { struct npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r14_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r14_present = false; bool paging_weight_r14_present = false; npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r14_e_ npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r14; paging_weight_nb_r14_e paging_weight_r14; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PowerRampingParameters-NB-v1450 ::= SEQUENCE struct pwr_ramp_params_nb_v1450_s { struct preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_v1450_opts { enum options { dbm_minus130, dbm_minus128, dbm_minus126, dbm_minus124, dbm_minus122, dbm_minus88, dbm_minus86, dbm_minus84, dbm_minus82, dbm_minus80, nulltype } value; typedef int16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_v1450_e_; struct pwr_ramp_params_ce1_r14_s_ { struct pwr_ramp_step_ce1_r14_opts { enum options { db0, db2, db4, db6, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated pwr_ramp_step_ce1_r14_e_; struct preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_ce1_r14_opts { enum options { dbm_minus130, dbm_minus128, dbm_minus126, dbm_minus124, dbm_minus122, dbm_minus120, dbm_minus118, dbm_minus116, dbm_minus114, dbm_minus112, dbm_minus110, dbm_minus108, dbm_minus106, dbm_minus104, dbm_minus102, dbm_minus100, dbm_minus98, dbm_minus96, dbm_minus94, dbm_minus92, dbm_minus90, dbm_minus88, dbm_minus86, dbm_minus84, dbm_minus82, dbm_minus80, nulltype } value; typedef int16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_ce1_r14_e_; // member variables pwr_ramp_step_ce1_r14_e_ pwr_ramp_step_ce1_r14; preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_ce1_r14_e_ preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_ce1_r14; }; // member variables bool preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_v1450_present = false; bool pwr_ramp_params_ce1_r14_present = false; preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_v1450_e_ preamb_init_rx_target_pwr_v1450; pwr_ramp_params_ce1_r14_s_ pwr_ramp_params_ce1_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RACH-InfoList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF RACH-Info-NB-r13 using rach_info_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // RACH-InfoList-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF RACH-Info-NB-v1530 using rach_info_list_nb_v1530_l = dyn_array; // RSRP-ThresholdsNPRACH-InfoList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF INTEGER (0..97) using rsrp_thress_nprach_info_list_nb_r13_l = bounded_array; // SchedulingInfoList-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SchedulingInfo-NB-v1530 using sched_info_list_nb_v1530_l = dyn_array; // TDD-Config-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct tdd_cfg_nb_r15_s { struct sf_assign_r15_opts { enum options { sa1, sa2, sa3, sa4, sa5, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sf_assign_r15_e_; struct special_sf_patterns_r15_opts { enum options { ssp0, ssp1, ssp2, ssp3, ssp4, ssp5, ssp6, ssp7, ssp8, ssp9, ssp10, ssp10_crs_less_dw_pts, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated special_sf_patterns_r15_e_; // member variables sf_assign_r15_e_ sf_assign_r15; special_sf_patterns_r15_e_ special_sf_patterns_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-ReferenceSignalsNPUSCH-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_ref_sigs_npusch_nb_r13_s { bool group_hop_enabled_r13 = false; uint8_t group_assign_npusch_r13 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // WUS-ConfigPerCarrier-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct wus_cfg_per_carrier_nb_r15_s { wus_max_dur_factor_nb_r15_e max_dur_factor_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BCCH-Config-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct bcch_cfg_nb_r13_s { struct mod_period_coeff_r13_opts { enum options { n16, n32, n64, n128, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated mod_period_coeff_r13_e_; // member variables mod_period_coeff_r13_e_ mod_period_coeff_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-ConfigCommon-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_cfg_common_nb_r14_s { bool ext = false; bool pcch_cfg_r14_present = false; dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s dl_carrier_cfg_r14; pcch_cfg_nb_r14_s pcch_cfg_r14; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr wus_cfg_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct inter_freq_carrier_freq_info_nb_r13_s { struct pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_opts { enum options { db_minus6, db_minus3, db3, db6, db9, db12, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_e_; struct ce_authorisation_offset_r14_opts { enum options { db5, db10, db15, db20, db25, db30, db35, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ce_authorisation_offset_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool q_qual_min_r13_present = false; bool p_max_r13_present = false; bool q_offset_freq_r13_present = false; bool inter_freq_neigh_cell_list_r13_present = false; bool inter_freq_black_cell_list_r13_present = false; bool multi_band_info_list_r13_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s dl_carrier_freq_r13; int8_t q_rx_lev_min_r13 = -70; int8_t q_qual_min_r13 = -34; int8_t p_max_r13 = -30; q_offset_range_e q_offset_freq_r13; inter_freq_neigh_cell_list_nb_r13_l inter_freq_neigh_cell_list_r13; inter_freq_black_cell_list_nb_r13_l inter_freq_black_cell_list_r13; multi_band_info_list_nb_r13_l multi_band_info_list_r13; // ... // group 0 bool delta_rx_lev_min_v1350_present = false; int8_t delta_rx_lev_min_v1350 = -8; // group 1 bool pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_present = false; bool ce_authorisation_offset_r14_present = false; pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_e_ pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14; ce_authorisation_offset_r14_e_ ce_authorisation_offset_r14; // group 2 copy_ptr nsss_rrm_cfg_r15; copy_ptr inter_freq_neigh_cell_list_v1530; // group 3 copy_ptr dl_carrier_freq_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // IntraFreqNeighCellInfo-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct intra_freq_neigh_cell_info_nb_v1530_s { bool nsss_rrm_cfg_r15_present = false; nsss_rrm_cfg_nb_r15_s nsss_rrm_cfg_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MBMS-SAI-InterFreq-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct mbms_sai_inter_freq_nb_r14_s { bool multi_band_info_list_r14_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s dl_carrier_freq_r14; mbms_sai_list_r11_l mbms_sai_list_r14; add_band_info_list_nb_r14_l multi_band_info_list_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPDSCH-ConfigCommon-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct npdsch_cfg_common_nb_r13_s { int8_t nrs_pwr_r13 = -60; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ConfigSIB-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_cfg_sib_nb_r13_s { struct nprach_cp_len_r13_opts { enum options { us66dot7, us266dot7, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_cp_len_r13_e_; // member variables bool rsrp_thress_prach_info_list_r13_present = false; nprach_cp_len_r13_e_ nprach_cp_len_r13; rsrp_thress_nprach_info_list_nb_r13_l rsrp_thress_prach_info_list_r13; nprach_params_list_nb_r13_l nprach_params_list_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ConfigSIB-NB-v1330 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_cfg_sib_nb_v1330_s { nprach_params_list_nb_v1330_l nprach_params_list_v1330; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ConfigSIB-NB-v1450 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_cfg_sib_nb_v1450_s { struct max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r14_opts { enum options { n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n10, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r14_e_; // member variables max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r14_e_ max_num_preamb_attempt_ce_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ConfigSIB-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_cfg_sib_nb_v1530_s { struct tdd_params_r15_s_ { struct nprach_preamb_format_r15_opts { enum options { fmt0, fmt1, fmt2, fmt0_a, fmt1_a, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_preamb_format_r15_e_; struct dummy_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n128, n256, n512, n1024, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated dummy_e_; // member variables nprach_preamb_format_r15_e_ nprach_preamb_format_r15; dummy_e_ dummy; nprach_params_list_tdd_nb_r15_l nprach_params_list_tdd_r15; }; struct fmt2_params_r15_s_ { bool nprach_params_list_fmt2_r15_present = false; bool nprach_params_list_fmt2_edt_r15_present = false; nprach_params_list_fmt2_nb_r15_l nprach_params_list_fmt2_r15; nprach_params_list_fmt2_nb_r15_l nprach_params_list_fmt2_edt_r15; }; struct edt_params_r15_s_ { bool edt_small_tbs_subset_r15_present = false; bool nprach_params_list_edt_r15_present = false; edt_tbs_info_list_nb_r15_l edt_tbs_info_list_r15; nprach_params_list_nb_r14_l nprach_params_list_edt_r15; }; // member variables bool tdd_params_r15_present = false; bool fmt2_params_r15_present = false; bool edt_params_r15_present = false; tdd_params_r15_s_ tdd_params_r15; fmt2_params_r15_s_ fmt2_params_r15; edt_params_r15_s_ edt_params_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ConfigSIB-NB-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_cfg_sib_nb_v1550_s { struct tdd_params_v1550_s_ { nprach_params_list_tdd_nb_v1550_l nprach_params_list_tdd_v1550; }; // member variables tdd_params_v1550_s_ tdd_params_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ProbabilityAnchor-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct nprach_probability_anchor_nb_r14_s { struct nprach_probability_anchor_r14_opts { enum options { zero, one_sixteenth, one_fifteenth, one_fourteenth, one_thirteenth, one_twelfth, one_eleventh, one_tenth, one_ninth, one_eighth, one_seventh, one_sixth, one_fifth, one_fourth, one_third, one_half, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nprach_probability_anchor_r14_e_; // member variables bool nprach_probability_anchor_r14_present = false; nprach_probability_anchor_r14_e_ nprach_probability_anchor_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPUSCH-ConfigCommon-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct npusch_cfg_common_nb_r13_s { using ack_nack_num_repeats_msg4_r13_l_ = bounded_array; struct srs_sf_cfg_r13_opts { enum options { sc0, sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4, sc5, sc6, sc7, sc8, sc9, sc10, sc11, sc12, sc13, sc14, sc15, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated srs_sf_cfg_r13_e_; struct dmrs_cfg_r13_s_ { bool three_tone_base_seq_r13_present = false; bool six_tone_base_seq_r13_present = false; bool twelve_tone_base_seq_r13_present = false; uint8_t three_tone_base_seq_r13 = 0; uint8_t three_tone_cyclic_shift_r13 = 0; uint8_t six_tone_base_seq_r13 = 0; uint8_t six_tone_cyclic_shift_r13 = 0; uint8_t twelve_tone_base_seq_r13 = 0; }; // member variables bool srs_sf_cfg_r13_present = false; bool dmrs_cfg_r13_present = false; ack_nack_num_repeats_msg4_r13_l_ ack_nack_num_repeats_msg4_r13; srs_sf_cfg_r13_e_ srs_sf_cfg_r13; dmrs_cfg_r13_s_ dmrs_cfg_r13; ul_ref_sigs_npusch_nb_r13_s ul_ref_sigs_npusch_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PCCH-Config-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct pcch_cfg_nb_r13_s { struct default_paging_cycle_r13_opts { enum options { rf128, rf256, rf512, rf1024, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated default_paging_cycle_r13_e_; struct nb_r13_opts { enum options { four_t, two_t, one_t, half_t, quarter_t, one8th_t, one16th_t, one32nd_t, one64th_t, one128th_t, one256th_t, one512th_t, one1024th_t, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nb_r13_e_; struct npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r13_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r13_e_; // member variables default_paging_cycle_r13_e_ default_paging_cycle_r13; nb_r13_e_ nb_r13; npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r13_e_ npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RACH-ConfigCommon-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct rach_cfg_common_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool conn_est_fail_offset_r13_present = false; preamb_trans_max_e preamb_trans_max_ce_r13; pwr_ramp_params_s pwr_ramp_params_r13; rach_info_list_nb_r13_l rach_info_list_r13; uint8_t conn_est_fail_offset_r13 = 0; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr pwr_ramp_params_v1450; // group 1 copy_ptr rach_info_list_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-Type-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct sib_type_nb_r13_opts { enum options { sib_type3_nb_r13, sib_type4_nb_r13, sib_type5_nb_r13, sib_type14_nb_r13, sib_type16_nb_r13, sib_type15_nb_r14, sib_type20_nb_r14, sib_type22_nb_r14, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_type_nb_r13_e; // SystemInformationBlockType1-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_nb_v1530_s { struct tdd_params_r15_s_ { struct tdd_si_carrier_info_r15_opts { enum options { anchor, non_anchor, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated tdd_si_carrier_info_r15_e_; // member variables bool tdd_si_sfs_bitmap_r15_present = false; tdd_cfg_nb_r15_s