/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ /******************************************************************************* * * 3GPP TS ASN1 RRC v15.11.0 (2020-09) * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef SRSASN1_RRC_SI_H #define SRSASN1_RRC_SI_H #include "rr_common.h" namespace asn1 { namespace rrc { /******************************************************************************* * Struct Definitions ******************************************************************************/ // MasterInformationBlock ::= SEQUENCE struct mib_s { struct dl_bw_opts { enum options { n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated dl_bw_e_; // member variables dl_bw_e_ dl_bw; phich_cfg_s phich_cfg; fixed_bitstring<8> sys_frame_num; uint8_t sched_info_sib1_br_r13 = 0; bool sys_info_unchanged_br_r15 = false; fixed_bitstring<4> spare; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // GNSS-ID-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct gnss_id_r15_s { struct gnss_id_r15_opts { enum options { gps, sbas, qzss, galileo, glonass, bds, /*...*/ nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated gnss_id_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; gnss_id_r15_e_ gnss_id_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SBAS-ID-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct sbas_id_r15_s { struct sbas_id_r15_opts { enum options { waas, egnos, msas, gagan, /*...*/ nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated sbas_id_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; sbas_id_r15_e_ sbas_id_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PosSIB-Type-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct pos_sib_type_r15_s { struct pos_sib_type_r15_opts { enum options { pos_sib_type1_minus1, pos_sib_type1_minus2, pos_sib_type1_minus3, pos_sib_type1_minus4, pos_sib_type1_minus5, pos_sib_type1_minus6, pos_sib_type1_minus7, pos_sib_type2_minus1, pos_sib_type2_minus2, pos_sib_type2_minus3, pos_sib_type2_minus4, pos_sib_type2_minus5, pos_sib_type2_minus6, pos_sib_type2_minus7, pos_sib_type2_minus8, pos_sib_type2_minus9, pos_sib_type2_minus10, pos_sib_type2_minus11, pos_sib_type2_minus12, pos_sib_type2_minus13, pos_sib_type2_minus14, pos_sib_type2_minus15, pos_sib_type2_minus16, pos_sib_type2_minus17, pos_sib_type2_minus18, pos_sib_type2_minus19, pos_sib_type3_minus1, // ... nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated pos_sib_type_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; bool encrypted_r15_present = false; bool gnss_id_r15_present = false; bool sbas_id_r15_present = false; gnss_id_r15_s gnss_id_r15; sbas_id_r15_s sbas_id_r15; pos_sib_type_r15_e_ pos_sib_type_r15; // ... // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PosSIB-MappingInfo-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF PosSIB-Type-r15 using pos_sib_map_info_r15_l = dyn_array; // PLMN-IdentityInfo-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct plmn_id_info_v1530_s { struct cell_reserved_for_oper_crs_r15_opts { enum options { reserved, not_reserved, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_reserved_for_oper_crs_r15_e_; // member variables cell_reserved_for_oper_crs_r15_e_ cell_reserved_for_oper_crs_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PosSchedulingInfo-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct pos_sched_info_r15_s { struct pos_si_periodicity_r15_opts { enum options { rf8, rf16, rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated pos_si_periodicity_r15_e_; // member variables pos_si_periodicity_r15_e_ pos_si_periodicity_r15; pos_sib_map_info_r15_l pos_sib_map_info_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellSelectionInfoCE-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_ce_v1530_s { struct pwr_class14dbm_offset_r15_opts { enum options { db_minus6, db_minus3, db3, db6, db9, db12, nulltype } value; typedef int8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; int8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated pwr_class14dbm_offset_r15_e_; // member variables pwr_class14dbm_offset_r15_e_ pwr_class14dbm_offset_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-IdentityList-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF PLMN-IdentityInfo-v1530 using plmn_id_list_v1530_l = dyn_array; // PosSchedulingInfoList-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF PosSchedulingInfo-r15 using pos_sched_info_list_r15_l = dyn_array; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1540_ies_s { bool