/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ /******************************************************************************* * * 3GPP TS ASN1 RRC v15.11.0 (2020-09) * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SRSASN1_RRC_MEASCFG_H #define SRSASN1_RRC_MEASCFG_H #include "common_ext.h" #include "rr_common.h" namespace asn1 { namespace rrc { /******************************************************************************* * Struct Definitions ******************************************************************************/ // Q-OffsetRange ::= ENUMERATED struct q_offset_range_opts { enum options { db_minus24, db_minus22, db_minus20, db_minus18, db_minus16, db_minus14, db_minus12, db_minus10, db_minus8, db_minus6, db_minus5, db_minus4, db_minus3, db_minus2, db_minus1, db0, db1, db2, db3, db4, db5, db6, db8, db10, db12, db14, db16, db18, db20, db22, db24, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated q_offset_range_e; // SecondaryPreRegistrationZoneIdListHRPD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF INTEGER (0..255) using secondary_pre_regist_zone_id_list_hrpd_l = bounded_array; // SpeedStateScaleFactors ::= SEQUENCE struct speed_state_scale_factors_s { struct sf_medium_opts { enum options { odot25, odot5, odot75, ldot0, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sf_medium_e_; struct sf_high_opts { enum options { odot25, odot5, odot75, ldot0, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sf_high_e_; // member variables sf_medium_e_ sf_medium; sf_high_e_ sf_high; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BandIndicatorGERAN ::= ENUMERATED struct band_ind_geran_opts { enum options { dcs1800, pcs1900, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated band_ind_geran_e; // ExplicitListOfARFCNs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..31)) OF INTEGER (0..1023) using explicit_list_of_arfcns_l = bounded_array; // PreRegistrationInfoHRPD ::= SEQUENCE struct pre_regist_info_hrpd_s { bool pre_regist_zone_id_present = false; bool secondary_pre_regist_zone_id_list_present = false; bool pre_regist_allowed = false; uint16_t pre_regist_zone_id = 0; secondary_pre_regist_zone_id_list_hrpd_l secondary_pre_regist_zone_id_list; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierFreqsGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freqs_geran_s { struct following_arfcns_c_ { struct equally_spaced_arfcns_s_ { uint8_t arfcn_spacing = 1; uint8_t nof_following_arfcns = 0; }; struct types_opts { enum options { explicit_list_of_arfcns, equally_spaced_arfcns, variable_bit_map_of_arfcns, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods following_arfcns_c_() = default; following_arfcns_c_(const following_arfcns_c_& other); following_arfcns_c_& operator=(const following_arfcns_c_& other); ~following_arfcns_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const following_arfcns_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const following_arfcns_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters explicit_list_of_arfcns_l& explicit_list_of_arfcns() { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_list_of_arfcns, type_, "followingARFCNs"); return c.get(); } equally_spaced_arfcns_s_& equally_spaced_arfcns() { assert_choice_type(types::equally_spaced_arfcns, type_, "followingARFCNs"); return c.get(); } bounded_octstring<1, 16>& variable_bit_map_of_arfcns() { assert_choice_type(types::variable_bit_map_of_arfcns, type_, "followingARFCNs"); return c.get >(); } const explicit_list_of_arfcns_l& explicit_list_of_arfcns() const { assert_choice_type(types::explicit_list_of_arfcns, type_, "followingARFCNs"); return c.get(); } const equally_spaced_arfcns_s_& equally_spaced_arfcns() const { assert_choice_type(types::equally_spaced_arfcns, type_, "followingARFCNs"); return c.get(); } const bounded_octstring<1, 16>& variable_bit_map_of_arfcns() const { assert_choice_type(types::variable_bit_map_of_arfcns, type_, "followingARFCNs"); return c.get >(); } explicit_list_of_arfcns_l& set_explicit_list_of_arfcns(); equally_spaced_arfcns_s_& set_equally_spaced_arfcns(); bounded_octstring<1, 16>& set_variable_bit_map_of_arfcns(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t, equally_spaced_arfcns_s_, explicit_list_of_arfcns_l> c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables uint16_t start_arfcn = 0; band_ind_geran_e band_ind; following_arfcns_c_ following_arfcns; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const carrier_freqs_geran_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const carrier_freqs_geran_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellReselectionSubPriority-r13 ::= ENUMERATED struct cell_resel_sub_prio_r13_opts { enum options { odot2, odot4, odot6, odot8, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_resel_sub_prio_r13_e; // MTC-SSB-NR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct mtc_ssb_nr_r15_s { struct periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sf5_r15, sf10_r15, sf20_r15, sf40_r15, sf80_r15, sf160_r15, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_() = default; periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_(const periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_& other); periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_& operator=(const periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_& other); ~periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint8_t& sf5_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sf5_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf10_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sf10_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf20_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sf20_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf40_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sf40_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf80_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sf80_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& sf160_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::sf160_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf5_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf5_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf10_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf10_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf20_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf20_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf40_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf40_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf80_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf80_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& sf160_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf160_r15, type_, "periodicityAndOffset-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_sf5_r15(); uint8_t& set_sf10_r15(); uint8_t& set_sf20_r15(); uint8_t& set_sf40_r15(); uint8_t& set_sf80_r15(); uint8_t& set_sf160_r15(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct ssb_dur_r15_opts { enum options { sf1, sf2, sf3, sf4, sf5, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ssb_dur_r15_e_; // member variables periodicity_and_offset_r15_c_ periodicity_and_offset_r15; ssb_dur_r15_e_ ssb_dur_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const mtc_ssb_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const mtc_ssb_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MultiBandInfoList-r11 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (1..256) using multi_band_info_list_r11_l = bounded_array; // MultiFrequencyBandListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (1..1024) using multi_freq_band_list_nr_r15_l = bounded_array; // SS-RSSI-Measurement-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct ss_rssi_meas_r15_s { bounded_bitstring<1, 80> meas_slots_r15; uint8_t end_symbol_r15 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const ss_rssi_meas_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const ss_rssi_meas_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // SSB-ToMeasure-r15 ::= CHOICE struct ssb_to_measure_r15_c { struct types_opts { enum options { short_bitmap_r15, medium_bitmap_r15, long_bitmap_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods ssb_to_measure_r15_c() = default; ssb_to_measure_r15_c(const ssb_to_measure_r15_c& other); ssb_to_measure_r15_c& operator=(const ssb_to_measure_r15_c& other); ~ssb_to_measure_r15_c() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const ssb_to_measure_r15_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const ssb_to_measure_r15_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters fixed_bitstring<4>& short_bitmap_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::short_bitmap_r15, type_, "SSB-ToMeasure-r15"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<8>& medium_bitmap_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::medium_bitmap_r15, type_, "SSB-ToMeasure-r15"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<64>& long_bitmap_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::long_bitmap_r15, type_, "SSB-ToMeasure-r15"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<4>& short_bitmap_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::short_bitmap_r15, type_, "SSB-ToMeasure-r15"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<8>& medium_bitmap_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::medium_bitmap_r15, type_, "SSB-ToMeasure-r15"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<64>& long_bitmap_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::long_bitmap_r15, type_, "SSB-ToMeasure-r15"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<4>& set_short_bitmap_r15(); fixed_bitstring<8>& set_medium_bitmap_r15(); fixed_bitstring<64>& set_long_bitmap_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t > c; void destroy_(); }; // ThresholdListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct thres_list_nr_r15_s { bool nr_rsrp_r15_present = false; bool nr_rsrq_r15_present = false; bool nr_sinr_r15_present = false; uint8_t nr_rsrp_r15 = 0; uint8_t nr_rsrq_r15 = 0; uint8_t nr_sinr_r15 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const thres_list_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const thres_list_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MobilityStateParameters ::= SEQUENCE struct mob_state_params_s { struct t_eval_opts { enum options { s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t_eval_e_; struct t_hyst_normal_opts { enum options { s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t_hyst_normal_e_; // member variables t_eval_e_ t_eval; t_hyst_normal_e_ t_hyst_normal; uint8_t n_cell_change_medium = 1; uint8_t n_cell_change_high = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierFreqCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freq_cdma2000_s { bandclass_cdma2000_e band_class; uint16_t arfcn = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasCSI-RS-Config-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_csi_rs_cfg_r12_s { bool ext = false; uint8_t meas_csi_rs_id_r12 = 1; uint16_t pci_r12 = 0; uint16_t scrambling_id_r12 = 0; uint8_t res_cfg_r12 = 0; uint8_t sf_offset_r12 = 0; q_offset_range_e csi_rs_individual_offset_r12; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_csi_rs_cfg_r12_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_csi_rs_cfg_r12_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDD-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct pci_range_utra_fdd_r9_s { bool range_r9_present = false; uint16_t start_r9 = 0; uint16_t range_r9 = 2; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const pci_range_utra_fdd_r9_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const pci_range_utra_fdd_r9_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // AltTTT-CellsToAddMod-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct alt_ttt_cells_to_add_mod_r12_s { uint8_t cell_idx_r12 = 1; pci_range_s pci_range_r12; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const alt_ttt_cells_to_add_mod_r12_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const alt_ttt_cells_to_add_mod_r12_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // BT-NameList-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..248)) using bt_name_list_r15_l = bounded_array, 4>; // BlackCellsToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE struct black_cells_to_add_mod_s { uint8_t cell_idx = 1; pci_range_s pci_range; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const black_cells_to_add_mod_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const black_cells_to_add_mod_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellsToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE struct cells_to_add_mod_s { uint8_t cell_idx = 1; uint16_t pci = 0; q_offset_range_e cell_individual_offset; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cells_to_add_mod_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const cells_to_add_mod_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellsToAddModCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE struct cells_to_add_mod_cdma2000_s { uint8_t cell_idx = 1; uint16_t pci = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cells_to_add_mod_cdma2000_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const cells_to_add_mod_cdma2000_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellsToAddModNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct cells_to_add_mod_nr_r15_s { uint8_t cell_idx_r15 = 1; uint16_t pci_r15 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cells_to_add_mod_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const cells_to_add_mod_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellsToAddModUTRA-FDD ::= SEQUENCE struct cells_to_add_mod_utra_fdd_s { uint8_t cell_idx = 1; uint16_t pci = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cells_to_add_mod_utra_fdd_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const cells_to_add_mod_utra_fdd_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellsToAddModUTRA-TDD ::= SEQUENCE struct cells_to_add_mod_utra_tdd_s { uint8_t cell_idx = 1; uint8_t pci = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cells_to_add_mod_utra_tdd_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const cells_to_add_mod_utra_tdd_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasCSI-RS-ToAddModList-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..96)) OF MeasCSI-RS-Config-r12 using meas_csi_rs_to_add_mod_list_r12_l = dyn_array; // MeasCSI-RS-ToRemoveList-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..96)) OF INTEGER (1..96) using meas_csi_rs_to_rem_list_r12_l = dyn_array; // MeasSubframeCellList-r10 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF PhysCellIdRange using meas_sf_cell_list_r10_l = dyn_array; // PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDDList-r9 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDD-r9 using pci_range_utra_fdd_list_r9_l = dyn_array; // WLAN-ChannelList-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF INTEGER (0..255) using wlan_ch_list_r13_l = bounded_array; // WLAN-NameList-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32)) using wlan_name_list_r15_l = bounded_array, 4>; // WhiteCellsToAddMod-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct white_cells_to_add_mod_r13_s { uint8_t cell_idx_r13 = 1; pci_range_s pci_range_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const white_cells_to_add_mod_r13_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const white_cells_to_add_mod_r13_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // AltTTT-CellsToAddModList-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF AltTTT-CellsToAddMod-r12 using alt_ttt_cells_to_add_mod_list_r12_l = dyn_array; // BT-NameListConfig-r15 ::= CHOICE struct bt_name_list_cfg_r15_c { using types = setup_e; // choice methods bt_name_list_cfg_r15_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const bt_name_list_cfg_r15_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const bt_name_list_cfg_r15_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters bt_name_list_r15_l& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "BT-NameListConfig-r15"); return c; } const bt_name_list_r15_l& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "BT-NameListConfig-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); bt_name_list_r15_l& set_setup(); private: types type_; bt_name_list_r15_l c; }; // BlackCellsToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF BlackCellsToAddMod using black_cells_to_add_mod_list_l = dyn_array; // CDMA2000-Type ::= ENUMERATED struct cdma2000_type_opts { enum options { type1_xrtt, type_hrpd, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated cdma2000_type_e; // CSG-AllowedReportingCells-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct csg_allowed_report_cells_r9_s { bool pci_range_utra_fdd_list_r9_present = false; pci_range_utra_fdd_list_r9_l pci_range_utra_fdd_list_r9; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const csg_allowed_report_cells_r9_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const csg_allowed_report_cells_r9_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // CellIndexList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (1..32) using cell_idx_list_l = bounded_array; // CellsToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellsToAddMod using cells_to_add_mod_list_l = dyn_array; // CellsToAddModListCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellsToAddModCDMA2000 using cells_to_add_mod_list_cdma2000_l = dyn_array; // CellsToAddModListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellsToAddModNR-r15 using cells_to_add_mod_list_nr_r15_l = dyn_array; // CellsToAddModListUTRA-FDD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellsToAddModUTRA-FDD using cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd_l = dyn_array; // CellsToAddModListUTRA-TDD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellsToAddModUTRA-TDD using cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd_l = dyn_array; // MeasCycleSCell-r10 ::= ENUMERATED struct meas_cycle_scell_r10_opts { enum options { sf160, sf256, sf320, sf512, sf640, sf1024, sf1280, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated meas_cycle_scell_r10_e; // MeasDS-Config-r12 ::= CHOICE struct meas_ds_cfg_r12_c { struct setup_s_ { struct dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ms40_r12, ms80_r12, ms160_r12, /*...