
1054 lines
33 KiB

* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
* 3GPP TS ASN1 RRC v15.11.0 (2020-09)
#include "meascfg.h"
#include "rr_ded.h"
namespace asn1 {
namespace rrc {
* Struct Definitions
// RRCConnectionReject-v1320-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reject_v1320_ies_s {
bool rrc_suspend_ind_r13_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// BandClassPriority1XRTT ::= SEQUENCE
struct band_class_prio1_xrtt_s {
bandclass_cdma2000_e band_class;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// BandClassPriorityHRPD ::= SEQUENCE
struct band_class_prio_hrpd_s {
bandclass_cdma2000_e band_class;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_eutra_s {
uint32_t carrier_freq = 0;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityEUTRA-r12 ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_eutra_r12_s {
uint32_t carrier_freq_r12 = 0;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio_r12 = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityEUTRA-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_eutra_v1310_s {
bool cell_resel_sub_prio_r13_present = false;
cell_resel_sub_prio_r13_e cell_resel_sub_prio_r13;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_nr_r15_s {
bool cell_resel_sub_prio_r15_present = false;
uint32_t carrier_freq_r15 = 0;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio_r15 = 0;
cell_resel_sub_prio_r13_e cell_resel_sub_prio_r15;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityUTRA-FDD ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_utra_fdd_s {
uint16_t carrier_freq = 0;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityUTRA-TDD ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_utra_tdd_s {
uint16_t carrier_freq = 0;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqsPriorityGERAN ::= SEQUENCE
struct freqs_prio_geran_s {
carrier_freqs_geran_s carrier_freqs;
uint8_t cell_resel_prio = 0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReject-v1130-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reject_v1130_ies_s {
struct depriorit_req_r11_s_ {
struct depriorit_type_r11_opts {
enum options { freq, e_utra, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<depriorit_type_r11_opts> depriorit_type_r11_e_;
struct depriorit_timer_r11_opts {
enum options { min5, min10, min15, min30, nulltype } value;
typedef uint8_t number_type;
const char* to_string() const;
uint8_t to_number() const;
typedef enumerated<depriorit_timer_r11_opts> depriorit_timer_r11_e_;
// member variables
depriorit_type_r11_e_ depriorit_type_r11;
depriorit_timer_r11_e_ depriorit_timer_r11;
// member variables
bool depriorit_req_r11_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
depriorit_req_r11_s_ depriorit_req_r11;
rrc_conn_reject_v1320_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// BandClassPriorityList1XRTT ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF BandClassPriority1XRTT
using band_class_prio_list1_xrtt_l = dyn_array<band_class_prio1_xrtt_s>;
// BandClassPriorityListHRPD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF BandClassPriorityHRPD
using band_class_prio_list_hrpd_l = dyn_array<band_class_prio_hrpd_s>;
// CarrierFreqListUTRA-TDD-r10 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..6)) OF INTEGER (0..16383)
using carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l = bounded_array<uint16_t, 6>;
// FreqPriorityEUTRA-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE
struct freq_prio_eutra_v9e0_s {
bool carrier_freq_v9e0_present = false;
uint32_t carrier_freq_v9e0 = 65536;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// FreqPriorityListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF FreqPriorityEUTRA
using freq_prio_list_eutra_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_eutra_s>;
// FreqPriorityListEUTRA-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF FreqPriorityEUTRA-v1310
using freq_prio_list_eutra_v1310_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_eutra_v1310_s>;
// FreqPriorityListExtEUTRA-r12 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF FreqPriorityEUTRA-r12
using freq_prio_list_ext_eutra_r12_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_eutra_r12_s>;
// FreqPriorityListExtEUTRA-v1310 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF FreqPriorityEUTRA-v1310
using freq_prio_list_ext_eutra_v1310_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_eutra_v1310_s>;
// FreqPriorityListNR-r15 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF FreqPriorityNR-r15
using freq_prio_list_nr_r15_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_nr_r15_s>;
// FreqPriorityListUTRA-FDD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF FreqPriorityUTRA-FDD
using freq_prio_list_utra_fdd_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_utra_fdd_s>;
// FreqPriorityListUTRA-TDD ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF FreqPriorityUTRA-TDD
using freq_prio_list_utra_tdd_l = dyn_array<freq_prio_utra_tdd_s>;
// FreqsPriorityListGERAN ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF FreqsPriorityGERAN
using freqs_prio_list_geran_l = dyn_array<freqs_prio_geran_s>;
// RRCConnectionReject-v1020-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reject_v1020_ies_s {
bool extended_wait_time_r10_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
uint16_t extended_wait_time_r10 = 1;
rrc_conn_reject_v1130_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// IdleModeMobilityControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE
struct idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_s {
struct t320_opts {
enum options { min5, min10, min20, min30, min60, min120, min180, spare1, nulltype } value;
typedef uint8_t number_type;
const char* to_string() const;
uint8_t to_number() const;
typedef enumerated<t320_opts> t320_e_;
// member variables
bool ext = false;
bool freq_prio_list_eutra_present = false;
bool freq_prio_list_geran_present = false;
bool freq_prio_list_utra_fdd_present = false;
bool freq_prio_list_utra_tdd_present = false;
bool band_class_prio_list_hrpd_present = false;
bool band_class_prio_list1_xrtt_present = false;
bool t320_present = false;
freq_prio_list_eutra_l freq_prio_list_eutra;
freqs_prio_list_geran_l freq_prio_list_geran;
freq_prio_list_utra_fdd_l freq_prio_list_utra_fdd;
freq_prio_list_utra_tdd_l freq_prio_list_utra_tdd;
band_class_prio_list_hrpd_l band_class_prio_list_hrpd;
band_class_prio_list1_xrtt_l band_class_prio_list1_xrtt;
t320_e_ t320;
// ...