si_pos_offset_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1530_ies_s { struct crs_intf_mitig_cfg_r15_c_ { struct crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs_opts { enum options { n6, n24, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs_e_; struct types_opts { enum options { crs_intf_mitig_enabled, crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods crs_intf_mitig_cfg_r15_c_() = default; void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs_e_& crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs() { assert_choice_type(types::crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs, type_, "crs-IntfMitigConfig-r15"); return c; } const crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs_e_& crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs() const { assert_choice_type(types::crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs, type_, "crs-IntfMitigConfig-r15"); return c; } void set_crs_intf_mitig_enabled(); crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs_e_& set_crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs(); private: types type_; crs_intf_mitig_num_prbs_e_ c; }; struct cell_barred_crs_r15_opts { enum options { barred, not_barred, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_barred_crs_r15_e_; struct cell_access_related_info_minus5_gc_r15_s_ { struct cell_barred_minus5_gc_r15_opts { enum options { barred, not_barred, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_barred_minus5_gc_r15_e_; struct cell_barred_minus5_gc_crs_r15_opts { enum options { barred, not_barred, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_barred_minus5_gc_crs_r15_e_; using cell_access_related_info_list_minus5_gc_r15_l_ = dyn_array; // member variables cell_barred_minus5_gc_r15_e_ cell_barred_minus5_gc_r15; cell_barred_minus5_gc_crs_r15_e_ cell_barred_minus5_gc_crs_r15; cell_access_related_info_list_minus5_gc_r15_l_ cell_access_related_info_list_minus5_gc_r15; }; // member variables bool hsdn_cell_r15_present = false; bool cell_sel_info_ce_v1530_present = false; bool crs_intf_mitig_cfg_r15_present = false; bool plmn_id_list_v1530_present = false; bool pos_sched_info_list_r15_present = false; bool cell_access_related_info_minus5_gc_r15_present = false; bool ims_emergency_support5_gc_r15_present = false; bool ecall_over_ims_support5_gc_r15_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_sel_info_ce_v1530_s cell_sel_info_ce_v1530; crs_intf_mitig_cfg_r15_c_ crs_intf_mitig_cfg_r15; cell_barred_crs_r15_e_ cell_barred_crs_r15; plmn_id_list_v1530_l plmn_id_list_v1530; pos_sched_info_list_r15_l pos_sched_info_list_r15; cell_access_related_info_minus5_gc_r15_s_ cell_access_related_info_minus5_gc_r15; sib_type1_v1540_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellAccessRelatedInfo-r14 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_access_related_info_r14_s { plmn_id_list_l plmn_id_list_r14; fixed_bitstring<16> tac_r14; fixed_bitstring<28> cell_id_r14; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1450-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1450_ies_s { bool tdd_cfg_v1450_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; tdd_cfg_v1450_s tdd_cfg_v1450; sib_type1_v1530_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellSelectionInfoCE1-v1360 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_ce1_v1360_s { int8_t delta_rx_lev_min_ce1_v1360 = -8; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1430-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1430_ies_s { using cell_access_related_info_list_r14_l_ = dyn_array; // member variables bool ecall_over_ims_support_r14_present = false; bool tdd_cfg_v1430_present = false; bool cell_access_related_info_list_r14_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; tdd_cfg_v1430_s tdd_cfg_v1430; cell_access_related_info_list_r14_l_ cell_access_related_info_list_r14; sib_type1_v1450_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellSelectionInfoCE1-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_ce1_r13_s { bool q_qual_min_rsrq_ce1_r13_present = false; int8_t q_rx_lev_min_ce1_r13 = -70; int8_t q_qual_min_rsrq_ce1_r13 = -34; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1360-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1360_ies_s { bool cell_sel_info_ce1_v1360_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_sel_info_ce1_v1360_s cell_sel_info_ce1_v1360; sib_type1_v1430_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SchedulingInfo-BR-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct sched_info_br_r13_s { struct si_tbs_r13_opts { enum options { b152, b208, b256, b328, b408, b504, b600, b712, b808, b936, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_tbs_r13_e_; // member variables uint8_t si_nb_r13 = 1; si_tbs_r13_e_ si_tbs_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1350-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1350_ies_s { bool cell_sel_info_ce1_r13_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_sel_info_ce1_r13_s cell_sel_info_ce1_r13; sib_type1_v1360_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BarringPerACDC-Category-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct barr_per_acdc_category_r13_s { struct acdc_barr_cfg_r13_s_ { struct ac_barr_factor_r13_opts { enum options { p00, p05, p10, p15, p20, p25, p30, p40, p50, p60, p70, p75, p80, p85, p90, p95, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated ac_barr_factor_r13_e_; struct ac_barr_time_r13_opts { enum options { s4, s8, s16, s32, s64, s128, s256, s512, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ac_barr_time_r13_e_; // member variables ac_barr_factor_r13_e_ ac_barr_factor_r13; ac_barr_time_r13_e_ ac_barr_time_r13; }; // member variables bool acdc_barr_cfg_r13_present = false; uint8_t acdc_category_r13 = 1; acdc_barr_cfg_r13_s_ acdc_barr_cfg_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellSelectionInfoCE-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_ce_r13_s { bool q_qual_min_rsrq_ce_r13_present = false; int8_t q_rx_lev_min_ce_r13 = -70; int8_t q_qual_min_rsrq_ce_r13 = -34; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SchedulingInfoList-BR-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF SchedulingInfo-BR-r13 using sched_info_list_br_r13_l = dyn_array; // SystemInfoValueTagList-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF INTEGER (0..3) using sys_info_value_tag_list_r13_l = bounded_array; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1320-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1320_ies_s { struct freq_hop_params_dl_r13_s_ { struct mpdcch_pdsch_hop_nb_r13_opts { enum options { nb2, nb4, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated mpdcch_pdsch_hop_nb_r13_e_; struct interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_ { struct interv_fdd_r13_opts { enum options { int1, int2, int4, int8, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated interv_fdd_r13_e_; struct interv_tdd_r13_opts { enum options { int1, int5, int10, int20, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated interv_tdd_r13_e_; struct types_opts { enum options { interv_fdd_r13, interv_tdd_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_() = default; interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_(const interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_& other); interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_& operator=(const interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_& other); ~interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters interv_fdd_r13_e_& interv_fdd_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::interv_fdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeA-r13"); return c.get(); } interv_tdd_r13_e_& interv_tdd_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::interv_tdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeA-r13"); return c.get(); } const interv_fdd_r13_e_& interv_fdd_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::interv_fdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeA-r13"); return c.get(); } const interv_tdd_r13_e_& interv_tdd_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::interv_tdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeA-r13"); return c.get(); } interv_fdd_r13_e_& set_interv_fdd_r13(); interv_tdd_r13_e_& set_interv_tdd_r13(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; struct interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_ { struct interv_fdd_r13_opts { enum options { int2, int4, int8, int16, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated interv_fdd_r13_e_; struct interv_tdd_r13_opts { enum options { int5, int10, int20, int40, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated interv_tdd_r13_e_; struct types_opts { enum options { interv_fdd_r13, interv_tdd_r13, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_() = default; interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_(const interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_& other); interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_& operator=(const interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_& other); ~interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters interv_fdd_r13_e_& interv_fdd_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::interv_fdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeB-r13"); return c.get(); } interv_tdd_r13_e_& interv_tdd_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::interv_tdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeB-r13"); return c.get(); } const interv_fdd_r13_e_& interv_fdd_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::interv_fdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeB-r13"); return c.get(); } const interv_tdd_r13_e_& interv_tdd_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::interv_tdd_r13, type_, "interval-DLHoppingConfigCommonModeB-r13"); return c.get(); } interv_fdd_r13_e_& set_interv_fdd_r13(); interv_tdd_r13_e_& set_interv_tdd_r13(); private: types type_; pod_choice_buffer_t c; void destroy_(); }; // member variables bool mpdcch_pdsch_hop_nb_r13_present = false; bool interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_present = false; bool interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_present = false; bool mpdcch_pdsch_hop_offset_r13_present = false; mpdcch_pdsch_hop_nb_r13_e_ mpdcch_pdsch_hop_nb_r13; interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13_c_ interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_a_r13; interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13_c_ interv_dl_hop_cfg_common_mode_b_r13; uint8_t mpdcch_pdsch_hop_offset_r13 = 1; }; // member variables bool freq_hop_params_dl_r13_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; freq_hop_params_dl_r13_s_ freq_hop_params_dl_r13; sib_type1_v1350_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AC-BarringConfig ::= SEQUENCE struct ac_barr_cfg_s { struct ac_barr_factor_opts { enum options { p00, p05, p10, p15, p20, p25, p30, p40, p50, p60, p70, p75, p80, p85, p90, p95, nulltype } value; typedef float number_type; const char* to_string() const; float to_number() const; const char* to_number_string() const; }; typedef enumerated ac_barr_factor_e_; struct ac_barr_time_opts { enum options { s4, s8, s16, s32, s64, s128, s256, s512, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ac_barr_time_e_; // member variables ac_barr_factor_e_ ac_barr_factor; ac_barr_time_e_ ac_barr_time; fixed_bitstring<5> ac_barr_for_special_ac; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // BarringPerACDC-CategoryList-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF BarringPerACDC-Category-r13 using barr_per_acdc_category_list_r13_l = dyn_array; // CellSelectionInfo-v1250 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_v1250_s { int8_t q_qual_min_rsrq_on_all_symbols_r12 = -34; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1310-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1310_ies_s { struct bw_reduced_access_related_info_r13_s_ { struct si_win_len_br_r13_opts { enum options { ms20, ms40, ms60, ms80, ms120, ms160, ms200, spare, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_win_len_br_r13_e_; struct si_repeat_pattern_r13_opts { enum options { every_rf, every2nd_rf, every4th_rf, every8th_rf, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_repeat_pattern_r13_e_; struct fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_ { struct types_opts { enum options { sf_pattern10_r13, sf_pattern40_r13, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated types; // choice methods fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_() = default; fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_(const fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_& other); fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_& operator=(const fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_& other); ~fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_() { destroy_(); } void set(types::options e = types::nulltype); types type() const { return type_; } SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; // getters fixed_bitstring<10>& sf_pattern10_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern10_r13, type_, "fdd-DownlinkOrTddSubframeBitmapBR-r13"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<40>& sf_pattern40_r13() { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern40_r13, type_, "fdd-DownlinkOrTddSubframeBitmapBR-r13"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<10>& sf_pattern10_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern10_r13, type_, "fdd-DownlinkOrTddSubframeBitmapBR-r13"); return