/* * Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Common execution parameters static uint32_t duration_execution_s; static srslte_cell_t cell_base = {.nof_prb = 6, .nof_ports = 1, .id = 0, .cp = SRSLTE_CP_NORM, .phich_length = SRSLTE_PHICH_NORM, .phich_resources = SRSLTE_PHICH_R_1_6, .frame_type = SRSLTE_FDD}; static std::string intra_meas_log_level; static std::string active_cell_list; static std::string simulation_cell_list; static int phy_lib_log_level; static srsue::phy_args_t phy_args; // On the Fly parameters static int earfcn_dl; static std::string radio_device_args; static std::string radio_device_name; static std::string radio_log_level; static float rx_gain; // Simulation parameters static float channel_period_s; static uint32_t cfi; static float ncell_attenuation_dB; static float channel_hst_fd_hz; static float channel_delay_max_us; static std::string channel_log_level; // Simulation Serving cell PDSCH parameters static bool serving_cell_pdsch_enable; static uint16_t serving_cell_pdsch_rnti; static srslte_tm_t serving_cell_pdsch_tm; static uint16_t serving_cell_pdsch_mcs; // Parsed PCI lists static std::set pcis_to_meas = {}; static std::set pcis_to_simulate = {}; // PRB allocation helpers static uint32_t prbset_num = 1, last_prbset_num = 1; static uint32_t prbset_orig = 0; unsigned int reverse(unsigned int x) { x = (((x & (uint32_t)0xaaaaaaaa) >> (uint32_t)1) | ((x & (uint32_t)0x55555555) << (uint32_t)1)); x = (((x & (uint32_t)0xcccccccc) >> (uint32_t)2) | ((x & (uint32_t)0x33333333) << (uint32_t)2)); x = (((x & (uint32_t)0xf0f0f0f0) >> (uint32_t)4) | ((x & (uint32_t)0x0f0f0f0f) << (uint32_t)4)); x = (((x & (uint32_t)0xff00ff00) >> (uint32_t)8) | ((x & (uint32_t)0x00ff00ff) << (uint32_t)8)); return ((x >> (uint32_t)16) | (x << (uint32_t)16)); } uint32_t prbset_to_bitmask() { uint32_t mask = 0; auto nb = (uint32_t)ceilf((float)cell_base.nof_prb / srslte_ra_type0_P(cell_base.nof_prb)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nb; i++) { if (i >= prbset_orig && i < prbset_orig + prbset_num) { mask = mask | ((uint32_t)0x1 << i); } } return reverse(mask) >> (uint32_t)(32 - nb); } // Test eNb class class test_enb { private: srslte_enb_dl_t enb_dl; srslte::channel_ptr channel; cf_t* signal_buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS] = {}; srslte::log_filter channel_log; public: test_enb(const srslte_cell_t& cell, const srslte::channel::args_t& channel_args) : enb_dl(), channel_log("Channel pci=" + std::to_string(cell.id)) { channel_log.set_level(channel_log_level); channel = srslte::channel_ptr(new srslte::channel(channel_args, cell_base.nof_ports)); channel->set_srate(srslte_sampling_freq_hz(cell.nof_prb)); channel->set_logger(&channel_log); // Allocate buffer for eNb for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cell_base.nof_ports; i++) { signal_buffer[i] = srslte_vec_cf_malloc(SRSLTE_SF_LEN_PRB(cell_base.nof_prb)); if (!signal_buffer[i]) { ERROR("Error allocating buffer\n"); } } if (srslte_enb_dl_init(&enb_dl, signal_buffer, cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error initiating eNb downlink\n"); } if (srslte_enb_dl_set_cell(&enb_dl, cell)) { ERROR("Error setting eNb DL cell\n"); } if (srslte_enb_dl_add_rnti(&enb_dl, serving_cell_pdsch_rnti)) { ERROR("Error adding RNTI\n"); } } int work(srslte_dl_sf_cfg_t* dl_sf, srslte_dci_cfg_t* dci_cfg, srslte_dci_dl_t* dci, srslte_softbuffer_tx_t** softbuffer_tx, uint8_t** data_tx, cf_t* baseband_buffer, const