// group 0
copy_ptr<freq_prio_list_ext_eutra_r12_l> freq_prio_list_ext_eutra_r12;
// group 1
copy_ptr<freq_prio_list_eutra_v1310_l> freq_prio_list_eutra_v1310;
copy_ptr<freq_prio_list_ext_eutra_v1310_l> freq_prio_list_ext_eutra_v1310;
// group 2
copy_ptr<freq_prio_list_nr_r15_l> freq_prio_list_nr_r15;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// IdleModeMobilityControlInfo-v9e0 ::= SEQUENCE
struct idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_v9e0_s {
using freq_prio_list_eutra_v9e0_l_ = dyn_array<freq_prio_eutra_v9e0_s>;
// member variables
freq_prio_list_eutra_v9e0_l_ freq_prio_list_eutra_v9e0;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReestablishment-v8a0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reest_v8a0_ies_s {
bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject-v8a0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reest_reject_v8a0_ies_s {
bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReject-v8a0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reject_v8a0_ies_s {
bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext;
rrc_conn_reject_v1020_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionSetup-v8a0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_setup_v8a0_ies_s {
bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCEarlyDataComplete-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_early_data_complete_v1590_ies_s {
bool late_non_crit_ext_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
dyn_octstring late_non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs ::= CHOICE
struct redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c {
struct types_opts {
enum options {
} value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c() = default;
redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c(const redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c& other);
redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c& operator=(const redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c& other);
~redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c() { destroy_(); }
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
uint32_t& eutra_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::eutra_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<uint32_t>();
carrier_freqs_geran_s& geran_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::geran_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freqs_geran_s>();
uint16_t& utra_fdd_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::utra_fdd_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<uint16_t>();
carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& cdma2000_hrpd_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::cdma2000_hrpd_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freq_cdma2000_s>();
carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& cdma2000_minus1x_rtt_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::cdma2000_minus1x_rtt_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freq_cdma2000_s>();
carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l& utra_tdd_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::utra_tdd_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l>();
const uint32_t& eutra_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::eutra_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<uint32_t>();
const carrier_freqs_geran_s& geran_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::geran_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freqs_geran_s>();
const uint16_t& utra_fdd_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::utra_fdd_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<uint16_t>();
const carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& cdma2000_hrpd_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::cdma2000_hrpd_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freq_cdma2000_s>();
const carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& cdma2000_minus1x_rtt_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::cdma2000_minus1x_rtt_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freq_cdma2000_s>();
const carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l& utra_tdd_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::utra_tdd_r15, type_, "RedirectedCarrierInfo-r15-IEs");
return c.get<carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l>();
uint32_t& set_eutra_r15();
carrier_freqs_geran_s& set_geran_r15();
uint16_t& set_utra_fdd_r15();
carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& set_cdma2000_hrpd_r15();
carrier_freq_cdma2000_s& set_cdma2000_minus1x_rtt_r15();
carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l& set_utra_tdd_r15();
types type_;
choice_buffer_t<carrier_freq_cdma2000_s, carrier_freq_list_utra_tdd_r10_l, carrier_freqs_geran_s> c;
void destroy_();
// RRCConnectionReestablishment-r8-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reest_r8_ies_s {
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
rr_cfg_ded_s rr_cfg_ded;
uint8_t next_hop_chaining_count = 0;
rrc_conn_reest_v8a0_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject-r8-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8_ies_s {
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
rrc_conn_reest_reject_v8a0_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReject-r8-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reject_r8_ies_s {
