# - this module looks for Matlab # Defines: # MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR: include path for mex.h, engine.h # MATLAB_LIBRARIES: required libraries: libmex, etc # MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY: path to libmex.lib # MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY: path to libmx.lib # MATLAB_MAT_LIBRARY: path to libmat.lib # added # MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY: path to libeng.lib # MATLAB_ROOT: path to Matlab's root directory # This file is part of Gerardus # # This is a derivative work of file FindMatlab.cmake released with # CMake v2.8, because the original seems to be a bit outdated and # doesn't work with my Windows XP and Visual Studio 10 install # # (Note that the original file does work for Ubuntu Natty) # # Author: Ramon Casero , Tom Doel # Version: 0.2.3 # $Rev$ # $Date$ # # The original file was copied from an Ubuntu Linux install # /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindMatlab.cmake set(MATLAB_FOUND 0) if(WIN32) # Search for a version of Matlab available, starting from the most modern one to older versions foreach(MATVER "7.14" "7.11" "7.10" "7.9" "7.8" "7.7" "7.6" "7.5" "7.4") if((NOT DEFINED MATLAB_ROOT) OR ("${MATLAB_ROOT}" STREQUAL "") OR ("${MATLAB_ROOT}" STREQUAL "/registry")) get_filename_component(MATLAB_ROOT "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\MathWorks\\MATLAB\\${MATVER};MATLABROOT]" ABSOLUTE) set(MATLAB_VERSION ${MATVER}) endif() endforeach() # Directory name depending on whether the Windows architecture is 32 # bit or 64 bit set(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P 8) # Note: For some wierd reason this variable is undefined in my system... if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "4") set(WINDIR "win32") elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") set(WINDIR "win64") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P (${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}) doesn't indicate a valid platform") endif() # Folder where the MEX libraries are, depending of the Windows compiler if(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio 6") set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/msvc60") elseif(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio 7") # Assume people are generally using Visual Studio 7.1, # if using 7.0 need to link to: ../extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/msvc70 set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/msvc71") # set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/msvc70") elseif(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Borland") # Assume people are generally using Borland 5.4, # if using 7.0 need to link to ../extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/msvc70 set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/bcc54") # set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/bcc50") # set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/bcc51") elseif(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio*") # If the compiler is Visual Studio, but not any of the specific # versions above, we try our luck with the microsoft directory set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/${WINDIR}/microsoft/") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Generator not compatible: ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") endif() # Get paths to the Matlab MEX libraries find_library(MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY libmex ${MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR} ) find_library(MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY libm ${MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR} ) find_library(MATLAB_MAT_LIBRARY libmat ${MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR} ) find_library(MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY libeng ${MATLAB_LIBRARIES_DIR} ) # Get path to the include directory find_path(MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR "mex.h" "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/include" ) else() if((NOT DEFINED MATLAB_ROOT) OR ("${MATLAB_ROOT}" STREQUAL "")) # get path to the Matlab root directory execute_process( COMMAND which matlab OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_BIN_EXISTS ) IF (MATLAB_BIN_EXISTS) execute_process( COMMAND which matlab COMMAND xargs readlink COMMAND xargs dirname COMMAND xargs dirname COMMAND xargs echo -n OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_ROOT ) ENDIF (MATLAB_BIN_EXISTS) endif() # Check if this is a Mac if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") set(LIBRARY_EXTENSION .dylib) # If this is a Mac and the attempts to find MATLAB_ROOT have so far failed, # we look in the applications folder if((NOT DEFINED MATLAB_ROOT) OR ("${MATLAB_ROOT}" STREQUAL "")) # Search for a version of Matlab available, starting from the most modern one to older versions foreach(MATVER "R2013b" "R2013a" "R2012b" "R2012a" "R2011b" "R2011a" "R2010b" "R2010a" "R2009b" "R2009a" "R2008b") if((NOT DEFINED MATLAB_ROOT) OR ("${MATLAB_ROOT}" STREQUAL "")) if(EXISTS /Applications/MATLAB_${MATVER}.app) set(MATLAB_ROOT /Applications/MATLAB_${MATVER}.app) endif() endif() endforeach() endif() else() set(LIBRARY_EXTENSION .so) endif() # Get path to the MEX libraries execute_process( #COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib" -name libmex${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Peter COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin" -name libmex${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # standard COMMAND xargs echo -n OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY ) execute_process( #COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib" -name libmx${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Peter COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin" -name libmx${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Standard COMMAND xargs echo -n OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY ) execute_process( #COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib" -name libmat${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Peter COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin" -name libmat${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Standard COMMAND xargs echo -n OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_MAT_LIBRARY ) execute_process( #COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib" -name libeng${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Peter COMMAND find "${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin" -name libeng${LIBRARY_EXTENSION} # Standard COMMAND xargs echo -n OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY ) # Get path to the include directory find_path(MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR "mex.h" PATHS "${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/include" ) find_program( MATLAB_MEX_PATH mex HINTS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin DOC "The mex program path" ) find_program( MATLAB_MEXEXT_PATH mexext HINTS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin DOC "The mexext program path" ) execute_process( COMMAND ${MATLAB_MEXEXT_PATH} OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE MATLAB_MEX_EXT ) endif() # This is common to UNIX and Win32: set(MATLAB_LIBRARIES ${MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY} ${MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY} ${MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY} ) if(MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR AND MATLAB_LIBRARIES) set(MATLAB_FOUND 1) endif() # 32-bit or 64-bit mex if(WIN32) if (CMAKE_CL_64) SET(MATLAB_MEX_EXTENSION .mexw64) else(CMAKE_CL_64) SET(MATLAB_MEX_EXTENSION .mexw32) endif(CMAKE_CL_64) else(WIN32) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") SET(MATLAB_MEX_EXTENSION .mexa64) else(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") SET(MATLAB_MEX_EXTENSION .mexglx) endif (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8") endif(WIN32) SET(MATLAB_MEX_CFLAGS "-DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -DMX_COMPAT_32") mark_as_advanced( MATLAB_LIBRARIES MATLAB_MEX_LIBRARY MATLAB_MX_LIBRARY MATLAB_ENG_LIBRARY MATLAB_INCLUDE_DIR MATLAB_FOUND MATLAB_ROOT MATLAB_MEX_PATH MATLAB_MEXEXT_PATH MATLAB_MEX_EXT )