*/ nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_() = default; dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_(const dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_& other); dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_& operator=(const dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_& other); ~dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint8_t& ms40_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::ms40_r12, type_, "dmtc-PeriodOffset-r12"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& ms80_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::ms80_r12, type_, "dmtc-PeriodOffset-r12"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& ms160_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::ms160_r12, type_, "dmtc-PeriodOffset-r12"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& ms40_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::ms40_r12, type_, "dmtc-PeriodOffset-r12"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& ms80_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::ms80_r12, type_, "dmtc-PeriodOffset-r12"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& ms160_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::ms160_r12, type_, "dmtc-PeriodOffset-r12"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_ms40_r12(); uint8_t& set_ms80_r12(); uint8_t& set_ms160_r12(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { dur_fdd_r12, dur_tdd_r12, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_() = default; ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_(const ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_& other); ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_& operator=(const ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_& other); ~ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint8_t& dur_fdd_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::dur_fdd_r12, type_, "ds-OccasionDuration-r12"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& dur_tdd_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::dur_tdd_r12, type_, "ds-OccasionDuration-r12"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& dur_fdd_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::dur_fdd_r12, type_, "ds-OccasionDuration-r12"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& dur_tdd_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::dur_tdd_r12, type_, "ds-OccasionDuration-r12"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_dur_fdd_r12(); uint8_t& set_dur_tdd_r12(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool meas_csi_rs_to_rem_list_r12_present = false; bool meas_csi_rs_to_add_mod_list_r12_present = false; dmtc_period_offset_r12_c_ dmtc_period_offset_r12; ds_occasion_dur_r12_c_ ds_occasion_dur_r12; meas_csi_rs_to_rem_list_r12_l meas_csi_rs_to_rem_list_r12; meas_csi_rs_to_add_mod_list_r12_l meas_csi_rs_to_add_mod_list_r12; // ... }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_ds_cfg_r12_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_ds_cfg_r12_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_ds_cfg_r12_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasDS-Config-r12"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasDS-Config-r12"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // MeasGapConfig ::= CHOICE struct meas_gap_cfg_c { struct setup_s_ { struct gap_offset_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { gp0, gp1, // ... gp2_r14, gp3_r14, gp_ncsg0_r14, gp_ncsg1_r14, gp_ncsg2_r14, gp_ncsg3_r14, gp_non_uniform1_r14, gp_non_uniform2_r14, gp_non_uniform3_r14, gp_non_uniform4_r14, gp4_r15, gp5_r15, gp6_r15, gp7_r15, gp8_r15, gp9_r15, gp10_r15, gp11_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods gap_offset_c_() = default; gap_offset_c_(const gap_offset_c_& other); gap_offset_c_& operator=(const gap_offset_c_& other); ~gap_offset_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& gp0() { assert_choice_type(types::gp0, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp1() { assert_choice_type(types::gp1, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp2_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp2_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp3_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp3_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp_ncsg0_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg0_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp_ncsg1_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg1_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp_ncsg2_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg2_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp_ncsg3_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg3_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& gp_non_uniform1_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform1_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& gp_non_uniform2_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform2_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& gp_non_uniform3_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform3_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& gp_non_uniform4_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform4_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp4_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp4_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp5_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp5_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp6_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp6_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp7_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp7_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp8_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp8_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp9_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp9_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp10_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp10_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& gp11_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::gp11_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp0() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp0, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp1() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp1, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp2_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp2_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp3_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp3_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp_ncsg0_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg0_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp_ncsg1_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg1_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp_ncsg2_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg2_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp_ncsg3_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_ncsg3_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& gp_non_uniform1_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform1_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& gp_non_uniform2_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform2_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& gp_non_uniform3_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform3_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& gp_non_uniform4_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp_non_uniform4_r14, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp4_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp4_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp5_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp5_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp6_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp6_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp7_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp7_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp8_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp8_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp9_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp9_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp10_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp10_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& gp11_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::gp11_r15, type_, "gapOffset"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_gp0(); uint8_t& set_gp1(); uint8_t& set_gp2_r14(); uint8_t& set_gp3_r14(); uint8_t& set_gp_ncsg0_r14(); uint8_t& set_gp_ncsg1_r14(); uint8_t& set_gp_ncsg2_r14(); uint8_t& set_gp_ncsg3_r14(); uint16_t& set_gp_non_uniform1_r14(); uint16_t& set_gp_non_uniform2_r14(); uint16_t& set_gp_non_uniform3_r14(); uint16_t& set_gp_non_uniform4_r14(); uint8_t& set_gp4_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp5_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp6_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp7_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp8_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp9_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp10_r15(); uint8_t& set_gp11_r15(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables gap_offset_c_ gap_offset; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_gap_cfg_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapConfig"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapConfig"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // MeasRSSI-ReportConfig-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_rssi_report_cfg_r13_s { bool ch_occupancy_thres_r13_present = false; uint8_t ch_occupancy_thres_r13 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_rssi_report_cfg_r13_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_rssi_report_cfg_r13_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasSensing-Config-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_sensing_cfg_r15_s { struct sensing_periodicity_r15_opts { enum options { ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sensing_periodicity_r15_e_; // member variables uint8_t sensing_subch_num_r15 = 1; sensing_periodicity_r15_e_ sensing_periodicity_r15; uint8_t sensing_resel_counter_r15 = 5; uint8_t sensing_prio_r15 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_sensing_cfg_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_sensing_cfg_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasSubframePatternConfigNeigh-r10 ::= CHOICE struct meas_sf_pattern_cfg_neigh_r10_c { struct setup_s_ { bool meas_sf_cell_list_r10_present = false; meas_sf_pattern_r10_c meas_sf_pattern_neigh_r10; meas_sf_cell_list_r10_l meas_sf_cell_list_r10; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_sf_pattern_cfg_neigh_r10_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_sf_pattern_cfg_neigh_r10_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_sf_pattern_cfg_neigh_r10_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasSubframePatternConfigNeigh-r10"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasSubframePatternConfigNeigh-r10"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // PhysCellIdGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct pci_geran_s { fixed_bitstring<3> network_colour_code; fixed_bitstring<3> base_station_colour_code; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const pci_geran_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const pci_geran_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigRS-NR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_rs_nr_r15_s { bool filt_coeff_rsrp_r15_present = false; bool filt_coeff_rsrq_r15_present = false; bool filt_coef_sinr_r13_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coeff_rsrp_r15; filt_coef_e filt_coeff_rsrq_r15; filt_coef_e filt_coef_sinr_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_rs_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_rs_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // RMTC-Config-r13 ::= CHOICE struct rmtc_cfg_r13_c { struct setup_s_ { struct rmtc_period_r13_opts { enum options { ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated rmtc_period_r13_e_; struct meas_dur_r13_opts { enum options { sym1, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym70, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated meas_dur_r13_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool rmtc_sf_offset_r13_present = false; rmtc_period_r13_e_ rmtc_period_r13; uint16_t rmtc_sf_offset_r13 = 0; meas_dur_r13_e_ meas_dur_r13; // ... }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods rmtc_cfg_r13_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const rmtc_cfg_r13_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const rmtc_cfg_r13_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "RMTC-Config-r13"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "RMTC-Config-r13"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // RS-ConfigSSB-NR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct rs_cfg_ssb_nr_r15_s { struct subcarrier_spacing_ssb_r15_opts { enum options { khz15, khz30, khz120, khz240, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated subcarrier_spacing_ssb_r15_e_; struct ssb_to_measure_r15_c_ { using types = setup_e; // choice methods ssb_to_measure_r15_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const ssb_to_measure_r15_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const ssb_to_measure_r15_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters ssb_to_measure_r15_c& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "ssb-ToMeasure-r15"); return c; } const ssb_to_measure_r15_c& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "ssb-ToMeasure-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); ssb_to_measure_r15_c& set_setup(); private: types type_; ssb_to_measure_r15_c c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; mtc_ssb_nr_r15_s meas_timing_cfg_r15; subcarrier_spacing_ssb_r15_e_ subcarrier_spacing_ssb_r15; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr ssb_to_measure_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const rs_cfg_ssb_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const rs_cfg_ssb_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // RSRQ-RangeConfig-r12 ::= CHOICE struct rsrq_range_cfg_r12_c { using types = setup_e; // choice methods rsrq_range_cfg_r12_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const rsrq_range_cfg_r12_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const rsrq_range_cfg_r12_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters int8_t& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "RSRQ-RangeConfig-r12"); return c; } const int8_t& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "RSRQ-RangeConfig-r12"); return c; } void set_release(); int8_t& set_setup(); private: types type_; int8_t c; }; // ReportInterval ::= ENUMERATED struct report_interv_opts { enum options { ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, min1, min6, min12, min30, min60, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated report_interv_e; // ReportQuantityNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct report_quant_nr_r15_s { bool ss_rsrp = false; bool ss_rsrq = false; bool ss_sinr = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const report_quant_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const report_quant_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // ReportQuantityWLAN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct report_quant_wlan_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool band_request_wlan_r13_present = false; bool carrier_info_request_wlan_r13_present = false; bool available_admission_capacity_request_wlan_r13_present = false; bool backhaul_dl_bw_request_wlan_r13_present = false; bool backhaul_ul_bw_request_wlan_r13_present = false; bool ch_utilization_request_wlan_r13_present = false; bool station_count_request_wlan_r13_present = false; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const report_quant_wlan_r13_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const report_quant_wlan_r13_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // ThresholdEUTRA ::= CHOICE struct thres_eutra_c { struct types_opts { enum options { thres_rsrp, thres_rsrq, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods thres_eutra_c() = default; thres_eutra_c(const thres_eutra_c& other); thres_eutra_c& operator=(const thres_eutra_c& other); ~thres_eutra_c() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const thres_eutra_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const thres_eutra_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint8_t& thres_rsrp() { assert_choice_type(types::thres_rsrp, type_, "ThresholdEUTRA"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& thres_rsrq() { assert_choice_type(types::thres_rsrq, type_, "ThresholdEUTRA"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& thres_rsrp() const { assert_choice_type(types::thres_rsrp, type_, "ThresholdEUTRA"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& thres_rsrq() const { assert_choice_type(types::thres_rsrq, type_, "ThresholdEUTRA"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_thres_rsrp(); uint8_t& set_thres_rsrq(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // ThresholdNR-r15 ::= CHOICE struct thres_nr_r15_c { struct types_opts { enum options { nr_rsrp_r15, nr_rsrq_r15, nr_sinr_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods thres_nr_r15_c() = default; thres_nr_r15_c(const thres_nr_r15_c& other); thres_nr_r15_c& operator=(const thres_nr_r15_c& other); ~thres_nr_r15_c() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const thres_nr_r15_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const thres_nr_r15_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint8_t& nr_rsrp_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::nr_rsrp_r15, type_, "ThresholdNR-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& nr_rsrq_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::nr_rsrq_r15, type_, "ThresholdNR-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& nr_sinr_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::nr_sinr_r15, type_, "ThresholdNR-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& nr_rsrp_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::nr_rsrp_r15, type_, "ThresholdNR-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& nr_rsrq_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::nr_rsrq_r15, type_, "ThresholdNR-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& nr_sinr_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::nr_sinr_r15, type_, "ThresholdNR-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_nr_rsrp_r15(); uint8_t& set_nr_rsrq_r15(); uint8_t& set_nr_sinr_r15(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // ThresholdUTRA ::= CHOICE struct thres_utra_c { struct types_opts { enum options { utra_rscp, utra_ec_n0, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods thres_utra_c() = default; thres_utra_c(const thres_utra_c& other); thres_utra_c& operator=(const thres_utra_c& other); ~thres_utra_c() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const thres_utra_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const thres_utra_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters int8_t& utra_rscp() { assert_choice_type(types::utra_rscp, type_, "ThresholdUTRA"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& utra_ec_n0() { assert_choice_type(types::utra_ec_n0, type_, "ThresholdUTRA"); return c.get(); } const int8_t& utra_rscp() const { assert_choice_type(types::utra_rscp, type_, "ThresholdUTRA"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& utra_ec_n0() const { assert_choice_type(types::utra_ec_n0, type_, "ThresholdUTRA"); return c.get(); } int8_t& set_utra_rscp(); uint8_t& set_utra_ec_n0(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // TimeToTrigger ::= ENUMERATED struct time_to_trigger_opts { enum options { ms0, ms40, ms64, ms80, ms100, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms480, ms512, ms640, ms1024, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated time_to_trigger_e; // Tx-ResourcePoolMeasList-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..72)) OF INTEGER (1..72) using tx_res_pool_meas_list_r14_l = dyn_array; // UL-DelayConfig-r13 ::= CHOICE struct ul_delay_cfg_r13_c { struct setup_s_ { struct delay_thres_r13_opts { enum options { ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms70, ms80, ms90, ms100, ms150, ms300, ms500, ms750, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated delay_thres_r13_e_; // member variables delay_thres_r13_e_ delay_thres_r13; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods ul_delay_cfg_r13_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const ul_delay_cfg_r13_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const ul_delay_cfg_r13_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "UL-DelayConfig-r13"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "UL-DelayConfig-r13"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // WLAN-CarrierInfo-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct wlan_carrier_info_r13_s { struct country_code_r13_opts { enum options { united_states, europe, japan, global, /*...*/ nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated country_code_r13_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool operating_class_r13_present = false; bool country_code_r13_present = false; bool ch_nums_r13_present = false; uint16_t operating_class_r13 = 0; country_code_r13_e_ country_code_r13; wlan_ch_list_r13_l ch_nums_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const wlan_carrier_info_r13_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const wlan_carrier_info_r13_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // WLAN-Id-List-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF WLAN-Identifiers-r12 using wlan_id_list_r13_l = dyn_array; // WLAN-NameListConfig-r15 ::= CHOICE struct wlan_name_list_cfg_r15_c { using types = setup_e; // choice methods wlan_name_list_cfg_r15_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const wlan_name_list_cfg_r15_c& other) const; bool operator!=(const wlan_name_list_cfg_r15_c& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters wlan_name_list_r15_l& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "WLAN-NameListConfig-r15"); return c; } const wlan_name_list_r15_l& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "WLAN-NameListConfig-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); wlan_name_list_r15_l& set_setup(); private: types type_; wlan_name_list_r15_l c; }; // WhiteCellsToAddModList-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF WhiteCellsToAddMod-r13 using white_cells_to_add_mod_list_r13_l = dyn_array; // MeasGapConfigPerCC-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_gap_cfg_per_cc_r14_s { uint8_t serv_cell_id_r14 = 0; meas_gap_cfg_c meas_gap_cfg_cc_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasObjectCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_cdma2000_s { bool ext = false; bool search_win_size_present = false; bool offset_freq_present = false; bool cells_to_rem_list_present = false; bool cells_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_present = false; cdma2000_type_e cdma2000_type; carrier_freq_cdma2000_s carrier_freq; uint8_t search_win_size = 0; int8_t offset_freq = -15; cell_idx_list_l cells_to_rem_list; cells_to_add_mod_list_cdma2000_l cells_to_add_mod_list; uint16_t cell_for_which_to_report_cgi = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_cdma2000_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_cdma2000_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasObjectEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_eutra_s { struct t312_r12_c_ { struct setup_opts { enum options { ms0, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms1000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated setup_e_; using types = setup_e; // choice methods t312_r12_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const t312_r12_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const t312_r12_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters setup_e_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "t312-r12"); return c; } const setup_e_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "t312-r12"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_e_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_e_ c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool offset_freq_present = false; bool cells_to_rem_list_present = false; bool cells_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool black_cells_to_rem_list_present = false; bool black_cells_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_present = false; uint32_t carrier_freq = 0; allowed_meas_bw_e allowed_meas_bw; bool presence_ant_port1 = false; fixed_bitstring<2> neigh_cell_cfg; q_offset_range_e offset_freq; cell_idx_list_l cells_to_rem_list; cells_to_add_mod_list_l cells_to_add_mod_list; cell_idx_list_l black_cells_to_rem_list; black_cells_to_add_mod_list_l black_cells_to_add_mod_list; uint16_t cell_for_which_to_report_cgi = 0; // ... // group 0 bool meas_cycle_scell_r10_present = false; meas_cycle_scell_r10_e meas_cycle_scell_r10; copy_ptr meas_sf_pattern_cfg_neigh_r10; // group 1 bool wideband_rsrq_meas_r11_present = false; bool wideband_rsrq_meas_r11 = false; // group 2 bool reduced_meas_performance_r12_present = false; copy_ptr alt_ttt_cells_to_rem_list_r12; copy_ptr alt_ttt_cells_to_add_mod_list_r12; copy_ptr t312_r12; bool reduced_meas_performance_r12 = false; copy_ptr meas_ds_cfg_r12; // group 3 bool carrier_freq_r13_present = false; copy_ptr white_cells_to_rem_list_r13; copy_ptr white_cells_to_add_mod_list_r13; copy_ptr rmtc_cfg_r13; uint32_t carrier_freq_r13 = 65536; // group 4 bool fembms_mixed_carrier_r14_present = false; copy_ptr tx_res_pool_to_rem_list_r14; copy_ptr tx_res_pool_to_add_list_r14; bool fembms_mixed_carrier_r14 = false; // group 5 copy_ptr meas_sensing_cfg_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_eutra_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_eutra_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasObjectEUTRA-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_eutra_v9e0_s { uint32_t carrier_freq_v9e0 = 65536; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasObjectGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_geran_s { bool ext = false; bool offset_freq_present = false; bool ncc_permitted_present = false; bool cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_present = false; carrier_freqs_geran_s carrier_freqs; int8_t offset_freq = -15; fixed_bitstring<8> ncc_permitted; pci_geran_s cell_for_which_to_report_cgi; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_geran_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_geran_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasObjectNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_nr_r15_s { using cells_for_which_to_report_sftd_r15_l_ = bounded_array; struct band_nr_r15_c_ { using types = setup_e; // choice methods band_nr_r15_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const band_nr_r15_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const band_nr_r15_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint16_t& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "bandNR-r15"); return c; } const uint16_t& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "bandNR-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); uint16_t& set_setup(); private: types type_; uint16_t c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool thresh_rs_idx_r15_present = false; bool max_rs_idx_cell_qual_r15_present = false; bool offset_freq_r15_present = false; bool black_cells_to_rem_list_r15_present = false; bool black_cells_to_add_mod_list_r15_present = false; bool cells_for_which_to_report_sftd_r15_present = false; uint32_t carrier_freq_r15 = 0; rs_cfg_ssb_nr_r15_s rs_cfg_ssb_r15; thres_list_nr_r15_s thresh_rs_idx_r15; uint8_t max_rs_idx_cell_qual_r15 = 1; int8_t offset_freq_r15 = -15; cell_idx_list_l black_cells_to_rem_list_r15; cells_to_add_mod_list_nr_r15_l black_cells_to_add_mod_list_r15; uint8_t quant_cfg_set_r15 = 1; cells_for_which_to_report_sftd_r15_l_ cells_for_which_to_report_sftd_r15; // ... // group 0 bool cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_r15_present = false; bool derive_ssb_idx_from_cell_r15_present = false; uint16_t cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_r15 = 0; bool derive_ssb_idx_from_cell_r15 = false; copy_ptr ss_rssi_meas_r15; copy_ptr band_nr_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasObjectUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_utra_s { struct cells_to_add_mod_list_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd, cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods cells_to_add_mod_list_c_() = default; cells_to_add_mod_list_c_(const cells_to_add_mod_list_c_& other); cells_to_add_mod_list_c_& operator=(const cells_to_add_mod_list_c_& other); ~cells_to_add_mod_list_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cells_to_add_mod_list_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const cells_to_add_mod_list_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd_l& cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd() { assert_choice_type(types::cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd, type_, "cellsToAddModList"); return c.get(); } cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd_l& cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd() { assert_choice_type(types::cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd, type_, "cellsToAddModList"); return c.get(); } const cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd_l& cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd() const { assert_choice_type(types::cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd, type_, "cellsToAddModList"); return c.get(); } const cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd_l& cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd() const { assert_choice_type(types::cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd, type_, "cellsToAddModList"); return c.get(); } cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd_l& set_cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_fdd(); cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd_l& set_cells_to_add_mod_list_utra_tdd(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { utra_fdd, utra_tdd, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_() = default; cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_(const cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_& other); cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_& operator=(const cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_& other); ~cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters uint16_t& utra_fdd() { assert_choice_type(types::utra_fdd, type_, "cellForWhichToReportCGI"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& utra_tdd() { assert_choice_type(types::utra_tdd, type_, "cellForWhichToReportCGI"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& utra_fdd() const { assert_choice_type(types::utra_fdd, type_, "cellForWhichToReportCGI"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& utra_tdd() const { assert_choice_type(types::utra_tdd, type_, "cellForWhichToReportCGI"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& set_utra_fdd(); uint8_t& set_utra_tdd(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool offset_freq_present = false; bool cells_to_rem_list_present = false; bool cells_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_present = false; uint16_t carrier_freq = 0; int8_t offset_freq = -15; cell_idx_list_l cells_to_rem_list; cells_to_add_mod_list_c_ cells_to_add_mod_list; cell_for_which_to_report_cgi_c_ cell_for_which_to_report_cgi; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr csg_allowed_report_cells_v930; // group 1 bool reduced_meas_performance_r12_present = false; bool reduced_meas_performance_r12 = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_utra_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_utra_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasObjectWLAN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_wlan_r13_s { struct carrier_freq_r13_c_ { using band_ind_list_wlan_r13_l_ = bounded_array; using carrier_info_list_wlan_r13_l_ = dyn_array; struct types_opts { enum options { band_ind_list_wlan_r13, carrier_info_list_wlan_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods carrier_freq_r13_c_() = default; carrier_freq_r13_c_(const carrier_freq_r13_c_& other); carrier_freq_r13_c_& operator=(const carrier_freq_r13_c_& other); ~carrier_freq_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const carrier_freq_r13_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const carrier_freq_r13_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters band_ind_list_wlan_r13_l_& band_ind_list_wlan_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::band_ind_list_wlan_r13, type_, "carrierFreq-r13"); return c.get(); } carrier_info_list_wlan_r13_l_& carrier_info_list_wlan_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::carrier_info_list_wlan_r13, type_, "carrierFreq-r13"); return c.get(); } const band_ind_list_wlan_r13_l_& band_ind_list_wlan_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::band_ind_list_wlan_r13, type_, "carrierFreq-r13"); return c.get(); } const carrier_info_list_wlan_r13_l_& carrier_info_list_wlan_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::carrier_info_list_wlan_r13, type_, "carrierFreq-r13"); return