tdd_cfg_r15; tdd_si_carrier_info_r15_e_ tdd_si_carrier_info_r15; dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c tdd_si_sfs_bitmap_r15; }; // member variables bool tdd_params_r15_present = false; bool sched_info_list_v1530_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; tdd_params_r15_s_ tdd_params_r15; sched_info_list_nb_v1530_l sched_info_list_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-ConfigCommon-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_cfg_common_nb_r14_s { bool ext = false; bool nprach_params_list_r14_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s ul_carrier_freq_r14; nprach_params_list_nb_r14_l nprach_params_list_r14; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr nprach_params_list_edt_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-ConfigCommon-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_cfg_common_nb_v1530_s { bool ext = false; bool nprach_params_list_fmt2_r15_present = false; bool nprach_params_list_fmt2_edt_r15_present = false; nprach_params_list_fmt2_nb_r15_l nprach_params_list_fmt2_r15; nprach_params_list_fmt2_nb_r15_l nprach_params_list_fmt2_edt_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-ConfigCommonTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_cfg_common_tdd_nb_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool nprach_params_list_tdd_r15_present = false; tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_nb_r15_e tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_r15; nprach_params_list_tdd_nb_r15_l nprach_params_list_tdd_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UplinkPowerControlCommon-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_pwr_ctrl_common_nb_r13_s { struct alpha_r13_opts { enum options { al0, al04, al05, al06, al07, al08, al09, al1, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated alpha_r13_e_; // member variables int8_t p0_nominal_npusch_r13 = -126; alpha_r13_e_ alpha_r13; int8_t delta_preamb_msg3_r13 = -1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // WUS-Config-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct wus_cfg_nb_r15_s { struct num_pos_r15_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n4, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated num_pos_r15_e_; struct num_drx_cycles_relaxed_r15_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n4, n8, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated num_drx_cycles_relaxed_r15_e_; struct time_offset_drx_r15_opts { enum options { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms240, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated time_offset_drx_r15_e_; struct time_offset_e_drx_short_r15_opts { enum options { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms240, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated time_offset_e_drx_short_r15_e_; struct time_offset_e_drx_long_r15_opts { enum options { ms1000, ms2000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated time_offset_e_drx_long_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool num_pos_r15_present = false; bool time_offset_e_drx_long_r15_present = false; wus_max_dur_factor_nb_r15_e max_dur_factor_r15; num_pos_r15_e_ num_pos_r15; num_drx_cycles_relaxed_r15_e_ num_drx_cycles_relaxed_r15; time_offset_drx_r15_e_ time_offset_drx_r15; time_offset_e_drx_short_r15_e_ time_offset_e_drx_short_r15; time_offset_e_drx_long_r15_e_ time_offset_e_drx_long_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellReselectionInfoCommon-NB-v1450 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_resel_info_common_nb_v1450_s { struct s_search_delta_p_r14_opts { enum options { db6, db9, db12, db15, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated s_search_delta_p_r14_e_; // member variables s_search_delta_p_r14_e_ s_search_delta_p_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellSelectionInfo-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_nb_v1430_s { struct pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_opts { enum options { db_minus6, db_minus3, db3, db6, db9, db12, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_e_; struct ce_authorisation_offset_r14_opts { enum options { db5, db10, db15, db20, db25, db30, db35, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ce_authorisation_offset_r14_e_; // member variables bool pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_present = false; bool ce_authorisation_offset_r14_present = false; pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_e_ pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14; ce_authorisation_offset_r14_e_ ce_authorisation_offset_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-ConfigCommonList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF DL-ConfigCommon-NB-r14 using dl_cfg_common_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // InterFreqCarrierFreqList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-NB-r13 using inter_freq_carrier_freq_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // IntraFreqCellReselectionInfo-NB-v1350 ::= SEQUENCE struct intra_freq_cell_resel_info_nb_v1350_s { int8_t delta_rx_lev_min_v1350 = -8; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // IntraFreqCellReselectionInfo-NB-v1360 ::= SEQUENCE struct intra_freq_cell_resel_info_nb_v1360_s { uint8_t s_intra_search_p_v1360 = 32; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // IntraFreqCellReselectionInfo-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct intra_freq_cell_resel_info_nb_v1430_s { struct pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_opts { enum options { db_minus6, db_minus3, db3, db6, db9, db12, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_e_; struct ce_authorisation_offset_r14_opts { enum options { db5, db10, db15, db20, db25, db30, db35, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ce_authorisation_offset_r14_e_; // member variables bool pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_present = false; bool ce_authorisation_offset_r14_present = false; pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14_e_ pwr_class14dbm_offset_r14; ce_authorisation_offset_r14_e_ ce_authorisation_offset_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // IntraFreqNeighCellList-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF IntraFreqNeighCellInfo-NB-v1530 using intra_freq_neigh_cell_list_nb_v1530_l = dyn_array; // MBMS-SAI-InterFreqList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MBMS-SAI-InterFreq-NB-r14 using mbms_sai_inter_freq_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // NPDCCH-SC-MCCH-Config-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct npdcch_sc_mcch_cfg_nb_r14_s { struct npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mcch_r14_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mcch_r14_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_sc_mcch_r14_opts { enum options { v1dot5, v2, v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_sc_mcch_r14_e_; struct npdcch_offset_sc_mcch_r14_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_quarter, three_eighth, one_half, five_eighth, three_quarter, seven_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_sc_mcch_r14_e_; // member variables npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mcch_r14_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mcch_r14; npdcch_start_sf_sc_mcch_r14_e_ npdcch_start_sf_sc_mcch_r14; npdcch_offset_sc_mcch_r14_e_ npdcch_offset_sc_mcch_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // NPRACH-ProbabilityAnchorList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF NPRACH-ProbabilityAnchor-NB-r14 using nprach_probability_anchor_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // RadioResourceConfigCommonSIB-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct rr_cfg_common_sib_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool dl_gap_r13_present = false; rach_cfg_common_nb_r13_s rach_cfg_common_r13; bcch_cfg_nb_r13_s bcch_cfg_r13; pcch_cfg_nb_r13_s pcch_cfg_r13; nprach_cfg_sib_nb_r13_s nprach_cfg_r13; npdsch_cfg_common_nb_r13_s npdsch_cfg_common_r13; npusch_cfg_common_nb_r13_s npusch_cfg_common_r13; dl_gap_cfg_nb_r13_s dl_gap_r13; ul_pwr_ctrl_common_nb_r13_s ul_pwr_ctrl_common_r13; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr nprach_cfg_v1330; // group 1 copy_ptr nprach_cfg_v1450; // group 2 copy_ptr nprach_cfg_v1530; copy_ptr dl_gap_v1530; copy_ptr wus_cfg_r15; // group 3 copy_ptr nprach_cfg_v1550; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SC-MCCH-SchedulingInfo-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct sc_mcch_sched_info_nb_r14_s { struct on_dur_timer_scptm_r14_opts { enum options { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, spare, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated on_dur_timer_scptm_r14_e_; struct drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14_opts { enum options { pp0, pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14_e_; struct sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sf10, sf20, sf32, sf40, sf64, sf80, sf128, sf160, sf256, sf320, sf512, sf640, sf1024, sf2048, sf4096, sf8192, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_() = default; sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_(const sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_& other); sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_& operator=(const sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_& other); ~sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& sf10() { assert_choice_type(types::sf10, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf20() { assert_choice_type(types::sf20, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf32() { assert_choice_type(types::sf32, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf40() { assert_choice_type(types::sf40, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf64() { assert_choice_type(types::sf64, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf80() { assert_choice_type(types::sf80, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf128() { assert_choice_type(types::sf128, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf160() { assert_choice_type(types::sf160, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf256() { assert_choice_type(types::sf256, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf320() { assert_choice_type(types::sf320, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf512() { assert_choice_type(types::sf512, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf640() { assert_choice_type(types::sf640, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf1024() { assert_choice_type(types::sf1024, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf2048() { assert_choice_type(types::sf2048, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf4096() { assert_choice_type(types::sf4096, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf8192() { assert_choice_type(types::sf8192, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf10() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf10, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf20() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf20, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf32() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf32, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf40() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf40, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf64() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf64, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf80() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf80, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf128() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf128, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf160() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf160, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf256() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf256, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf320() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf320, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf512() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf512, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf640() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf640, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf1024() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf1024, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf2048() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf2048, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf4096() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf4096, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf8192() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf8192, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_sf10(); uint8_t& set_sf20(); uint8_t& set_sf32(); uint8_t& set_sf40(); uint8_t& set_sf64(); uint8_t& set_sf80(); uint8_t& set_sf128(); uint8_t& set_sf160(); uint16_t& set_sf256(); uint16_t& set_sf320(); uint16_t& set_sf512(); uint16_t& set_sf640(); uint16_t& set_sf1024(); uint16_t& set_sf2048(); uint16_t& set_sf4096(); uint16_t& set_sf8192(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool ext = false; on_dur_timer_scptm_r14_e_ on_dur_timer_scptm_r14; drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14_e_ drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14; sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_ sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-MappingInfo-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..31)) OF SIB-Type-NB-r13 using sib_map_info_nb_r13_l = bounded_array; // SystemInformationBlockType1-NB-v1450 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_nb_v1450_s { struct nrs_crs_pwr_offset_v1450_opts { enum options { db_minus6, db_minus4dot77, db_minus3, db_minus1dot77, db0, db1, db1dot23, db2, db3, db4, db4dot23, db5, db6, db7, db8, db9, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nrs_crs_pwr_offset_v1450_e_; // member variables bool nrs_crs_pwr_offset_v1450_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; nrs_crs_pwr_offset_v1450_e_ nrs_crs_pwr_offset_v1450; sib_type1_nb_v1530_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // T-Reselection-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct t_resel_nb_r13_opts { enum options { s0, s3, s6, s9, s12, s15, s18, s21, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t_resel_nb_r13_e; // UE-TimersAndConstants-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_timers_and_consts_nb_r13_s { struct t300_r13_opts { enum options { ms2500, ms4000, ms6000, ms10000, ms15000, ms25000, ms40000, ms60000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t300_r13_e_; struct t301_r13_opts { enum options { ms2500, ms4000, ms6000, ms10000, ms15000, ms25000, ms40000, ms60000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t301_r13_e_; struct t310_r13_opts { enum options { ms0, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms4000, ms8000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t310_r13_e_; struct n310_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated n310_r13_e_; struct t311_r13_opts { enum options { ms1000, ms3000, ms5000, ms10000, ms15000, ms20000, ms30000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_r13_e_; struct n311_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated n311_r13_e_; struct t311_v1350_opts { enum options { ms40000, ms60000, ms90000, ms120000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_v1350_e_; struct t300_v1530_opts { enum options { ms80000, ms100000, ms120000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t300_v1530_e_; struct t301_v1530_opts { enum options { ms80000, ms100000, ms120000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t301_v1530_e_; struct t311_v1530_opts { enum options { ms160000, ms200000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_v1530_e_; struct t300_r15_opts { enum options { ms6000, ms10000, ms15000, ms25000, ms40000, ms60000, ms80000, ms120000, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t300_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; t300_r13_e_ t300_r13; t301_r13_e_ t301_r13; t310_r13_e_ t310_r13; n310_r13_e_ n310_r13; t311_r13_e_ t311_r13; n311_r13_e_ n311_r13; // ... // group 0 bool t311_v1350_present = false; t311_v1350_e_ t311_v1350; // group 1 bool t300_v1530_present = false; bool t301_v1530_present = false; bool t311_v1530_present = false; bool t300_r15_present = false; t300_v1530_e_ t300_v1530; t301_v1530_e_ t301_v1530; t311_v1530_e_ t311_v1530; t300_r15_e_ t300_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-ConfigCommonList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF UL-ConfigCommon-NB-r14 using ul_cfg_common_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // UL-ConfigCommonList-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF UL-ConfigCommon-NB-v1530 using ul_cfg_common_list_nb_v1530_l = dyn_array; // UL-ConfigCommonListTDD-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF UL-ConfigCommonTDD-NB-r15 using ul_cfg_common_list_tdd_nb_r15_l = dyn_array; // CellSelectionInfo-NB-v1350 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_nb_v1350_s { int8_t delta_rx_lev_min_v1350 = -8; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityInfo-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct plmn_id_info_nb_r13_s { struct cell_reserved_for_oper_r13_opts { enum options { reserved, not_reserved, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_reserved_for_oper_r13_e_; // member variables bool attach_without_pdn_connect_r13_present = false; plmn_id_s plmn_id_r13; cell_reserved_for_oper_r13_e_ cell_reserved_for_oper_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SchedulingInfo-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sched_info_nb_r13_s { struct si_periodicity_r13_opts { enum options { rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512, rf1024, rf2048, rf4096, spare, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_periodicity_r13_e_; struct si_repeat_pattern_r13_opts { enum options { every2nd_rf, every4th_rf, every8th_rf, every16th_rf, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_repeat_pattern_r13_e_; struct si_tb_r13_opts { enum options { b56, b120, b208, b256, b328, b440, b552, b680, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_tb_r13_e_; // member variables si_periodicity_r13_e_ si_periodicity_r13; si_repeat_pattern_r13_e_ si_repeat_pattern_r13; sib_map_info_nb_r13_l sib_map_info_r13; si_tb_r13_e_ si_tb_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_nb_v1430_s { bool cell_sel_info_v1430_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_sel_info_nb_v1430_s cell_sel_info_v1430; sib_type1_nb_v1450_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType14-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type14_nb_r13_s { struct ab_param_r13_c_ { using ab_per_plmn_list_r13_l_ = dyn_array; struct types_opts { enum options { ab_common_r13, ab_per_plmn_list_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods ab_param_r13_c_() = default; ab_param_r13_c_(const ab_param_r13_c_& other); ab_param_r13_c_& operator=(const ab_param_r13_c_& other); ~ab_param_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ab_cfg_nb_r13_s& ab_common_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ab_common_r13, type_, "ab-Param-r13"); return c.get(); } ab_per_plmn_list_r13_l_& ab_per_plmn_list_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ab_per_plmn_list_r13, type_, "ab-Param-r13"); return c.get(); } const ab_cfg_nb_r13_s& ab_common_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ab_common_r13, type_, "ab-Param-r13"); return c.get(); } const ab_per_plmn_list_r13_l_& ab_per_plmn_list_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ab_per_plmn_list_r13, type_, "ab-Param-r13"); return c.get(); } ab_cfg_nb_r13_s& set_ab_common_r13(); ab_per_plmn_list_r13_l_& set_ab_per_plmn_list_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct ab_per_nrsrp_r15_opts { enum options { thresh1, thresh2, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ab_per_nrsrp_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool ab_param_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; ab_param_r13_c_ ab_param_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // group 0 bool ab_per_nrsrp_r15_present = false; ab_per_nrsrp_r15_e_ ab_per_nrsrp_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType15-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type15_nb_r14_s { bool ext = false; bool mbms_sai_intra_freq_r14_present = false; bool mbms_sai_inter_freq_list_r14_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; mbms_sai_list_r11_l mbms_sai_intra_freq_r14; mbms_sai_inter_freq_list_nb_r14_l mbms_sai_inter_freq_list_r14; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType2-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type2_nb_r13_s { struct freq_info_r13_s_ { bool ul_carrier_freq_r13_present = false; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s ul_carrier_freq_r13; uint8_t add_spec_emission_r13 = 1; }; using multi_band_info_list_r13_l_ = bounded_array; struct freq_info_v1530_s_ { tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_nb_r15_e tdd_ul_dl_align_offset_r15; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool multi_band_info_list_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; rr_cfg_common_sib_nb_r13_s rr_cfg_common_r13; ue_timers_and_consts_nb_r13_s ue_timers_and_consts_r13; freq_info_r13_s_ freq_info_r13; time_align_timer_e time_align_timer_common_r13; multi_band_info_list_r13_l_ multi_band_info_list_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // group 0 bool cp_reest_r14_present = false; // group 1 bool serving_cell_meas_info_r14_present = false; bool cqi_report_r14_present = false; // group 2 bool enhanced_phr_r15_present = false; bool cp_edt_r15_present = false; bool up_edt_r15_present = false; copy_ptr freq_info_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType20-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type20_nb_r14_s { struct sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { dl_carrier_cfg_r14, dl_carrier_idx_r14, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_() = default; sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_(const sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_& other); sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_& operator=(const sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_& other); ~sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s& dl_carrier_cfg_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_cfg_r14, type_, "sc-mcch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& dl_carrier_idx_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_idx_r14, type_, "sc-mcch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } const dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s& dl_carrier_cfg_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_cfg_r14, type_, "sc-mcch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& dl_carrier_idx_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_idx_r14, type_, "sc-mcch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s& set_dl_carrier_cfg_r14(); uint8_t& set_dl_carrier_idx_r14(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct sc_mcch_repeat_period_r14_opts { enum options { rf32, rf128, rf512, rf1024, rf2048, rf4096, rf8192, rf16384, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sc_mcch_repeat_period_r14_e_; struct sc_mcch_mod_period_r14_opts { enum options { rf32, rf128, rf256, rf512, rf1024, rf2048, rf4096, rf8192, rf16384, rf32768, rf65536, rf131072, rf262144, rf524288, rf1048576, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint32_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint32_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sc_mcch_mod_period_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool sc_mcch_sched_info_r14_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; npdcch_sc_mcch_cfg_nb_r14_s npdcch_sc_mcch_cfg_r14; sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_ sc_mcch_carrier_cfg_r14; sc_mcch_repeat_period_r14_e_ sc_mcch_repeat_period_r14; uint8_t sc_mcch_offset_r14 = 0; sc_mcch_mod_period_r14_e_ sc_mcch_mod_period_r14; sc_mcch_sched_info_nb_r14_s sc_mcch_sched_info_r14; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType22-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type22_nb_r14_s { struct mixed_operation_mode_cfg_r15_s_ { bool dl_cfg_list_mixed_r15_present = false; bool ul_cfg_list_mixed_r15_present = false; bool paging_distribution_r15_present = false; bool nprach_distribution_r15_present = false; dl_cfg_common_list_nb_r14_l dl_cfg_list_mixed_r15; ul_cfg_common_list_nb_r14_l ul_cfg_list_mixed_r15; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool dl_cfg_list_r14_present = false; bool ul_cfg_list_r14_present = false; bool paging_weight_anchor_r14_present = false; bool nprach_probability_anchor_list_r14_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; dl_cfg_common_list_nb_r14_l dl_cfg_list_r14; ul_cfg_common_list_nb_r14_l ul_cfg_list_r14; paging_weight_nb_r14_e paging_weight_anchor_r14; nprach_probability_anchor_list_nb_r14_l nprach_probability_anchor_list_r14; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr mixed_operation_mode_cfg_r15; copy_ptr ul_cfg_list_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType23-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type23_nb_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool ul_cfg_list_v1530_present = false; bool ul_cfg_list_mixed_v1530_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; ul_cfg_common_list_nb_v1530_l ul_cfg_list_v1530; ul_cfg_common_list_nb_v1530_l ul_cfg_list_mixed_v1530; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType3-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type3_nb_r13_s { struct cell_resel_info_common_r13_s_ { struct q_hyst_r13_opts { enum options { db0, db1, db2, db3, db4, db5, db6, db8, db10, db12, db14, db16, db18, db20, db22, db24, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated q_hyst_r13_e_; // member variables q_hyst_r13_e_ q_hyst_r13; }; struct cell_resel_serving_freq_info_r13_s_ { uint8_t s_non_intra_search_r13 = 0; }; struct intra_freq_cell_resel_info_r13_s_ { bool q_qual_min_r13_present = false; bool p_max_r13_present = false; int8_t q_rx_lev_min_r13 = -70; int8_t q_qual_min_r13 = -34; int8_t p_max_r13 = -30; uint8_t s_intra_search_p_r13 = 0; t_resel_nb_r13_e t_resel_r13; }; using multi_band_info_list_r13_l_ = dyn_array; // member variables bool ext = false; bool freq_band_info_r13_present = false; bool multi_band_info_list_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_resel_info_common_r13_s_ cell_resel_info_common_r13; cell_resel_serving_freq_info_r13_s_ cell_resel_serving_freq_info_r13; intra_freq_cell_resel_info_r13_s_ intra_freq_cell_resel_info_r13; ns_pmax_list_nb_r13_l freq_band_info_r13; multi_band_info_list_r13_l_ multi_band_info_list_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr intra_freq_cell_resel_info_v1350; // group 1 copy_ptr intra_freq_cell_resel_info_v1360; // group 2 copy_ptr intra_freq_cell_resel_info_v1430; // group 3 copy_ptr cell_resel_info_common_v1450; // group 4 bool npbch_rrm_cfg_r15_present = false; copy_ptr nsss_rrm_cfg_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType4-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type4_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool intra_freq_neigh_cell_list_r13_present = false; bool intra_freq_black_cell_list_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; intra_freq_neigh_cell_list_l intra_freq_neigh_cell_list_r13; intra_freq_black_cell_list_l intra_freq_black_cell_list_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr nsss_rrm_cfg_r15; copy_ptr intra_freq_neigh_cell_list_v1530; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType5-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type5_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; inter_freq_carrier_freq_list_nb_r13_l inter_freq_carrier_freq_list_r13; t_resel_nb_r13_e t_resel_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // ... // group 0 bool scptm_freq_offset_r14_present = false; uint8_t scptm_freq_offset_r14 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF PLMN-IdentityInfo-NB-r13 using plmn_id_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // SchedulingInfoList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SchedulingInfo-NB-r13 using sched_info_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // SystemInfoValueTagList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..3) using sys_info_value_tag_list_nb_r13_l = bounded_array; // SystemInformation-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sys_info_nb_r13_ies_s { struct sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sib2_r13, sib3_r13, sib4_r13, sib5_r13, sib14_r13, sib16_r13, // ... sib15_v1430, sib20_v1430, sib22_v1430, sib23_v1530, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_() = default; sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_(const sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_& other); sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_& operator=(const sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_& other); ~sib_type_and_info_r13_item_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters sib_type2_nb_r13_s& sib2_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib2_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type3_nb_r13_s& sib3_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib3_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type4_nb_r13_s& sib4_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib4_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type5_nb_r13_s& sib5_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib5_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type14_nb_r13_s& sib14_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib14_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type16_nb_r13_s& sib16_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib16_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type15_nb_r14_s& sib15_v1430() { assert_choice_type(types::sib15_v1430, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type20_nb_r14_s& sib20_v1430() { assert_choice_type(types::sib20_v1430, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type22_nb_r14_s& sib22_v1430() { assert_choice_type(types::sib22_v1430, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type23_nb_r15_s& sib23_v1530() { assert_choice_type(types::sib23_v1530, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type2_nb_r13_s& sib2_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib2_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type3_nb_r13_s& sib3_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib3_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type4_nb_r13_s& sib4_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib4_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type5_nb_r13_s& sib5_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib5_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type14_nb_r13_s& sib14_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib14_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type16_nb_r13_s& sib16_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib16_r13, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type15_nb_r14_s& sib15_v1430() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib15_v1430, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type20_nb_r14_s& sib20_v1430() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib20_v1430, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type22_nb_r14_s& sib22_v1430() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib22_v1430, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } const sib_type23_nb_r15_s& sib23_v1530() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib23_v1530, type_, "sib-TypeAndInfo-r13-item"); return c.get(); } sib_type2_nb_r13_s& set_sib2_r13(); sib_type3_nb_r13_s& set_sib3_r13(); sib_type4_nb_r13_s& set_sib4_r13(); sib_type5_nb_r13_s& set_sib5_r13(); sib_type14_nb_r13_s& set_sib14_r13(); sib_type16_nb_r13_s& set_sib16_r13(); sib_type15_nb_r14_s& set_sib15_v1430(); sib_type20_nb_r14_s& set_sib20_v1430(); sib_type22_nb_r14_s& set_sib22_v1430(); sib_type23_nb_r15_s& set_sib23_v1530(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; using sib_type_and_info_r13_l_ = dyn_array; // member variables bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; sib_type_and_info_r13_l_ sib_type_and_info_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-NB-v1350 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_nb_v1350_s { bool cell_sel_info_v1350_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_sel_info_nb_v1350_s cell_sel_info_v1350; sib_type1_nb_v1430_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformation-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct sys_info_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sys_info_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters sys_info_nb_r13_ies_s& sys_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sys_info_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const sys_info_nb_r13_ies_s& sys_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sys_info_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } sys_info_nb_r13_ies_s& set_sys_info_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; sys_info_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_nb_s { struct cell_access_related_info_r13_s_ { struct cell_barred_r13_opts { enum options { barred, not_barred, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_barred_r13_e_; struct intra_freq_resel_r13_opts { enum options { allowed, not_allowed, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated intra_freq_resel_r13_e_; // member variables plmn_id_list_nb_r13_l plmn_id_list_r13; fixed_bitstring<16> tac_r13; fixed_bitstring<28> cell_id_r13; cell_barred_r13_e_ cell_barred_r13; intra_freq_resel_r13_e_ intra_freq_resel_r13; }; struct cell_sel_info_r13_s_ { int8_t q_rx_lev_min_r13 = -70; int8_t q_qual_min_r13 = -34; }; struct eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_e_; struct nrs_crs_pwr_offset_r13_opts { enum options { db_minus6, db_minus4dot77, db_minus3, db_minus1dot77, db0, db1, db1dot23, db2, db3, db4, db4dot23, db5, db6, db7, db8, db9, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated nrs_crs_pwr_offset_r13_e_; struct si_win_len_r13_opts { enum options { ms160, ms320, ms480, ms640, ms960, ms1280, ms1600, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_win_len_r13_e_; // member variables bool p_max_r13_present = false; bool freq_band_info_r13_present = false; bool multi_band_info_list_r13_present = false; bool dl_bitmap_r13_present = false; bool eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_present = false; bool nrs_crs_pwr_offset_r13_present = false; bool si_radio_frame_offset_r13_present = false; bool sys_info_value_tag_list_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; fixed_bitstring<8> hyper_sfn_msb_r13; cell_access_related_info_r13_s_ cell_access_related_info_r13; cell_sel_info_r13_s_ cell_sel_info_r13; int8_t p_max_r13 = -30; uint16_t freq_band_ind_r13 = 1; ns_pmax_list_nb_r13_l freq_band_info_r13; multi_band_info_list_nb_r13_l multi_band_info_list_r13; dl_bitmap_nb_r13_c dl_bitmap_r13; eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13_e_ eutra_ctrl_region_size_r13; nrs_crs_pwr_offset_r13_e_ nrs_crs_pwr_offset_r13; sched_info_list_nb_r13_l sched_info_list_r13; si_win_len_r13_e_ si_win_len_r13; uint8_t si_radio_frame_offset_r13 = 1; sys_info_value_tag_list_nb_r13_l sys_info_value_tag_list_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; sib_type1_nb_v1350_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct bcch_dl_sch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sys_info_r13, sib_type1_r13, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; c1_c_(const c1_c_& other); c1_c_& operator=(const c1_c_& other); ~c1_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters sys_info_nb_s& sys_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sys_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } sib_type1_nb_s& sib_type1_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sib_type1_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const sys_info_nb_s& sys_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sys_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const sib_type1_nb_s& sib_type1_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sib_type1_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } sys_info_nb_s& set_sys_info_r13(); sib_type1_nb_s& set_sib_type1_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods bcch_dl_sch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // BCCH-DL-SCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct bcch_dl_sch_msg_nb_s { bcch_dl_sch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishment-NB-v1430-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_nb_v1430_ies_s { bool dl_nas_mac_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; fixed_bitstring<16> dl_nas_mac; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCEarlyDataComplete-NB-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_early_data_complete_nb_v1590_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RedirectedCarrierInfo-NB-r13 ::= CarrierFreq-NB-r13 using redirected_carrier_info_nb_r13_s = carrier_freq_nb_r13_s; // RedirectedCarrierInfo-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct redirected_carrier_info_nb_v1430_s { struct redirected_carrier_offset_ded_r14_opts { enum options { db1, db2, db3, db4, db5, db6, db8, db10, db12, db14, db16, db18, db20, db22, db24, db26, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated redirected_carrier_offset_ded_r14_e_; struct t322_r14_opts { enum options { min5, min10, min20, min30, min60, min120, min180, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t322_r14_e_; // member variables redirected_carrier_offset_ded_r14_e_ redirected_carrier_offset_ded_r14; t322_r14_e_ t322_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishment-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; rr_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s rr_cfg_ded_r13; uint8_t next_hop_chaining_count_r13 = 0; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; rrc_conn_reest_nb_v1430_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReject-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reject_nb_r13_ies_s { bool rrc_suspend_ind_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; uint16_t extended_wait_time_r13 = 1; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionSetup-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_setup_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; rr_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s rr_cfg_ded_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCEarlyDataComplete-NB-r15-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_ies_s { bool ded_info_nas_r15_present = false; bool extended_wait_time_r15_present = false; bool redirected_carrier_info_r15_present = false; bool redirected_carrier_info_ext_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r15; uint16_t extended_wait_time_r15 = 1; redirected_carrier_info_nb_r13_s redirected_carrier_info_r15; redirected_carrier_info_nb_v1430_s redirected_carrier_info_ext_r15; rrc_early_data_complete_nb_v1590_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishment-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reest_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reest_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const