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
uint8_t wait_time = 1;
rrc_conn_reject_v8a0_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionSetup-r8-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_setup_r8_ies_s {
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
rr_cfg_ded_s rr_cfg_ded;
rrc_conn_setup_v8a0_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCEarlyDataComplete-r15-IEs ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_early_data_complete_r15_ies_s {
bool ded_info_nas_r15_present = false;
bool extended_wait_time_r15_present = false;
bool idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_r15_present = false;
bool idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_ext_r15_present = false;
bool redirected_carrier_info_r15_present = false;
bool non_crit_ext_present = false;
dyn_octstring ded_info_nas_r15;
uint16_t extended_wait_time_r15 = 1;
idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_s idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_r15;
idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_v9e0_s idle_mode_mob_ctrl_info_ext_r15;
redirected_carrier_info_r15_ies_c redirected_carrier_info_r15;
rrc_early_data_complete_v1590_ies_s non_crit_ext;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReestablishment ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reest_s {
struct crit_exts_c_ {
struct c1_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_conn_reest_r8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
c1_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_conn_reest_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_r8()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_r8, type_, "c1");
return c;
const rrc_conn_reest_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_r8() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_r8, type_, "c1");
return c;
rrc_conn_reest_r8_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_r8();
void set_spare7();
void set_spare6();
void set_spare5();
void set_spare4();
void set_spare3();
void set_spare2();
void set_spare1();
types type_;
rrc_conn_reest_r8_ies_s c;
using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e;
// choice methods
crit_exts_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
c1_c_& c1()
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
const c1_c_& c1() const
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
c1_c_& set_c1();
void set_crit_exts_future();
types type_;
c1_c_ c;
// member variables
uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0;
crit_exts_c_ crit_exts;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reest_reject_s {
struct crit_exts_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
crit_exts_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
const rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8();
void set_crit_exts_future();
types type_;
rrc_conn_reest_reject_r8_ies_s c;
// member variables
crit_exts_c_ crit_exts;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionReject ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_reject_s {
struct crit_exts_c_ {
struct c1_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_conn_reject_r8, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
c1_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_conn_reject_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_reject_r8()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject_r8, type_, "c1");
return c;
const rrc_conn_reject_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_reject_r8() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject_r8, type_, "c1");
return c;
rrc_conn_reject_r8_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_reject_r8();
void set_spare3();
void set_spare2();
void set_spare1();
types type_;
rrc_conn_reject_r8_ies_s c;
using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e;
// choice methods
crit_exts_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
c1_c_& c1()
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
const c1_c_& c1() const
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
c1_c_& set_c1();
void set_crit_exts_future();
types type_;
c1_c_ c;
// member variables
crit_exts_c_ crit_exts;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCConnectionSetup ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_conn_setup_s {
struct crit_exts_c_ {
struct c1_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_conn_setup_r8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
c1_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_conn_setup_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_setup_r8()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_r8, type_, "c1");
return c;
const rrc_conn_setup_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_setup_r8() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup_r8, type_, "c1");
return c;
rrc_conn_setup_r8_ies_s& set_rrc_conn_setup_r8();
void set_spare7();
void set_spare6();
void set_spare5();
void set_spare4();
void set_spare3();
void set_spare2();
void set_spare1();
types type_;
rrc_conn_setup_r8_ies_s c;
using types = c1_or_crit_ext_e;
// choice methods
crit_exts_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
c1_c_& c1()
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
const c1_c_& c1() const
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
c1_c_& set_c1();
void set_crit_exts_future();
types type_;
c1_c_ c;
// member variables