c.get(); } band_ind_list_wlan_r13_l_& set_band_ind_list_wlan_r13(); carrier_info_list_wlan_r13_l_& set_carrier_info_list_wlan_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool carrier_freq_r13_present = false; bool wlan_to_add_mod_list_r13_present = false; bool wlan_to_rem_list_r13_present = false; carrier_freq_r13_c_ carrier_freq_r13; wlan_id_list_r13_l wlan_to_add_mod_list_r13; wlan_id_list_r13_l wlan_to_rem_list_r13; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_nr_r15_s { bool meas_quant_rs_idx_nr_r15_present = false; quant_cfg_rs_nr_r15_s meas_quant_cell_nr_r15; quant_cfg_rs_nr_r15_s meas_quant_rs_idx_nr_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_nr_r15_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_nr_r15_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; struct eutra_event_s { struct event_id_c_ { struct event_a1_s_ { thres_eutra_c a1_thres; }; struct event_a2_s_ { thres_eutra_c a2_thres; }; struct event_a3_s_ { int8_t a3_offset = -30; bool report_on_leave = false; }; struct event_a4_s_ { thres_eutra_c a4_thres; }; struct event_a5_s_ { thres_eutra_c a5_thres1; thres_eutra_c a5_thres2; }; struct event_a6_r10_s_ { int8_t a6_offset_r10 = -30; bool a6_report_on_leave_r10 = false; }; struct event_c1_r12_s_ { uint8_t c1_thres_r12 = 0; bool c1_report_on_leave_r12 = false; }; struct event_c2_r12_s_ { uint8_t c2_ref_csi_rs_r12 = 1; int8_t c2_offset_r12 = -30; bool c2_report_on_leave_r12 = false; }; struct event_v1_r14_s_ { uint8_t v1_thres_r14 = 0; }; struct event_v2_r14_s_ { uint8_t v2_thres_r14 = 0; }; struct event_h1_r15_s_ { uint16_t h1_thres_offset_r15 = 0; uint8_t h1_hysteresis_r15 = 1; }; struct event_h2_r15_s_ { uint16_t h2_thres_offset_r15 = 0; uint8_t h2_hysteresis_r15 = 1; }; struct types_opts { enum options { event_a1, event_a2, event_a3, event_a4, event_a5, // ... event_a6_r10, event_c1_r12, event_c2_r12, event_v1_r14, event_v2_r14, event_h1_r15, event_h2_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods event_id_c_() = default; event_id_c_(const event_id_c_& other); event_id_c_& operator=(const event_id_c_& other); ~event_id_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const event_id_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const event_id_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters event_a1_s_& event_a1() { assert_choice_type(types::event_a1, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_a2_s_& event_a2() { assert_choice_type(types::event_a2, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_a3_s_& event_a3() { assert_choice_type(types::event_a3, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_a4_s_& event_a4() { assert_choice_type(types::event_a4, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_a5_s_& event_a5() { assert_choice_type(types::event_a5, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_a6_r10_s_& event_a6_r10() { assert_choice_type(types::event_a6_r10, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_c1_r12_s_& event_c1_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::event_c1_r12, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_c2_r12_s_& event_c2_r12() { assert_choice_type(types::event_c2_r12, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_v1_r14_s_& event_v1_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::event_v1_r14, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_v2_r14_s_& event_v2_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::event_v2_r14, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_h1_r15_s_& event_h1_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::event_h1_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_h2_r15_s_& event_h2_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::event_h2_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_a1_s_& event_a1() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_a1, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_a2_s_& event_a2() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_a2, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_a3_s_& event_a3() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_a3, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_a4_s_& event_a4() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_a4, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_a5_s_& event_a5() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_a5, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_a6_r10_s_& event_a6_r10() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_a6_r10, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_c1_r12_s_& event_c1_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_c1_r12, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_c2_r12_s_& event_c2_r12() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_c2_r12, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_v1_r14_s_& event_v1_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_v1_r14, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_v2_r14_s_& event_v2_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_v2_r14, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_h1_r15_s_& event_h1_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_h1_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_h2_r15_s_& event_h2_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_h2_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_a1_s_& set_event_a1(); event_a2_s_& set_event_a2(); event_a3_s_& set_event_a3(); event_a4_s_& set_event_a4(); event_a5_s_& set_event_a5(); event_a6_r10_s_& set_event_a6_r10(); event_c1_r12_s_& set_event_c1_r12(); event_c2_r12_s_& set_event_c2_r12(); event_v1_r14_s_& set_event_v1_r14(); event_v2_r14_s_& set_event_v2_r14(); event_h1_r15_s_& set_event_h1_r15(); event_h2_r15_s_& set_event_h2_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables event_id_c_ event_id; uint8_t hysteresis = 0; time_to_trigger_e time_to_trigger; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const eutra_event_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const eutra_event_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // ReportConfigEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct report_cfg_eutra_s { struct trigger_type_c_ { using event_s_ = eutra_event_s; struct periodical_s_ { struct purpose_opts { enum options { report_strongest_cells, report_cgi, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated purpose_e_; // member variables purpose_e_ purpose; }; struct types_opts { enum options { event, periodical, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods trigger_type_c_() = default; trigger_type_c_(const trigger_type_c_& other); trigger_type_c_& operator=(const trigger_type_c_& other); ~trigger_type_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const trigger_type_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const trigger_type_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters event_s_& event() { assert_choice_type(types::event, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } periodical_s_& periodical() { assert_choice_type(types::periodical, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } const event_s_& event() const { assert_choice_type(types::event, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } const periodical_s_& periodical() const { assert_choice_type(types::periodical, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } event_s_& set_event(); periodical_s_& set_periodical(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct trigger_quant_opts { enum options { rsrp, rsrq, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated trigger_quant_e_; struct report_quant_opts { enum options { same_as_trigger_quant, both, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated report_quant_e_; struct report_amount_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated report_amount_e_; struct alt_time_to_trigger_r12_c_ { using types = setup_e; // choice methods alt_time_to_trigger_r12_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const alt_time_to_trigger_r12_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const alt_time_to_trigger_r12_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters time_to_trigger_e& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "alternativeTimeToTrigger-r12"); return c; } const time_to_trigger_e& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "alternativeTimeToTrigger-r12"); return c; } void set_release(); time_to_trigger_e& set_setup(); private: types type_; time_to_trigger_e c; }; struct rs_sinr_cfg_r13_c_ { struct setup_s_ { struct report_quant_v1310_opts { enum options { rsrp_andsinr, rsrq_andsinr, all, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated report_quant_v1310_e_; // member variables bool trigger_quant_v1310_present = false; bool an_thres1_r13_present = false; bool a5_thres2_r13_present = false; uint8_t an_thres1_r13 = 0; uint8_t a5_thres2_r13 = 0; report_quant_v1310_e_ report_quant_v1310; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods rs_sinr_cfg_r13_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const rs_sinr_cfg_r13_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const rs_sinr_cfg_r13_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "rs-sinr-Config-r13"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "rs-sinr-Config-r13"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; struct purpose_v1430_opts { enum options { report_location, sidelink, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated purpose_v1430_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; trigger_type_c_ trigger_type; trigger_quant_e_ trigger_quant; report_quant_e_ report_quant; uint8_t max_report_cells = 1; report_interv_e report_interv; report_amount_e_ report_amount; // ... // group 0 bool si_request_for_ho_r9_present = false; bool ue_rx_tx_time_diff_periodical_r9_present = false; // group 1 bool include_location_info_r10_present = false; bool report_add_neigh_meas_r10_present = false; // group 2 bool use_t312_r12_present = false; bool use_ps_cell_r12_present = false; bool report_strongest_csi_rss_r12_present = false; bool report_crs_meas_r12_present = false; bool trigger_quant_csi_rs_r12_present = false; copy_ptr alt_time_to_trigger_r12; bool use_t312_r12 = false; bool use_ps_cell_r12 = false; copy_ptr an_thres1_v1250; copy_ptr a5_thres2_v1250; bool report_strongest_csi_rss_r12 = false; bool report_crs_meas_r12 = false; bool trigger_quant_csi_rs_r12 = false; // group 3 bool report_sstd_meas_r13_present = false; bool use_white_cell_list_r13_present = false; bool include_multi_band_info_r13_present = false; bool report_sstd_meas_r13 = false; copy_ptr rs_sinr_cfg_r13; bool use_white_cell_list_r13 = false; copy_ptr meas_rssi_report_cfg_r13; copy_ptr ul_delay_cfg_r13; // group 4 bool ue_rx_tx_time_diff_periodical_tdd_r13_present = false; bool ue_rx_tx_time_diff_periodical_tdd_r13 = false; // group 5 bool purpose_v1430_present = false; purpose_v1430_e_ purpose_v1430; // group 6 bool max_report_rs_idx_r15_present = false; uint8_t max_report_rs_idx_r15 = 0; // group 7 bool purpose_r15_present = false; bool nof_trigger_cells_r15_present = false; bool a4_a5_report_on_leave_r15_present = false; copy_ptr include_bt_meas_r15; copy_ptr include_wlan_meas_r15; uint8_t nof_trigger_cells_r15 = 2; bool a4_a5_report_on_leave_r15 = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const report_cfg_eutra_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const report_cfg_eutra_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // ReportConfigInterRAT ::= SEQUENCE struct report_cfg_inter_rat_s { struct trigger_type_c_ { struct event_s_ { struct event_id_c_ { struct event_b1_s_ { struct b1_thres_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { b1_thres_utra, b1_thres_geran, b1_thres_cdma2000, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods b1_thres_c_() = default; b1_thres_c_(const b1_thres_c_& other); b1_thres_c_& operator=(const b1_thres_c_& other); ~b1_thres_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const b1_thres_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const b1_thres_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters thres_utra_c& b1_thres_utra() { assert_choice_type(types::b1_thres_utra, type_, "b1-Threshold"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& b1_thres_geran() { assert_choice_type(types::b1_thres_geran, type_, "b1-Threshold"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& b1_thres_cdma2000() { assert_choice_type(types::b1_thres_cdma2000, type_, "b1-Threshold"); return c.get(); } const thres_utra_c& b1_thres_utra() const { assert_choice_type(types::b1_thres_utra, type_, "b1-Threshold"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& b1_thres_geran() const { assert_choice_type(types::b1_thres_geran, type_, "b1-Threshold"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& b1_thres_cdma2000() const { assert_choice_type(types::b1_thres_cdma2000, type_, "b1-Threshold"); return c.get(); } thres_utra_c& set_b1_thres_utra(); uint8_t& set_b1_thres_geran(); uint8_t& set_b1_thres_cdma2000(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables b1_thres_c_ b1_thres; }; struct event_b2_s_ { struct b2_thres2_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { b2_thres2_utra, b2_thres2_geran, b2_thres2_cdma2000, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods b2_thres2_c_() = default; b2_thres2_c_(const b2_thres2_c_& other); b2_thres2_c_& operator=(const b2_thres2_c_& other); ~b2_thres2_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const b2_thres2_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const b2_thres2_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters thres_utra_c& b2_thres2_utra() { assert_choice_type(types::b2_thres2_utra, type_, "b2-Threshold2"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& b2_thres2_geran() { assert_choice_type(types::b2_thres2_geran, type_, "b2-Threshold2"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& b2_thres2_cdma2000() { assert_choice_type(types::b2_thres2_cdma2000, type_, "b2-Threshold2"); return c.get(); } const thres_utra_c& b2_thres2_utra() const { assert_choice_type(types::b2_thres2_utra, type_, "b2-Threshold2"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& b2_thres2_geran() const { assert_choice_type(types::b2_thres2_geran, type_, "b2-Threshold2"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& b2_thres2_cdma2000() const { assert_choice_type(types::b2_thres2_cdma2000, type_, "b2-Threshold2"); return c.get(); } thres_utra_c& set_b2_thres2_utra(); uint8_t& set_b2_thres2_geran(); uint8_t& set_b2_thres2_cdma2000(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables thres_eutra_c b2_thres1; b2_thres2_c_ b2_thres2; }; struct event_w1_r13_s_ { uint8_t w1_thres_r13 = 0; }; struct event_w2_r13_s_ { uint8_t w2_thres1_r13 = 0; uint8_t w2_thres2_r13 = 0; }; struct event_w3_r13_s_ { uint8_t w3_thres_r13 = 0; }; struct event_b1_nr_r15_s_ { thres_nr_r15_c b1_thres_nr_r15; bool report_on_leave_r15 = false; }; struct event_b2_nr_r15_s_ { thres_eutra_c b2_thres1_r15; thres_nr_r15_c b2_thres2_nr_r15; bool report_on_leave_r15 = false; }; struct types_opts { enum options { event_b1, event_b2, // ... event_w1_r13, event_w2_r13, event_w3_r13, event_b1_nr_r15, event_b2_nr_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods event_id_c_() = default; event_id_c_(const event_id_c_& other); event_id_c_& operator=(const event_id_c_& other); ~event_id_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const event_id_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const event_id_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters event_b1_s_& event_b1() { assert_choice_type(types::event_b1, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_b2_s_& event_b2() { assert_choice_type(types::event_b2, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_w1_r13_s_& event_w1_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::event_w1_r13, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_w2_r13_s_& event_w2_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::event_w2_r13, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_w3_r13_s_& event_w3_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::event_w3_r13, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_b1_nr_r15_s_& event_b1_nr_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::event_b1_nr_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_b2_nr_r15_s_& event_b2_nr_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::event_b2_nr_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_b1_s_& event_b1() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_b1, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_b2_s_& event_b2() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_b2, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_w1_r13_s_& event_w1_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_w1_r13, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_w2_r13_s_& event_w2_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_w2_r13, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_w3_r13_s_& event_w3_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_w3_r13, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_b1_nr_r15_s_& event_b1_nr_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_b1_nr_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } const event_b2_nr_r15_s_& event_b2_nr_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::event_b2_nr_r15, type_, "eventId"); return