srslte::rf_timestamp_t& ts) { int ret = SRSLTE_SUCCESS; uint32_t sf_len = SRSLTE_SF_LEN_PRB(enb_dl.cell.nof_prb); srslte_enb_dl_put_base(&enb_dl, dl_sf); // Put PDSCH only if it is required if (dci && dci_cfg && softbuffer_tx && data_tx) { if (srslte_enb_dl_put_pdcch_dl(&enb_dl, dci_cfg, dci)) { ERROR("Error putting PDCCH sf_idx=%d\n", dl_sf->tti); ret = SRSLTE_ERROR; } // Create pdsch config srslte_pdsch_cfg_t pdsch_cfg; if (srslte_ra_dl_dci_to_grant(&enb_dl.cell, dl_sf, serving_cell_pdsch_tm, false, dci, &pdsch_cfg.grant)) { ERROR("Computing DL grant sf_idx=%d\n", dl_sf->tti); ret = SRSLTE_ERROR; } char str[512]; srslte_dci_dl_info(dci, str, 512); INFO("eNb PDCCH: rnti=0x%x, %s\n", serving_cell_pdsch_rnti, str); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SRSLTE_MAX_CODEWORDS; i++) { pdsch_cfg.softbuffers.tx[i] = softbuffer_tx[i]; } // Enable power allocation pdsch_cfg.power_scale = true; pdsch_cfg.p_a = 0.0f; // 0 dB pdsch_cfg.p_b = (serving_cell_pdsch_tm > SRSLTE_TM1) ? 1 : 0; // 0 dB pdsch_cfg.rnti = serving_cell_pdsch_rnti; pdsch_cfg.meas_time_en = false; if (srslte_enb_dl_put_pdsch(&enb_dl, &pdsch_cfg, data_tx) < 0) { ERROR("Error putting PDSCH sf_idx=%d\n", dl_sf->tti); ret = SRSLTE_ERROR; } srslte_pdsch_tx_info(&pdsch_cfg, str, 512); INFO("eNb PDSCH: rnti=0x%x, %s\n", serving_cell_pdsch_rnti, str); } srslte_enb_dl_gen_signal(&enb_dl); // Apply channel channel->run(signal_buffer, signal_buffer, sf_len, ts.get(0)); // Combine Tx ports for (uint32_t i = 1; i < enb_dl.cell.nof_ports; i++) { srslte_vec_sum_ccc(signal_buffer[0], signal_buffer[i], signal_buffer[0], sf_len); } // Undo srslte_enb_dl_gen_signal scaling float scale = sqrtf(cell_base.nof_prb) / 0.05f / enb_dl.ifft->cfg.symbol_sz; // Apply Neighbour cell attenuation if (enb_dl.cell.id != *pcis_to_simulate.begin()) { scale *= srslte_convert_dB_to_amplitude(-ncell_attenuation_dB); } // Scale signal srslte_vec_sc_prod_cfc(signal_buffer[0], scale, signal_buffer[0], sf_len); // Add signal to baseband buffer srslte_vec_sum_ccc(signal_buffer[0], baseband_buffer, baseband_buffer, sf_len); return ret; } ~test_enb() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < enb_dl.cell.nof_ports; i++) { if (signal_buffer[i]) { free(signal_buffer[i]); signal_buffer[i] = nullptr; } } srslte_enb_dl_free(&enb_dl); } }; class meas_itf_listener : public srsue::scell::intra_measure::meas_itf { public: typedef struct { float rsrp_avg; float rsrp_min; float rsrp_max; float rsrq_avg; float rsrq_min; float rsrq_max; uint32_t count; } cell_meas_t; std::map cells; void cell_meas_reset(uint32_t cc_idx) override {} void new_cell_meas(uint32_t cc_idx, const std::vector& meas) override { for (auto& m : meas) { uint32_t pci = m.pci; if (!cells.count(pci)) { cells[pci].rsrp_min = m.rsrp; cells[pci].rsrp_max = m.rsrp; cells[pci].rsrp_avg = m.rsrp; cells[pci].rsrq_min = m.rsrq; cells[pci].rsrq_max = m.rsrq; cells[pci].rsrq_avg = m.rsrq; cells[pci].count = 1; } else { cells[pci].rsrp_min = SRSLTE_MIN(cells[pci].rsrp_min, m.rsrp); cells[pci].rsrp_max = SRSLTE_MAX(cells[pci].rsrp_max, m.rsrp); cells[pci].rsrp_avg = (m.rsrp + cells[pci].rsrp_avg * cells[pci].count) / (cells[pci].count + 1); cells[pci].rsrq_min = SRSLTE_MIN(cells[pci].rsrq_min, m.rsrq); cells[pci].rsrq_max = SRSLTE_MAX(cells[pci].rsrq_max, m.rsrq); cells[pci].rsrq_avg = (m.rsrq + cells[pci].rsrq_avg * cells[pci].count) / (cells[pci].count + 1); cells[pci].count++; } } } bool