rrc_conn_reest_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } rrc_conn_reest_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_reest_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReject-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reject_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reject_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reject_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reject_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const rrc_conn_reject_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reject_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } rrc_conn_reject_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reject_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_reject_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionSetup-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_setup_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_setup_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_setup_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_setup_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const rrc_conn_setup_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_setup_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } rrc_conn_setup_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_setup_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_setup_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCEarlyDataComplete-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_early_data_complete_r15, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_ies_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_ies_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_ies_s& set_rrc_early_data_complete_r15(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_ies_s c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-CCCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct dl_ccch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reest_r13, rrc_conn_reest_reject_r13, rrc_conn_reject_r13, rrc_conn_setup_r13, rrc_early_data_complete_r15, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; c1_c_(const c1_c_& other); c1_c_& operator=(const c1_c_& other); ~c1_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reest_nb_s& rrc_conn_reest_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_reest_reject_s& rrc_conn_reest_reject_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_reject_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_reject_nb_s& rrc_conn_reject_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_setup_nb_s& rrc_conn_setup_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_reest_nb_s& rrc_conn_reest_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_reest_reject_s& rrc_conn_reest_reject_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_reject_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_reject_nb_s& rrc_conn_reject_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_setup_nb_s& rrc_conn_setup_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_reest_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_r13(); rrc_conn_reest_reject_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_reject_r13(); rrc_conn_reject_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_reject_r13(); rrc_conn_setup_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_setup_r13(); rrc_early_data_complete_nb_r15_s& set_rrc_early_data_complete_r15(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_ccch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "DL-CCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "DL-CCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // DL-CCCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_ccch_msg_nb_s { dl_ccch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionRelease-NB-v15b0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_release_nb_v15b0_ies_s { bool no_last_cell_upd_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RedirectedCarrierInfo-NB-v1550 ::= CarrierFreq-NB-v1550 using redirected_carrier_info_nb_v1550_s = carrier_freq_nb_v1550_s; // RRCConnectionRelease-NB-v1550-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_release_nb_v1550_ies_s { bool redirected_carrier_info_v1550_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; redirected_carrier_info_nb_v1550_s redirected_carrier_info_v1550; rrc_conn_release_nb_v15b0_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionRelease-NB-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_release_nb_v1530_ies_s { bool drb_continue_rohc_r15_present = false; bool next_hop_chaining_count_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; uint8_t next_hop_chaining_count_r15 = 0; rrc_conn_release_nb_v1550_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionRelease-NB-v1430-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_release_nb_v1430_ies_s { bool redirected_carrier_info_v1430_present = false; bool extended_wait_time_cpdata_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; redirected_carrier_info_nb_v1430_s redirected_carrier_info_v1430; uint16_t extended_wait_time_cpdata_r14 = 1; rrc_conn_release_nb_v1530_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ReleaseCause-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct release_cause_nb_r13_opts { enum options { load_balancing_ta_urequired, other, rrc_suspend, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated release_cause_nb_r13_e; // DLInformationTransfer-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReconfiguration-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_recfg_nb_r13_ies_s { using ded_info_nas_list_r13_l_ = bounded_array; // member variables bool ded_info_nas_list_r13_present = false; bool rr_cfg_ded_r13_present = false; bool full_cfg_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; ded_info_nas_list_r13_l_ ded_info_nas_list_r13; rr_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s rr_cfg_ded_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionRelease-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_release_nb_r13_ies_s { bool resume_id_r13_present = false; bool extended_wait_time_r13_present = false; bool redirected_carrier_info_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; release_cause_nb_r13_e release_cause_r13; fixed_bitstring<40> resume_id_r13; uint16_t extended_wait_time_r13 = 1; redirected_carrier_info_nb_r13_s redirected_carrier_info_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; rrc_conn_release_nb_v1430_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResume-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_nb_r13_ies_s { bool rr_cfg_ded_r13_present = false; bool drb_continue_rohc_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; rr_cfg_ded_nb_r13_s rr_cfg_ded_r13; uint8_t next_hop_chaining_count_r13 = 0; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UECapabilityEnquiry-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_enquiry_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DLInformationTransfer-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_info_transfer_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { dl_info_transfer_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s& dl_info_transfer_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::dl_info_transfer_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const dl_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s& dl_info_transfer_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::dl_info_transfer_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } dl_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s& set_dl_info_transfer_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; dl_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReconfiguration-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_recfg_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_recfg_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_recfg_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_recfg_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const rrc_conn_recfg_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_recfg_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } rrc_conn_recfg_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_recfg_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_recfg_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionRelease-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_release_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_release_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_release_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_release_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_release_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const rrc_conn_release_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_release_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_release_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } rrc_conn_release_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_release_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_release_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResume-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_resume_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_resume_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_resume_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const rrc_conn_resume_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_resume_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } rrc_conn_resume_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_resume_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_resume_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UECapabilityEnquiry-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_enquiry_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ue_cap_enquiry_r13, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ue_cap_enquiry_nb_r13_ies_s& ue_cap_enquiry_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_enquiry_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const ue_cap_enquiry_nb_r13_ies_s& ue_cap_enquiry_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_enquiry_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } ue_cap_enquiry_nb_r13_ies_s& set_ue_cap_enquiry_r13(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; ue_cap_enquiry_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DL-DCCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct dl_dcch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { dl_info_transfer_r13, rrc_conn_recfg_r13, rrc_conn_release_r13, security_mode_cmd_r13, ue_cap_enquiry_r13, rrc_conn_resume_r13, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; c1_c_(const c1_c_& other); c1_c_& operator=(const c1_c_& other); ~c1_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_info_transfer_nb_s& dl_info_transfer_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::dl_info_transfer_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_recfg_nb_s& rrc_conn_recfg_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_release_nb_s& rrc_conn_release_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_release_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } security_mode_cmd_s& security_mode_cmd_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::security_mode_cmd_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } ue_cap_enquiry_nb_s& ue_cap_enquiry_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_enquiry_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_resume_nb_s& rrc_conn_resume_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const dl_info_transfer_nb_s& dl_info_transfer_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::dl_info_transfer_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_recfg_nb_s& rrc_conn_recfg_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_release_nb_s& rrc_conn_release_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_release_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const security_mode_cmd_s& security_mode_cmd_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::security_mode_cmd_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const ue_cap_enquiry_nb_s& ue_cap_enquiry_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_enquiry_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_resume_nb_s& rrc_conn_resume_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } dl_info_transfer_nb_s& set_dl_info_transfer_r13(); rrc_conn_recfg_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_recfg_r13(); rrc_conn_release_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_release_r13(); security_mode_cmd_s& set_security_mode_cmd_r13(); ue_cap_enquiry_nb_s& set_ue_cap_enquiry_r13(); rrc_conn_resume_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_resume_r13(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dl_dcch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "DL-DCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "DL-DCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // DL-DCCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct dl_dcch_msg_nb_s { dl_dcch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SupportedBand-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct supported_band_nb_r13_s { bool pwr_class_nb_minus20dbm_r13_present = false; uint16_t band_r13 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SupportedBandList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..64)) OF SupportedBand-NB-r13 using supported_band_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // AccessStratumRelease-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct access_stratum_release_nb_r13_opts { enum options { rel13, rel14, rel15, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, /*...