c.get(); } event_b1_s_& set_event_b1(); event_b2_s_& set_event_b2(); event_w1_r13_s_& set_event_w1_r13(); event_w2_r13_s_& set_event_w2_r13(); event_w3_r13_s_& set_event_w3_r13(); event_b1_nr_r15_s_& set_event_b1_nr_r15(); event_b2_nr_r15_s_& set_event_b2_nr_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables event_id_c_ event_id; uint8_t hysteresis = 0; time_to_trigger_e time_to_trigger; }; struct periodical_s_ { struct purpose_opts { enum options { report_strongest_cells, report_strongest_cells_for_son, report_cgi, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated purpose_e_; // member variables purpose_e_ purpose; }; struct types_opts { enum options { event, periodical, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods trigger_type_c_() = default; trigger_type_c_(const trigger_type_c_& other); trigger_type_c_& operator=(const trigger_type_c_& other); ~trigger_type_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const trigger_type_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const trigger_type_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters event_s_& event() { assert_choice_type(types::event, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } periodical_s_& periodical() { assert_choice_type(types::periodical, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } const event_s_& event() const { assert_choice_type(types::event, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } const periodical_s_& periodical() const { assert_choice_type(types::periodical, type_, "triggerType"); return c.get(); } event_s_& set_event(); periodical_s_& set_periodical(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct report_amount_opts { enum options { r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated report_amount_e_; struct b2_thres1_v1250_c_ { using types = setup_e; // choice methods b2_thres1_v1250_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const b2_thres1_v1250_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const b2_thres1_v1250_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters int8_t& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "b2-Threshold1-v1250"); return c; } const int8_t& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "b2-Threshold1-v1250"); return c; } void set_release(); int8_t& set_setup(); private: types type_; int8_t c; }; struct report_sftd_meas_r15_opts { enum options { pscell, neighbor_cells, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated report_sftd_meas_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; trigger_type_c_ trigger_type; uint8_t max_report_cells = 1; report_interv_e report_interv; report_amount_e_ report_amount; // ... // group 0 bool si_request_for_ho_r9_present = false; // group 1 bool report_quant_utra_fdd_r10_present = false; // group 2 bool include_location_info_r11_present = false; bool include_location_info_r11 = false; // group 3 copy_ptr b2_thres1_v1250; // group 4 copy_ptr report_quant_wlan_r13; // group 5 bool report_any_wlan_r14_present = false; bool report_any_wlan_r14 = false; // group 6 bool max_report_rs_idx_r15_present = false; bool report_rs_idx_results_nr_present = false; bool report_sftd_meas_r15_present = false; copy_ptr report_quant_cell_nr_r15; uint8_t max_report_rs_idx_r15 = 0; copy_ptr report_quant_rs_idx_nr_r15; bool report_rs_idx_results_nr = false; report_sftd_meas_r15_e_ report_sftd_meas_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const report_cfg_inter_rat_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const report_cfg_inter_rat_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasGapConfigToAddModList-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasGapConfigPerCC-r14 using meas_gap_cfg_to_add_mod_list_r14_l = dyn_array; // MeasGapConfigToRemoveList-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (0..31) using meas_gap_cfg_to_rem_list_r14_l = bounded_array; // MeasIdToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_id_to_add_mod_s { uint8_t meas_id = 1; uint8_t meas_obj_id = 1; uint8_t report_cfg_id = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_id_to_add_mod_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_id_to_add_mod_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasIdToAddMod-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_id_to_add_mod_v1310_s { bool meas_obj_id_v1310_present = false; uint8_t meas_obj_id_v1310 = 33; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasIdToAddModExt-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_id_to_add_mod_ext_r12_s { uint8_t meas_id_v1250 = 33; uint8_t meas_obj_id_r12 = 1; uint8_t report_cfg_id_r12 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasObjectToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_to_add_mod_s { struct meas_obj_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { meas_obj_eutra, meas_obj_utra, meas_obj_geran, meas_obj_cdma2000, // ... meas_obj_wlan_r13, meas_obj_nr_r15, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods meas_obj_c_() = default; meas_obj_c_(const meas_obj_c_& other); meas_obj_c_& operator=(const meas_obj_c_& other); ~meas_obj_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters meas_obj_eutra_s& meas_obj_eutra() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_eutra, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_utra_s& meas_obj_utra() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_utra, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_geran_s& meas_obj_geran() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_geran, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_cdma2000_s& meas_obj_cdma2000() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_cdma2000, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& meas_obj_wlan_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_wlan_r13, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_nr_r15_s& meas_obj_nr_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_nr_r15, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_eutra_s& meas_obj_eutra() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_eutra, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_utra_s& meas_obj_utra() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_utra, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_geran_s& meas_obj_geran() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_geran, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_cdma2000_s& meas_obj_cdma2000() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_cdma2000, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& meas_obj_wlan_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_wlan_r13, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_nr_r15_s& meas_obj_nr_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_nr_r15, type_, "measObject"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_eutra_s& set_meas_obj_eutra(); meas_obj_utra_s& set_meas_obj_utra(); meas_obj_geran_s& set_meas_obj_geran(); meas_obj_cdma2000_s& set_meas_obj_cdma2000(); meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& set_meas_obj_wlan_r13(); meas_obj_nr_r15_s& set_meas_obj_nr_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables uint8_t meas_obj_id = 1; meas_obj_c_ meas_obj; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const meas_obj_to_add_mod_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const meas_obj_to_add_mod_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasObjectToAddMod-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_to_add_mod_v9e0_s { bool meas_obj_eutra_v9e0_present = false; meas_obj_eutra_v9e0_s meas_obj_eutra_v9e0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasObjectToAddModExt-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_obj_to_add_mod_ext_r13_s { struct meas_obj_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { meas_obj_eutra_r13, meas_obj_utra_r13, meas_obj_geran_r13, meas_obj_cdma2000_r13, // ... meas_obj_wlan_v1320, meas_obj_nr_r15, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods meas_obj_r13_c_() = default; meas_obj_r13_c_(const meas_obj_r13_c_& other); meas_obj_r13_c_& operator=(const meas_obj_r13_c_& other); ~meas_obj_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters meas_obj_eutra_s& meas_obj_eutra_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_eutra_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_utra_s& meas_obj_utra_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_utra_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_geran_s& meas_obj_geran_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_geran_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_cdma2000_s& meas_obj_cdma2000_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_cdma2000_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& meas_obj_wlan_v1320() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_wlan_v1320, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_nr_r15_s& meas_obj_nr_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_nr_r15, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_eutra_s& meas_obj_eutra_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_eutra_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_utra_s& meas_obj_utra_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_utra_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_geran_s& meas_obj_geran_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_geran_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_cdma2000_s& meas_obj_cdma2000_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_cdma2000_r13, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& meas_obj_wlan_v1320() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_wlan_v1320, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } const meas_obj_nr_r15_s& meas_obj_nr_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_obj_nr_r15, type_, "measObject-r13"); return c.get(); } meas_obj_eutra_s& set_meas_obj_eutra_r13(); meas_obj_utra_s& set_meas_obj_utra_r13(); meas_obj_geran_s& set_meas_obj_geran_r13(); meas_obj_cdma2000_s& set_meas_obj_cdma2000_r13(); meas_obj_wlan_r13_s& set_meas_obj_wlan_v1320(); meas_obj_nr_r15_s& set_meas_obj_nr_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables uint8_t meas_obj_id_r13 = 33; meas_obj_r13_c_ meas_obj_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // QuantityConfigCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_cdma2000_s { struct meas_quant_cdma2000_opts { enum options { pilot_strength, pilot_pn_phase_and_pilot_strength, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated meas_quant_cdma2000_e_; // member variables meas_quant_cdma2000_e_ meas_quant_cdma2000; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_cdma2000_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_cdma2000_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_eutra_s { bool filt_coef_rsrp_present = false; bool filt_coef_rsrq_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coef_rsrp; filt_coef_e filt_coef_rsrq; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_eutra_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_eutra_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigEUTRA-v1250 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_eutra_v1250_s { bool filt_coef_csi_rsrp_r12_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coef_csi_rsrp_r12; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_eutra_v1250_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_eutra_v1250_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigEUTRA-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_eutra_v1310_s { bool filt_coef_rs_sinr_r13_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coef_rs_sinr_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_eutra_v1310_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_eutra_v1310_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_geran_s { bool filt_coef_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coef; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_geran_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_geran_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigNRList-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF QuantityConfigNR-r15 using quant_cfg_nr_list_r15_l = dyn_array; // QuantityConfigUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_utra_s { struct meas_quant_utra_fdd_opts { enum options { cpich_rscp, cpich_ec_n0, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated meas_quant_utra_fdd_e_; // member variables bool filt_coef_present = false; meas_quant_utra_fdd_e_ meas_quant_utra_fdd; filt_coef_e filt_coef; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_utra_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_utra_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigUTRA-v1020 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_utra_v1020_s { bool filt_coef2_fdd_r10_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coef2_fdd_r10; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_utra_v1020_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_utra_v1020_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // QuantityConfigWLAN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_wlan_r13_s { bool filt_coef_r13_present = false; filt_coef_e filt_coef_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_wlan_r13_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_wlan_r13_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // ReportConfigToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE struct report_cfg_to_add_mod_s { struct report_cfg_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { report_cfg_eutra, report_cfg_inter_rat, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods report_cfg_c_() = default; report_cfg_c_(const report_cfg_c_& other); report_cfg_c_& operator=(const report_cfg_c_& other); ~report_cfg_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const report_cfg_c_& other) const; bool operator!=(const report_cfg_c_& other) const { return not(*this == other); } // getters report_cfg_eutra_s& report_cfg_eutra() { assert_choice_type(types::report_cfg_eutra, type_, "reportConfig"); return c.get(); } report_cfg_inter_rat_s& report_cfg_inter_rat() { assert_choice_type(types::report_cfg_inter_rat, type_, "reportConfig"); return c.get(); } const report_cfg_eutra_s& report_cfg_eutra() const { assert_choice_type(types::report_cfg_eutra, type_, "reportConfig"); return c.get(); } const report_cfg_inter_rat_s& report_cfg_inter_rat() const { assert_choice_type(types::report_cfg_inter_rat, type_, "reportConfig"); return c.get(); } report_cfg_eutra_s& set_report_cfg_eutra(); report_cfg_inter_rat_s& set_report_cfg_inter_rat(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables uint8_t report_cfg_id = 1; report_cfg_c_ report_cfg; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const report_cfg_to_add_mod_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const report_cfg_to_add_mod_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // MeasGapConfigDensePRS-r15 ::= CHOICE struct meas_gap_cfg_dense_prs_r15_c { struct setup_s_ { struct gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { rstd0_r15, rstd1_r15, rstd2_r15, rstd3_r15, rstd4_r15, rstd5_r15, rstd6_r15, rstd7_r15, rstd8_r15, rstd9_r15, rstd10_r15, rstd11_r15, rstd12_r15, rstd13_r15, rstd14_r15, rstd15_r15, rstd16_r15, rstd17_r15, rstd18_r15, rstd19_r15, rstd20_r15, // ... nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_() = default; gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_(const gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_& other); gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_& operator=(const gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_& other); ~gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& rstd0_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd0_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& rstd1_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd1_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd2_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd2_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd3_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd3_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd4_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd4_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& rstd5_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd5_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd6_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd6_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd7_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd7_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd8_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd8_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd9_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd9_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd10_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd10_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd11_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd11_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd12_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd12_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd13_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd13_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd14_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd14_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd15_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd15_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd16_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd16_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd17_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd17_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd18_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd18_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd19_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd19_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& rstd20_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::rstd20_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& rstd0_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd0_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& rstd1_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd1_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd2_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd2_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd3_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd3_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd4_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd4_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& rstd5_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd5_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd6_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd6_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd7_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd7_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd8_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd8_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd9_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd9_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd10_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd10_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd11_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd11_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd12_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd12_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd13_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd13_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd14_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd14_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd15_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd15_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd16_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd16_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd17_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd17_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd18_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd18_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd19_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd19_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& rstd20_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::rstd20_r15, type_, "gapOffsetDensePRS-r15"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& set_rstd0_r15(); uint8_t& set_rstd1_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd2_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd3_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd4_r15(); uint8_t& set_rstd5_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd6_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd7_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd8_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd9_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd10_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd11_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd12_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd13_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd14_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd15_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd16_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd17_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd18_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd19_r15(); uint16_t& set_rstd20_r15(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables gap_offset_dense_prs_r15_c_ gap_offset_dense_prs_r15; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_gap_cfg_dense_prs_r15_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapConfigDensePRS-r15"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapConfigDensePRS-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // MeasGapConfigPerCC-List-r14 ::= CHOICE struct meas_gap_cfg_per_cc_list_r14_c { struct setup_s_ { bool meas_gap_cfg_to_rem_list_r14_present = false; bool meas_gap_cfg_to_add_mod_list_r14_present = false; meas_gap_cfg_to_rem_list_r14_l meas_gap_cfg_to_rem_list_r14; meas_gap_cfg_to_add_mod_list_r14_l meas_gap_cfg_to_add_mod_list_r14; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_gap_cfg_per_cc_list_r14_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapConfigPerCC-List-r14"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapConfigPerCC-List-r14"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // MeasGapSharingConfig-r14 ::= CHOICE struct meas_gap_sharing_cfg_r14_c { struct setup_s_ { struct meas_gap_sharing_scheme_r14_opts { enum options { scheme00, scheme01, scheme10, scheme11, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated meas_gap_sharing_scheme_r14_e_; // member variables meas_gap_sharing_scheme_r14_e_ meas_gap_sharing_scheme_r14; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_gap_sharing_cfg_r14_c() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapSharingConfig-r14"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "MeasGapSharingConfig-r14"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; // MeasIdToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasIdToAddMod using meas_id_to_add_mod_list_l = dyn_array; // MeasIdToAddModList-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasIdToAddMod-v1310 using meas_id_to_add_mod_list_v1310_l = dyn_array; // MeasIdToAddModListExt-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasIdToAddModExt-r12 using meas_id_to_add_mod_list_ext_r12_l = dyn_array; // MeasIdToAddModListExt-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasIdToAddMod-v1310 using meas_id_to_add_mod_list_ext_v1310_l = dyn_array; // MeasIdToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (1..32) using meas_id_to_rem_list_l = bounded_array; // MeasIdToRemoveListExt-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (33..64) using meas_id_to_rem_list_ext_r12_l = bounded_array; // MeasObjectToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasObjectToAddMod using meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_l = dyn_array; // MeasObjectToAddModList-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasObjectToAddMod-v9e0 using meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_v9e0_l = dyn_array; // MeasObjectToAddModListExt-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasObjectToAddModExt-r13 using meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_ext_r13_l = dyn_array; // MeasObjectToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (1..32) using meas_obj_to_rem_list_l = bounded_array; // MeasObjectToRemoveListExt-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (33..64) using meas_obj_to_rem_list_ext_r13_l = bounded_array; // MeasScaleFactor-r12 ::= ENUMERATED struct meas_scale_factor_r12_opts { enum options { sf_eutra_cf1, sf_eutra_cf2, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated meas_scale_factor_r12_e; // QuantityConfig ::= SEQUENCE struct quant_cfg_s { bool ext = false; bool quant_cfg_eutra_present = false; bool quant_cfg_utra_present = false; bool quant_cfg_geran_present = false; bool quant_cfg_cdma2000_present = false; quant_cfg_eutra_s quant_cfg_eutra; quant_cfg_utra_s quant_cfg_utra; quant_cfg_geran_s quant_cfg_geran; quant_cfg_cdma2000_s quant_cfg_cdma2000; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr quant_cfg_utra_v1020; // group 1 copy_ptr quant_cfg_eutra_v1250; // group 2 copy_ptr quant_cfg_eutra_v1310; copy_ptr quant_cfg_wlan_r13; // group 3 copy_ptr quant_cfg_nr_list_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; bool operator==(const quant_cfg_s& other) const; bool operator!=(const quant_cfg_s& other) const { return not(*this == other); } }; // RACH-ConfigDedicated ::= SEQUENCE struct rach_cfg_ded_s { uint8_t ra_preamb_idx = 0; uint8_t ra_prach_mask_idx = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RACH-Skip-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct rach_skip_r14_s { struct target_ta_r14_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ta0_r14, mcg_ptag_r14, scg_ptag_r14, mcg_stag_r14, scg_stag_r14, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods target_ta_r14_c_() = default; target_ta_r14_c_(const target_ta_r14_c_& other); target_ta_r14_c_& operator=(const target_ta_r14_c_& other); ~target_ta_r14_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& mcg_stag_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::mcg_stag_r14, type_, "targetTA-r14"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& scg_stag_r14() { assert_choice_type(types::scg_stag_r14, type_, "targetTA-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& mcg_stag_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::mcg_stag_r14, type_, "targetTA-r14"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& scg_stag_r14() const { assert_choice_type(types::scg_stag_r14, type_, "targetTA-r14"); return c.get(); } void set_ta0_r14(); void set_mcg_ptag_r14(); void set_scg_ptag_r14(); uint8_t& set_mcg_stag_r14(); uint8_t& set_scg_stag_r14(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct ul_cfg_info_r14_s_ { struct ul_sched_interv_r14_opts { enum options { sf2, sf5, sf10, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ul_sched_interv_r14_e_; // member variables uint8_t nof_conf_ul_processes_r14 = 1; ul_sched_interv_r14_e_ ul_sched_interv_r14; uint8_t ul_start_sf_r14 = 0; fixed_bitstring<16> ul_grant_r14; }; // member variables bool ul_cfg_info_r14_present = false; target_ta_r14_c_ target_ta_r14; ul_cfg_info_r14_s_ ul_cfg_info_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ReportConfigToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF ReportConfigToAddMod using report_cfg_to_add_mod_list_l = dyn_array; // ReportConfigToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (1..32) using report_cfg_to_rem_list_l = bounded_array; // MeasConfig ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_cfg_s { struct speed_state_pars_c_ { struct setup_s_ { mob_state_params_s mob_state_params; speed_state_scale_factors_s time_to_trigger_sf; }; using types = setup_e; // choice methods speed_state_pars_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters setup_s_& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "speedStatePars"); return c; } const setup_s_& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "speedStatePars"); return c; } void set_release(); setup_s_& set_setup(); private: types type_; setup_s_ c; }; struct meas_scale_factor_r12_c_ { using types = setup_e; // choice methods meas_scale_factor_r12_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters meas_scale_factor_r12_e& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "measScaleFactor-r12"); return c; } const meas_scale_factor_r12_e& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "measScaleFactor-r12"); return c; } void set_release(); meas_scale_factor_r12_e& set_setup(); private: types type_; meas_scale_factor_r12_e c; }; struct height_thresh_ref_r15_c_ { using types = setup_e; // choice methods height_thresh_ref_r15_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint8_t& setup() { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "heightThreshRef-r15"); return c; } const uint8_t& setup() const { assert_choice_type(types::setup, type_, "heightThreshRef-r15"); return c; } void set_release(); uint8_t& set_setup(); private: types type_; uint8_t c; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool meas_obj_to_rem_list_present = false; bool meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool report_cfg_to_rem_list_present = false; bool report_cfg_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool meas_id_to_rem_list_present = false; bool meas_id_to_add_mod_list_present = false; bool quant_cfg_present = false; bool meas_gap_cfg_present = false; bool s_measure_present = false; bool pre_regist_info_hrpd_present = false; bool speed_state_pars_present = false; meas_obj_to_rem_list_l meas_obj_to_rem_list; meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_l meas_obj_to_add_mod_list; report_cfg_to_rem_list_l report_cfg_to_rem_list; report_cfg_to_add_mod_list_l report_cfg_to_add_mod_list; meas_id_to_rem_list_l meas_id_to_rem_list; meas_id_to_add_mod_list_l meas_id_to_add_mod_list; quant_cfg_s quant_cfg; meas_gap_cfg_c meas_gap_cfg; uint8_t s_measure = 0; pre_regist_info_hrpd_s pre_regist_info_hrpd; speed_state_pars_c_ speed_state_pars; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_v9e0; // group 1 bool allow_interruptions_r11_present = false; bool allow_interruptions_r11 = false; // group 2 bool meas_rsrq_on_all_symbols_r12_present = false; copy_ptr meas_scale_factor_r12; copy_ptr meas_id_to_rem_list_ext_r12; copy_ptr meas_id_to_add_mod_list_ext_r12; bool meas_rsrq_on_all_symbols_r12 = false; // group 3 copy_ptr meas_obj_to_rem_list_ext_r13; copy_ptr meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_ext_r13; copy_ptr meas_id_to_add_mod_list_v1310; copy_ptr meas_id_to_add_mod_list_ext_v1310; // group 4 copy_ptr meas_gap_cfg_per_cc_list_r14; copy_ptr meas_gap_sharing_cfg_r14; // group 5 bool fr1_gap_r15_present = false; bool mgta_r15_present = false; bool fr1_gap_r15 = false; bool mgta_r15 = false; // group 6 copy_ptr meas_gap_cfg_dense_prs_r15; copy_ptr height_thresh_ref_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierFreqGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freq_geran_s { uint16_t arfcn = 0; band_ind_geran_e band_ind; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct logged_meas_cfg_v1530_ies_s { bool bt_name_list_r15_present = false; bool wlan_name_list_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; bt_name_list_r15_l bt_name_list_r15; wlan_name_list_r15_l wlan_name_list_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellGlobalIdEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_global_id_eutra_s { plmn_id_s plmn_id; fixed_bitstring<28> cell_id; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierBandwidthEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_bw_eutra_s { struct dl_bw_opts { enum options { n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated dl_bw_e_; struct ul_bw_opts { enum options { n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ul_bw_e_; // member variables bool ul_bw_present = false; dl_bw_e_ dl_bw; ul_bw_e_ ul_bw; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierFreqEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freq_eutra_s { bool ul_carrier_freq_present = false; uint32_t dl_carrier_freq = 0; uint32_t ul_carrier_freq = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CarrierFreqEUTRA-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE struct carrier_freq_eutra_v9e0_s { bool ul_carrier_freq_v9e0_present = false; uint32_t dl_carrier_freq_v9e0 = 0; uint32_t ul_carrier_freq_v9e0 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MobilityControlInfoV2X-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct mob_ctrl_info_v2x_r14_s { bool v2x_comm_tx_pool_exceptional_r14_present = false; bool v2x_comm_rx_pool_r14_present = false; bool v2x_comm_sync_cfg_r14_present = false; bool cbr_mob_tx_cfg_list_r14_present = false; sl_comm_res_pool_v2x_r14_s v2x_comm_tx_pool_exceptional_r14; sl_comm_rx_pool_list_v2x_r14_l v2x_comm_rx_pool_r14; sl_sync_cfg_list_v2x_r14_l v2x_comm_sync_cfg_r14; sl_cbr_common_tx_cfg_list_r14_s cbr_mob_tx_cfg_list_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MobilityControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE struct mob_ctrl_info_s { struct t304_opts { enum options { ms50, ms100, ms150, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms10000_v1310, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t304_e_; struct ho_without_wt_change_r14_opts { enum options { keep_lwa_cfg, send_end_marker, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated ho_without_wt_change_r14_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool carrier_freq_present = false; bool carrier_bw_present = false; bool add_spec_emission_present = false; bool rach_cfg_ded_present = false; uint16_t target_pci = 0; carrier_freq_eutra_s carrier_freq; carrier_bw_eutra_s carrier_bw; uint8_t add_spec_emission = 1; t304_e_ t304; fixed_bitstring<16> new_ue_id; rr_cfg_common_s rr_cfg_common; rach_cfg_ded_s rach_cfg_ded; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr carrier_freq_v9e0; // group 1 bool drb_continue_rohc_r11_present = false; // group 2 bool ho_without_wt_change_r14_present = false; bool make_before_break_r14_present = false; bool same_sfn_ind_r14_present = false; copy_ptr mob_ctrl_info_v2x_r14; ho_without_wt_change_r14_e_ ho_without_wt_change_r14; copy_ptr rach_skip_r14; // group 3 bool mib_repeat_status_r14_present = false; bool sched_info_sib1_br_r14_present = false; bool mib_repeat_status_r14 = false; uint8_t sched_info_sib1_br_r14 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // TraceReference-r10 ::= SEQUENCE struct trace_ref_r10_s { plmn_id_s plmn_id_r10; fixed_octstring<3> trace_id_r10; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 ::= CHOICE struct