print_stats() { printf("\n-- Statistics:\n"); uint32_t true_counts = 0; uint32_t false_counts = 0; uint32_t tti_count = (1000 * duration_execution_s) / phy_args.intra_freq_meas_period_ms; uint32_t ideal_true_counts = (pcis_to_simulate.size() - 1) * tti_count; uint32_t ideal_false_counts = tti_count * cells.size() - ideal_true_counts; for (auto& e : cells) { bool false_alarm = pcis_to_simulate.find(e.first) == pcis_to_simulate.end(); if (false_alarm) { false_counts += e.second.count; } else { true_counts += e.second.count; } printf(" pci=%03d; count=%3d; false=%s; rsrp=%+.1f|%+.1f|%+.1fdBfs; rsrq=%+.1f|%+.1f|%+.1fdB;\n", e.first, e.second.count, false_alarm ? "y" : "n", e.second.rsrp_min, e.second.rsrp_avg, e.second.rsrp_max, e.second.rsrq_min, e.second.rsrq_avg, e.second.rsrq_max); } float prob_detection = (ideal_true_counts) ? (float)true_counts / (float)ideal_true_counts : 0.0f; float prob_false_alarm = (ideal_false_counts) ? (float)false_counts / (float)ideal_false_counts : 0.0f; printf("\n"); printf(" Probability of detection: %.6f\n", prob_detection); printf(" Probability of false alarm: %.6f\n", prob_false_alarm); return (prob_detection >= 0.9f && prob_false_alarm <= 0.1f); } }; // shorten boost program options namespace namespace bpo = boost::program_options; int parse_args(int argc, char** argv) { int ret = SRSLTE_SUCCESS; bpo::options_description options; bpo::options_description common("Common execution options"); bpo::options_description over_the_air("Over the air execution options"); bpo::options_description simulation("Over the air execution options"); // clang-format off common.add_options() ("duration", bpo::value(&duration_execution_s)->default_value(60), "Duration of the execution in seconds") ("cell.nof_prb", bpo::value(&cell_base.nof_prb)->default_value(100), "Cell Number of PRB") ("cell.nof_ports", bpo::value(&cell_base.nof_ports)->default_value(1), "Cell Number of Tx ports") ("intra_meas_log_level", bpo::value(&intra_meas_log_level)->default_value("none"), "Intra measurement log level (none, warning, info, debug)") ("intra_freq_meas_len_ms", bpo::value(&phy_args.intra_freq_meas_len_ms)->default_value(20), "Intra measurement measurement length") ("intra_freq_meas_period_ms", bpo::value(&phy_args.intra_freq_meas_period_ms)->default_value(200), "Intra measurement measurement period") ("phy_lib_log_level", bpo::value(&phy_lib_log_level)->default_value(SRSLTE_VERBOSE_NONE), "Phy lib log level (0: none, 1: info, 2: debug)") ("active_cell_list", bpo::value(&active_cell_list)->default_value("10,17,24,31,38,45,52"), "Comma separated neighbour PCI cell list") ; over_the_air.add_options() ("rf.dl_earfcn", bpo::value(&earfcn_dl)->default_value(-1), "DL EARFCN (setting this param enables over-the-air execution)") ("rf.device_name", bpo::value(&radio_device_name)->default_value("auto"), "RF Device Name") ("rf.device_args", bpo::value(&radio_device_args)->default_value("auto"), "RF Device arguments") ("rf.log_level", bpo::value(&radio_log_level)->default_value("info"), "RF Log level (none, warning, info, debug)") ("rf.rx_gain", bpo::value(&rx_gain)->default_value(30.0f), "RF Receiver gain in dB") ("radio_log_level", bpo::value(&radio_log_level)->default_value("info"), "RF Log level") ; simulation.add_options() ("simulation_cell_list", bpo::value(&simulation_cell_list)->default_value("10,17,24,31,38,45,52"), "Comma separated neighbour PCI cell list") ("cell_cfi", bpo::value(&cfi)->default_value(1), "Cell