c.get >(); } const fixed_bitstring<40>& sf_pattern40_r13() const { assert_choice_type(types::sf_pattern40_r13, type_, "fdd-DownlinkOrTddSubframeBitmapBR-r13"); return c.get >(); } fixed_bitstring<10>& set_sf_pattern10_r13(); fixed_bitstring<40>& set_sf_pattern40_r13(); private: types type_; choice_buffer_t > c; void destroy_(); }; struct si_hop_cfg_common_r13_opts { enum options { on, off, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated si_hop_cfg_common_r13_e_; // member variables bool sched_info_list_br_r13_present = false; bool fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_present = false; bool fdd_ul_sf_bitmap_br_r13_present = false; bool si_validity_time_r13_present = false; bool sys_info_value_tag_list_r13_present = false; si_win_len_br_r13_e_ si_win_len_br_r13; si_repeat_pattern_r13_e_ si_repeat_pattern_r13; sched_info_list_br_r13_l sched_info_list_br_r13; fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13_c_ fdd_dl_or_tdd_sf_bitmap_br_r13; fixed_bitstring<10> fdd_ul_sf_bitmap_br_r13; uint8_t start_symbol_br_r13 = 1; si_hop_cfg_common_r13_e_ si_hop_cfg_common_r13; sys_info_value_tag_list_r13_l sys_info_value_tag_list_r13; }; // member variables bool hyper_sfn_r13_present = false; bool edrx_allowed_r13_present = false; bool cell_sel_info_ce_r13_present = false; bool bw_reduced_access_related_info_r13_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; fixed_bitstring<10> hyper_sfn_r13; cell_sel_info_ce_r13_s cell_sel_info_ce_r13; bw_reduced_access_related_info_r13_s_ bw_reduced_access_related_info_r13; sib_type1_v1320_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UDT-Restricting-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct udt_restricting_r13_s { struct udt_restricting_time_r13_opts { enum options { s4, s8, s16, s32, s64, s128, s256, s512, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated udt_restricting_time_r13_e_; // member variables bool udt_restricting_r13_present = false; bool udt_restricting_time_r13_present = false; udt_restricting_time_r13_e_ udt_restricting_time_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AC-BarringPerPLMN-r12 ::= SEQUENCE struct ac_barr_per_plmn_r12_s { struct ac_barr_info_r12_s_ { bool ac_barr_for_mo_sig_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_for_mo_data_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_for_emergency_r12 = false; ac_barr_cfg_s ac_barr_for_mo_sig_r12; ac_barr_cfg_s ac_barr_for_mo_data_r12; }; // member variables bool ac_barr_info_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_skip_for_mmtel_voice_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_skip_for_mmtel_video_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_skip_for_sms_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_for_csfb_r12_present = false; bool ssac_barr_for_mmtel_voice_r12_present = false; bool ssac_barr_for_mmtel_video_r12_present = false; uint8_t plmn_id_idx_r12 = 1; ac_barr_info_r12_s_ ac_barr_info_r12; ac_barr_cfg_s ac_barr_for_csfb_r12; ac_barr_cfg_s ssac_barr_for_mmtel_voice_r12; ac_barr_cfg_s ssac_barr_for_mmtel_video_r12; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ACDC-BarringPerPLMN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct acdc_barr_per_plmn_r13_s { uint8_t plmn_id_idx_r13 = 1; bool acdc_only_for_hplmn_r13 = false; barr_per_acdc_category_list_r13_l barr_per_acdc_category_list_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CIOT-OptimisationPLMN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct ciot_optim_plmn_r13_s { bool up_cio_t_eps_optim_r13_present = false; bool cp_cio_t_eps_optim_r13_present = false; bool attach_without_pdn_connect_r13_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // CellSelectionInfo-v1130 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_v1130_s { int8_t q_qual_min_wb_r11 = -34; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-Info-r15 ::= SEQUENCE struct plmn_info_r15_s { bool upper_layer_ind_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SIB-Type ::= ENUMERATED struct sib_type_opts { enum options { sib_type3, sib_type4, sib_type5, sib_type6, sib_type7, sib_type8, sib_type9, sib_type10, sib_type11, sib_type12_v920, sib_type13_v920, sib_type14_v1130, sib_type15_v1130, sib_type16_v1130, sib_type17_v1250, sib_type18_v1250, // ... sib_type19_v1250, sib_type20_v1310, sib_type21_v1430, sib_type24_v1530, sib_type25_v1530, sib_type26_v1530, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated sib_type_e; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1250-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1250_ies_s { struct cell_access_related_info_v1250_s_ { bool category0_allowed_r12_present = false; }; // member variables bool cell_sel_info_v1250_present = false; bool freq_band_ind_prio_r12_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_access_related_info_v1250_s_ cell_access_related_info_v1250; cell_sel_info_v1250_s cell_sel_info_v1250; sib_type1_v1310_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UDT-RestrictingPerPLMN-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct udt_restricting_per_plmn_r13_s { bool udt_restricting_r13_present = false; uint8_t plmn_id_idx_r13 = 1; udt_restricting_r13_s udt_restricting_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // AC-BarringPerPLMN-List-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF AC-BarringPerPLMN-r12 using ac_barr_per_plmn_list_r12_l = dyn_array; // ACDC-BarringForCommon-r13 ::= SEQUENCE struct acdc_barr_for_common_r13_s { bool acdc_hplm_nonly_r13 = false; barr_per_acdc_category_list_r13_l barr_per_acdc_category_list_r13; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // ACDC-BarringPerPLMN-List-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF ACDC-BarringPerPLMN-r13 using acdc_barr_per_plmn_list_r13_l = dyn_array; // CIOT-EPS-OptimisationInfo-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF CIOT-OptimisationPLMN-r13 using ciot_eps_optim_info_r13_l = dyn_array; // CellSelectionInfo-v920 ::= SEQUENCE struct cell_sel_info_v920_s { bool q_qual_min_offset_r9_present = false; int8_t q_qual_min_r9 = -34; uint8_t q_qual_min_offset_r9 = 1; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // PLMN-InfoList-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF PLMN-Info-r15 using plmn_info_list_r15_l = dyn_array; // SI-Periodicity-r12 ::= ENUMERATED struct si_periodicity_r12_opts { enum options { rf8, rf16, rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_periodicity_r12_e; // SIB-MappingInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..31)) OF SIB-Type using sib_map_info_l = bounded_array; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v1130-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v1130_ies_s { bool tdd_cfg_v1130_present = false; bool cell_sel_info_v1130_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; tdd_cfg_v1130_s tdd_cfg_v1130; cell_sel_info_v1130_s cell_sel_info_v1130; sib_type1_v1250_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // UDT-RestrictingPerPLMN-List-r13 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF UDT-RestrictingPerPLMN-r13 using udt_restricting_per_plmn_list_r13_l = dyn_array; // UE-TimersAndConstants ::= SEQUENCE struct ue_timers_and_consts_s { struct t300_opts { enum options { ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t300_e_; struct t301_opts { enum options { ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t301_e_; struct t310_opts { enum options { ms0, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t310_e_; struct n310_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated n310_e_; struct t311_opts { enum options { ms1000, ms3000, ms5000, ms10000, ms15000, ms20000, ms30000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t311_e_; struct n311_opts { enum options { n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated n311_e_; struct t300_v1310_opts { enum options { ms2500, ms3000, ms3500, ms4000, ms5000, ms6000, ms8000, ms10000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t300_v1310_e_; struct t301_v1310_opts { enum options { ms2500, ms3000, ms3500, ms4000, ms5000, ms6000, ms8000, ms10000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t301_v1310_e_; struct t310_v1330_opts { enum options { ms4000, ms6000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t310_v1330_e_; struct t300_r15_opts { enum options { ms4000, ms6000, ms8000, ms10000, ms15000, ms25000, ms40000, ms60000, nulltype } value; typedef uint16_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint16_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated t300_r15_e_; // member variables bool ext = false; t300_e_ t300; t301_e_ t301; t310_e_ t310; n310_e_ n310; t311_e_ t311; n311_e_ n311; // ... // group 0 bool t300_v1310_present = false; bool t301_v1310_present = false; t300_v1310_e_ t300_v1310; t301_v1310_e_ t301_v1310; // group 1 bool t310_v1330_present = false; t310_v1330_e_ t310_v1330; // group 2 bool t300_r15_present = false; t300_r15_e_ t300_r15; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SchedulingInfo ::= SEQUENCE struct sched_info_s { si_periodicity_r12_e si_periodicity; sib_map_info_l sib_map_info; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v920-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v920_ies_s { bool ims_emergency_support_r9_present = false; bool cell_sel_info_v920_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_sel_info_v920_s cell_sel_info_v920; sib_type1_v1130_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType2 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type2_s { struct ac_barr_info_s_ { bool ac_barr_for_mo_sig_present = false; bool ac_barr_for_mo_data_present = false; bool ac_barr_for_emergency = false; ac_barr_cfg_s ac_barr_for_mo_sig; ac_barr_cfg_s ac_barr_for_mo_data; }; struct freq_info_s_ { struct ul_bw_opts { enum options { n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated ul_bw_e_; // member variables bool ul_carrier_freq_present = false; bool ul_bw_present = false; uint32_t ul_carrier_freq = 0; ul_bw_e_ ul_bw; uint8_t add_spec_emission = 1; }; // member variables bool ext = false; bool ac_barr_info_present = false; bool mbsfn_sf_cfg_list_present = false; ac_barr_info_s_ ac_barr_info; rr_cfg_common_sib_s rr_cfg_common; ue_timers_and_consts_s ue_timers_and_consts; freq_info_s_ freq_info; mbsfn_sf_cfg_list_l mbsfn_sf_cfg_list; time_align_timer_e time_align_timer_common; // ... bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; // group 0 copy_ptr ssac_barr_for_mmtel_voice_r9; copy_ptr ssac_barr_for_mmtel_video_r9; // group 1 copy_ptr ac_barr_for_csfb_r10; // group 2 bool ac_barr_skip_for_mmtel_voice_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_skip_for_mmtel_video_r12_present = false; bool ac_barr_skip_for_sms_r12_present = false; copy_ptr ac_barr_per_plmn_list_r12; // group 3 bool voice_service_cause_ind_r12_present = false; // group 4 copy_ptr acdc_barr_for_common_r13; copy_ptr acdc_barr_per_plmn_list_r13; // group 5 bool use_full_resume_id_r13_present = false; copy_ptr udt_restricting_for_common_r13; copy_ptr udt_restricting_per_plmn_list_r13; copy_ptr cio_t_eps_optim_info_r13; // group 6 bool unicast_freq_hop_ind_r13_present = false; // group 7 bool video_service_cause_ind_r14_present = false; copy_ptr mbsfn_sf_cfg_list_v1430; // group 8 copy_ptr plmn_info_list_r15; // group 9 bool cp_edt_r15_present = false; bool up_edt_r15_present = false; bool idle_mode_meass_r15_present = false; bool reduced_cp_latency_enabled_r15_present = false; // group 10 bool mbms_rom_service_ind_r15_present = false; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SchedulingInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF SchedulingInfo using sched_info_list_l = dyn_array; // SystemInformationBlockType1-v890-IEs ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_v890_ies_s { bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext; sib_type1_v920_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; // SystemInformationBlockType1 ::= SEQUENCE struct sib_type1_s { struct cell_access_related_info_s_ { struct cell_barred_opts { enum options { barred, not_barred, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated cell_barred_e_; struct intra_freq_resel_opts { enum options { allowed, not_allowed, nulltype } value; const char* to_string() const; }; typedef enumerated intra_freq_resel_e_; // member variables bool csg_id_present = false; plmn_id_list_l plmn_id_list; fixed_bitstring<16> tac; fixed_bitstring<28> cell_id; cell_barred_e_ cell_barred; intra_freq_resel_e_ intra_freq_resel; bool csg_ind = false; fixed_bitstring<27> csg_id; }; struct cell_sel_info_s_ { bool q_rx_lev_min_offset_present = false; int8_t q_rx_lev_min = -70; uint8_t q_rx_lev_min_offset = 1; }; struct si_win_len_opts { enum options { ms1, ms2, ms5, ms10, ms15, ms20, ms40, nulltype } value; typedef uint8_t number_type; const char* to_string() const; uint8_t to_number() const; }; typedef enumerated si_win_len_e_; // member variables bool p_max_present = false; bool tdd_cfg_present = false; bool non_crit_ext_present = false; cell_access_related_info_s_ cell_access_related_info; cell_sel_info_s_ cell_sel_info; int8_t p_max = -30; uint8_t freq_band_ind = 1; sched_info_list_l sched_info_list; tdd_cfg_s tdd_cfg; si_win_len_e_ si_win_len; uint8_t sys_info_value_tag = 0; sib_type1_v890_ies_s non_crit_ext; // sequence methods SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const; SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref); void to_json(json_writer& j) const; }; } // namespace rrc } // namespace asn1 #endif // SRSASN1_RRC_SI_H