cell_global_id_cdma2000_c { struct types_opts { enum options { cell_global_id1_xrtt, cell_global_id_hrpd, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods cell_global_id_cdma2000_c() = default; cell_global_id_cdma2000_c(const cell_global_id_cdma2000_c& other); cell_global_id_cdma2000_c& operator=(const cell_global_id_cdma2000_c& other); ~cell_global_id_cdma2000_c() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters fixed_bitstring<47>& cell_global_id1_xrtt() { assert_choice_type(types::cell_global_id1_xrtt, type_, "CellGlobalIdCDMA2000"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<128>& cell_global_id_hrpd() { assert_choice_type(types::cell_global_id_hrpd, type_, "CellGlobalIdCDMA2000"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<47>& cell_global_id1_xrtt() const { assert_choice_type(types::cell_global_id1_xrtt, type_, "CellGlobalIdCDMA2000"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<128>& cell_global_id_hrpd() const { assert_choice_type(types::cell_global_id_hrpd, type_, "CellGlobalIdCDMA2000"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<47>& set_cell_global_id1_xrtt(); fixed_bitstring<128>& set_cell_global_id_hrpd(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t > c; void destroy_(); }; // AdditionalSI-Info-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct add_si_info_r9_s { bool csg_member_status_r9_present = false; bool csg_id_r9_present = false; fixed_bitstring<27> csg_id_r9; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BLER-Result-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct bler_result_r12_s { struct blocks_rx_r12_s_ { fixed_bitstring<3> n_r12; fixed_bitstring<8> m_r12; }; // member variables uint8_t bler_r12 = 0; blocks_rx_r12_s_ blocks_rx_r12; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellGlobalIdUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_global_id_utra_s { plmn_id_s plmn_id; fixed_bitstring<28> cell_id; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_cdma2000_s { struct meas_result_s_ { bool ext = false; bool pilot_pn_phase_present = false; uint16_t pilot_pn_phase = 0; uint8_t pilot_strength = 0; // ... }; // member variables bool cgi_info_present = false; uint16_t pci = 0; cell_global_id_cdma2000_c cgi_info; meas_result_s_ meas_result; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityList2 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF PLMN-Identity using plmn_id_list2_l = dyn_array; // CellGlobalIdGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_global_id_geran_s { plmn_id_s plmn_id; fixed_bitstring<16> location_area_code; fixed_bitstring<16> cell_id; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // DataBLER-MCH-Result-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct data_bler_mch_result_r12_s { uint8_t mch_idx_r12 = 1; bler_result_r12_s data_bler_result_r12; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_eutra_s { struct cgi_info_s_ { bool plmn_id_list_present = false; cell_global_id_eutra_s cell_global_id; fixed_bitstring<16> tac; plmn_id_list2_l plmn_id_list; }; struct meas_result_s_ { struct cgi_info_v1310_s_ { bool freq_band_ind_r13_present = false; bool multi_band_info_list_r13_present = false; bool freq_band_ind_prio_r13_present = false; uint16_t freq_band_ind_r13 = 1; multi_band_info_list_r11_l multi_band_info_list_r13; }; using cgi_info_minus5_gc_r15_l_ = dyn_array; // member variables bool ext = false; bool rsrp_result_present = false; bool rsrq_result_present = false; uint8_t rsrp_result = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result = 0; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr add_si_info_r9; // group 1 bool primary_plmn_suitable_r12_present = false; bool meas_result_v1250_present = false; int8_t meas_result_v1250 = -30; // group 2 bool rs_sinr_result_r13_present = false; uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r13 = 0; copy_ptr cgi_info_v1310; // group 3 bool meas_result_v1360_present = false; int8_t meas_result_v1360 = -17; // group 4 copy_ptr cgi_info_minus5_gc_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // member variables bool cgi_info_present = false; uint16_t pci = 0; cgi_info_s_ cgi_info; meas_result_s_ meas_result; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultListCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultCDMA2000 using meas_result_list_cdma2000_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultUTRA ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_utra_s { struct pci_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { fdd, tdd, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods pci_c_() = default; pci_c_(const pci_c_& other); pci_c_& operator=(const pci_c_& other); ~pci_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters uint16_t& fdd() { assert_choice_type(types::fdd, type_, "physCellId"); return c.get(); } uint8_t& tdd() { assert_choice_type(types::tdd, type_, "physCellId"); return c.get(); } const uint16_t& fdd() const { assert_choice_type(types::fdd, type_, "physCellId"); return c.get(); } const uint8_t& tdd() const { assert_choice_type(types::tdd, type_, "physCellId"); return c.get(); } uint16_t& set_fdd(); uint8_t& set_tdd(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct cgi_info_s_ { bool location_area_code_present = false; bool routing_area_code_present = false; bool plmn_id_list_present = false; cell_global_id_utra_s cell_global_id; fixed_bitstring<16> location_area_code; fixed_bitstring<8> routing_area_code; plmn_id_list2_l plmn_id_list; }; struct meas_result_s_ { bool ext = false; bool utra_rscp_present = false; bool utra_ec_n0_present = false; int8_t utra_rscp = -5; uint8_t utra_ec_n0 = 0; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr add_si_info_r9; // group 1 bool primary_plmn_suitable_r12_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // member variables bool cgi_info_present = false; pci_c_ pci; cgi_info_s_ cgi_info; meas_result_s_ meas_result; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..12)) OF PLMN-Identity using plmn_id_list_nr_r15_l = dyn_array; // DataBLER-MCH-ResultList-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF DataBLER-MCH-Result-r12 using data_bler_mch_result_list_r12_l = dyn_array; // LocationInfo-r10 ::= SEQUENCE struct location_info_r10_s { struct location_coordinates_r10_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { ellipsoid_point_r10, ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_r10, // ... ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_circle_r11, ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_ellipse_r11, ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_and_uncertainty_ellipsoid_r11, ellipsoid_arc_r11, polygon_r11, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods location_coordinates_r10_c_() = default; location_coordinates_r10_c_(const location_coordinates_r10_c_& other); location_coordinates_r10_c_& operator=(const location_coordinates_r10_c_& other); ~location_coordinates_r10_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_r10() { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_r10, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_r10() { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_r10, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_circle_r11() { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_circle_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_ellipse_r11() { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_ellipse_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_and_uncertainty_ellipsoid_r11() { assert_choice_type( types::ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_and_uncertainty_ellipsoid_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_arc_r11() { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_arc_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& polygon_r11() { assert_choice_type(types::polygon_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_r10() const { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_r10, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_r10() const { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_r10, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_circle_r11() const { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_circle_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_ellipse_r11() const { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_ellipse_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_and_uncertainty_ellipsoid_r11() const { assert_choice_type( types::ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_and_uncertainty_ellipsoid_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& ellipsoid_arc_r11() const { assert_choice_type(types::ellipsoid_arc_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& polygon_r11() const { assert_choice_type(types::polygon_r11, type_, "locationCoordinates-r10"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& set_ellipsoid_point_r10(); dyn_octstring& set_ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_r10(); dyn_octstring& set_ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_circle_r11(); dyn_octstring& set_ellipsoid_point_with_uncertainty_ellipse_r11(); dyn_octstring& set_ellipsoid_point_with_altitude_and_uncertainty_ellipsoid_r11(); dyn_octstring& set_ellipsoid_arc_r11(); dyn_octstring& set_polygon_r11(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { vertical_velocity_r15, vertical_velocity_and_uncertainty_r15, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_() = default; vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_(const vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_& other); vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_& operator=(const vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_& other); ~vertical_velocity_info_r15_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters dyn_octstring& vertical_velocity_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::vertical_velocity_r15, type_, "verticalVelocityInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& vertical_velocity_and_uncertainty_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::vertical_velocity_and_uncertainty_r15, type_, "verticalVelocityInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& vertical_velocity_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::vertical_velocity_r15, type_, "verticalVelocityInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } const dyn_octstring& vertical_velocity_and_uncertainty_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::vertical_velocity_and_uncertainty_r15, type_, "verticalVelocityInfo-r15"); return c.get(); } dyn_octstring& set_vertical_velocity_r15(); dyn_octstring& set_vertical_velocity_and_uncertainty_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool horizontal_velocity_r10_present = false; bool gnss_tod_msec_r10_present = false; location_coordinates_r10_c_ location_coordinates_r10; dyn_octstring horizontal_velocity_r10; dyn_octstring gnss_tod_msec_r10; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr vertical_velocity_info_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultGERAN ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_geran_s { struct cgi_info_s_ { bool routing_area_code_present = false; cell_global_id_geran_s cell_global_id; fixed_bitstring<8> routing_area_code; }; struct meas_result_s_ { bool ext = false; uint8_t rssi = 0; // ... }; // member variables bool cgi_info_present = false; carrier_freq_geran_s carrier_freq; pci_geran_s pci; cgi_info_s_ cgi_info; meas_result_s_ meas_result; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultEUTRA using meas_result_list_eutra_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultListUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultUTRA using meas_result_list_utra_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_nr_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool rsrp_result_r15_present = false; bool rsrq_result_r15_present = false; bool rs_sinr_result_r15_present = false; uint8_t rsrp_result_r15 = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result_r15 = 0; uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r15 = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultsCDMA2000 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_results_cdma2000_s { bool pre_regist_status_hrpd = false; meas_result_list_cdma2000_l meas_result_list_cdma2000; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityInfoNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct plmn_id_info_nr_r15_s { bool tac_r15_present = false; bool ran_area_code_r15_present = false; plmn_id_list_nr_r15_l plmn_id_list_r15; fixed_bitstring<24> tac_r15; uint16_t ran_area_code_r15 = 0; fixed_bitstring<36> cell_id_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // RSRQ-Type-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct rsrq_type_r12_s { bool all_symbols_r12 = false; bool wide_band_r12 = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // WLAN-RTT-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct wlan_rtt_r15_s { struct rtt_units_r15_opts { enum options { microseconds, hundredsofnanoseconds, tensofnanoseconds, nanoseconds, tenthsofnanoseconds, /*...*/ nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated rtt_units_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool rtt_accuracy_r15_present = false; uint32_t rtt_value_r15 = 0; rtt_units_r15_e_ rtt_units_r15; uint16_t rtt_accuracy_r15 = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // LogMeasResultBT-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct log_meas_result_bt_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool rssi_bt_r15_present = false; fixed_bitstring<48> bt_addr_r15; int16_t rssi_bt_r15 = -128; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // LogMeasResultWLAN-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct log_meas_result_wlan_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool rssi_wlan_r15_present = false; bool rtt_wlan_r15_present = false; wlan_ids_r12_s wlan_ids_r15; uint8_t rssi_wlan_r15 = 0; wlan_rtt_r15_s rtt_wlan_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResult2CDMA2000-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result2_cdma2000_r9_s { carrier_freq_cdma2000_s carrier_freq_r9; meas_results_cdma2000_s meas_result_list_r9; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResult2EUTRA-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result2_eutra_r9_s { uint32_t carrier_freq_r9 = 0; meas_result_list_eutra_l meas_result_list_r9; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResult2EUTRA-v1250 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result2_eutra_v1250_s { bool rsrq_type_r12_present = false; rsrq_type_r12_s rsrq_type_r12; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResult2EUTRA-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result2_eutra_v9e0_s { bool carrier_freq_v9e0_present = false; uint32_t carrier_freq_v9e0 = 65536; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResult2UTRA-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result2_utra_r9_s { uint16_t carrier_freq_r9 = 0; meas_result_list_utra_l meas_result_list_r9; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultListGERAN ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultGERAN using meas_result_list_geran_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultMBSFN-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_mbsfn_r12_s { struct mbsfn_area_r12_s_ { uint16_t mbsfn_area_id_r12 = 0; uint32_t carrier_freq_r12 = 0; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool sig_bler_result_r12_present = false; bool data_bler_mch_result_list_r12_present = false; mbsfn_area_r12_s_ mbsfn_area_r12; uint8_t rsrp_result_mbsfn_r12 = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result_mbsfn_r12 = 0; bler_result_r12_s sig_bler_result_r12; data_bler_mch_result_list_r12_l data_bler_mch_result_list_r12; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultSSB-Index-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_ssb_idx_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool meas_result_ssb_idx_r15_present = false; uint8_t ssb_idx_r15 = 0; meas_result_nr_r15_s meas_result_ssb_idx_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityInfoListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..12)) OF PLMN-IdentityInfoNR-r15 using plmn_id_info_list_nr_r15_l = dyn_array; // CGI-InfoNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct cgi_info_nr_r15_s { struct no_sib1_r15_s_ { uint8_t ssb_subcarrier_offset_r15 = 0; uint16_t pdcch_cfg_sib1_r15 = 0; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool plmn_id_info_list_r15_present = false; bool freq_band_list_r15_present = false; bool no_sib1_r15_present = false; plmn_id_info_list_nr_r15_l plmn_id_info_list_r15; multi_freq_band_list_nr_r15_l freq_band_list_r15; no_sib1_r15_s_ no_sib1_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // LogMeasResultListBT-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF LogMeasResultBT-r15 using log_meas_result_list_bt_r15_l = dyn_array; // LogMeasResultListWLAN-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF LogMeasResultWLAN-r15 using log_meas_result_list_wlan_r15_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultList2CDMA2000-r9 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResult2CDMA2000-r9 using meas_result_list2_cdma2000_r9_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultList2EUTRA-r9 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-r9 