CFI") ("channel_period_s", bpo::value(&channel_period_s)->default_value(16.8), "Channel period for HST and delay") ("ncell_attenuation", bpo::value(&ncell_attenuation_dB)->default_value(3.0f), "Neighbour cell attenuation relative to serving cell in dB") ("channel.hst.fd", bpo::value(&channel_hst_fd_hz)->default_value(750.0f), "Channel High Speed Train doppler in Hz. Set to 0 for disabling") ("channel.delay_max", bpo::value(&channel_delay_max_us)->default_value(4.7f), "Maximum simulated delay in microseconds. Set to 0 for disabling") ("channel.log_level", bpo::value(&channel_log_level)->default_value("info"), "Channel simulator logging level") ("serving_cell_pdsch_enable", bpo::value(&serving_cell_pdsch_enable)->default_value(true), "Enable simulated PDSCH in serving cell") ("serving_cell_pdsch_rnti", bpo::value(&serving_cell_pdsch_rnti)->default_value(0x1234), "Simulated PDSCH RNTI") ("serving_cell_pdsch_tm", bpo::value((int*) &serving_cell_pdsch_tm)->default_value(SRSLTE_TM1), "Simulated Transmission mode 0: TM1, 1: TM2, 2: TM3, 3: TM4") ("serving_cell_pdsch_mcs", bpo::value(&serving_cell_pdsch_mcs)->default_value(20), "Simulated PDSCH MCS") ; options.add(common).add(over_the_air).add(simulation).add_options() ("help", "Show this message") ; // clang-format on bpo::variables_map vm; try { bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(options).run(), vm); bpo::notify(vm); } catch (bpo::error& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; ret = SRSLTE_ERROR; } // help option was given or error - print usage and exit if (vm.count("help") || ret) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] config_file" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << options << std::endl << std::endl; ret = SRSLTE_ERROR; } return ret; } static void pci_list_parse_helper(std::string& list_str, std::set& list) { if (list_str == "all") { // Add all possible cells for (int i = 0; i < 504; i++) { list.insert(i); } } else if (list_str == "none") { // Do nothing } else if (not list_str.empty()) { // Remove spaces from neightbour cell list list_str = srslte::string_remove_char(list_str, ' '); // Add cell to known cells srslte::string_parse_list(list_str, ',', list); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ret; // Parse args if (parse_args(argc, argv)) { return SRSLTE_ERROR; } // Common for simulation and over-the-air cf_t* baseband_buffer = srslte_vec_cf_malloc(SRSLTE_SF_LEN_MAX); srslte::rf_timestamp_t ts = {}; srsue::scell::intra_measure intra_measure; srslte::log_filter logger("intra_measure"); meas_itf_listener rrc; srsue::phy_common common; // Simulation only std::vector > test_enb_v; uint8_t* data_tx[SRSLTE_MAX_TB] = {}; srslte_softbuffer_tx_t* softbuffer_tx[SRSLTE_MAX_TB] = {}; // Over-the-air only std::unique_ptr radio = nullptr; std::unique_ptr radio_log = nullptr; // Set Receiver args common.args = &phy_args; phy_args.estimator_fil_auto = false; phy_args.estimator_fil_order = 4; phy_args.estimator_fil_stddev = 1.0f; phy_args.interpolate_subframe_enabled = false; phy_args.nof_rx_ant = 1; phy_args.cfo_is_doppler = true; phy_args.cfo_integer_enabled = false; phy_args.cfo_correct_tol_hz = 1.0f; phy_args.cfo_pss_ema = DEFAULT_CFO_EMA_TRACK; phy_args.cfo_ref_mask = 1023; phy_args.cfo_loop_bw_pss = DEFAULT_CFO_BW_PSS; phy_args.cfo_loop_bw_ref = DEFAULT_CFO_BW_REF; phy_args.cfo_loop_pss_tol = DEFAULT_CFO_PSS_MIN; phy_args.cfo_loop_ref_min = DEFAULT_CFO_REF_MIN; phy_args.cfo_loop_pss_conv = DEFAULT_PSS_STABLE_TIMEOUT; phy_args.snr_estim_alg = "refs"; phy_args.snr_ema_coeff = 0.1f; phy_args.rx_gain_offset = rx_gain + 62.0f; // Set phy-lib logging level srslte_verbose = phy_lib_log_level; // Allocate PDSCH data and tx-soft-buffers only if pdsch is enabled and radio is not available for (int i = 0; i < SRSLTE_MAX_TB && serving_cell_pdsch_enable && radio == nullptr; i++) { srslte_random_t random_gen = srslte_random_init(serving_cell_pdsch_rnti); const size_t nof_bytes = (6144 * 16 * 3 / 8); softbuffer_tx[i] = (srslte_softbuffer_tx_t*)calloc(sizeof(srslte_softbuffer_tx_t), 1); if (!softbuffer_tx[i]) { ERROR("Error allocating softbuffer_tx\n"); } if (srslte_softbuffer_tx_init(softbuffer_tx[i], cell_base.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error initiating softbuffer_tx\n"); } data_tx[i] = srslte_vec_u8_malloc(nof_bytes); if (!data_tx[i]) { ERROR("Error allocating data tx\n"); } else { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nof_bytes; j++) { data_tx[i][j] = (uint8_t)srslte_random_uniform_int_dist(random_gen, 0, 255); } } srslte_random_free(random_gen); } pci_list_parse_helper(active_cell_list, pcis_to_meas); pci_list_parse_helper(simulation_cell_list, pcis_to_simulate); // Set cell_base id with the serving cell uint32_t serving_cell_id = *pcis_to_simulate.begin(); cell_base.id = serving_cell_id; logger.set_level(intra_meas_log_level); intra_measure.init(0, &common, &rrc, &logger); intra_measure.set_primary_cell(SRSLTE_MAX(earfcn_dl, 0), cell_base); if (earfcn_dl >= 0) { // Create radio log radio_log = std::unique_ptr(new srslte::log_filter("Radio")); radio_log->set_level(radio_log_level); // Create radio radio = std::unique_ptr(new srslte::radio(radio_log.get())); // Init radio srslte::rf_args_t radio_args = {}; radio_args.device_args = radio_device_args; radio_args.device_name = radio_device_name; radio_args.nof_carriers = 1; radio_args.nof_antennas = 1; radio->init(radio_args, NULL); // Set sampling rate radio->set_rx_srate(srslte_sampling_freq_hz(cell_base.nof_prb)); // Set frequency radio->set_rx_freq(0, srslte_band_fd(earfcn_dl) * 1e6); } else { // Create test eNb's if radio is not available float channel_init_time_s = 0; float channel_delay_us = 0; for (auto& pci : pcis_to_simulate) { // Initialise cell srslte_cell_t cell = cell_base; cell.id = pci; // Initialise channel and push back srslte::channel::args_t channel_args; channel_args.enable = (channel_period_s != 0); channel_args.hst_enable = (channel_hst_fd_hz != 0.0f); channel_args.hst_init_time_s = channel_init_time_s; channel_args.hst_period_s = (float)channel_period_s; channel_args.hst_fd_hz = channel_hst_fd_hz; channel_args.delay_enable = (channel_delay_max_us != 0.0f); channel_args.delay_min_us = channel_delay_us; channel_args.delay_max_us = channel_delay_us; channel_args.delay_period_s = (uint32)channel_period_s; channel_args.delay_init_time_s = channel_init_time_s; test_enb_v.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new test_enb(cell, channel_args))); // Add cell to known cells if (active_cell_list.empty()) { pcis_to_meas.insert(cell.id); } // Increase init time channel_init_time_s += channel_period_s / (float)pcis_to_simulate.size(); channel_delay_us += channel_delay_max_us / (float)pcis_to_simulate.size(); } } // pass cells to measure to intra_measure object intra_measure.set_cells_to_meas(pcis_to_meas); // Run loop for (uint32_t sf_idx = 0; sf_idx < duration_execution_s * 