*/ nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated access_stratum_release_nb_r13_e; // HandoverPreparationInformation-NB-Ext-r14-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ho_prep_info_nb_ext_r14_ies_s { bool ue_radio_access_cap_info_ext_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ue_radio_access_cap_info_ext_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PDCP-Parameters-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct pdcp_params_nb_r13_s { struct supported_rohc_profiles_r13_s_ { bool profile0x0002 = false; bool profile0x0003 = false; bool profile0x0004 = false; bool profile0x0006 = false; bool profile0x0102 = false; bool profile0x0103 = false; bool profile0x0104 = false; }; struct max_num_rohc_context_sessions_r13_opts { enum options { cs2, cs4, cs8, cs12, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated max_num_rohc_context_sessions_r13_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool max_num_rohc_context_sessions_r13_present = false; supported_rohc_profiles_r13_s_ supported_rohc_profiles_r13; max_num_rohc_context_sessions_r13_e_ max_num_rohc_context_sessions_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PhyLayerParameters-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct phy_layer_params_nb_r13_s { bool multi_tone_r13_present = false; bool multi_carrier_r13_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RF-Parameters-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct rf_params_nb_r13_s { bool multi_ns_pmax_r13_present = false; supported_band_list_nb_r13_l supported_band_list_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // HandoverPreparationInformation-NB-v1380-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ho_prep_info_nb_v1380_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; ho_prep_info_nb_ext_r14_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRM-Config-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrm_cfg_nb_s { struct ue_inactive_time_opts { enum options { s1, s2, s3, s5, s7, s10, s15, s20, s25, s30, s40, s50, min1, min1s20, min1s40, min2, min2s30, min3, min3s30, min4, min5, min6, min7, min8, min9, min10, min12, min14, min17, min20, min24, min28, min33, min38, min44, min50, hr1, hr1min30, hr2, hr2min30, hr3, hr3min30, hr4, hr5, hr6, hr8, hr10, hr13, hr16, hr20, day1, day1hr12, day2, day2hr12, day3, day4, day5, day7, day10, day14, day19, day24, day30, day_more_than30, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated ue_inactive_time_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool ue_inactive_time_present = false; ue_inactive_time_e_ ue_inactive_time; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UE-Capability-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_nb_r13_s { bool ue_category_nb_r13_present = false; bool multiple_drb_r13_present = false; bool pdcp_params_r13_present = false; bool dummy_present = false; access_stratum_release_nb_r13_e access_stratum_release_r13; pdcp_params_nb_r13_s pdcp_params_r13; phy_layer_params_nb_r13_s phy_layer_params_r13; rf_params_nb_r13_s rf_params_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // HandoverPreparationInformation-NB-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ho_prep_info_nb_ies_s { bool rrm_cfg_r13_present = false; bool as_context_r13_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; ue_cap_nb_r13_s ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13; as_cfg_nb_s as_cfg_r13; rrm_cfg_nb_s rrm_cfg_r13; as_context_nb_s as_context_r13; ho_prep_info_nb_v1380_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // HandoverPreparationInformation-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ho_prep_info_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ho_prep_info_r13, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ho_prep_info_nb_ies_s& ho_prep_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ho_prep_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const ho_prep_info_nb_ies_s& ho_prep_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ho_prep_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } ho_prep_info_nb_ies_s& set_ho_prep_info_r13(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; ho_prep_info_nb_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultServCell-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_serv_cell_nb_r14_s { uint8_t nrsrp_result_r14 = 0; int8_t nrsrq_result_r14 = -30; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PagingRecord-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct paging_record_nb_r13_s { bool ext = false; paging_ue_id_c ue_id_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PagingRecordList-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF PagingRecord-NB-r13 using paging_record_list_nb_r13_l = dyn_array; // Paging-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct paging_nb_s { bool paging_record_list_r13_present = false; bool sys_info_mod_r13_present = false; bool sys_info_mod_e_drx_r13_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; paging_record_list_nb_r13_l paging_record_list_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PCCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct pcch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { paging_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods types type() const { return types::paging_r13; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters paging_nb_s& paging_r13() { return c; } const paging_nb_s& paging_r13() const { return c; } private: paging_nb_s c; }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods pcch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "PCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "PCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // PCCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct pcch_msg_nb_s { pcch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PCI-ARFCN-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct pci_arfcn_nb_r14_s { bool carrier_freq_r14_present = false; uint16_t pci_r14 = 0; carrier_freq_nb_r13_s carrier_freq_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete-NB-v1470-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_v1470_ies_s { bool meas_result_serv_cell_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; meas_result_serv_cell_nb_r14_s meas_result_serv_cell_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_v1470_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CQI-NPDCCH-NB-r14 ::= ENUMERATED struct cqi_npdcch_nb_r14_opts { enum options { no_meass, candidate_rep_a, candidate_rep_b, candidate_rep_c, candidate_rep_d, candidate_rep_e, candidate_rep_f, candidate_rep_g, candidate_rep_h, candidate_rep_i, candidate_rep_j, candidate_rep_k, candidate_rep_l, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cqi_npdcch_nb_r14_e; // CQI-NPDCCH-Short-NB-r14 ::= ENUMERATED struct cqi_npdcch_short_nb_r14_opts { enum options { no_meass, candidate_rep_minus1, candidate_rep_minus2, candidate_rep_minus3, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated cqi_npdcch_short_nb_r14_e; // ReestabUE-Identity-CP-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct reestab_ue_id_cp_nb_r14_s { s_tmsi_s s_tmsi_r14; fixed_bitstring<16> ul_nas_mac_r14; fixed_bitstring<5> ul_nas_count_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ReestablishmentCause-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct reest_cause_nb_r13_opts { enum options { recfg_fail, other_fail, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated reest_cause_nb_r13_e; // RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r13_ies_s { reestab_ue_id_s ue_id_r13; reest_cause_nb_r13_e reest_cause_r13; cqi_npdcch_nb_r14_e cqi_npdcch_r14; bool early_contention_resolution_r14 = false; fixed_bitstring<20> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest-NB-r14-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r14_ies_s { reestab_ue_id_cp_nb_r14_s ue_id_r14; reest_cause_nb_r13_e reest_cause_r14; cqi_npdcch_short_nb_r14_e cqi_npdcch_r14; bool early_contention_resolution_r14 = false; fixed_bitstring<1> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct later_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reest_request_r14, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods later_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r14_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_request_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_request_r14, type_, "later"); return c; } const rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r14_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_request_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_request_r14, type_, "later"); return c; } rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r14_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_request_r14(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r14_ies_s c; }; struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reest_request_r13, later, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; crit_exts_c_(const crit_exts_c_& other); crit_exts_c_& operator=(const crit_exts_c_& other); ~crit_exts_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_request_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_request_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c.get(); } later_c_& later() { assert_choice_type(types::later, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_request_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_request_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c.get(); } const later_c_& later() const { assert_choice_type(types::later, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_request_r13(); later_c_& set_later(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // EstablishmentCause-NB-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct establishment_cause_nb_r13_opts { enum options { mt_access, mo_sig, mo_data, mo_exception_data, delay_tolerant_access_v1330, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated establishment_cause_nb_r13_e; // RRCConnectionRequest-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_request_nb_r13_ies_s { bool multi_tone_support_r13_present = false; bool multi_carrier_support_r13_present = false; init_ue_id_c ue_id_r13; establishment_cause_nb_r13_e establishment_cause_r13; bool early_contention_resolution_r14 = false; cqi_npdcch_nb_r14_e cqi_npdcch_r14; fixed_bitstring<17> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionRequest-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_request_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_request_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_request_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_request_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_request_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_conn_request_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_request_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_request_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_conn_request_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_request_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_request_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResumeComplete-NB-v1470-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_v1470_ies_s { bool meas_result_serv_cell_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; meas_result_serv_cell_nb_r14_s meas_result_serv_cell_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResumeComplete-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_r13_ies_s { bool sel_plmn_id_r13_present = false; bool ded_info_nas_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; uint8_t sel_plmn_id_r13 = 1; dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_v1470_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResumeComplete-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResumeRequest-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_r13_ies_s { fixed_bitstring<40> resume_id_r13; fixed_bitstring<16> short_resume_mac_i_r13; establishment_cause_nb_r13_e resume_cause_r13; bool early_contention_resolution_r14 = false; cqi_npdcch_nb_r14_e cqi_npdcch_r14; fixed_bitstring<4> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionResumeRequest-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_resume_request_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_resume_request_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_request_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_resume_request_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_request_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_resume_request_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionSetupComplete-NB-v1470-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_v1470_ies_s { bool meas_result_serv_cell_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; meas_result_serv_cell_nb_r14_s meas_result_serv_cell_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionSetupComplete-NB-v1430-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_v1430_ies_s { bool gummei_type_r14_present = false; bool dcn_id_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; uint32_t