using meas_result_list2_eutra_r9_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultList2EUTRA-v1250 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-v1250 using meas_result_list2_eutra_v1250_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultList2EUTRA-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-v9e0 using meas_result_list2_eutra_v9e0_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultList2GERAN-r10 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF MeasResultListGERAN using meas_result_list2_geran_r10_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultList2UTRA-r9 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResult2UTRA-r9 using meas_result_list2_utra_r9_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultListMBSFN-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultMBSFN-r12 using meas_result_list_mbsfn_r12_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultSSB-IndexList-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasResultSSB-Index-r15 using meas_result_ssb_idx_list_r15_l = dyn_array; // LogMeasInfo-r10 ::= SEQUENCE struct log_meas_info_r10_s { struct meas_result_serv_cell_r10_s_ { uint8_t rsrp_result_r10 = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result_r10 = 0; }; struct meas_result_neigh_cells_r10_s_ { bool meas_result_list_eutra_r10_present = false; bool meas_result_list_utra_r10_present = false; bool meas_result_list_geran_r10_present = false; bool meas_result_list_cdma2000_r10_present = false; meas_result_list2_eutra_r9_l meas_result_list_eutra_r10; meas_result_list2_utra_r9_l meas_result_list_utra_r10; meas_result_list2_geran_r10_l meas_result_list_geran_r10; meas_result_list2_cdma2000_r9_l meas_result_list_cdma2000_r10; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool location_info_r10_present = false; bool meas_result_neigh_cells_r10_present = false; location_info_r10_s location_info_r10; uint16_t relative_time_stamp_r10 = 0; cell_global_id_eutra_s serv_cell_id_r10; meas_result_serv_cell_r10_s_ meas_result_serv_cell_r10; meas_result_neigh_cells_r10_s_ meas_result_neigh_cells_r10; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr meas_result_list_eutra_v1090; // group 1 bool meas_result_serv_cell_v1250_present = false; copy_ptr meas_result_list_mbsfn_r12; int8_t meas_result_serv_cell_v1250 = -30; copy_ptr serv_cell_rsrq_type_r12; copy_ptr meas_result_list_eutra_v1250; // group 2 bool in_dev_coex_detected_r13_present = false; // group 3 bool meas_result_serv_cell_v1360_present = false; int8_t meas_result_serv_cell_v1360 = -17; // group 4 copy_ptr log_meas_result_list_bt_r15; copy_ptr log_meas_result_list_wlan_r15; // group 5 bool any_cell_sel_detected_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultCellNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_cell_nr_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool meas_result_rs_idx_list_r15_present = false; uint16_t pci_r15 = 0; meas_result_nr_r15_s meas_result_cell_r15; meas_result_ssb_idx_list_r15_l meas_result_rs_idx_list_r15; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr cgi_info_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // LogMeasInfoList-r10 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..520)) OF LogMeasInfo-r10 using log_meas_info_list_r10_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultCellListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultCellNR-r15 using meas_result_cell_list_nr_r15_l = dyn_array; // LogMeasReport-r10 ::= SEQUENCE struct log_meas_report_r10_s { bool ext = false; bool log_meas_available_r10_present = false; fixed_bitstring<48> absolute_time_stamp_r10; trace_ref_r10_s trace_ref_r10; fixed_octstring<2> trace_recording_session_ref_r10; fixed_octstring<1> tce_id_r10; log_meas_info_list_r10_l log_meas_info_list_r10; // ... // group 0 bool log_meas_available_bt_r15_present = false; bool log_meas_available_wlan_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultCBR-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_cbr_r14_s { bool cbr_pscch_r14_present = false; uint8_t pool_id_r14 = 1; uint8_t cbr_pssch_r14 = 0; uint8_t cbr_pscch_r14 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultCSI-RS-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_csi_rs_r12_s { bool ext = false; uint8_t meas_csi_rs_id_r12 = 1; uint8_t csi_rsrp_result_r12 = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultCellSFTD-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_cell_sftd_r15_s { bool rsrp_result_r15_present = false; uint16_t pci_r15 = 0; uint16_t sfn_offset_result_r15 = 0; int16_t frame_boundary_offset_result_r15 = -30720; uint8_t rsrp_result_r15 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultServFreq-r10 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_serv_freq_r10_s { struct meas_result_scell_r10_s_ { uint8_t rsrp_result_scell_r10 = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result_scell_r10 = 0; }; struct meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r10_s_ { uint16_t pci_r10 = 0; uint8_t rsrp_result_ncell_r10 = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result_ncell_r10 = 0; }; struct meas_result_scell_v1310_s_ { uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r13 = 0; }; struct meas_result_best_neigh_cell_v1310_s_ { uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r13 = 0; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool meas_result_scell_r10_present = false; bool meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r10_present = false; uint8_t serv_freq_id_r10 = 0; meas_result_scell_r10_s_ meas_result_scell_r10; meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r10_s_ meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r10; // ... // group 0 bool meas_result_scell_v1250_present = false; bool meas_result_best_neigh_cell_v1250_present = false; int8_t meas_result_scell_v1250 = -30; int8_t meas_result_best_neigh_cell_v1250 = -30; // group 1 copy_ptr meas_result_scell_v1310; copy_ptr meas_result_best_neigh_cell_v1310; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultServFreq-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_serv_freq_r13_s { struct meas_result_scell_r13_s_ { bool rs_sinr_result_r13_present = false; uint8_t rsrp_result_scell_r13 = 0; int8_t rsrq_result_scell_r13 = -30; uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r13 = 0; }; struct meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r13_s_ { bool rs_sinr_result_r13_present = false; uint16_t pci_r13 = 0; uint8_t rsrp_result_ncell_r13 = 0; int8_t rsrq_result_ncell_r13 = -30; uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r13 = 0; }; struct meas_result_best_neigh_cell_v1360_s_ { int8_t rsrp_result_ncell_v1360 = -17; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool meas_result_scell_r13_present = false; bool meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r13_present = false; uint8_t serv_freq_id_r13 = 0; meas_result_scell_r13_s_ meas_result_scell_r13; meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r13_s_ meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r13; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr meas_result_best_neigh_cell_v1360; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultServFreqNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_serv_freq_nr_r15_s { bool ext = false; bool meas_result_scell_r15_present = false; bool meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r15_present = false; uint32_t carrier_freq_r15 = 0; meas_result_cell_nr_r15_s meas_result_scell_r15; meas_result_cell_nr_r15_s meas_result_best_neigh_cell_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultWLAN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_wlan_r13_s { bool ext = false; bool carrier_info_wlan_r13_present = false; bool band_wlan_r13_present = false; bool available_admission_capacity_wlan_r13_present = false; bool backhaul_dl_bw_wlan_r13_present = false; bool backhaul_ul_bw_wlan_r13_present = false; bool ch_utilization_wlan_r13_present = false; bool station_count_wlan_r13_present = false; bool connected_wlan_r13_present = false; wlan_ids_r12_s wlan_ids_r13; wlan_carrier_info_r13_s carrier_info_wlan_r13; wlan_band_ind_r13_e band_wlan_r13; uint8_t rssi_wlan_r13 = 0; uint16_t available_admission_capacity_wlan_r13 = 0; wlan_backhaul_rate_r12_e backhaul_dl_bw_wlan_r13; wlan_backhaul_rate_r12_e backhaul_ul_bw_wlan_r13; uint16_t ch_utilization_wlan_r13 = 0; uint32_t station_count_wlan_r13 = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SensingResult-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sensing_result_r15_s { uint16_t res_idx_r15 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UL-PDCP-DelayResult-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ul_pdcp_delay_result_r13_s { struct qci_id_r13_opts { enum options { qci1, qci2, qci3, qci4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated qci_id_r13_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; qci_id_r13_e_ qci_id_r13; uint8_t excess_delay_r13 = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultCSI-RS-List-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultCSI-RS-r12 using meas_result_csi_rs_list_r12_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultCellListSFTD-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF MeasResultCellSFTD-r15 using meas_result_cell_list_sftd_r15_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultForECID-r9 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_for_ecid_r9_s { uint16_t ue_rx_tx_time_diff_result_r9 = 0; fixed_bitstring<10> current_sfn_r9; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultForRSSI-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_for_rssi_r13_s { bool ext = false; uint8_t rssi_result_r13 = 0; uint8_t ch_occupancy_r13 = 0; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultListCBR-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..72)) OF MeasResultCBR-r14 using meas_result_list_cbr_r14_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultListWLAN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF MeasResultWLAN-r13 using meas_result_list_wlan_r13_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultListWLAN-r14 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasResultWLAN-r13 using meas_result_list_wlan_r14_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultSSTD-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_sstd_r13_s { uint16_t sfn_offset_result_r13 = 0; int8_t frame_boundary_offset_result_r13 = -5; uint8_t sf_boundary_offset_result_r13 = 0; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultSensing-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_result_sensing_r15_s { using sensing_result_r15_l_ = dyn_array; // member variables uint16_t sl_sf_ref_r15 = 0; sensing_result_r15_l_ sensing_result_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasResultServFreqList-r10 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF MeasResultServFreq-r10 using meas_result_serv_freq_list_r10_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultServFreqListExt-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasResultServFreq-r13 using meas_result_serv_freq_list_ext_r13_l = dyn_array; // MeasResultServFreqListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF MeasResultServFreqNR-r15 using meas_result_serv_freq_list_nr_r15_l = dyn_array; // UL-PDCP-DelayResultList-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF UL-PDCP-DelayResult-r13 using ul_pdcp_delay_result_list_r13_l = dyn_array; // MeasResults ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_results_s { struct meas_result_pcell_s_ { uint8_t rsrp_result = 0; uint8_t rsrq_result = 0; }; struct meas_result_neigh_cells_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { meas_result_list_eutra, meas_result_list_utra, meas_result_list_geran, meas_results_cdma2000, // ... meas_result_neigh_cell_list_nr_r15, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods meas_result_neigh_cells_c_() = default; meas_result_neigh_cells_c_(const meas_result_neigh_cells_c_& other); meas_result_neigh_cells_c_& operator=(const meas_result_neigh_cells_c_& other); ~meas_result_neigh_cells_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters meas_result_list_eutra_l& meas_result_list_eutra() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_list_eutra, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } meas_result_list_utra_l& meas_result_list_utra() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_list_utra, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } meas_result_list_geran_l& meas_result_list_geran() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_list_geran, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } meas_results_cdma2000_s& meas_results_cdma2000() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_results_cdma2000, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } meas_result_cell_list_nr_r15_l& meas_result_neigh_cell_list_nr_r15() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_neigh_cell_list_nr_r15, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } const meas_result_list_eutra_l& meas_result_list_eutra() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_list_eutra, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } const meas_result_list_utra_l& meas_result_list_utra() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_list_utra, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } const meas_result_list_geran_l& meas_result_list_geran() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_list_geran, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } const meas_results_cdma2000_s& meas_results_cdma2000() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_results_cdma2000, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } const meas_result_cell_list_nr_r15_l& meas_result_neigh_cell_list_nr_r15() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_result_neigh_cell_list_nr_r15, type_, "measResultNeighCells"); return c.get(); } meas_result_list_eutra_l& set_meas_result_list_eutra(); meas_result_list_utra_l& set_meas_result_list_utra(); meas_result_list_geran_l& set_meas_result_list_geran(); meas_results_cdma2000_s& set_meas_results_cdma2000(); meas_result_cell_list_nr_r15_l& set_meas_result_neigh_cell_list_nr_r15(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct meas_result_pcell_v1310_s_ { uint8_t rs_sinr_result_r13 = 0; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool meas_result_neigh_cells_present = false; uint8_t meas_id = 1; meas_result_pcell_s_ meas_result_pcell; meas_result_neigh_cells_c_ meas_result_neigh_cells; // ... // group 0 copy_ptr meas_result_for_ecid_r9; // group 1 copy_ptr location_info_r10; copy_ptr meas_result_serv_freq_list_r10; // group 2 bool meas_id_v1250_present = false; bool meas_result_pcell_v1250_present = false; uint8_t meas_id_v1250 = 33; int8_t meas_result_pcell_v1250 = -30; copy_ptr meas_result_csi_rs_list_r12; // group 3 copy_ptr meas_result_for_rssi_r13; copy_ptr meas_result_serv_freq_list_ext_r13; copy_ptr meas_result_sstd_r13; copy_ptr meas_result_pcell_v1310; copy_ptr ul_pdcp_delay_result_list_r13; copy_ptr meas_result_list_wlan_r13; // group 4 bool meas_result_pcell_v1360_present = false; int8_t meas_result_pcell_v1360 = -17; // group 5 copy_ptr meas_result_list_cbr_r14; copy_ptr meas_result_list_wlan_r14; // group 6 copy_ptr meas_result_serv_freq_list_nr_r15; copy_ptr meas_result_cell_list_sftd_r15; // group 7 bool height_ue_r15_present = false; copy_ptr log_meas_result_list_bt_r15; copy_ptr log_meas_result_list_wlan_r15; copy_ptr meas_result_sensing_r15; int16_t height_ue_r15 = -400; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasurementReport-v8a0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_report_v8a0_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasurementReport-r8-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_report_r8_ies_s { bool non_crit_ext_present = false; meas_results_s meas_results; meas_report_v8a0_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MeasurementReport ::= SEQUENCE struct meas_report_s { struct crit_exts_c_ { struct c1_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { meas_report_r8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods c1_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters meas_report_r8_ies_s& meas_report_r8() { assert_choice_type(types::meas_report_r8, type_, "c1"); return c; } const meas_report_r8_ies_s& meas_report_r8() const { assert_choice_type(types::meas_report_r8, type_, "c1"); return c; } meas_report_r8_ies_s& set_meas_report_r8(); void set_spare7(); void set_spare6(); void set_spare5(); void set_spare4(); void set_spare3(); void set_spare2(); void set_spare1(); private: types type_; meas_report_r8_ies_s c; }; using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e; // choice methods crit_exts_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters c1_c_& c1() { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } const c1_c_& c1() const { assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions"); return c; } c1_c_& set_c1(); void set_crit_exts_future(); private: types type_; c1_c_ c; }; // member variables crit_exts_c_ crit_exts; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // MobilityControlInfo-v10l0 ::= SEQUENCE struct mob_ctrl_info_v10l0_s { bool add_spec_emission_v10l0_present = false; uint16_t add_spec_emission_v10l0 = 33; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; } // namespace rrc } // namespace asn1 #endif // SRSASN1_RRC_MEASCFG_H