1000; sf_idx++) { srslte_dl_sf_cfg_t sf_cfg_dl = {}; sf_cfg_dl.tti = sf_idx % 10240; sf_cfg_dl.cfi = cfi; sf_cfg_dl.sf_type = SRSLTE_SF_NORM; // Clean buffer srslte_vec_cf_zero(baseband_buffer, SRSLTE_SF_LEN_MAX); if (radio) { // Receive radio srslte::rf_buffer_t radio_buffer(baseband_buffer, SRSLTE_SF_LEN_PRB(cell_base.nof_prb)); radio->rx_now(radio_buffer, ts); } else { // Run eNb simulator bool put_pdsch = serving_cell_pdsch_enable; for (auto& enb : test_enb_v) { if (put_pdsch) { // Reset pdsch put flag put_pdsch = false; // DCI Configuration srslte_dci_dl_t dci; srslte_dci_cfg_t dci_cfg; dci_cfg.srs_request_enabled = false; dci_cfg.ra_format_enabled = false; dci_cfg.multiple_csi_request_enabled = false; dci_cfg.is_not_ue_ss = false; // DCI Fixed values dci.pid = 0; dci.pinfo = 0; dci.rnti = serving_cell_pdsch_rnti; dci.is_tdd = false; dci.is_dwpts = false; dci.is_ra_order = false; dci.tb_cw_swap = false; dci.pconf = false; dci.power_offset = false; dci.tpc_pucch = 0; dci.ra_preamble = 0; dci.ra_mask_idx = 0; dci.srs_request = false; dci.srs_request_present = false; dci.cif_present = false; dci_cfg.cif_enabled = false; // Set PRB Allocation type dci.alloc_type = SRSLTE_RA_ALLOC_TYPE0; prbset_num = (int)ceilf((float)cell_base.nof_prb / srslte_ra_type0_P(cell_base.nof_prb)); last_prbset_num = prbset_num; dci.type0_alloc.rbg_bitmask = prbset_to_bitmask(); dci.location.L = 0; dci.location.ncce = 0; // Set TB if (serving_cell_pdsch_tm < SRSLTE_TM3) { dci.format = SRSLTE_DCI_FORMAT1; dci.tb[0].mcs_idx = serving_cell_pdsch_mcs; dci.tb[0].rv = 0; dci.tb[0].ndi = false; dci.tb[0].cw_idx = 0; dci.tb[1].mcs_idx = 0; dci.tb[1].rv = 1; } else if (serving_cell_pdsch_tm == SRSLTE_TM3) { dci.format = SRSLTE_DCI_FORMAT2A; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SRSLTE_MAX_TB; i++) { dci.tb[i].mcs_idx = serving_cell_pdsch_mcs; dci.tb[i].rv = 0; dci.tb[i].ndi = false; dci.tb[i].cw_idx = i; } } else if (serving_cell_pdsch_tm == SRSLTE_TM4) { dci.format = SRSLTE_DCI_FORMAT2; dci.pinfo = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SRSLTE_MAX_TB; i++) { dci.tb[i].mcs_idx = serving_cell_pdsch_mcs; dci.tb[i].rv = 0; dci.tb[i].ndi = false; dci.tb[i].cw_idx = i; } } else { ERROR("Wrong transmission mode (%d)\n", serving_cell_pdsch_tm); } enb->work(&sf_cfg_dl, &dci_cfg, &dci, softbuffer_tx, data_tx, baseband_buffer, ts); } else { enb->work(&sf_cfg_dl, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, baseband_buffer, ts); } } // If it is time for a measurement, wait previous to finish if (sf_idx > phy_args.intra_freq_meas_period_ms) { if (sf_idx % phy_args.intra_freq_meas_period_ms == 0) { intra_measure.wait_meas(); } } } // Increase Time counter ts.add(0.001); // Give data to intra measure component intra_measure.write(sf_idx % 10240, baseband_buffer, SRSLTE_SF_LEN_PRB(cell_base.nof_prb)); if (sf_idx % 1000 == 0) { printf("Done %.1f%%\n", (double)sf_idx * 100.0 / ((double)duration_execution_s * 1000.0)); } } // make sure last measurement has been received before stopping if (not radio) { intra_measure.wait_meas(); } // Stop intra_measure.stop(); ret = rrc.print_stats() ? SRSLTE_SUCCESS : SRSLTE_ERROR; if (radio) { radio->stop(); } if (baseband_buffer) { free(baseband_buffer); } for (auto& ptr : data_tx) { if (ptr) { free(ptr); } } for (auto& sb : softbuffer_tx) { if (sb) { srslte_softbuffer_tx_free(sb); free(sb); } } if (ret && radio == nullptr) { printf("Error\n"); } else { printf("Ok\n"); } return ret; }