uint8_t rrc_transaction_id = 0;
crit_exts_c_ crit_exts;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// RRCEarlyDataComplete-r15 ::= SEQUENCE
struct rrc_early_data_complete_r15_s {
struct crit_exts_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_early_data_complete_r15, crit_exts_future, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
crit_exts_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_early_data_complete_r15_ies_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
const rrc_early_data_complete_r15_ies_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "criticalExtensions");
return c;
rrc_early_data_complete_r15_ies_s& set_rrc_early_data_complete_r15();
void set_crit_exts_future();
types type_;
rrc_early_data_complete_r15_ies_s c;
// member variables
crit_exts_c_ crit_exts;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// DL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE
struct dl_ccch_msg_type_c {
struct c1_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_conn_reest, rrc_conn_reest_reject, rrc_conn_reject, rrc_conn_setup, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
c1_c_() = default;
c1_c_(const c1_c_& other);
c1_c_& operator=(const c1_c_& other);
~c1_c_() { destroy_(); }
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_conn_reest_s& rrc_conn_reest()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_reest_s>();
rrc_conn_reest_reject_s& rrc_conn_reest_reject()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_reject, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_reest_reject_s>();
rrc_conn_reject_s& rrc_conn_reject()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_reject_s>();
rrc_conn_setup_s& rrc_conn_setup()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_setup_s>();
const rrc_conn_reest_s& rrc_conn_reest() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_reest_s>();
const rrc_conn_reest_reject_s& rrc_conn_reest_reject() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reest_reject, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_reest_reject_s>();
const rrc_conn_reject_s& rrc_conn_reject() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_reject, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_reject_s>();
const rrc_conn_setup_s& rrc_conn_setup() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_conn_setup, type_, "c1");
return c.get<rrc_conn_setup_s>();
rrc_conn_reest_s& set_rrc_conn_reest();
rrc_conn_reest_reject_s& set_rrc_conn_reest_reject();
rrc_conn_reject_s& set_rrc_conn_reject();
rrc_conn_setup_s& set_rrc_conn_setup();
types type_;
choice_buffer_t<rrc_conn_reest_reject_s, rrc_conn_reest_s, rrc_conn_reject_s, rrc_conn_setup_s> c;
void destroy_();
struct msg_class_ext_c_ {
struct c2_c_ {
struct types_opts {
enum options { rrc_early_data_complete_r15, spare3, spare2, spare1, nulltype } value;
const char* to_string() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
c2_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
rrc_early_data_complete_r15_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15()
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "c2");
return c;
const rrc_early_data_complete_r15_s& rrc_early_data_complete_r15() const
assert_choice_type(types::rrc_early_data_complete_r15, type_, "c2");
return c;
rrc_early_data_complete_r15_s& set_rrc_early_data_complete_r15();
void set_spare3();
void set_spare2();
void set_spare1();
types type_;
rrc_early_data_complete_r15_s c;
struct types_opts {
enum options { c2, msg_class_ext_future_r15, nulltype } value;
typedef uint8_t number_type;
const char* to_string() const;
uint8_t to_number() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
msg_class_ext_c_() = default;
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
c2_c_& c2()
assert_choice_type(types::c2, type_, "messageClassExtension");
return c;
const c2_c_& c2() const
assert_choice_type(types::c2, type_, "messageClassExtension");
return c;
c2_c_& set_c2();
void set_msg_class_ext_future_r15();
types type_;
c2_c_ c;
struct types_opts {
enum options { c1, msg_class_ext, nulltype } value;
typedef uint8_t number_type;
const char* to_string() const;
uint8_t to_number() const;
typedef enumerated<types_opts> types;
// choice methods
dl_ccch_msg_type_c() = default;
dl_ccch_msg_type_c(const dl_ccch_msg_type_c& other);
dl_ccch_msg_type_c& operator=(const dl_ccch_msg_type_c& other);
~dl_ccch_msg_type_c() { destroy_(); }
void set(types::options e = types::nulltype);
types type() const { return type_; }
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
// getters
c1_c_& c1()
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "DL-CCCH-MessageType");
return c.get<c1_c_>();
msg_class_ext_c_& msg_class_ext()
assert_choice_type(types::msg_class_ext, type_, "DL-CCCH-MessageType");
return c.get<msg_class_ext_c_>();
const c1_c_& c1() const
assert_choice_type(types::c1, type_, "DL-CCCH-MessageType");
return c.get<c1_c_>();
const msg_class_ext_c_& msg_class_ext() const
assert_choice_type(types::msg_class_ext, type_, "DL-CCCH-MessageType");
return c.get<msg_class_ext_c_>();
c1_c_& set_c1();
msg_class_ext_c_& set_msg_class_ext();
types type_;
choice_buffer_t<c1_c_, msg_class_ext_c_> c;
void destroy_();
// DL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE
struct dl_ccch_msg_s {
dl_ccch_msg_type_c msg;
// sequence methods
SRSASN_CODE pack(bit_ref& bref) const;
SRSASN_CODE unpack(cbit_ref& bref);
void to_json(json_writer& j) const;
} // namespace rrc
} // namespace asn1