dcn_id_r14 = 0; rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_v1470_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionSetupComplete-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_r13_ies_s { bool s_tmsi_r13_present = false; bool registered_mme_r13_present = false; bool attach_without_pdn_connect_r13_present = false; bool up_cio_t_eps_optim_r13_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; uint8_t sel_plmn_id_r13 = 1; s_tmsi_s s_tmsi_r13; registered_mme_s registered_mme_r13; dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_v1430_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCConnectionSetupComplete-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_r13_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCEarlyDataRequest-NB-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_early_data_request_nb_v1590_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCEarlyDataRequest-NB-r15-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_ies_s { struct establishment_cause_r15_opts { enum options { mo_data, mo_exception_data, delay_tolerant_access, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated establishment_cause_r15_e_; // member variables bool cqi_npdcch_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; s_tmsi_s s_tmsi_r15; establishment_cause_r15_e_ establishment_cause_r15; cqi_npdcch_nb_r14_e cqi_npdcch_r15; dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r15; rrc_early_data_request_nb_v1590_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RRCEarlyDataRequest-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_early_data_request_r15, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_ies_s& rrc_early_data_request_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_request_r15, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_ies_s& rrc_early_data_request_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_request_r15, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_ies_s& set_rrc_early_data_request_r15(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_ies_s c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SC-MTCH-SchedulingInfo-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct sc_mtch_sched_info_nb_r14_s { struct on_dur_timer_scptm_r14_opts { enum options { pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, spare, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated on_dur_timer_scptm_r14_e_; struct drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14_opts { enum options { pp0, pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp8, pp16, pp32, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14_e_; struct sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sf10, sf20, sf32, sf40, sf64, sf80, sf128, sf160, sf256, sf320, sf512, sf640, sf1024, sf2048, sf4096, sf8192, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_() = default; sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_(const sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_& other); sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_& operator=(const sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_& other); ~sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& sf10() { assert_choice_type(types::sf10, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf20() { assert_choice_type(types::sf20, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf32() { assert_choice_type(types::sf32, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf40() { assert_choice_type(types::sf40, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf64() { assert_choice_type(types::sf64, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf80() { assert_choice_type(types::sf80, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf128() { assert_choice_type(types::sf128, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf160() { assert_choice_type(types::sf160, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf256() { assert_choice_type(types::sf256, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf320() { assert_choice_type(types::sf320, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf512() { assert_choice_type(types::sf512, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf640() { assert_choice_type(types::sf640, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf1024() { assert_choice_type(types::sf1024, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf2048() { assert_choice_type(types::sf2048, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf4096() { assert_choice_type(types::sf4096, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& sf8192() { assert_choice_type(types::sf8192, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf10() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf10, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf20() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf20, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf32() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf32, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf40() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf40, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf64() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf64, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf80() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf80, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf128() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf128, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf160() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf160, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf256() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf256, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf320() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf320, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf512() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf512, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf640() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf640, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf1024() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf1024, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf2048() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf2048, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf4096() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf4096, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& sf8192() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf8192, type_, "schedulingPeriodStartOffsetSCPTM-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_sf10(); uint8_t& set_sf20(); uint8_t& set_sf32(); uint8_t& set_sf40(); uint8_t& set_sf64(); uint8_t& set_sf80(); uint8_t& set_sf128(); uint8_t& set_sf160(); uint16_t& set_sf256(); uint16_t& set_sf320(); uint16_t& set_sf512(); uint16_t& set_sf640(); uint16_t& set_sf1024(); uint16_t& set_sf2048(); uint16_t& set_sf4096(); uint16_t& set_sf8192(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool ext = false; on_dur_timer_scptm_r14_e_ on_dur_timer_scptm_r14; drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14_e_ drx_inactivity_timer_scptm_r14; sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14_c_ sched_period_start_offset_scptm_r14; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SC-MTCH-Info-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct sc_mtch_info_nb_r14_s { struct sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { dl_carrier_cfg_r14, dl_carrier_idx_r14, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_() = default; sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_(const sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_& other); sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_& operator=(const sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_& other); ~sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s& dl_carrier_cfg_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_cfg_r14, type_, "sc-mtch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& dl_carrier_idx_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_idx_r14, type_, "sc-mtch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } const dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s& dl_carrier_cfg_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_cfg_r14, type_, "sc-mtch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& dl_carrier_idx_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::dl_carrier_idx_r14, type_, "sc-mtch-CarrierConfig-r14"); return c.get(); } dl_carrier_cfg_common_nb_r14_s& set_dl_carrier_cfg_r14(); uint8_t& set_dl_carrier_idx_r14(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct npdcch_npdsch_max_tbs_sc_mtch_r14_opts { enum options { n680, n2536, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_npdsch_max_tbs_sc_mtch_r14_e_; struct npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mtch_r14_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, r128, r256, r512, r1024, r2048, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mtch_r14_e_; struct npdcch_start_sf_sc_mtch_r14_opts { enum options { v1dot5, v2, v4, v8, v16, v32, v48, v64, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_start_sf_sc_mtch_r14_e_; struct npdcch_offset_sc_mtch_r14_opts { enum options { zero, one_eighth, one_quarter, three_eighth, one_half, five_eighth, three_quarter, seven_eighth, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated npdcch_offset_sc_mtch_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool sc_mtch_sched_info_r14_present = false; bool sc_mtch_neighbour_cell_r14_present = false; sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14_c_ sc_mtch_carrier_cfg_r14; mbms_session_info_r13_s mbms_session_info_r14; fixed_bitstring<16> g_rnti_r14; sc_mtch_sched_info_nb_r14_s sc_mtch_sched_info_r14; fixed_bitstring<8> sc_mtch_neighbour_cell_r14; npdcch_npdsch_max_tbs_sc_mtch_r14_e_ npdcch_npdsch_max_tbs_sc_mtch_r14; npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mtch_r14_e_ npdcch_num_repeats_sc_mtch_r14; npdcch_start_sf_sc_mtch_r14_e_ npdcch_start_sf_sc_mtch_r14; npdcch_offset_sc_mtch_r14_e_ npdcch_offset_sc_mtch_r14; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SC-MTCH-InfoList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..64)) OF SC-MTCH-Info-NB-r14 using sc_mtch_info_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // SCPTM-NeighbourCellList-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF PCI-ARFCN-NB-r14 using scptm_neighbour_cell_list_nb_r14_l = dyn_array; // SCPTMConfiguration-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct scptm_cfg_nb_r14_s { bool scptm_neighbour_cell_list_r14_present = false; bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; sc_mtch_info_list_nb_r14_l sc_mtch_info_list_r14; scptm_neighbour_cell_list_nb_r14_l scptm_neighbour_cell_list_r14; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SC-MCCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct sc_mcch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { scptm_cfg_r14, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods types type() const { return types::scptm_cfg_r14; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters scptm_cfg_nb_r14_s& scptm_cfg_r14() { return c; } const scptm_cfg_nb_r14_s& scptm_cfg_r14() const { return c; } private: scptm_cfg_nb_r14_s c; }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods sc_mcch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "SC-MCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "SC-MCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // SC-MCCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct sc_mcch_msg_nb_s { sc_mcch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PhyLayerParameters-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct phy_layer_params_nb_v1430_s { bool multi_carrier_nprach_r14_present = false; bool two_harq_processes_r14_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PhyLayerParameters-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct phy_layer_params_nb_v1530_s { bool mixed_operation_mode_r15_present = false; bool sr_with_harq_ack_r15_present = false; bool sr_without_harq_ack_r15_present = false; bool nprach_format2_r15_present = false; bool add_tx_sib1_r15_present = false; bool npusch_minus3dot75k_hz_scs_tdd_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // TDD-UE-Capability-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct tdd_ue_cap_nb_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool ue_category_nb_r15_present = false; bool phy_layer_params_rel13_r15_present = false; bool phy_layer_params_rel14_r15_present = false; bool phy_layer_params_v1530_present = false; phy_layer_params_nb_r13_s phy_layer_params_rel13_r15; phy_layer_params_nb_v1430_s phy_layer_params_rel14_r15; phy_layer_params_nb_v1530_s phy_layer_params_v1530; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MAC-Parameters-NB-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct mac_params_nb_v1530_s { bool sr_sps_bsr_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RLC-Parameters-NB-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct rlc_params_nb_r15_s { bool rlc_um_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UE-Capability-NB-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_nb_v1530_ies_s { bool early_data_up_r15_present = false; bool phy_layer_params_v1530_present = false; bool tdd_ue_cap_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; rlc_params_nb_r15_s rlc_params_r15; mac_params_nb_v1530_s mac_params_v1530; phy_layer_params_nb_v1530_s phy_layer_params_v1530; tdd_ue_cap_nb_r15_s tdd_ue_cap_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PhyLayerParameters-NB-v1440 ::= SEQUENCE struct phy_layer_params_nb_v1440_s { bool interference_randomisation_r14_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UE-Capability-NB-v14x0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_nb_v14x0_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; ue_cap_nb_v1530_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MAC-Parameters-NB-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct mac_params_nb_r14_s { bool data_inact_mon_r14_present = false; bool rai_support_r14_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RF-Parameters-NB-v1430 ::= SEQUENCE struct rf_params_nb_v1430_s { bool pwr_class_nb_minus14dbm_r14_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UE-Capability-NB-v1440-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_nb_v1440_ies_s { bool phy_layer_params_v1440_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; phy_layer_params_nb_v1440_s phy_layer_params_v1440; ue_cap_nb_v14x0_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UE-Capability-NB-Ext-r14-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_nb_ext_r14_ies_s { bool ue_category_nb_r14_present = false; bool mac_params_r14_present = false; bool phy_layer_params_v1430_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; mac_params_nb_r14_s mac_params_r14; phy_layer_params_nb_v1430_s phy_layer_params_v1430; rf_params_nb_v1430_s rf_params_v1430; ue_cap_nb_v1440_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UE-RadioPagingInfo-NB-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_paging_info_nb_r13_s { struct wake_up_signal_min_gap_e_drx_r15_opts { enum options { ms40, ms240, ms1000, ms2000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated wake_up_signal_min_gap_e_drx_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool ue_category_nb_r13_present = false; // ... // group 0 bool multi_carrier_paging_r14_present = false; // group 1 bool mixed_operation_mode_r15_present = false; bool wake_up_signal_r15_present = false; bool wake_up_signal_min_gap_e_drx_r15_present = false; bool multi_carrier_paging_tdd_r15_present = false; wake_up_signal_min_gap_e_drx_r15_e_ wake_up_signal_min_gap_e_drx_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UECapabilityInformation-NB-Ext-r14-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_info_nb_ext_r14_ies_s { bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ue_cap_container_ext_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UECapabilityInformation-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_info_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; ue_cap_nb_r13_s ue_cap_r13; ue_radio_paging_info_nb_r13_s ue_radio_paging_info_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; ue_cap_info_nb_ext_r14_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UECapabilityInformation-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_cap_info_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ue_cap_info_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ue_cap_info_nb_r13_ies_s& ue_cap_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_info_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const ue_cap_info_nb_r13_ies_s& ue_cap_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_info_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } ue_cap_info_nb_r13_ies_s& set_ue_cap_info_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; ue_cap_info_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0; crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UEPagingCoverageInformation-NB-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_paging_coverage_info_nb_ies_s { bool npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r13_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; uint16_t npdcch_num_repeat_paging_r13 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UEPagingCoverageInformation-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_paging_coverage_info_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ue_paging_coverage_info_r13, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ue_paging_coverage_info_nb_ies_s& ue_paging_coverage_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_paging_coverage_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const ue_paging_coverage_info_nb_ies_s& ue_paging_coverage_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_paging_coverage_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } ue_paging_coverage_info_nb_ies_s& set_ue_paging_coverage_info_r13(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; ue_paging_coverage_info_nb_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-NB-r14-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_r14_ies_s { bool ue_radio_access_cap_info_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ue_radio_access_cap_info_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-NB-v1380-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_v1380_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_r14_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-NB-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_ies_s { bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13; ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_v1380_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UERadioAccessCapabilityInformation-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_ies_s& ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_ies_s& ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_ies_s& set_ue_radio_access_cap_info_r13(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; ue_radio_access_cap_info_nb_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UERadioPagingInformation-NB-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_paging_info_nb_ies_s { bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ue_radio_paging_info_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UERadioPagingInformation-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_radio_paging_info_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ue_radio_paging_info_r13, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ue_radio_paging_info_nb_ies_s& ue_radio_paging_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_radio_paging_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } const ue_radio_paging_info_nb_ies_s& ue_radio_paging_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_radio_paging_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c; } ue_radio_paging_info_nb_ies_s& set_ue_radio_paging_info_r13(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; ue_radio_paging_info_nb_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-CCCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct ul_ccch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_reest_request_r13, rrc_conn_request_r13, rrc_conn_resume_request_r13, rrc_early_data_request_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; c1_c_(const c1_c_& other); c1_c_& operator=(const c1_c_& other); ~c1_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_s& rrc_conn_reest_request_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_request_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_request_nb_s& rrc_conn_request_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_request_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_s& rrc_conn_resume_request_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_request_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_s& rrc_early_data_request_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_request_r15, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_s& rrc_conn_reest_request_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_request_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_request_nb_s& rrc_conn_request_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_request_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_s& rrc_conn_resume_request_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_request_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_s& rrc_early_data_request_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_request_r15, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_reest_request_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_request_r13(); rrc_conn_request_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_request_r13(); rrc_conn_resume_request_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_resume_request_r13(); rrc_early_data_request_nb_r15_s& set_rrc_early_data_request_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods ul_ccch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "UL-CCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "UL-CCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // UL-CCCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_ccch_msg_nb_s { ul_ccch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ULInformationTransfer-NB-r13-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r13; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ULInformationTransfer-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_info_transfer_nb_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ul_info_transfer_r13, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters ul_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s& ul_info_transfer_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ul_info_transfer_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const ul_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s& ul_info_transfer_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ul_info_transfer_r13, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } ul_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s& set_ul_info_transfer_r13(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; ul_info_transfer_nb_r13_ies_s c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-DCCH-MessageType-NB ::= CHOICE struct ul_dcch_msg_type_nb_c { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13, rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13, rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13, security_mode_complete_r13, security_mode_fail_r13, ue_cap_info_r13, ul_info_transfer_r13, rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; c1_c_(const c1_c_& other); c1_c_& operator=(const c1_c_& other); ~c1_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } security_mode_complete_s& security_mode_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::security_mode_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } security_mode_fail_s& security_mode_fail_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::security_mode_fail_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } ue_cap_info_nb_s& ue_cap_info_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } ul_info_transfer_nb_s& ul_info_transfer_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::ul_info_transfer_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const security_mode_complete_s& security_mode_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::security_mode_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const security_mode_fail_s& security_mode_fail_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::security_mode_fail_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const ue_cap_info_nb_s& ue_cap_info_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ue_cap_info_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const ul_info_transfer_nb_s& ul_info_transfer_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::ul_info_transfer_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } const rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_s& rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13, type_, "c1"); return c.get(); } rrc_conn_recfg_complete_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_recfg_complete_r13(); rrc_conn_reest_complete_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_complete_r13(); rrc_conn_setup_complete_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_setup_complete_r13(); security_mode_complete_s& set_security_mode_complete_r13(); security_mode_fail_s& set_security_mode_fail_r13(); ue_cap_info_nb_s& set_ue_cap_info_r13(); ul_info_transfer_nb_s& set_ul_info_transfer_r13(); rrc_conn_resume_complete_nb_s& set_rrc_conn_resume_complete_r13(); void set_spare8(); void set_spare7(); void set_spare6(); void set_spare5(); void set_spare4(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct types_opts { enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods ul_dcch_msg_type_nb_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "UL-DCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "UL-DCCH-MessageType-NB"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_msg_class_ext(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // UL-DCCH-Message-NB ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_dcch_msg_nb_s { ul_dcch_msg_type_nb_c msg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; } // namespace rrc } // namespace asn1 #endif // SRSASN1_RRC_NBIOT_H